Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
/** * Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */
package io.reactivex.observers; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import io.reactivex.*; import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable; import io.reactivex.functions.Consumer; import io.reactivex.internal.disposables.DisposableHelper; import io.reactivex.internal.fuseable.*; import io.reactivex.internal.util.ExceptionHelper;
An Observer that records events and allows making assertions about them.

You can override the onSubscribe, onNext, onError, onComplete, onSuccess and cancel methods but not the others (this is by design).

The TestObserver implements Disposable for convenience where dispose calls cancel.

Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type
/** * An Observer that records events and allows making assertions about them. * * <p>You can override the onSubscribe, onNext, onError, onComplete, onSuccess and * cancel methods but not the others (this is by design). * * <p>The TestObserver implements Disposable for convenience where dispose calls cancel. * * @param <T> the value type */
public class TestObserver<T> extends BaseTestConsumer<T, TestObserver<T>> implements Observer<T>, Disposable, MaybeObserver<T>, SingleObserver<T>, CompletableObserver {
The actual observer to forward events to.
/** The actual observer to forward events to. */
private final Observer<? super T> downstream;
Holds the current subscription if any.
/** Holds the current subscription if any. */
private final AtomicReference<Disposable> upstream = new AtomicReference<Disposable>(); private QueueDisposable<T> qd;
Constructs a non-forwarding TestObserver.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type received
Returns:the new TestObserver instance
/** * Constructs a non-forwarding TestObserver. * @param <T> the value type received * @return the new TestObserver instance */
public static <T> TestObserver<T> create() { return new TestObserver<T>(); }
Constructs a forwarding TestObserver.
  • delegate – the actual Observer to forward events to
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the value type received
Returns:the new TestObserver instance
/** * Constructs a forwarding TestObserver. * @param <T> the value type received * @param delegate the actual Observer to forward events to * @return the new TestObserver instance */
public static <T> TestObserver<T> create(Observer<? super T> delegate) { return new TestObserver<T>(delegate); }
Constructs a non-forwarding TestObserver.
/** * Constructs a non-forwarding TestObserver. */
public TestObserver() { this(EmptyObserver.INSTANCE); }
Constructs a forwarding TestObserver.
  • downstream – the actual Observer to forward events to
/** * Constructs a forwarding TestObserver. * @param downstream the actual Observer to forward events to */
public TestObserver(Observer<? super T> downstream) { this.downstream = downstream; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) { lastThread = Thread.currentThread(); if (d == null) { errors.add(new NullPointerException("onSubscribe received a null Subscription")); return; } if (!upstream.compareAndSet(null, d)) { d.dispose(); if (upstream.get() != DisposableHelper.DISPOSED) { errors.add(new IllegalStateException("onSubscribe received multiple subscriptions: " + d)); } return; } if (initialFusionMode != 0) { if (d instanceof QueueDisposable) { qd = (QueueDisposable<T>)d; int m = qd.requestFusion(initialFusionMode); establishedFusionMode = m; if (m == QueueDisposable.SYNC) { checkSubscriptionOnce = true; lastThread = Thread.currentThread(); try { T t; while ((t = qd.poll()) != null) { values.add(t); } completions++; upstream.lazySet(DisposableHelper.DISPOSED); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e); TODO add fatal exceptions? errors.add(ex); } return; } } } downstream.onSubscribe(d); } @Override public void onNext(T t) { if (!checkSubscriptionOnce) { checkSubscriptionOnce = true; if (upstream.get() == null) { errors.add(new IllegalStateException("onSubscribe not called in proper order")); } } lastThread = Thread.currentThread(); if (establishedFusionMode == QueueDisposable.ASYNC) { try { while ((t = qd.poll()) != null) { values.add(t); } } catch (Throwable ex) { // Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e); TODO add fatal exceptions? errors.add(ex); qd.dispose(); } return; } values.add(t); if (t == null) { errors.add(new NullPointerException("onNext received a null value")); } downstream.onNext(t); } @Override public void onError(Throwable t) { if (!checkSubscriptionOnce) { checkSubscriptionOnce = true; if (upstream.get() == null) { errors.add(new IllegalStateException("onSubscribe not called in proper order")); } } try { lastThread = Thread.currentThread(); if (t == null) { errors.add(new NullPointerException("onError received a null Throwable")); } else { errors.add(t); } downstream.onError(t); } finally { done.countDown(); } } @Override public void onComplete() { if (!checkSubscriptionOnce) { checkSubscriptionOnce = true; if (upstream.get() == null) { errors.add(new IllegalStateException("onSubscribe not called in proper order")); } } try { lastThread = Thread.currentThread(); completions++; downstream.onComplete(); } finally { done.countDown(); } }
Returns true if this TestObserver has been cancelled.
Returns:true if this TestObserver has been cancelled
/** * Returns true if this TestObserver has been cancelled. * @return true if this TestObserver has been cancelled */
public final boolean isCancelled() { return isDisposed(); }
Cancels the TestObserver (before or after the subscription happened).

This operation is thread-safe.

This method is provided as a convenience when converting Flowable tests that cancel.

/** * Cancels the TestObserver (before or after the subscription happened). * <p>This operation is thread-safe. * <p>This method is provided as a convenience when converting Flowable tests that cancel. */
public final void cancel() { dispose(); } @Override public final void dispose() { DisposableHelper.dispose(upstream); } @Override public final boolean isDisposed() { return DisposableHelper.isDisposed(upstream.get()); } // state retrieval methods
Returns true if this TestObserver received a subscription.
Returns:true if this TestObserver received a subscription
/** * Returns true if this TestObserver received a subscription. * @return true if this TestObserver received a subscription */
public final boolean hasSubscription() { return upstream.get() != null; }
Assert that the onSubscribe method was called exactly once.
/** * Assert that the onSubscribe method was called exactly once. * @return this; */
@Override public final TestObserver<T> assertSubscribed() { if (upstream.get() == null) { throw fail("Not subscribed!"); } return this; }
Assert that the onSubscribe method hasn't been called at all.
/** * Assert that the onSubscribe method hasn't been called at all. * @return this; */
@Override public final TestObserver<T> assertNotSubscribed() { if (upstream.get() != null) { throw fail("Subscribed!"); } else if (!errors.isEmpty()) { throw fail("Not subscribed but errors found"); } return this; }
Run a check consumer with this TestObserver instance.
  • check – the check consumer to run
/** * Run a check consumer with this TestObserver instance. * @param check the check consumer to run * @return this */
public final TestObserver<T> assertOf(Consumer<? super TestObserver<T>> check) { try { check.accept(this); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw ExceptionHelper.wrapOrThrow(ex); } return this; }
Sets the initial fusion mode if the upstream supports fusion.

Package-private: avoid leaking the now internal fusion properties into the public API. Use ObserverFusion to work with such tests.

/** * Sets the initial fusion mode if the upstream supports fusion. * <p>Package-private: avoid leaking the now internal fusion properties into the public API. * Use ObserverFusion to work with such tests. * @param mode the mode to establish, see the {@link QueueDisposable} constants * @return this */
final TestObserver<T> setInitialFusionMode(int mode) { this.initialFusionMode = mode; return this; }
Asserts that the given fusion mode has been established

Package-private: avoid leaking the now internal fusion properties into the public API. Use ObserverFusion to work with such tests.

  • mode – the expected mode
/** * Asserts that the given fusion mode has been established * <p>Package-private: avoid leaking the now internal fusion properties into the public API. * Use ObserverFusion to work with such tests. * @param mode the expected mode * @return this */
final TestObserver<T> assertFusionMode(int mode) { int m = establishedFusionMode; if (m != mode) { if (qd != null) { throw new AssertionError("Fusion mode different. Expected: " + fusionModeToString(mode) + ", actual: " + fusionModeToString(m)); } else { throw fail("Upstream is not fuseable"); } } return this; } static String fusionModeToString(int mode) { switch (mode) { case QueueFuseable.NONE : return "NONE"; case QueueFuseable.SYNC : return "SYNC"; case QueueFuseable.ASYNC : return "ASYNC"; default: return "Unknown(" + mode + ")"; } }
Assert that the upstream is a fuseable source.

Package-private: avoid leaking the now internal fusion properties into the public API. Use ObserverFusion to work with such tests.

/** * Assert that the upstream is a fuseable source. * <p>Package-private: avoid leaking the now internal fusion properties into the public API. * Use ObserverFusion to work with such tests. * @return this */
final TestObserver<T> assertFuseable() { if (qd == null) { throw new AssertionError("Upstream is not fuseable."); } return this; }
Assert that the upstream is not a fuseable source.

Package-private: avoid leaking the now internal fusion properties into the public API. Use ObserverFusion to work with such tests.

/** * Assert that the upstream is not a fuseable source. * <p>Package-private: avoid leaking the now internal fusion properties into the public API. * Use ObserverFusion to work with such tests. * @return this */
final TestObserver<T> assertNotFuseable() { if (qd != null) { throw new AssertionError("Upstream is fuseable."); } return this; } @Override public void onSuccess(T value) { onNext(value); onComplete(); }
An observer that ignores all events and does not report errors.
/** * An observer that ignores all events and does not report errors. */
enum EmptyObserver implements Observer<Object> { INSTANCE; @Override public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) { } @Override public void onNext(Object t) { } @Override public void onError(Throwable t) { } @Override public void onComplete() { } } }