 * Copyright 2012 The Netty Project
 * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
 * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package io.netty.channel;

import io.netty.channel.Channel.Unsafe;
import io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil;
import io.netty.util.ResourceLeakDetector;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutorGroup;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocal;
import io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil;
import io.netty.util.internal.StringUtil;
import io.netty.util.internal.UnstableApi;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;

import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;

The default ChannelPipeline implementation. It is usually created by a Channel implementation when the Channel is created.
/** * The default {@link ChannelPipeline} implementation. It is usually created * by a {@link Channel} implementation when the {@link Channel} is created. */
public class DefaultChannelPipeline implements ChannelPipeline { static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(DefaultChannelPipeline.class); private static final String HEAD_NAME = generateName0(HeadContext.class); private static final String TAIL_NAME = generateName0(TailContext.class); private static final FastThreadLocal<Map<Class<?>, String>> nameCaches = new FastThreadLocal<Map<Class<?>, String>>() { @Override protected Map<Class<?>, String> initialValue() throws Exception { return new WeakHashMap<Class<?>, String>(); } }; private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<DefaultChannelPipeline, MessageSizeEstimator.Handle> ESTIMATOR = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater( DefaultChannelPipeline.class, MessageSizeEstimator.Handle.class, "estimatorHandle"); final AbstractChannelHandlerContext head; final AbstractChannelHandlerContext tail; private final Channel channel; private final ChannelFuture succeededFuture; private final VoidChannelPromise voidPromise; private final boolean touch = ResourceLeakDetector.isEnabled(); private Map<EventExecutorGroup, EventExecutor> childExecutors; private volatile MessageSizeEstimator.Handle estimatorHandle; private boolean firstRegistration = true;
This is the head of a linked list that is processed by callHandlerAddedForAllHandlers() and so process all the pending callHandlerAdded0(AbstractChannelHandlerContext). We only keep the head because it is expected that the list is used infrequently and its size is small. Thus full iterations to do insertions is assumed to be a good compromised to saving memory and tail management complexity.
/** * This is the head of a linked list that is processed by {@link #callHandlerAddedForAllHandlers()} and so process * all the pending {@link #callHandlerAdded0(AbstractChannelHandlerContext)}. * * We only keep the head because it is expected that the list is used infrequently and its size is small. * Thus full iterations to do insertions is assumed to be a good compromised to saving memory and tail management * complexity. */
private PendingHandlerCallback pendingHandlerCallbackHead;
Set to true once the AbstractChannel is registered.Once set to true the value will never change.
/** * Set to {@code true} once the {@link AbstractChannel} is registered.Once set to {@code true} the value will never * change. */
private boolean registered; protected DefaultChannelPipeline(Channel channel) { this.channel = ObjectUtil.checkNotNull(channel, "channel"); succeededFuture = new SucceededChannelFuture(channel, null); voidPromise = new VoidChannelPromise(channel, true); tail = new TailContext(this); head = new HeadContext(this); head.next = tail; tail.prev = head; } final MessageSizeEstimator.Handle estimatorHandle() { MessageSizeEstimator.Handle handle = estimatorHandle; if (handle == null) { handle = channel.config().getMessageSizeEstimator().newHandle(); if (!ESTIMATOR.compareAndSet(this, null, handle)) { handle = estimatorHandle; } } return handle; } final Object touch(Object msg, AbstractChannelHandlerContext next) { return touch ? ReferenceCountUtil.touch(msg, next) : msg; } private AbstractChannelHandlerContext newContext(EventExecutorGroup group, String name, ChannelHandler handler) { return new DefaultChannelHandlerContext(this, childExecutor(group), name, handler); } private EventExecutor childExecutor(EventExecutorGroup group) { if (group == null) { return null; } Boolean pinEventExecutor = channel.config().getOption(ChannelOption.SINGLE_EVENTEXECUTOR_PER_GROUP); if (pinEventExecutor != null && !pinEventExecutor) { return group.next(); } Map<EventExecutorGroup, EventExecutor> childExecutors = this.childExecutors; if (childExecutors == null) { // Use size of 4 as most people only use one extra EventExecutor. childExecutors = this.childExecutors = new IdentityHashMap<EventExecutorGroup, EventExecutor>(4); } // Pin one of the child executors once and remember it so that the same child executor // is used to fire events for the same channel. EventExecutor childExecutor = childExecutors.get(group); if (childExecutor == null) { childExecutor = group.next(); childExecutors.put(group, childExecutor); } return childExecutor; } @Override public final Channel channel() { return channel; } @Override public final ChannelPipeline addFirst(String name, ChannelHandler handler) { return addFirst(null, name, handler); } @Override public final ChannelPipeline addFirst(EventExecutorGroup group, String name, ChannelHandler handler) { final AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx; synchronized (this) { checkMultiplicity(handler); name = filterName(name, handler); newCtx = newContext(group, name, handler); addFirst0(newCtx); // If the registered is false it means that the channel was not registered on an eventloop yet. // In this case we add the context to the pipeline and add a task that will call // ChannelHandler.handlerAdded(...) once the channel is registered. if (!registered) { newCtx.setAddPending(); callHandlerCallbackLater(newCtx, true); return this; } EventExecutor executor = newCtx.executor(); if (!executor.inEventLoop()) { newCtx.setAddPending(); executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { callHandlerAdded0(newCtx); } }); return this; } } callHandlerAdded0(newCtx); return this; } private void addFirst0(AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx) { AbstractChannelHandlerContext nextCtx = head.next; newCtx.prev = head; newCtx.next = nextCtx; head.next = newCtx; nextCtx.prev = newCtx; } @Override public final ChannelPipeline addLast(String name, ChannelHandler handler) { return addLast(null, name, handler); } @Override public final ChannelPipeline addLast(EventExecutorGroup group, String name, ChannelHandler handler) { final AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx; synchronized (this) { checkMultiplicity(handler); newCtx = newContext(group, filterName(name, handler), handler); addLast0(newCtx); // If the registered is false it means that the channel was not registered on an eventloop yet. // In this case we add the context to the pipeline and add a task that will call // ChannelHandler.handlerAdded(...) once the channel is registered. if (!registered) { newCtx.setAddPending(); callHandlerCallbackLater(newCtx, true); return this; } EventExecutor executor = newCtx.executor(); if (!executor.inEventLoop()) { newCtx.setAddPending(); executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { callHandlerAdded0(newCtx); } }); return this; } } callHandlerAdded0(newCtx); return this; } private void addLast0(AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx) { AbstractChannelHandlerContext prev = tail.prev; newCtx.prev = prev; newCtx.next = tail; prev.next = newCtx; tail.prev = newCtx; } @Override public final ChannelPipeline addBefore(String baseName, String name, ChannelHandler handler) { return addBefore(null, baseName, name, handler); } @Override public final ChannelPipeline addBefore( EventExecutorGroup group, String baseName, String name, ChannelHandler handler) { final AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx; final AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx; synchronized (this) { checkMultiplicity(handler); name = filterName(name, handler); ctx = getContextOrDie(baseName); newCtx = newContext(group, name, handler); addBefore0(ctx, newCtx); // If the registered is false it means that the channel was not registered on an eventloop yet. // In this case we add the context to the pipeline and add a task that will call // ChannelHandler.handlerAdded(...) once the channel is registered. if (!registered) { newCtx.setAddPending(); callHandlerCallbackLater(newCtx, true); return this; } EventExecutor executor = newCtx.executor(); if (!executor.inEventLoop()) { newCtx.setAddPending(); executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { callHandlerAdded0(newCtx); } }); return this; } } callHandlerAdded0(newCtx); return this; } private static void addBefore0(AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx) { newCtx.prev = ctx.prev; newCtx.next = ctx; ctx.prev.next = newCtx; ctx.prev = newCtx; } private String filterName(String name, ChannelHandler handler) { if (name == null) { return generateName(handler); } checkDuplicateName(name); return name; } @Override public final ChannelPipeline addAfter(String baseName, String name, ChannelHandler handler) { return addAfter(null, baseName, name, handler); } @Override public final ChannelPipeline addAfter( EventExecutorGroup group, String baseName, String name, ChannelHandler handler) { final AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx; final AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx; synchronized (this) { checkMultiplicity(handler); name = filterName(name, handler); ctx = getContextOrDie(baseName); newCtx = newContext(group, name, handler); addAfter0(ctx, newCtx); // If the registered is false it means that the channel was not registered on an eventloop yet. // In this case we remove the context from the pipeline and add a task that will call // ChannelHandler.handlerRemoved(...) once the channel is registered. if (!registered) { newCtx.setAddPending(); callHandlerCallbackLater(newCtx, true); return this; } EventExecutor executor = newCtx.executor(); if (!executor.inEventLoop()) { newCtx.setAddPending(); executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { callHandlerAdded0(newCtx); } }); return this; } } callHandlerAdded0(newCtx); return this; } private static void addAfter0(AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx) { newCtx.prev = ctx; newCtx.next = ctx.next; ctx.next.prev = newCtx; ctx.next = newCtx; } public final ChannelPipeline addFirst(ChannelHandler handler) { return addFirst(null, handler); } @Override public final ChannelPipeline addFirst(ChannelHandler... handlers) { return addFirst(null, handlers); } @Override public final ChannelPipeline addFirst(EventExecutorGroup executor, ChannelHandler... handlers) { if (handlers == null) { throw new NullPointerException("handlers"); } if (handlers.length == 0 || handlers[0] == null) { return this; } int size; for (size = 1; size < handlers.length; size ++) { if (handlers[size] == null) { break; } } for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i --) { ChannelHandler h = handlers[i]; addFirst(executor, null, h); } return this; } public final ChannelPipeline addLast(ChannelHandler handler) { return addLast(null, handler); } @Override public final ChannelPipeline addLast(ChannelHandler... handlers) { return addLast(null, handlers); } @Override public final ChannelPipeline addLast(EventExecutorGroup executor, ChannelHandler... handlers) { if (handlers == null) { throw new NullPointerException("handlers"); } for (ChannelHandler h: handlers) { if (h == null) { break; } addLast(executor, null, h); } return this; } private String generateName(ChannelHandler handler) { Map<Class<?>, String> cache = nameCaches.get(); Class<?> handlerType = handler.getClass(); String name = cache.get(handlerType); if (name == null) { name = generateName0(handlerType); cache.put(handlerType, name); } // It's not very likely for a user to put more than one handler of the same type, but make sure to avoid // any name conflicts. Note that we don't cache the names generated here. if (context0(name) != null) { String baseName = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1); // Strip the trailing '0'. for (int i = 1;; i ++) { String newName = baseName + i; if (context0(newName) == null) { name = newName; break; } } } return name; } private static String generateName0(Class<?> handlerType) { return StringUtil.simpleClassName(handlerType) + "#0"; } @Override public final ChannelPipeline remove(ChannelHandler handler) { remove(getContextOrDie(handler)); return this; } @Override public final ChannelHandler remove(String name) { return remove(getContextOrDie(name)).handler(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public final <T extends ChannelHandler> T remove(Class<T> handlerType) { return (T) remove(getContextOrDie(handlerType)).handler(); } public final <T extends ChannelHandler> T removeIfExists(String name) { return removeIfExists(context(name)); } public final <T extends ChannelHandler> T removeIfExists(Class<T> handlerType) { return removeIfExists(context(handlerType)); } public final <T extends ChannelHandler> T removeIfExists(ChannelHandler handler) { return removeIfExists(context(handler)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T extends ChannelHandler> T removeIfExists(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { if (ctx == null) { return null; } return (T) remove((AbstractChannelHandlerContext) ctx).handler(); } private AbstractChannelHandlerContext remove(final AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx) { assert ctx != head && ctx != tail; synchronized (this) { remove0(ctx); // If the registered is false it means that the channel was not registered on an eventloop yet. // In this case we remove the context from the pipeline and add a task that will call // ChannelHandler.handlerRemoved(...) once the channel is registered. if (!registered) { callHandlerCallbackLater(ctx, false); return ctx; } EventExecutor executor = ctx.executor(); if (!executor.inEventLoop()) { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { callHandlerRemoved0(ctx); } }); return ctx; } } callHandlerRemoved0(ctx); return ctx; } private static void remove0(AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx) { AbstractChannelHandlerContext prev = ctx.prev; AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = ctx.next; prev.next = next; next.prev = prev; } @Override public final ChannelHandler removeFirst() { if (head.next == tail) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return remove(head.next).handler(); } @Override public final ChannelHandler removeLast() { if (head.next == tail) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return remove(tail.prev).handler(); } @Override public final ChannelPipeline replace(ChannelHandler oldHandler, String newName, ChannelHandler newHandler) { replace(getContextOrDie(oldHandler), newName, newHandler); return this; } @Override public final ChannelHandler replace(String oldName, String newName, ChannelHandler newHandler) { return replace(getContextOrDie(oldName), newName, newHandler); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final <T extends ChannelHandler> T replace( Class<T> oldHandlerType, String newName, ChannelHandler newHandler) { return (T) replace(getContextOrDie(oldHandlerType), newName, newHandler); } private ChannelHandler replace( final AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, String newName, ChannelHandler newHandler) { assert ctx != head && ctx != tail; final AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx; synchronized (this) { checkMultiplicity(newHandler); if (newName == null) { newName = generateName(newHandler); } else { boolean sameName = ctx.name().equals(newName); if (!sameName) { checkDuplicateName(newName); } } newCtx = newContext(ctx.executor, newName, newHandler); replace0(ctx, newCtx); // If the registered is false it means that the channel was not registered on an eventloop yet. // In this case we replace the context in the pipeline // and add a task that will call ChannelHandler.handlerAdded(...) and // ChannelHandler.handlerRemoved(...) once the channel is registered. if (!registered) { callHandlerCallbackLater(newCtx, true); callHandlerCallbackLater(ctx, false); return ctx.handler(); } EventExecutor executor = ctx.executor(); if (!executor.inEventLoop()) { executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Invoke newHandler.handlerAdded() first (i.e. before oldHandler.handlerRemoved() is invoked) // because callHandlerRemoved() will trigger channelRead() or flush() on newHandler and // those event handlers must be called after handlerAdded(). callHandlerAdded0(newCtx); callHandlerRemoved0(ctx); } }); return ctx.handler(); } } // Invoke newHandler.handlerAdded() first (i.e. before oldHandler.handlerRemoved() is invoked) // because callHandlerRemoved() will trigger channelRead() or flush() on newHandler and those // event handlers must be called after handlerAdded(). callHandlerAdded0(newCtx); callHandlerRemoved0(ctx); return ctx.handler(); } private static void replace0(AbstractChannelHandlerContext oldCtx, AbstractChannelHandlerContext newCtx) { AbstractChannelHandlerContext prev = oldCtx.prev; AbstractChannelHandlerContext next = oldCtx.next; newCtx.prev = prev; newCtx.next = next; // Finish the replacement of oldCtx with newCtx in the linked list. // Note that this doesn't mean events will be sent to the new handler immediately // because we are currently at the event handler thread and no more than one handler methods can be invoked // at the same time (we ensured that in replace().) prev.next = newCtx; next.prev = newCtx; // update the reference to the replacement so forward of buffered content will work correctly oldCtx.prev = newCtx; oldCtx.next = newCtx; } private static void checkMultiplicity(ChannelHandler handler) { if (handler instanceof ChannelHandlerAdapter) { ChannelHandlerAdapter h = (ChannelHandlerAdapter) handler; if (!h.isSharable() && h.added) { throw new ChannelPipelineException( h.getClass().getName() + " is not a @Sharable handler, so can't be added or removed multiple times."); } h.added = true; } } private void callHandlerAdded0(final AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx) { try { // We must call setAddComplete before calling handlerAdded. Otherwise if the handlerAdded method generates // any pipeline events ctx.handler() will miss them because the state will not allow it. ctx.setAddComplete(); ctx.handler().handlerAdded(ctx); } catch (Throwable t) { boolean removed = false; try { remove0(ctx); try { ctx.handler().handlerRemoved(ctx); } finally { ctx.setRemoved(); } removed = true; } catch (Throwable t2) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("Failed to remove a handler: " + ctx.name(), t2); } } if (removed) { fireExceptionCaught(new ChannelPipelineException( ctx.handler().getClass().getName() + ".handlerAdded() has thrown an exception; removed.", t)); } else { fireExceptionCaught(new ChannelPipelineException( ctx.handler().getClass().getName() + ".handlerAdded() has thrown an exception; also failed to remove.", t)); } } } private void callHandlerRemoved0(final AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx) { // Notify the complete removal. try { try { ctx.handler().handlerRemoved(ctx); } finally { ctx.setRemoved(); } } catch (Throwable t) { fireExceptionCaught(new ChannelPipelineException( ctx.handler().getClass().getName() + ".handlerRemoved() has thrown an exception.", t)); } } final void invokeHandlerAddedIfNeeded() { assert channel.eventLoop().inEventLoop(); if (firstRegistration) { firstRegistration = false; // We are now registered to the EventLoop. It's time to call the callbacks for the ChannelHandlers, // that were added before the registration was done. callHandlerAddedForAllHandlers(); } } @Override public final ChannelHandler first() { ChannelHandlerContext first = firstContext(); if (first == null) { return null; } return first.handler(); } @Override public final ChannelHandlerContext firstContext() { AbstractChannelHandlerContext first = head.next; if (first == tail) { return null; } return head.next; } @Override public final ChannelHandler last() { AbstractChannelHandlerContext last = tail.prev; if (last == head) { return null; } return last.handler(); } @Override public final ChannelHandlerContext lastContext() { AbstractChannelHandlerContext last = tail.prev; if (last == head) { return null; } return last; } @Override public final ChannelHandler get(String name) { ChannelHandlerContext ctx = context(name); if (ctx == null) { return null; } else { return ctx.handler(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public final <T extends ChannelHandler> T get(Class<T> handlerType) { ChannelHandlerContext ctx = context(handlerType); if (ctx == null) { return null; } else { return (T) ctx.handler(); } } @Override public final ChannelHandlerContext context(String name) { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException("name"); } return context0(name); } @Override public final ChannelHandlerContext context(ChannelHandler handler) { if (handler == null) { throw new NullPointerException("handler"); } AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next; for (;;) { if (ctx == null) { return null; } if (ctx.handler() == handler) { return ctx; } ctx = ctx.next; } } @Override public final ChannelHandlerContext context(Class<? extends ChannelHandler> handlerType) { if (handlerType == null) { throw new NullPointerException("handlerType"); } AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next; for (;;) { if (ctx == null) { return null; } if (handlerType.isAssignableFrom(ctx.handler().getClass())) { return ctx; } ctx = ctx.next; } } @Override public final List<String> names() { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next; for (;;) { if (ctx == null) { return list; } list.add(ctx.name()); ctx = ctx.next; } } @Override public final Map<String, ChannelHandler> toMap() { Map<String, ChannelHandler> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, ChannelHandler>(); AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next; for (;;) { if (ctx == tail) { return map; } map.put(ctx.name(), ctx.handler()); ctx = ctx.next; } } @Override public final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, ChannelHandler>> iterator() { return toMap().entrySet().iterator(); }
Returns the String representation of this pipeline.
/** * Returns the {@link String} representation of this pipeline. */
@Override public final String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder() .append(StringUtil.simpleClassName(this)) .append('{'); AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = head.next; for (;;) { if (ctx == tail) { break; } buf.append('(') .append(ctx.name()) .append(" = ") .append(ctx.handler().getClass().getName()) .append(')'); ctx = ctx.next; if (ctx == tail) { break; } buf.append(", "); } buf.append('}'); return buf.toString(); } @Override public final ChannelPipeline fireChannelRegistered() { AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRegistered(head); return this; } @Override public final ChannelPipeline fireChannelUnregistered() { AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelUnregistered(head); return this; }
Removes all handlers from the pipeline one by one from tail (exclusive) to head (exclusive) to trigger handlerRemoved(). Note that we traverse up the pipeline (destroyUp(AbstractChannelHandlerContext, boolean)) before traversing down (destroyDown(Thread, AbstractChannelHandlerContext, boolean)) so that the handlers are removed after all events are handled. See: https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/3156
/** * Removes all handlers from the pipeline one by one from tail (exclusive) to head (exclusive) to trigger * handlerRemoved(). * * Note that we traverse up the pipeline ({@link #destroyUp(AbstractChannelHandlerContext, boolean)}) * before traversing down ({@link #destroyDown(Thread, AbstractChannelHandlerContext, boolean)}) so that * the handlers are removed after all events are handled. * * See: https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/3156 */
private synchronized void destroy() { destroyUp(head.next, false); } private void destroyUp(AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, boolean inEventLoop) { final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); final AbstractChannelHandlerContext tail = this.tail; for (;;) { if (ctx == tail) { destroyDown(currentThread, tail.prev, inEventLoop); break; } final EventExecutor executor = ctx.executor(); if (!inEventLoop && !executor.inEventLoop(currentThread)) { final AbstractChannelHandlerContext finalCtx = ctx; executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { destroyUp(finalCtx, true); } }); break; } ctx = ctx.next; inEventLoop = false; } } private void destroyDown(Thread currentThread, AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, boolean inEventLoop) { // We have reached at tail; now traverse backwards. final AbstractChannelHandlerContext head = this.head; for (;;) { if (ctx == head) { break; } final EventExecutor executor = ctx.executor(); if (inEventLoop || executor.inEventLoop(currentThread)) { synchronized (this) { remove0(ctx); } callHandlerRemoved0(ctx); } else { final AbstractChannelHandlerContext finalCtx = ctx; executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { destroyDown(Thread.currentThread(), finalCtx, true); } }); break; } ctx = ctx.prev; inEventLoop = false; } } @Override public final ChannelPipeline fireChannelActive() { AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelActive(head); return this; } @Override public final ChannelPipeline fireChannelInactive() { AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelInactive(head); return this; } @Override public final ChannelPipeline fireExceptionCaught(Throwable cause) { AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeExceptionCaught(head, cause); return this; } @Override public final ChannelPipeline fireUserEventTriggered(Object event) { AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeUserEventTriggered(head, event); return this; } @Override public final ChannelPipeline fireChannelRead(Object msg) { AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(head, msg); return this; } @Override public final ChannelPipeline fireChannelReadComplete() { AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelReadComplete(head); return this; } @Override public final ChannelPipeline fireChannelWritabilityChanged() { AbstractChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelWritabilityChanged(head); return this; } @Override public final ChannelFuture bind(SocketAddress localAddress) { return tail.bind(localAddress); } @Override public final ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress) { return tail.connect(remoteAddress); } @Override public final ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress) { return tail.connect(remoteAddress, localAddress); } @Override public final ChannelFuture disconnect() { return tail.disconnect(); } @Override public final ChannelFuture close() { return tail.close(); } @Override public final ChannelFuture deregister() { return tail.deregister(); } @Override public final ChannelPipeline flush() { tail.flush(); return this; } @Override public final ChannelFuture bind(SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise) { return tail.bind(localAddress, promise); } @Override public final ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, ChannelPromise promise) { return tail.connect(remoteAddress, promise); } @Override public final ChannelFuture connect( SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise) { return tail.connect(remoteAddress, localAddress, promise); } @Override public final ChannelFuture disconnect(ChannelPromise promise) { return tail.disconnect(promise); } @Override public final ChannelFuture close(ChannelPromise promise) { return tail.close(promise); } @Override public final ChannelFuture deregister(final ChannelPromise promise) { return tail.deregister(promise); } @Override public final ChannelPipeline read() { tail.read(); return this; } @Override public final ChannelFuture write(Object msg) { return tail.write(msg); } @Override public final ChannelFuture write(Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) { return tail.write(msg, promise); } @Override public final ChannelFuture writeAndFlush(Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) { return tail.writeAndFlush(msg, promise); } @Override public final ChannelFuture writeAndFlush(Object msg) { return tail.writeAndFlush(msg); } @Override public final ChannelPromise newPromise() { return new DefaultChannelPromise(channel); } @Override public final ChannelProgressivePromise newProgressivePromise() { return new DefaultChannelProgressivePromise(channel); } @Override public final ChannelFuture newSucceededFuture() { return succeededFuture; } @Override public final ChannelFuture newFailedFuture(Throwable cause) { return new FailedChannelFuture(channel, null, cause); } @Override public final ChannelPromise voidPromise() { return voidPromise; } private void checkDuplicateName(String name) { if (context0(name) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate handler name: " + name); } } private AbstractChannelHandlerContext context0(String name) { AbstractChannelHandlerContext context = head.next; while (context != tail) { if (context.name().equals(name)) { return context; } context = context.next; } return null; } private AbstractChannelHandlerContext getContextOrDie(String name) { AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = (AbstractChannelHandlerContext) context(name); if (ctx == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(name); } else { return ctx; } } private AbstractChannelHandlerContext getContextOrDie(ChannelHandler handler) { AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = (AbstractChannelHandlerContext) context(handler); if (ctx == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(handler.getClass().getName()); } else { return ctx; } } private AbstractChannelHandlerContext getContextOrDie(Class<? extends ChannelHandler> handlerType) { AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx = (AbstractChannelHandlerContext) context(handlerType); if (ctx == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(handlerType.getName()); } else { return ctx; } } private void callHandlerAddedForAllHandlers() { final PendingHandlerCallback pendingHandlerCallbackHead; synchronized (this) { assert !registered; // This Channel itself was registered. registered = true; pendingHandlerCallbackHead = this.pendingHandlerCallbackHead; // Null out so it can be GC'ed. this.pendingHandlerCallbackHead = null; } // This must happen outside of the synchronized(...) block as otherwise handlerAdded(...) may be called while // holding the lock and so produce a deadlock if handlerAdded(...) will try to add another handler from outside // the EventLoop. PendingHandlerCallback task = pendingHandlerCallbackHead; while (task != null) { task.execute(); task = task.next; } } private void callHandlerCallbackLater(AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx, boolean added) { assert !registered; PendingHandlerCallback task = added ? new PendingHandlerAddedTask(ctx) : new PendingHandlerRemovedTask(ctx); PendingHandlerCallback pending = pendingHandlerCallbackHead; if (pending == null) { pendingHandlerCallbackHead = task; } else { // Find the tail of the linked-list. while (pending.next != null) { pending = pending.next; } pending.next = task; } }
Called once a Throwable hit the end of the ChannelPipeline without been handled by the user in ChannelHandler.exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable).
/** * Called once a {@link Throwable} hit the end of the {@link ChannelPipeline} without been handled by the user * in {@link ChannelHandler#exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable)}. */
protected void onUnhandledInboundException(Throwable cause) { try { logger.warn( "An exceptionCaught() event was fired, and it reached at the tail of the pipeline. " + "It usually means the last handler in the pipeline did not handle the exception.", cause); } finally { ReferenceCountUtil.release(cause); } } /** * Called once the {@link ChannelInboundHandler#channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext)}event hit * the end of the {@link ChannelPipeline}. */ protected void onUnhandledInboundChannelActive() { } /** * Called once the {@link ChannelInboundHandler#channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext)} event hit * the end of the {@link ChannelPipeline}. */ protected void onUnhandledInboundChannelInactive() { }
Called once a message hit the end of the ChannelPipeline without been handled by the user in ChannelInboundHandler.channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object). This method is responsible to call ReferenceCountUtil.release(Object) on the given msg at some point.
/** * Called once a message hit the end of the {@link ChannelPipeline} without been handled by the user * in {@link ChannelInboundHandler#channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object)}. This method is responsible * to call {@link ReferenceCountUtil#release(Object)} on the given msg at some point. */
protected void onUnhandledInboundMessage(Object msg) { try { logger.debug( "Discarded inbound message {} that reached at the tail of the pipeline. " + "Please check your pipeline configuration.", msg); } finally { ReferenceCountUtil.release(msg); } } /** * Called once the {@link ChannelInboundHandler#channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext)} event hit * the end of the {@link ChannelPipeline}. */ protected void onUnhandledInboundChannelReadComplete() { }
Called once an user event hit the end of the ChannelPipeline without been handled by the user in ChannelInboundHandler.userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext, Object). This method is responsible to call ReferenceCountUtil.release(Object) on the given event at some point.
/** * Called once an user event hit the end of the {@link ChannelPipeline} without been handled by the user * in {@link ChannelInboundHandler#userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext, Object)}. This method is responsible * to call {@link ReferenceCountUtil#release(Object)} on the given event at some point. */
protected void onUnhandledInboundUserEventTriggered(Object evt) { // This may not be a configuration error and so don't log anything. // The event may be superfluous for the current pipeline configuration. ReferenceCountUtil.release(evt); } /** * Called once the {@link ChannelInboundHandler#channelWritabilityChanged(ChannelHandlerContext)} event hit * the end of the {@link ChannelPipeline}. */ protected void onUnhandledChannelWritabilityChanged() { } @UnstableApi protected void incrementPendingOutboundBytes(long size) { ChannelOutboundBuffer buffer = channel.unsafe().outboundBuffer(); if (buffer != null) { buffer.incrementPendingOutboundBytes(size); } } @UnstableApi protected void decrementPendingOutboundBytes(long size) { ChannelOutboundBuffer buffer = channel.unsafe().outboundBuffer(); if (buffer != null) { buffer.decrementPendingOutboundBytes(size); } } // A special catch-all handler that handles both bytes and messages. final class TailContext extends AbstractChannelHandlerContext implements ChannelInboundHandler { TailContext(DefaultChannelPipeline pipeline) { super(pipeline, null, TAIL_NAME, true, false); setAddComplete(); } @Override public ChannelHandler handler() { return this; } @Override public void channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { } @Override public void channelUnregistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { } @Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { onUnhandledInboundChannelActive(); } @Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { onUnhandledInboundChannelInactive(); } @Override public void channelWritabilityChanged(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { onUnhandledChannelWritabilityChanged(); } @Override public void handlerAdded(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { } @Override public void handlerRemoved(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { } @Override public void userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object evt) throws Exception { onUnhandledInboundUserEventTriggered(evt); } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { onUnhandledInboundException(cause); } @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { onUnhandledInboundMessage(msg); } @Override public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { onUnhandledInboundChannelReadComplete(); } } final class HeadContext extends AbstractChannelHandlerContext implements ChannelOutboundHandler, ChannelInboundHandler { private final Unsafe unsafe; HeadContext(DefaultChannelPipeline pipeline) { super(pipeline, null, HEAD_NAME, false, true); unsafe = pipeline.channel().unsafe(); setAddComplete(); } @Override public ChannelHandler handler() { return this; } @Override public void handlerAdded(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { // NOOP } @Override public void handlerRemoved(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { // NOOP } @Override public void bind( ChannelHandlerContext ctx, SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception { unsafe.bind(localAddress, promise); } @Override public void connect( ChannelHandlerContext ctx, SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception { unsafe.connect(remoteAddress, localAddress, promise); } @Override public void disconnect(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception { unsafe.disconnect(promise); } @Override public void close(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception { unsafe.close(promise); } @Override public void deregister(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception { unsafe.deregister(promise); } @Override public void read(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { unsafe.beginRead(); } @Override public void write(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception { unsafe.write(msg, promise); } @Override public void flush(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { unsafe.flush(); } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(cause); } @Override public void channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { invokeHandlerAddedIfNeeded(); ctx.fireChannelRegistered(); } @Override public void channelUnregistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { ctx.fireChannelUnregistered(); // Remove all handlers sequentially if channel is closed and unregistered. if (!channel.isOpen()) { destroy(); } } @Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { ctx.fireChannelActive(); readIfIsAutoRead(); } @Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { ctx.fireChannelInactive(); } @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { ctx.fireChannelRead(msg); } @Override public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { ctx.fireChannelReadComplete(); readIfIsAutoRead(); } private void readIfIsAutoRead() { if (channel.config().isAutoRead()) { channel.read(); } } @Override public void userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object evt) throws Exception { ctx.fireUserEventTriggered(evt); } @Override public void channelWritabilityChanged(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { ctx.fireChannelWritabilityChanged(); } } private abstract static class PendingHandlerCallback implements Runnable { final AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx; PendingHandlerCallback next; PendingHandlerCallback(AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; } abstract void execute(); } private final class PendingHandlerAddedTask extends PendingHandlerCallback { PendingHandlerAddedTask(AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx) { super(ctx); } @Override public void run() { callHandlerAdded0(ctx); } @Override void execute() { EventExecutor executor = ctx.executor(); if (executor.inEventLoop()) { callHandlerAdded0(ctx); } else { try { executor.execute(this); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn( "Can't invoke handlerAdded() as the EventExecutor {} rejected it, removing handler {}.", executor, ctx.name(), e); } remove0(ctx); ctx.setRemoved(); } } } } private final class PendingHandlerRemovedTask extends PendingHandlerCallback { PendingHandlerRemovedTask(AbstractChannelHandlerContext ctx) { super(ctx); } @Override public void run() { callHandlerRemoved0(ctx); } @Override void execute() { EventExecutor executor = ctx.executor(); if (executor.inEventLoop()) { callHandlerRemoved0(ctx); } else { try { executor.execute(this); } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn( "Can't invoke handlerRemoved() as the EventExecutor {} rejected it," + " removing handler {}.", executor, ctx.name(), e); } // remove0(...) was call before so just call AbstractChannelHandlerContext.setRemoved(). ctx.setRemoved(); } } } } }