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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package io.undertow.websockets.core;

import io.undertow.util.ImmediatePooled;
import org.xnio.ChannelListener;
import io.undertow.connector.PooledByteBuffer;
import org.xnio.Pooled;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

A buffered binary message.
Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * A buffered binary message. * * @author Stuart Douglas */
public class BufferedBinaryMessage { private final boolean bufferFullMessage; private List<PooledByteBuffer> data = new ArrayList<>(1); private PooledByteBuffer current; private final long maxMessageSize; private long currentSize; private boolean complete; // private int frameCount; // was used only in handleNewFrame() which is marked for removal => commenting out public BufferedBinaryMessage(long maxMessageSize, boolean bufferFullMessage) { this.bufferFullMessage = bufferFullMessage; this.maxMessageSize = maxMessageSize; } public BufferedBinaryMessage(boolean bufferFullMessage) { this(-1, bufferFullMessage); } public void readBlocking(StreamSourceFrameChannel channel) throws IOException { if (current == null) { current = channel.getWebSocketChannel().getBufferPool().allocate(); } for (; ; ) { int res = channel.read(current.getBuffer()); if (res == -1) { complete = true; return; } else if (res == 0) { channel.awaitReadable(); } checkMaxSize(channel, res); if (bufferFullMessage) { dealWithFullBuffer(channel); } else if (!current.getBuffer().hasRemaining()) { return; } } } private void dealWithFullBuffer(StreamSourceFrameChannel channel) { if (!current.getBuffer().hasRemaining()) { current.getBuffer().flip(); data.add(current); current = channel.getWebSocketChannel().getBufferPool().allocate(); } } public void read(final StreamSourceFrameChannel channel, final WebSocketCallback<BufferedBinaryMessage> callback) { try { for (; ; ) { if (current == null) { current = channel.getWebSocketChannel().getBufferPool().allocate(); } int res = channel.read(current.getBuffer()); if (res == -1) { this.complete = true; callback.complete(channel.getWebSocketChannel(), this); return; } else if (res == 0) { if(!bufferFullMessage) { callback.complete(channel.getWebSocketChannel(), BufferedBinaryMessage.this); } channel.getReadSetter().set(new ChannelListener<StreamSourceFrameChannel>() { @Override public void handleEvent(StreamSourceFrameChannel channel) { if(complete ) { return; } try { for (; ; ) { if (current == null) { current = channel.getWebSocketChannel().getBufferPool().allocate(); } int res = channel.read(current.getBuffer()); if (res == -1) { complete = true; channel.suspendReads(); callback.complete(channel.getWebSocketChannel(), BufferedBinaryMessage.this); return; } else if (res == 0) { return; } checkMaxSize(channel, res); if (bufferFullMessage) { dealWithFullBuffer(channel); } else if (!current.getBuffer().hasRemaining()) { callback.complete(channel.getWebSocketChannel(), BufferedBinaryMessage.this); } } } catch (IOException e) { channel.suspendReads(); callback.onError(channel.getWebSocketChannel(), BufferedBinaryMessage.this, e); } } }); channel.resumeReads(); return; } checkMaxSize(channel, res); if (bufferFullMessage) { dealWithFullBuffer(channel); } else if (!current.getBuffer().hasRemaining()) { callback.complete(channel.getWebSocketChannel(), BufferedBinaryMessage.this); } } } catch (IOException e) { callback.onError(channel.getWebSocketChannel(), this, e); } } private void checkMaxSize(StreamSourceFrameChannel channel, int res) throws IOException { currentSize += res; if (maxMessageSize > 0 && currentSize > maxMessageSize) { getData().free(); WebSockets.sendClose(new CloseMessage(CloseMessage.MSG_TOO_BIG, WebSocketMessages.MESSAGES.messageToBig(maxMessageSize)), channel.getWebSocketChannel(), null); throw new IOException(WebSocketMessages.MESSAGES.messageToBig(maxMessageSize)); } } public Pooled<ByteBuffer[]> getData() { if (current == null) { return new ImmediatePooled<>(new ByteBuffer[0]); } if (data.isEmpty()) { final PooledByteBuffer current = this.current; current.getBuffer().flip(); this.current = null; final ByteBuffer[] data = new ByteBuffer[]{current.getBuffer()}; return new PooledByteBufferArray(Collections.singletonList(current), data); } current.getBuffer().flip(); data.add(current); current = null; ByteBuffer[] ret = new ByteBuffer[data.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { ret[i] = data.get(i).getBuffer(); } List<PooledByteBuffer> data = this.data; this.data = new ArrayList<>(); return new PooledByteBufferArray(data, ret); } public boolean isComplete() { return complete; } private static final class PooledByteBufferArray implements Pooled<ByteBuffer[]> { private final List<PooledByteBuffer> pooled; private final ByteBuffer[] data; private PooledByteBufferArray(List<PooledByteBuffer> pooled, ByteBuffer[] data) { this.pooled = pooled; this.data = data; } @Override public void discard() { for (PooledByteBuffer item : pooled) { item.close(); } } @Override public void free() { for (PooledByteBuffer item : pooled) { item.close(); } } @Override public ByteBuffer[] getResource() throws IllegalStateException { return data; } @Override public void close() { free(); } } }