 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
 * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
 * as indicated by the @author tags.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package io.undertow.server.protocol.framed;

import static org.xnio.IoUtils.safeClose;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;

import org.xnio.Buffers;
import org.xnio.ChannelExceptionHandler;
import org.xnio.ChannelListener;
import org.xnio.ChannelListener.Setter;
import org.xnio.ChannelListeners;
import org.xnio.IoUtils;
import org.xnio.Option;
import org.xnio.OptionMap;
import org.xnio.StreamConnection;
import org.xnio.XnioIoThread;
import org.xnio.XnioWorker;
import org.xnio.channels.CloseableChannel;
import org.xnio.channels.ConnectedChannel;
import org.xnio.channels.StreamSinkChannel;
import org.xnio.channels.StreamSourceChannel;
import org.xnio.channels.SuspendableWriteChannel;

import io.undertow.UndertowLogger;
import io.undertow.UndertowMessages;
import io.undertow.UndertowOptions;
import io.undertow.conduits.IdleTimeoutConduit;
import io.undertow.connector.ByteBufferPool;
import io.undertow.connector.PooledByteBuffer;
import io.undertow.util.ReferenceCountedPooled;

A ConnectedChannel which can be used to send and receive Frames.

This provides a common base for framed protocols such as websockets and SPDY

Author:Stuart Douglas
/** * A {@link org.xnio.channels.ConnectedChannel} which can be used to send and receive Frames. * <p> * This provides a common base for framed protocols such as websockets and SPDY * * @author Stuart Douglas */
public abstract class AbstractFramedChannel<C extends AbstractFramedChannel<C, R, S>, R extends AbstractFramedStreamSourceChannel<C, R, S>, S extends AbstractFramedStreamSinkChannel<C, R, S>> implements ConnectedChannel {
The maximum number of buffers we will queue before suspending reads and waiting for the buffers to be consumed TODO: make the configurable
/** * The maximum number of buffers we will queue before suspending reads and * waiting for the buffers to be consumed * * TODO: make the configurable */
private final int maxQueuedBuffers; private final StreamConnection channel; private final IdleTimeoutConduit idleTimeoutConduit; private final ChannelListener.SimpleSetter<C> closeSetter; private final ChannelListener.SimpleSetter<C> receiveSetter; private final ByteBufferPool bufferPool;
Frame priority implementation. This is used to determine the order in which frames get sent
/** * Frame priority implementation. This is used to determine the order in which frames get sent */
private final FramePriority<C, R, S> framePriority;
List of frames that are ready to send
/** * List of frames that are ready to send */
private final List<S> pendingFrames = new LinkedList<>();
Frames that are not yet read to send.
/** * Frames that are not yet read to send. */
private final Deque<S> heldFrames = new ArrayDeque<>();
new frames to be sent. These will be added to either the pending or held frames list depending on the AbstractFramedChannel<C,R,S>.framePriority implementation in use.
/** * new frames to be sent. These will be added to either the pending or held frames list * depending on the {@link #framePriority} implementation in use. */
private final Deque<S> newFrames = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(); private volatile long frameDataRemaining; private volatile R receiver; private volatile boolean receivesSuspendedByUser = true; private volatile boolean receivesSuspendedTooManyQueuedMessages = false; private volatile boolean receivesSuspendedTooManyBuffers = false; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private volatile int readsBroken = 0; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private volatile int writesBroken = 0; private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<AbstractFramedChannel> readsBrokenUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(AbstractFramedChannel.class, "readsBroken"); private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<AbstractFramedChannel> writesBrokenUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(AbstractFramedChannel.class, "writesBroken"); private volatile ReferenceCountedPooled readData = null; private final List<ChannelListener<C>> closeTasks = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); private volatile boolean flushingSenders = false; private boolean partialRead = false; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private volatile int outstandingBuffers; private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<AbstractFramedChannel> outstandingBuffersUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(AbstractFramedChannel.class, "outstandingBuffers"); private final LinkedBlockingDeque<Runnable> taskRunQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(); private final Runnable taskRunQueueRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Runnable runnable; while ((runnable = taskRunQueue.poll()) != null) { runnable.run(); } } }; private final OptionMap settings;
If this is true then the flush() method must be called to queue writes. This is provided to support batching
/** * If this is true then the flush() method must be called to queue writes. This is provided to support batching */
private volatile boolean requireExplicitFlush = false; private volatile boolean readChannelDone = false; private final int queuedFrameHighWaterMark; private final int queuedFrameLowWaterMark; private final ReferenceCountedPooled.FreeNotifier freeNotifier = new ReferenceCountedPooled.FreeNotifier() { @Override public void freed() { int res = outstandingBuffersUpdater.decrementAndGet(AbstractFramedChannel.this); if (!receivesSuspendedByUser && res == maxQueuedBuffers - 1) { //we need to do the resume in the IO thread, as there is a risk of deadlock otherwise, as the calling thread is an application thread //and may hold a lock on a stream source channel, see UNDERTOW-1312 getIoThread().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (AbstractFramedChannel.this) { if (outstandingBuffersUpdater.get(AbstractFramedChannel.this) < maxQueuedBuffers) { if (UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.tracef("Resuming reads on %s as buffers have been consumed", AbstractFramedChannel.this); } new UpdateResumeState(null, false, null).run(); } } } }); } } }; private static final ChannelListener<AbstractFramedChannel> DRAIN_LISTENER = new ChannelListener<AbstractFramedChannel>() { @Override public void handleEvent(AbstractFramedChannel channel) { try { AbstractFramedStreamSourceChannel stream = channel.receive(); if(stream != null) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.debugf("Draining channel %s as no receive listener has been set", stream); stream.getReadSetter().set(ChannelListeners.drainListener(Long.MAX_VALUE, null, null)); stream.wakeupReads(); } } catch (IOException | RuntimeException | Error e) { IoUtils.safeClose(channel); } } };
Create a new AbstractFramedChannel 8 @param connectedStreamChannel The ConnectedStreamChannel over which the Frames should get send and received. Be aware that it already must be "upgraded".
  • bufferPool – The ByteBufferPool which will be used to acquire ByteBuffer's from.
  • framePriority –
  • settings – The settings
/** * Create a new {@link io.undertow.server.protocol.framed.AbstractFramedChannel} * 8 * @param connectedStreamChannel The {@link org.xnio.channels.ConnectedStreamChannel} over which the Frames should get send and received. * Be aware that it already must be "upgraded". * @param bufferPool The {@link ByteBufferPool} which will be used to acquire {@link ByteBuffer}'s from. * @param framePriority * @param settings The settings */
protected AbstractFramedChannel(final StreamConnection connectedStreamChannel, ByteBufferPool bufferPool, FramePriority<C, R, S> framePriority, final PooledByteBuffer readData, OptionMap settings) { this.framePriority = framePriority; this.maxQueuedBuffers = settings.get(UndertowOptions.MAX_QUEUED_READ_BUFFERS, 10); this.settings = settings; if (readData != null) { if(readData.getBuffer().hasRemaining()) { this.readData = new ReferenceCountedPooled(readData, 1); } else { readData.close(); } } if(bufferPool == null) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.argumentCannotBeNull("bufferPool"); } if(connectedStreamChannel == null) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.argumentCannotBeNull("connectedStreamChannel"); } IdleTimeoutConduit idle = createIdleTimeoutChannel(connectedStreamChannel); connectedStreamChannel.getSourceChannel().setConduit(idle); connectedStreamChannel.getSinkChannel().setConduit(idle); this.idleTimeoutConduit = idle; this.channel = connectedStreamChannel; this.bufferPool = bufferPool; closeSetter = new ChannelListener.SimpleSetter<>(); receiveSetter = new ChannelListener.SimpleSetter<>(); channel.getSourceChannel().getReadSetter().set(null); channel.getSourceChannel().suspendReads(); channel.getSourceChannel().getReadSetter().set(new FrameReadListener()); connectedStreamChannel.getSinkChannel().getWriteSetter().set(new FrameWriteListener()); FrameCloseListener closeListener = new FrameCloseListener(); connectedStreamChannel.getSinkChannel().getCloseSetter().set(closeListener); connectedStreamChannel.getSourceChannel().getCloseSetter().set(closeListener); this.queuedFrameHighWaterMark = settings.get(UndertowOptions.QUEUED_FRAMES_HIGH_WATER_MARK, 50); this.queuedFrameLowWaterMark = settings.get(UndertowOptions.QUEUED_FRAMES_LOW_WATER_MARK, 10); } protected IdleTimeoutConduit createIdleTimeoutChannel(StreamConnection connectedStreamChannel) { return new IdleTimeoutConduit(connectedStreamChannel); } void runInIoThread(Runnable task) { this.taskRunQueue.add(task); try { getIoThread().execute(taskRunQueueRunnable); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { //thread is shutting down ShutdownFallbackExecutor.execute(taskRunQueueRunnable); } }
Get the buffer pool for this connection.
Returns:the buffer pool for this connection
/** * Get the buffer pool for this connection. * * @return the buffer pool for this connection */
public ByteBufferPool getBufferPool() { return bufferPool; } @Override public SocketAddress getLocalAddress() { return channel.getLocalAddress(); } @Override public <A extends SocketAddress> A getLocalAddress(Class<A> type) { return channel.getLocalAddress(type); } @Override public XnioWorker getWorker() { return channel.getWorker(); } @Override public XnioIoThread getIoThread() { return channel.getIoThread(); } @Override public boolean supportsOption(Option<?> option) { return channel.supportsOption(option); } @Override public <T> T getOption(Option<T> option) throws IOException { return channel.getOption(option); } @Override public <T> T setOption(Option<T> option, T value) throws IOException { return channel.setOption(option, value); } @Override public boolean isOpen() { return channel.isOpen(); } @Override public SocketAddress getPeerAddress() { return channel.getPeerAddress(); } @Override public <A extends SocketAddress> A getPeerAddress(Class<A> type) { return channel.getPeerAddress(type); }
Get the source address of the Channel.
Returns:the source address of the Channel
/** * Get the source address of the Channel. * * @return the source address of the Channel */
public InetSocketAddress getSourceAddress() { return getPeerAddress(InetSocketAddress.class); }
Get the destination address of the Channel.
Returns:the destination address of the Channel
/** * Get the destination address of the Channel. * * @return the destination address of the Channel */
public InetSocketAddress getDestinationAddress() { return getLocalAddress(InetSocketAddress.class); }
receive method, returns null if no frame is ready. Otherwise returns a channel that can be used to read the frame contents.

Calling this method can also have the side effect of making additional data available to existing source channels. In general if you suspend receives or don't have some other way of calling this method then it can prevent frame channels for being fully consumed.

/** * receive method, returns null if no frame is ready. Otherwise returns a * channel that can be used to read the frame contents. * <p> * Calling this method can also have the side effect of making additional data available to * existing source channels. In general if you suspend receives or don't have some other way * of calling this method then it can prevent frame channels for being fully consumed. */
public synchronized R receive() throws IOException { if (readChannelDone && receiver == null) { //we have received the last frame, we just shut down and return //it would probably make more sense to have the last channel responsible for this //however it is much simpler just to have it here if(readData != null) { readData.close(); readData = null; } channel.getSourceChannel().suspendReads(); channel.getSourceChannel().shutdownReads(); return null; } partialRead = false; boolean requiresReinvoke = false; int reinvokeDataRemaining = 0; ReferenceCountedPooled pooled = this.readData; boolean hasData = false; if (pooled == null) { pooled = allocateReferenceCountedBuffer(); if (pooled == null) { return null; } } else if(pooled.isFreed()) { //we attempt to re-used an existing buffer if(!pooled.tryUnfree()) { pooled = allocateReferenceCountedBuffer(); if (pooled == null) { return null; } } pooled.getBuffer().clear(); } else { hasData = pooled.getBuffer().hasRemaining(); pooled.getBuffer().compact(); } boolean forceFree = false; int read = 0; try { read = channel.getSourceChannel().read(pooled.getBuffer()); if (read == 0 && !hasData) { //no data, we just free the buffer forceFree = true; return null; } else if (read == -1 && !hasData) { forceFree = true; readChannelDone = true; lastDataRead(); return null; } else if(isLastFrameReceived() && frameDataRemaining == 0) { //we got data, although we should have received the last frame forceFree = true; markReadsBroken(new ClosedChannelException()); } pooled.getBuffer().flip(); if(read == -1) { requiresReinvoke = true; reinvokeDataRemaining = pooled.getBuffer().remaining(); } if (frameDataRemaining > 0) { if (frameDataRemaining >= pooled.getBuffer().remaining()) { frameDataRemaining -= pooled.getBuffer().remaining(); if(receiver != null) { //we still create a pooled view, this means that if the buffer is still active we can re-used it //which prevents attacks based on sending lots of small fragments PooledByteBuffer frameData = pooled.createView(); receiver.dataReady(null, frameData); } else { //we are dropping a frame pooled.close(); readData = null; } if(frameDataRemaining == 0) { receiver = null; } return null; } else { PooledByteBuffer frameData = pooled.createView((int) frameDataRemaining); frameDataRemaining = 0; if(receiver != null) { receiver.dataReady(null, frameData); } else{ //we are dropping the frame frameData.close(); } receiver = null; } //if we read data into a frame we just return immediately, even if there is more remaining //see https://issues.jboss.org/browse/UNDERTOW-410 //basically if we don't do this we loose some message ordering semantics //as the second message may be processed before the first one //this is problematic for HTTPS, where the read listener may also be invoked by a queued task //and not by the selector mechanism return null; } FrameHeaderData data = parseFrame(pooled.getBuffer()); if (data != null) { PooledByteBuffer frameData; if (data.getFrameLength() >= pooled.getBuffer().remaining()) { frameDataRemaining = data.getFrameLength() - pooled.getBuffer().remaining(); frameData = pooled.createView(); pooled.getBuffer().position(pooled.getBuffer().limit()); } else { frameData = pooled.createView((int) data.getFrameLength()); } AbstractFramedStreamSourceChannel<?, ?, ?> existing = data.getExistingChannel(); if (existing != null) { if (data.getFrameLength() > frameData.getBuffer().remaining()) { receiver = (R) existing; } existing.dataReady(data, frameData); if(isLastFrameReceived()) { handleLastFrame(existing); } return null; } else { boolean moreData = data.getFrameLength() > frameData.getBuffer().remaining(); R newChannel = createChannel(data, frameData); if (newChannel != null) { if (moreData) { receiver = newChannel; } if(isLastFrameReceived()) { handleLastFrame(newChannel); } } else { frameData.close(); } return newChannel; } } else { //we set partial read to true so the read listener knows not to immediately call receive again partialRead = true; } return null; } catch (IOException|RuntimeException|Error e) { //something has code wrong with parsing, close the read side //we don't close the write side, as the underlying implementation will most likely want to send an error markReadsBroken(e); forceFree = true; throw e; }finally { //if the receive caused the channel to break the close listener may be have been called //which will make readData null if (readData != null) { if (!pooled.getBuffer().hasRemaining() || forceFree) { if(pooled.getBuffer().capacity() < 1024 || forceFree) { //if there is less than 1k left we don't allow it to be re-aquired readData = null; } //even though this is freed we may un-free it if we get a new packet //this prevents many small reads resulting in a large number of allocated buffers pooled.close(); } } if(requiresReinvoke) { if(readData != null && !readData.isFreed()) { if(readData.getBuffer().remaining() == reinvokeDataRemaining) { readData.close(); readData = null; UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.debugf("Partial message read before connection close %s", this); } } channel.getSourceChannel().wakeupReads(); } } }
Called when the last frame has been received (note that their may still be data from the last frame than needs to be read)
  • newChannel – The channel that received the last frame
/** * Called when the last frame has been received (note that their may still be data from the last frame than needs to be read) * @param newChannel The channel that received the last frame */
private void handleLastFrame(AbstractFramedStreamSourceChannel newChannel) { //make a defensive copy Set<AbstractFramedStreamSourceChannel<C, R, S>> receivers = new HashSet<>(getReceivers()); for(AbstractFramedStreamSourceChannel<C, R, S> r : receivers) { if(r != newChannel) { r.markStreamBroken(); } } } private ReferenceCountedPooled allocateReferenceCountedBuffer() { if(maxQueuedBuffers > 0) { int expect; do { expect = outstandingBuffersUpdater.get(this); if (expect == maxQueuedBuffers) { synchronized (this) { //we need to re-read in a sync block, to prevent races expect = outstandingBuffersUpdater.get(this); if (expect == maxQueuedBuffers) { if (UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.tracef("Suspending reads on %s due to too many outstanding buffers", this); } getIoThread().execute(new UpdateResumeState(null, true, null)); return null; } } } } while (!outstandingBuffersUpdater.compareAndSet(this, expect, expect + 1)); } PooledByteBuffer buf = bufferPool.allocate(); return this.readData = new ReferenceCountedPooled(buf, 1, maxQueuedBuffers > 0 ? freeNotifier : null); }
Method than is invoked when read() returns -1.
/** * Method than is invoked when read() returns -1. */
protected void lastDataRead() { }
Method that creates the actual stream source channel implementation that is in use.
  • frameHeaderData – The header data, as returned by parseFrame(ByteBuffer)
  • frameData – Any additional data for the frame that has already been read. This may not be the complete frame contents
Returns:A new stream source channel
/** * Method that creates the actual stream source channel implementation that is in use. * * @param frameHeaderData The header data, as returned by {@link #parseFrame(java.nio.ByteBuffer)} * @param frameData Any additional data for the frame that has already been read. This may not be the complete frame contents * @return A new stream source channel */
protected abstract R createChannel(FrameHeaderData frameHeaderData, PooledByteBuffer frameData) throws IOException;
Attempts to parse an incoming frame header from the data in the buffer.
  • data – The data that has been read from the channel
Returns:The frame header data, or null if the data was incomplete
/** * Attempts to parse an incoming frame header from the data in the buffer. * * @param data The data that has been read from the channel * @return The frame header data, or <code>null</code> if the data was incomplete * @throws IOException If the data could not be parsed. */
protected abstract FrameHeaderData parseFrame(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException; protected synchronized void recalculateHeldFrames() throws IOException { if (!heldFrames.isEmpty()) { framePriority.frameAdded(null, pendingFrames, heldFrames); flushSenders(); } }
Flushes all ready stream sink conduits to the channel.

Frames will be batched up, to allow them all to be written out via a gathering write. The AbstractFramedChannel<C,R,S>.framePriority implementation will be invoked to decide which frames are eligible for sending and in what order.

/** * Flushes all ready stream sink conduits to the channel. * <p> * Frames will be batched up, to allow them all to be written out via a gathering * write. The {@link #framePriority} implementation will be invoked to decide which * frames are eligible for sending and in what order. */
protected synchronized void flushSenders() { if(flushingSenders) { throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.recursiveCallToFlushingSenders(); } flushingSenders = true; try { int toSend = 0; S frame; while ((frame = newFrames.poll()) != null) { frame.preWrite(); if (framePriority.insertFrame(frame, pendingFrames)) { if (!heldFrames.isEmpty()) { framePriority.frameAdded(frame, pendingFrames, heldFrames); } } else { heldFrames.add(frame); } } boolean finalFrame = false; ListIterator<S> it = pendingFrames.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { S sender = it.next(); if (sender.isReadyForFlush()) { ++toSend; } else { break; } if (sender.isLastFrame()) { finalFrame = true; } } if (toSend == 0) { //if there is nothing to send we just attempt a flush on the underlying channel try { if(channel.getSinkChannel().flush()) { channel.getSinkChannel().suspendWrites(); } } catch (Throwable e) { safeClose(channel); markWritesBroken(e); } return; } ByteBuffer[] data = new ByteBuffer[toSend * 3]; int j = 0; it = pendingFrames.listIterator(); try { while (j < toSend) { S next = it.next(); //todo: rather than adding empty buffers just store the offsets SendFrameHeader frameHeader = next.getFrameHeader(); PooledByteBuffer frameHeaderByteBuffer = frameHeader.getByteBuffer(); ByteBuffer frameTrailerBuffer = frameHeader.getTrailer(); data[j * 3] = frameHeaderByteBuffer != null ? frameHeaderByteBuffer.getBuffer() : Buffers.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER; data[(j * 3) + 1] = next.getBuffer() == null ? Buffers.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER : next.getBuffer(); data[(j * 3) + 2] = frameTrailerBuffer != null ? frameTrailerBuffer : Buffers.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER; ++j; } long toWrite = Buffers.remaining(data); long res; do { res = channel.getSinkChannel().write(data); toWrite -= res; } while (res > 0 && toWrite > 0); int max = toSend; while (max > 0) { S sinkChannel = pendingFrames.get(0); PooledByteBuffer frameHeaderByteBuffer = sinkChannel.getFrameHeader().getByteBuffer(); ByteBuffer frameTrailerBuffer = sinkChannel.getFrameHeader().getTrailer(); if (frameHeaderByteBuffer != null && frameHeaderByteBuffer.getBuffer().hasRemaining() || sinkChannel.getBuffer() != null && sinkChannel.getBuffer().hasRemaining() || frameTrailerBuffer != null && frameTrailerBuffer.hasRemaining()) { break; } sinkChannel.flushComplete(); pendingFrames.remove(sinkChannel); max--; } if (!pendingFrames.isEmpty() || !channel.getSinkChannel().flush()) { channel.getSinkChannel().resumeWrites(); } else { channel.getSinkChannel().suspendWrites(); } if (pendingFrames.isEmpty() && finalFrame) { //all data has been sent. Close gracefully channel.getSinkChannel().shutdownWrites(); if (!channel.getSinkChannel().flush()) { channel.getSinkChannel().setWriteListener(ChannelListeners.flushingChannelListener(null, null)); channel.getSinkChannel().resumeWrites(); } } else if (pendingFrames.size() > queuedFrameHighWaterMark) { new UpdateResumeState(null, null, true).run(); } else if (receivesSuspendedTooManyQueuedMessages && pendingFrames.size() < queuedFrameLowWaterMark) { new UpdateResumeState(null, null, false).run(); } } catch (IOException|RuntimeException|Error e) { safeClose(channel); markWritesBroken(e); } } finally { flushingSenders = false; if(!newFrames.isEmpty()) { runInIoThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { flushSenders(); } }); } } } void awaitWritable() throws IOException { this.channel.getSinkChannel().awaitWritable(); } void awaitWritable(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws IOException { this.channel.getSinkChannel().awaitWritable(time, unit); }
Queues a new frame to be sent, and attempts a flush if this is the first frame in the new frame queue.

Depending on the FramePriority implementation in use the channel may or may not be added to the actual pending queue

  • channel – The channel
/** * Queues a new frame to be sent, and attempts a flush if this is the first frame in the new frame queue. * <p> * Depending on the {@link FramePriority} implementation in use the channel may or may not be added to the actual * pending queue * * @param channel The channel */
protected void queueFrame(final S channel) throws IOException { assert !newFrames.contains(channel); if (isWritesBroken() || !this.channel.getSinkChannel().isOpen() || channel.isBroken() || !channel.isOpen()) { IoUtils.safeClose(channel); throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.channelIsClosed(); } newFrames.add(channel); if (!requireExplicitFlush || channel.isBufferFull()) { flush(); } } public void flush() { if (!flushingSenders) { if(channel.getIoThread() == Thread.currentThread()) { flushSenders(); } else { runInIoThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { flushSenders(); } }); } } }
Returns true if the protocol specific final frame has been received.
Returns:true If the last frame has been received
/** * Returns true if the protocol specific final frame has been received. * * @return <code>true</code> If the last frame has been received */
protected abstract boolean isLastFrameReceived();
Returns:true If the last frame has been sent
/** * @return <code>true</code> If the last frame has been sent */
protected abstract boolean isLastFrameSent();
Method that is invoked when the read side of the channel is broken. This generally happens on a protocol error.
/** * Method that is invoked when the read side of the channel is broken. This generally happens on a protocol error. */
protected abstract void handleBrokenSourceChannel(Throwable e);
Method that is invoked when then write side of a channel is broken. This generally happens on a protocol error.
/** * Method that is invoked when then write side of a channel is broken. This generally happens on a protocol error. */
protected abstract void handleBrokenSinkChannel(Throwable e);
Return the Setter which will holds the ChannelListener that gets notified once a frame was received.
/** * Return the {@link org.xnio.ChannelListener.Setter} which will holds the {@link org.xnio.ChannelListener} that gets notified once a frame was * received. */
public Setter<C> getReceiveSetter() { return receiveSetter; }
Suspend the receive of new frames via receive()
/** * Suspend the receive of new frames via {@link #receive()} */
public synchronized void suspendReceives() { receivesSuspendedByUser = true; getIoThread().execute(new UpdateResumeState(true, null, null)); }
Resume the receive of new frames via receive()
/** * Resume the receive of new frames via {@link #receive()} */
public synchronized void resumeReceives() { receivesSuspendedByUser = false; getIoThread().execute(new UpdateResumeState(false, null, null)); } private void doResume() { if (readData != null && !readData.isFreed()) { channel.getSourceChannel().wakeupReads(); } else { channel.getSourceChannel().resumeReads(); } } public boolean isReceivesResumed() { return !receivesSuspendedByUser; }
Forcibly closes the AbstractFramedChannel.
/** * Forcibly closes the {@link io.undertow.server.protocol.framed.AbstractFramedChannel}. */
@Override public void close() throws IOException { if (UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.tracef(new ClosedChannelException(), "Channel %s is being closed", this); } safeClose(channel); if (readData != null) { readData.close(); readData = null; } closeSubChannels(); } @Override public Setter<? extends AbstractFramedChannel> getCloseSetter() { return closeSetter; }
Called when a source sub channel fails to fulfil its contract, and leaves the channel in an inconsistent state.

The underlying read side will be forcibly closed.

  • cause – The possibly null cause
/** * Called when a source sub channel fails to fulfil its contract, and leaves the channel in an inconsistent state. * <p> * The underlying read side will be forcibly closed. * * @param cause The possibly null cause */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) protected void markReadsBroken(Throwable cause) { if (readsBrokenUpdater.compareAndSet(this, 0, 1)) { if(UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.debugf(new ClosedChannelException(), "Marking reads broken on channel %s", this); } if(receiver != null) { receiver.markStreamBroken(); } for(AbstractFramedStreamSourceChannel<C, R, S> r : new ArrayList<>(getReceivers())) { r.markStreamBroken(); } handleBrokenSourceChannel(cause); safeClose(channel.getSourceChannel()); closeSubChannels(); } }
Method that is called when the channel is being forcibly closed, and all sub stream sink/source channels should also be forcibly closed.
/** * Method that is called when the channel is being forcibly closed, and all sub stream sink/source * channels should also be forcibly closed. */
protected abstract void closeSubChannels();
Called when a sub channel fails to fulfil its contract, and leaves the channel in an inconsistent state.

The underlying channel will be closed, and any sub channels that have writes resumed will have their listeners notified. It is expected that these listeners will then attempt to use the channel, and their standard error handling logic will take over.

  • cause – The possibly null cause
/** * Called when a sub channel fails to fulfil its contract, and leaves the channel in an inconsistent state. * <p> * The underlying channel will be closed, and any sub channels that have writes resumed will have their * listeners notified. It is expected that these listeners will then attempt to use the channel, and their standard * error handling logic will take over. * * @param cause The possibly null cause */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) protected void markWritesBroken(Throwable cause) { if (writesBrokenUpdater.compareAndSet(this, 0, 1)) { if(UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.debugf(new ClosedChannelException(), "Marking writes broken on channel %s", this); } handleBrokenSinkChannel(cause); safeClose(channel.getSinkChannel()); synchronized (this) { for (final S channel : pendingFrames) { channel.markBroken(); } pendingFrames.clear(); for (final S channel : newFrames) { channel.markBroken(); } newFrames.clear(); for (final S channel : heldFrames) { channel.markBroken(); } heldFrames.clear(); } } } protected boolean isWritesBroken() { return writesBrokenUpdater.get(this) != 0; } protected boolean isReadsBroken() { return readsBrokenUpdater.get(this) != 0; } void resumeWrites() { channel.getSinkChannel().resumeWrites(); } void suspendWrites() { channel.getSinkChannel().suspendWrites(); } void wakeupWrites() { channel.getSinkChannel().wakeupWrites(); } StreamSourceChannel getSourceChannel() { return channel.getSourceChannel(); } void notifyFrameReadComplete(AbstractFramedStreamSourceChannel<C, R, S> channel) { }
ChannelListener which delegates the read notification to the appropriate listener
/** * {@link org.xnio.ChannelListener} which delegates the read notification to the appropriate listener */
private final class FrameReadListener implements ChannelListener<StreamSourceChannel> { @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) @Override public void handleEvent(final StreamSourceChannel channel) { //clear the task queue before reading Runnable runnable; while ((runnable = taskRunQueue.poll()) != null) { runnable.run(); } final R receiver = AbstractFramedChannel.this.receiver; if ((readChannelDone || isReadsSuspended()) && receiver == null) { channel.suspendReads(); return; } else { ChannelListener listener = receiveSetter.get(); if (listener == null) { listener = DRAIN_LISTENER; } UndertowLogger.REQUEST_IO_LOGGER.tracef("Invoking receive listener", receiver); ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(AbstractFramedChannel.this, listener); } final boolean partialRead; synchronized (AbstractFramedChannel.this) { partialRead = AbstractFramedChannel.this.partialRead; } if (readData != null && !readData.isFreed() && channel.isOpen() && !partialRead) { try { runInIoThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(channel, FrameReadListener.this); } }); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { IoUtils.safeClose(AbstractFramedChannel.this); } } synchronized (AbstractFramedChannel.this) { AbstractFramedChannel.this.partialRead = false; } } } private boolean isReadsSuspended() { return receivesSuspendedByUser || receivesSuspendedTooManyBuffers || receivesSuspendedTooManyQueuedMessages; } private class FrameWriteListener implements ChannelListener<StreamSinkChannel> { @Override public void handleEvent(final StreamSinkChannel channel) { flushSenders(); } }
close listener, just goes through and activates any sub channels to make sure their listeners are invoked
/** * close listener, just goes through and activates any sub channels to make sure their listeners are invoked */
private class FrameCloseListener implements ChannelListener<CloseableChannel> { private boolean sinkClosed; private boolean sourceClosed; @Override public void handleEvent(final CloseableChannel c) { if (Thread.currentThread() != c.getIoThread() && !c.getWorker().isShutdown()) { runInIoThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(c, FrameCloseListener.this); } }); return; } if(c instanceof StreamSinkChannel) { sinkClosed = true; } else if(c instanceof StreamSourceChannel) { sourceClosed = true; } if(!sourceClosed || !sinkClosed) { return; //both sides need to be closed } else if(readData != null && !readData.isFreed()) { //we make sure there is no data left to receive, if there is then we invoke the receive listener runInIoThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (readData != null && !readData.isFreed()) { int rem = readData.getBuffer().remaining(); ChannelListener listener = receiveSetter.get(); if(listener == null) { listener = DRAIN_LISTENER; } ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(AbstractFramedChannel.this, listener); if(!AbstractFramedChannel.this.isOpen()) { break; } if (readData != null && rem == readData.getBuffer().remaining()) { break;//make sure we are making progress } } handleEvent(c); } }); return; } R receiver = AbstractFramedChannel.this.receiver; try { if (receiver != null && receiver.isOpen() && receiver.isReadResumed()) { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(receiver, ((SimpleSetter) receiver.getReadSetter()).get()); } final List<S> pendingFrames; final List<S> newFrames; final List<S> heldFrames; final List<AbstractFramedStreamSourceChannel<C, R, S>> receivers; synchronized (AbstractFramedChannel.this) { pendingFrames = new ArrayList<>(AbstractFramedChannel.this.pendingFrames); newFrames = new ArrayList<>(AbstractFramedChannel.this.newFrames); heldFrames = new ArrayList<>(AbstractFramedChannel.this.heldFrames); receivers = new ArrayList<>(getReceivers()); } for (final S channel : pendingFrames) { //if this was a clean shutdown there should not be any senders channel.markBroken(); } for (final S channel : newFrames) { //if this was a clean shutdown there should not be any senders channel.markBroken(); } for (final S channel : heldFrames) { //if this was a clean shutdown there should not be any senders channel.markBroken(); } for (AbstractFramedStreamSourceChannel<C, R, S> r : receivers) { IoUtils.safeClose(r); } } finally { try { for (ChannelListener<C> task : closeTasks) { ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener((C) AbstractFramedChannel.this, task); } } finally { synchronized (AbstractFramedChannel.this) { closeSubChannels(); if (readData != null) { readData.close(); readData = null; } } ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener((C) AbstractFramedChannel.this, closeSetter.get()); } } } } protected abstract Collection<AbstractFramedStreamSourceChannel<C, R, S>> getReceivers(); public void setIdleTimeout(long timeout) { idleTimeoutConduit.setIdleTimeout(timeout); } public long getIdleTimeout() { return idleTimeoutConduit.getIdleTimeout(); } protected FramePriority<C, R, S> getFramePriority() { return framePriority; } public void addCloseTask(final ChannelListener<C> task) { closeTasks.add(task); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + " peer " + channel.getPeerAddress() + " local " + channel.getLocalAddress() + "[ " + (receiver == null ? "No Receiver" : receiver.toString()) + " " + pendingFrames.toString() + " -- " + heldFrames.toString() + " -- " + newFrames.toString() + "]"; } protected StreamConnection getUnderlyingConnection() { return channel; } protected ChannelExceptionHandler<SuspendableWriteChannel> writeExceptionHandler() { return new ChannelExceptionHandler<SuspendableWriteChannel>() { @Override public void handleException(SuspendableWriteChannel channel, IOException exception) { markWritesBroken(exception); } }; } public boolean isRequireExplicitFlush() { return requireExplicitFlush; } public void setRequireExplicitFlush(boolean requireExplicitFlush) { this.requireExplicitFlush = requireExplicitFlush; } protected OptionMap getSettings() { return settings; } private class UpdateResumeState implements Runnable { private final Boolean user; private final Boolean buffers; private final Boolean frames; private UpdateResumeState(Boolean user, Boolean buffers, Boolean frames) { this.user = user; this.buffers = buffers; this.frames = frames; } @Override public void run() { if (user != null) { receivesSuspendedByUser = user; } if (buffers != null) { receivesSuspendedTooManyBuffers = buffers; } if (frames != null) { receivesSuspendedTooManyQueuedMessages = frames; } if (receivesSuspendedByUser || receivesSuspendedTooManyQueuedMessages || receivesSuspendedTooManyBuffers) { channel.getSourceChannel().suspendReads(); } else { doResume(); } } } }