 * Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0

package io.vertx.core.buffer.impl;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.impl.Arguments;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Objects;

Author:Tim Fox
/** * @author <a href="http://tfox.org">Tim Fox</a> */
public class BufferImpl implements Buffer { public static Buffer buffer(int initialSizeHint) { return new BufferImpl(initialSizeHint); } public static Buffer buffer() { return new BufferImpl(); } public static Buffer buffer(String str) { return new BufferImpl(str); } public static Buffer buffer(String str, String enc) { return new BufferImpl(str, enc); } public static Buffer buffer(byte[] bytes) { return new BufferImpl(bytes); } public static Buffer buffer(ByteBuf byteBuffer) { return new BufferImpl(byteBuffer); } private ByteBuf buffer; public BufferImpl() { this(0); } BufferImpl(int initialSizeHint) { buffer = VertxByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.heapBuffer(initialSizeHint, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } BufferImpl(byte[] bytes) { buffer = VertxByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.heapBuffer(bytes.length, Integer.MAX_VALUE).writeBytes(bytes); } BufferImpl(String str, String enc) { this(str.getBytes(Charset.forName(Objects.requireNonNull(enc)))); } BufferImpl(String str, Charset cs) { this(str.getBytes(cs)); } BufferImpl(String str) { this(str, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } BufferImpl(ByteBuf buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; } public String toString() { return buffer.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } public String toString(String enc) { return buffer.toString(Charset.forName(enc)); } public String toString(Charset enc) { return buffer.toString(enc); } @Override public JsonObject toJsonObject() { return new JsonObject(this); } @Override public JsonArray toJsonArray() { return new JsonArray(this); } public byte getByte(int pos) { return buffer.getByte(pos); } public short getUnsignedByte(int pos) { return buffer.getUnsignedByte(pos); } public int getInt(int pos) { return buffer.getInt(pos); } public int getIntLE(int pos) { return buffer.getIntLE(pos); } public long getUnsignedInt(int pos) { return buffer.getUnsignedInt(pos); } public long getUnsignedIntLE(int pos) { return buffer.getUnsignedIntLE(pos); } public long getLong(int pos) { return buffer.getLong(pos); } public long getLongLE(int pos) { return buffer.getLongLE(pos); } public double getDouble(int pos) { return buffer.getDouble(pos); } public float getFloat(int pos) { return buffer.getFloat(pos); } public short getShort(int pos) { return buffer.getShort(pos); } public short getShortLE(int pos) { return buffer.getShortLE(pos); } public int getUnsignedShort(int pos) { return buffer.getUnsignedShort(pos); } public int getUnsignedShortLE(int pos) { return buffer.getUnsignedShortLE(pos); } public int getMedium(int pos) { return buffer.getMedium(pos); } public int getMediumLE(int pos) { return buffer.getMediumLE(pos); } public int getUnsignedMedium(int pos) { return buffer.getUnsignedMedium(pos); } public int getUnsignedMediumLE(int pos) { return buffer.getUnsignedMediumLE(pos); } public byte[] getBytes() { byte[] arr = new byte[buffer.writerIndex()]; buffer.getBytes(0, arr); return arr; } public byte[] getBytes(int start, int end) { Arguments.require(end >= start, "end must be greater or equal than start"); byte[] arr = new byte[end - start]; buffer.getBytes(start, arr, 0, end - start); return arr; } @Override public Buffer getBytes(byte[] dst) { return getBytes(dst, 0); } @Override public Buffer getBytes(byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { return getBytes(0, buffer.writerIndex(), dst, dstIndex); } @Override public Buffer getBytes(int start, int end, byte[] dst) { return getBytes(start, end, dst, 0); } @Override public Buffer getBytes(int start, int end, byte[] dst, int dstIndex) { Arguments.require(end >= start, "end must be greater or equal than start"); buffer.getBytes(start, dst, dstIndex, end - start); return this; } public Buffer getBuffer(int start, int end) { return new BufferImpl(getBytes(start, end)); } public String getString(int start, int end, String enc) { byte[] bytes = getBytes(start, end); Charset cs = Charset.forName(enc); return new String(bytes, cs); } public String getString(int start, int end) { byte[] bytes = getBytes(start, end); return new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } public Buffer appendBuffer(Buffer buff) { BufferImpl impl = (BufferImpl) buff; ByteBuf byteBuf = impl.buffer; buffer.writeBytes(impl.buffer, byteBuf.readerIndex(), impl.buffer.readableBytes()); return this; } public Buffer appendBuffer(Buffer buff, int offset, int len) { BufferImpl impl = (BufferImpl) buff; ByteBuf byteBuf = impl.buffer; int from = byteBuf.readerIndex() + offset; buffer.writeBytes(byteBuf, from, len); return this; } public Buffer appendBytes(byte[] bytes) { buffer.writeBytes(bytes); return this; } public Buffer appendBytes(byte[] bytes, int offset, int len) { buffer.writeBytes(bytes, offset, len); return this; } public Buffer appendByte(byte b) { buffer.writeByte(b); return this; } public Buffer appendUnsignedByte(short b) { buffer.writeByte(b); return this; } public Buffer appendInt(int i) { buffer.writeInt(i); return this; } public Buffer appendIntLE(int i) { buffer.writeIntLE(i); return this; } public Buffer appendUnsignedInt(long i) { buffer.writeInt((int) i); return this; } public Buffer appendUnsignedIntLE(long i) { buffer.writeIntLE((int) i); return this; } public Buffer appendMedium(int i) { buffer.writeMedium(i); return this; } public Buffer appendMediumLE(int i) { buffer.writeMediumLE(i); return this; } public Buffer appendLong(long l) { buffer.writeLong(l); return this; } public Buffer appendLongLE(long l) { buffer.writeLongLE(l); return this; } public Buffer appendShort(short s) { buffer.writeShort(s); return this; } public Buffer appendShortLE(short s) { buffer.writeShortLE(s); return this; } public Buffer appendUnsignedShort(int s) { buffer.writeShort(s); return this; } public Buffer appendUnsignedShortLE(int s) { buffer.writeShortLE(s); return this; } public Buffer appendFloat(float f) { buffer.writeFloat(f); return this; } public Buffer appendDouble(double d) { buffer.writeDouble(d); return this; } public Buffer appendString(String str, String enc) { return append(str, Charset.forName(Objects.requireNonNull(enc))); } public Buffer appendString(String str) { return append(str, CharsetUtil.UTF_8); } public Buffer setByte(int pos, byte b) { ensureLength(pos + 1); buffer.setByte(pos, b); return this; } public Buffer setUnsignedByte(int pos, short b) { ensureLength(pos + 1); buffer.setByte(pos, b); return this; } public Buffer setInt(int pos, int i) { ensureLength(pos + 4); buffer.setInt(pos, i); return this; } public Buffer setIntLE(int pos, int i) { ensureLength(pos + 4); buffer.setIntLE(pos, i); return this; } public Buffer setUnsignedInt(int pos, long i) { ensureLength(pos + 4); buffer.setInt(pos, (int) i); return this; } public Buffer setUnsignedIntLE(int pos, long i) { ensureLength(pos + 4); buffer.setIntLE(pos, (int) i); return this; } public Buffer setMedium(int pos, int i) { ensureLength(pos + 3); buffer.setMedium(pos, i); return this; } public Buffer setMediumLE(int pos, int i) { ensureLength(pos + 3); buffer.setMediumLE(pos, i); return this; } public Buffer setLong(int pos, long l) { ensureLength(pos + 8); buffer.setLong(pos, l); return this; } public Buffer setLongLE(int pos, long l) { ensureLength(pos + 8); buffer.setLongLE(pos, l); return this; } public Buffer setDouble(int pos, double d) { ensureLength(pos + 8); buffer.setDouble(pos, d); return this; } public Buffer setFloat(int pos, float f) { ensureLength(pos + 4); buffer.setFloat(pos, f); return this; } public Buffer setShort(int pos, short s) { ensureLength(pos + 2); buffer.setShort(pos, s); return this; } public Buffer setShortLE(int pos, short s) { ensureLength(pos + 2); buffer.setShortLE(pos, s); return this; } public Buffer setUnsignedShort(int pos, int s) { ensureLength(pos + 2); buffer.setShort(pos, s); return this; } public Buffer setUnsignedShortLE(int pos, int s) { ensureLength(pos + 2); buffer.setShortLE(pos, s); return this; } public Buffer setBuffer(int pos, Buffer buff) { ensureLength(pos + buff.length()); BufferImpl impl = (BufferImpl) buff; ByteBuf byteBuf = impl.buffer; buffer.setBytes(pos, byteBuf, byteBuf.readerIndex(), byteBuf.readableBytes()); return this; } public Buffer setBuffer(int pos, Buffer buffer, int offset, int len) { ensureLength(pos + len); BufferImpl impl = (BufferImpl) buffer; ByteBuf byteBuf = impl.buffer; this.buffer.setBytes(pos, byteBuf, byteBuf.readerIndex() + offset, len); return this; } public BufferImpl setBytes(int pos, ByteBuffer b) { ensureLength(pos + b.limit()); buffer.setBytes(pos, b); return this; } public Buffer setBytes(int pos, byte[] b) { ensureLength(pos + b.length); buffer.setBytes(pos, b); return this; } public Buffer setBytes(int pos, byte[] b, int offset, int len) { ensureLength(pos + len); buffer.setBytes(pos, b, offset, len); return this; } public Buffer setString(int pos, String str) { return setBytes(pos, str, CharsetUtil.UTF_8); } public Buffer setString(int pos, String str, String enc) { return setBytes(pos, str, Charset.forName(enc)); } public int length() { return buffer.writerIndex(); } public Buffer copy() { return new BufferImpl(buffer.copy()); } public Buffer slice() { return new BufferImpl(buffer.slice()); } public Buffer slice(int start, int end) { return new BufferImpl(buffer.slice(start, end - start)); }
Returns:the buffer as is
/** * @return the buffer as is */
public ByteBuf byteBuf() { return buffer; } public ByteBuf getByteBuf() { ByteBuf duplicate = buffer.duplicate(); if (buffer.getClass() != VertxHeapByteBuf.class && buffer.getClass() != VertxUnsafeHeapByteBuf.class) { duplicate = Unpooled.unreleasableBuffer(duplicate); } return duplicate; } private Buffer append(String str, Charset charset) { byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(charset); ensureExpandableBy(bytes.length); buffer.writeBytes(bytes); return this; } private Buffer setBytes(int pos, String str, Charset charset) { byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(charset); ensureLength(pos + bytes.length); buffer.setBytes(pos, bytes); return this; }
Ensure buffer length is at least the provided newLength.
/** * Ensure buffer length is at least the provided {@code newLength}. */
private void ensureLength(int newLength) { int capacity = buffer.capacity(); int over = newLength - capacity; int writerIndex = buffer.writerIndex(); // Resize the buffer if (over > 0) { // Expand if we reach max capacity int maxCapacity = buffer.maxCapacity(); if (capacity + over > maxCapacity) { setFullMaxCapacity(capacity + over); } // Allocate extra space buffer.ensureWritable(newLength - writerIndex); } // Set new length if (newLength > writerIndex) { buffer.writerIndex(newLength); } }
Make sure that the underlying buffer can be expanded by amount bytes.
/** * Make sure that the underlying buffer can be expanded by {@code amount} bytes. */
private void ensureExpandableBy(int amount) { int minMaxCapa = buffer.writerIndex() + amount; if (minMaxCapa > buffer.maxCapacity()) { setFullMaxCapacity(minMaxCapa); } } private void setFullMaxCapacity(int capacity) { ByteBuf tmp = buffer.alloc().heapBuffer(capacity, Integer.MAX_VALUE); tmp.writeBytes(buffer); buffer = tmp; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; BufferImpl buffer1 = (BufferImpl) o; return Objects.equals(buffer, buffer1.buffer); } @Override public int hashCode() { return buffer != null ? buffer.hashCode() : 0; } @Override public void writeToBuffer(Buffer buff) { buff.appendInt(this.length()); buff.appendBuffer(this); } @Override public int readFromBuffer(int pos, Buffer buffer) { int len = buffer.getInt(pos); BufferImpl impl = (BufferImpl)buffer.getBuffer(pos + 4, pos + 4 + len); this.buffer = impl.getByteBuf(); return pos + 4 + len; } }