 * Copyright 2017-2020 original authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package io.micronaut.validation.routes.rules;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import io.micronaut.core.bind.annotation.Bindable;
import io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.RequestBean;
import io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchTemplate;
import io.micronaut.http.uri.UriMatchVariable;
import io.micronaut.inject.ast.ClassElement;
import io.micronaut.inject.ast.MethodElement;
import io.micronaut.inject.ast.ParameterElement;
import io.micronaut.inject.ast.TypedElement;
import io.micronaut.validation.routes.RouteValidationResult;

Validates route parameters are nullable or optional for optional template variables.
Author:James Kleeh, graemerocher
/** * Validates route parameters are nullable or optional for optional * template variables. * * @author James Kleeh * @author graemerocher * @since 1.0 */
public class NullableParameterRule implements RouteValidationRule { @Override public RouteValidationResult validate(List<UriMatchTemplate> templates, ParameterElement[] parameters, MethodElement method) { List<String> errorMessages = new ArrayList<>(); boolean isClient = method.hasAnnotation("io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client"); //Optional variables can be required in clients if (!isClient) { Map<String, UriMatchVariable> variables = new HashMap<>(); Set<UriMatchVariable> required = new HashSet<>(); for (UriMatchTemplate template: templates) { for (UriMatchVariable variable: template.getVariables()) { if (!variable.isOptional() || variable.isExploded()) { required.add(variable); } variables.compute(variable.getName(), (key, var) -> { if (var == null) { if (variable.isOptional() && !variable.isExploded()) { return variable; } else { return null; } } else { if (!var.isOptional() || var.isExploded()) { if (variable.isOptional() && !variable.isExploded()) { return variable; } else { return var; } } else { return var; } } }); } } for (UriMatchVariable variable: required) { if (templates.stream().anyMatch(t -> !t.getVariableNames().contains(variable.getName()))) { variables.putIfAbsent(variable.getName(), variable); } } for (UriMatchVariable variable : variables.values()) { Arrays.stream(parameters) .flatMap(p -> getTypedElements(p).stream()) .filter(p -> p.getName().equals(variable.getName())) .forEach(p -> { ClassElement type = p.getType(); boolean hasDefaultValue = p.findAnnotation(Bindable.class).flatMap(av -> av.stringValue("defaultValue")).isPresent(); if (!isNullable(p) && type != null && !type.isAssignable(Optional.class) && !hasDefaultValue) { errorMessages.add(String.format("The uri variable [%s] is optional, but the corresponding method argument [%s %s] is not defined as an Optional or annotated with the javax.annotation.Nullable annotation.", variable.getName(), p.getType().toString(), p.getName())); } }); } } return new RouteValidationResult(errorMessages.toArray(new String[0])); } private boolean isNullable(TypedElement p) { // Handles javax.annotation.Nullable or org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable or Spring's version return p.getAnnotationNames().stream().anyMatch(n -> NameUtils.getSimpleName(n).equals("Nullable")); } private List<TypedElement> getTypedElements(ParameterElement parameterElement) { if (parameterElement.hasAnnotation(RequestBean.class)) { return parameterElement.getType().getBeanProperties().stream() .filter(p -> p.hasStereotype(Bindable.class)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } else { return Collections.singletonList(parameterElement); } } }