 * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The original author or authors
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 *        The Eclipse Public License is available at
 *        http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 *        The Apache License v2.0 is available at
 *        http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php
 * You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
package io.vertx.amqp.impl;

import io.vertx.amqp.AmqpMessage;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.proton.ProtonDelivery;
import io.vertx.proton.ProtonHelper;
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.Symbol;
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.*;
import org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message;

import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;

public class AmqpMessageImpl implements AmqpMessage {
  private final Message message;
  private final ProtonDelivery delivery;
  private AmqpConnectionImpl connection;

  public AmqpMessageImpl(Message message, ProtonDelivery delivery, AmqpConnectionImpl connection) {
    this.message = message;
    this.delivery = delivery;
    this.connection = connection;

  public AmqpMessageImpl(Message message) {
    this.message = message;
    this.delivery = null;

  public boolean isDurable() {
    return message.isDurable();

  public boolean isFirstAcquirer() {
    return message.isFirstAcquirer();

  public int priority() {
    return message.getPriority();

  public String id() {
    Object id = message.getMessageId();
    if (id != null) {
      return id.toString();
    return null;

  public String address() {
    return message.getAddress();

  public String replyTo() {
    return message.getReplyTo();

  public String correlationId() {
    Object id = message.getCorrelationId();
    if (id != null) {
      return id.toString();
    return null;

  public boolean isBodyNull() {
    return message.getBody() == null || getAmqpValue() == null;

  private Object getAmqpValue() {
    if (message.getBody().getType() != Section.SectionType.AmqpValue) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("The body is not an AMQP Value");
    return ((AmqpValue) message.getBody()).getValue();

  public boolean bodyAsBoolean() {
    return (boolean) getAmqpValue();

  public byte bodyAsByte() {
    return (byte) getAmqpValue();

  public short bodyAsShort() {
    return (short) getAmqpValue();

  public int bodyAsInteger() {
    return (int) getAmqpValue();

  public long bodyAsLong() {
    return (long) getAmqpValue();

  public float bodyAsFloat() {
    return (float) getAmqpValue();

  public double bodyAsDouble() {
    return (double) getAmqpValue();

  public char bodyAsChar() {
    return (char) getAmqpValue();

  public Instant bodyAsTimestamp() {
    Object value = getAmqpValue();
    if (!(value instanceof Date)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting a Date object, got a " + value);
    return ((Date) value).toInstant();

  public UUID bodyAsUUID() {
    return (UUID) getAmqpValue();

  public Buffer bodyAsBinary() {
    Section body = message.getBody();
    if (body.getType() != Section.SectionType.Data) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("The body is not of type 'data'");
    byte[] bytes = ((Data) message.getBody()).getValue().getArray();
    return Buffer.buffer(bytes);

  public String bodyAsString() {
    return (String) getAmqpValue();

  public String bodyAsSymbol() {
    Object value = getAmqpValue();
    if (value instanceof Symbol) {
      return ((Symbol) value).toString();
    throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a Symbol, got a " + value.getClass());

/** * @noinspection unchecked */
@Override public <T> List<T> bodyAsList() { Section body = message.getBody(); if (body.getType() == Section.SectionType.AmqpSequence) { return (List<T>) ((AmqpSequence) message.getBody()).getValue(); } else { Object value = getAmqpValue(); if (value instanceof List) { return (List<T>) value; } throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot extract a list from the message body"); } }
/** * @noinspection unchecked */
@Override public <K, V> Map<K, V> bodyAsMap() { Object value = getAmqpValue(); if (value instanceof Map) { return (Map<K, V>) value; } throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot extract a map from the message body"); } @Override public JsonObject bodyAsJsonObject() { return bodyAsBinary().toJsonObject(); } @Override public JsonArray bodyAsJsonArray() { return bodyAsBinary().toJsonArray(); } @Override public String subject() { return message.getSubject(); } @Override public String contentType() { return message.getContentType(); } @Override public String contentEncoding() { return message.getContentEncoding(); } @Override public long expiryTime() { return message.getExpiryTime(); } @Override public long creationTime() { return message.getCreationTime(); } @Override public long ttl() { return message.getTtl(); } @Override public int deliveryCount() { return (int) message.getDeliveryCount(); } @Override public String groupId() { return message.getGroupId(); } @Override public String replyToGroupId() { return message.getReplyToGroupId(); } @Override public long groupSequence() { return message.getGroupSequence(); } @Override public JsonObject applicationProperties() { ApplicationProperties properties = message.getApplicationProperties(); if (properties == null) { return null; } return JsonObject.mapFrom(properties.getValue()); } @Override public Message unwrap() { return message; } @Override public AmqpMessage accepted() { if (delivery != null) { connection.runWithTrampoline(v -> ProtonHelper.accepted(delivery, true)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("The message is not a received message"); } return this; } @Override public AmqpMessage rejected() { if (delivery != null) { connection.runWithTrampoline(v -> ProtonHelper.rejected(delivery, true)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("The message is not a received message"); } return this; } @Override public AmqpMessage released() { if (delivery != null) { connection.runWithTrampoline(v -> ProtonHelper.released(delivery, true)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("The message is not a received message"); } return this; } @Override public AmqpMessage modified(boolean deliveryFailed, boolean undeliverableHere) { if (delivery != null) { connection.runWithTrampoline(v -> ProtonHelper.modified(delivery, true, deliveryFailed, undeliverableHere)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("The message is not a received message"); } return this; } }