 * Copyright 2017-2020 original authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package io.micronaut.http.uri;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

Extends UriTemplate and adds the ability to match a URI to a given template using the UriMatcher.match(URI) method.
Author:Graeme Rocher
/** * Extends {@link UriTemplate} and adds the ability to match a URI to a given template using the * {@link #match(java.net.URI)} method. * * @author Graeme Rocher * @since 1.0 */
public class UriMatchTemplate extends UriTemplate implements UriMatcher { protected static final String VARIABLE_MATCH_PATTERN = "([^\\/\\?#&;\\+]"; protected StringBuilder pattern; protected List<UriMatchVariable> variables; private final Pattern matchPattern; private final boolean isRoot;
Construct a new URI template for the given template.
  • templateString – The template string
/** * Construct a new URI template for the given template. * * @param templateString The template string */
public UriMatchTemplate(CharSequence templateString) { this(templateString, new Object[0]); }
Construct a new URI template for the given template.
  • templateString – The template string
  • parserArguments – The parsed arguments
/** * Construct a new URI template for the given template. * * @param templateString The template string * @param parserArguments The parsed arguments */
protected UriMatchTemplate(CharSequence templateString, Object... parserArguments) { super(templateString, parserArguments); this.matchPattern = Pattern.compile(pattern.toString()); this.isRoot = isRoot(); // cleanup / reduce memory consumption this.pattern = null; }
  • templateString – The template
  • segments – The list of segments
  • matchPattern – The match pattern
  • variables – The variables
/** * @param templateString The template * @param segments The list of segments * @param matchPattern The match pattern * @param variables The variables */
protected UriMatchTemplate(CharSequence templateString, List<PathSegment> segments, Pattern matchPattern, List<UriMatchVariable> variables) { super(templateString.toString(), segments); this.matchPattern = matchPattern; this.variables = variables; this.isRoot = isRoot(); }
  • uriTemplate – The template
  • newSegments – The list of new segments
  • newPattern – The list of new patters
  • variables – The variables
Returns:An instance of UriMatchTemplate
/** * @param uriTemplate The template * @param newSegments The list of new segments * @param newPattern The list of new patters * @param variables The variables * @return An instance of {@link UriMatchTemplate} */
protected UriMatchTemplate newUriMatchTemplate(CharSequence uriTemplate, List<PathSegment> newSegments, Pattern newPattern, List<UriMatchVariable> variables) { return new UriMatchTemplate(uriTemplate, newSegments, newPattern, variables); }
Returns:The variables this template expects
/** * @return The variables this template expects */
public List<String> getVariableNames() { return variables.stream().map(UriMatchVariable::getName).collect(Collectors.toList()); }
Returns:The variables this template expects
/** * @return The variables this template expects */
public List<UriMatchVariable> getVariables() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(variables); }
Returns the path string excluding any query variables.
Returns:The path string
/** * Returns the path string excluding any query variables. * * @return The path string */
public String toPathString() { return toString(pathSegment -> { final Optional<String> var = pathSegment.getVariable(); if (var.isPresent()) { final Optional<UriMatchVariable> umv = variables.stream() .filter(v -> v.getName().equals(var.get())).findFirst(); if (umv.isPresent()) { final UriMatchVariable uriMatchVariable = umv.get(); if (uriMatchVariable.isQuery()) { return false; } } } return true; }); }
Match the given URI string.
  • uri – The uRI
Returns:True if it matches
/** * Match the given URI string. * * @param uri The uRI * @return True if it matches */
@Override public Optional<UriMatchInfo> match(String uri) { if (uri == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'uri' cannot be null"); } int length = uri.length(); if (length > 1 && uri.charAt(length - 1) == '/') { uri = uri.substring(0, length - 1); } if (isRoot && (length == 0 || (length == 1 && uri.charAt(0) == '/'))) { return Optional.of(new DefaultUriMatchInfo(uri, Collections.emptyMap(), variables)); } //Remove any url parameters before matching int parameterIndex = uri.indexOf('?'); if (parameterIndex > -1) { uri = uri.substring(0, parameterIndex); } if (uri.endsWith("/")) { uri = uri.substring(0, uri.length() - 1); } Matcher matcher = matchPattern.matcher(uri); if (matcher.matches()) { if (variables.isEmpty()) { return Optional.of(new DefaultUriMatchInfo(uri, Collections.emptyMap(), variables)); } else { int count = matcher.groupCount(); Map<String, Object> variableMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(count); for (int j = 0; j < variables.size(); j++) { int index = (j * 2) + 2; if (index > count) { break; } UriMatchVariable variable = variables.get(j); String value = matcher.group(index); variableMap.put(variable.getName(), value); } return Optional.of(new DefaultUriMatchInfo(uri, variableMap, variables)); } } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public UriMatchTemplate nest(CharSequence uriTemplate) { return (UriMatchTemplate) super.nest(uriTemplate); }
Create a new UriTemplate for the given URI.
  • uri – The URI
Returns:The template
/** * Create a new {@link UriTemplate} for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @return The template */
public static UriMatchTemplate of(String uri) { return new UriMatchTemplate(uri); } @Override protected UriTemplate newUriTemplate(CharSequence uriTemplate, List<PathSegment> newSegments) { Pattern newPattern = Pattern.compile(this.matchPattern.toString() + pattern.toString()); pattern = null; return newUriMatchTemplate(normalizeNested(toString(), uriTemplate), newSegments, newPattern, new ArrayList<>(variables)); } @Override protected UriTemplateParser createParser(String templateString, Object... parserArguments) { this.pattern = new StringBuilder(); if (this.variables == null) { this.variables = new ArrayList<>(); } return new UriMatchTemplateParser(templateString, this); } private boolean isRoot() { CharSequence rawSegment = null; for (PathSegment segment : segments) { if (segment.isVariable()) { if (!segment.isQuerySegment()) { return false; } } else { if (rawSegment == null) { rawSegment = segment; } else { return false; } } } if (rawSegment == null) { return true; } else { int len = rawSegment.length(); return len == 0 || (len == 1 && rawSegment.charAt(0) == '/'); } }
The default UriMatchInfo implementation.
/** * The default {@link UriMatchInfo} implementation. */
protected static class DefaultUriMatchInfo implements UriMatchInfo { private final String uri; private final Map<String, Object> variableValues; private final List<UriMatchVariable> variables; private final Map<String, UriMatchVariable> variableMap;
  • uri – The URI
  • variableValues – The map of variable names with values
  • variables – The variables
/** * @param uri The URI * @param variableValues The map of variable names with values * @param variables The variables */
protected DefaultUriMatchInfo(String uri, Map<String, Object> variableValues, List<UriMatchVariable> variables) { this.uri = uri; this.variableValues = variableValues; this.variables = variables; LinkedHashMap<String, UriMatchVariable> vm = new LinkedHashMap<>(variables.size()); for (UriMatchVariable variable : variables) { vm.put(variable.getName(), variable); } this.variableMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(vm); } @Override public String getUri() { return uri; } @Override public Map<String, Object> getVariableValues() { return variableValues; } @Override public List<UriMatchVariable> getVariables() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(variables); } @Override public Map<String, UriMatchVariable> getVariableMap() { return variableMap; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } DefaultUriMatchInfo that = (DefaultUriMatchInfo) o; return uri.equals(that.uri) && variables.equals(that.variables); } @Override public String toString() { return getUri(); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = uri.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + variables.hashCode(); return result; } }

Extended version of UriTemplateParser that builds a regular expression to match a path. Note that fragments (#) and queries (?) are ignored for the purposes of matching.

/** * <p>Extended version of {@link UriTemplate.UriTemplateParser} that builds a regular expression to match a path. * Note that fragments (#) and queries (?) are ignored for the purposes of matching.</p> */
protected static class UriMatchTemplateParser extends UriTemplateParser { final UriMatchTemplate matchTemplate;
  • templateText – The template
  • matchTemplate – The Uri match template
/** * @param templateText The template * @param matchTemplate The Uri match template */
protected UriMatchTemplateParser(String templateText, UriMatchTemplate matchTemplate) { super(templateText); this.matchTemplate = matchTemplate; }
Returns:The URI match template
/** * @return The URI match template */
public UriMatchTemplate getMatchTemplate() { return matchTemplate; } @Override protected void addRawContentSegment(List<PathSegment> segments, String value, boolean isQuerySegment) { matchTemplate.pattern.append(Pattern.quote(value)); super.addRawContentSegment(segments, value, isQuerySegment); } @Override protected void addVariableSegment(List<PathSegment> segments, String variable, String prefix, String delimiter, boolean encode, boolean repeatPrefix, String modifierStr, char modifierChar, char operator, String previousDelimiter, boolean isQuerySegment) { matchTemplate.variables.add(new UriMatchVariable(variable, modifierChar, operator)); StringBuilder pattern = matchTemplate.pattern; int modLen = modifierStr.length(); boolean hasModifier = modifierChar == ':' && modLen > 0; String operatorPrefix = ""; String operatorQuantifier = ""; String variableQuantifier = "+?)"; String variablePattern = getVariablePattern(variable, operator); if (hasModifier) { char firstChar = modifierStr.charAt(0); if (firstChar == '?') { operatorQuantifier = ""; } else if (modifierStr.chars().allMatch(Character::isDigit)) { variableQuantifier = "{1," + modifierStr + "})"; } else { char lastChar = modifierStr.charAt(modLen - 1); if (lastChar == '*' || (modLen > 1 && lastChar == '?' && (modifierStr.charAt(modLen - 2) == '*' || modifierStr.charAt(modLen - 2) == '+'))) { operatorQuantifier = "?"; } if (operator == '/' || operator == '.') { variablePattern = "(" + ((firstChar == '^') ? modifierStr.substring(1) : modifierStr) + ")"; } else { operatorPrefix = "("; variablePattern = ((firstChar == '^') ? modifierStr.substring(1) : modifierStr) + ")"; } variableQuantifier = ""; } } boolean operatorAppended = false; switch (operator) { case '.': case '/': pattern.append("(") .append(operatorPrefix) .append("\\") .append(String.valueOf(operator)) .append(operatorQuantifier); operatorAppended = true; case '+': case '0': // no active operator if (!operatorAppended) { pattern.append("(").append(operatorPrefix); } pattern.append(variablePattern) .append(variableQuantifier) .append(")"); break; default: // no-op } if (operator == '/' || modifierStr.equals("?")) { pattern.append("?"); } super.addVariableSegment(segments, variable, prefix, delimiter, encode, repeatPrefix, modifierStr, modifierChar, operator, previousDelimiter, isQuerySegment); }
  • variable – The variable
  • operator – The operator
Returns:The variable match pattern
/** * @param variable The variable * @param operator The operator * @return The variable match pattern */
protected String getVariablePattern(String variable, char operator) { if (operator == '+') { // Allow reserved characters. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570#section-3.2.3 return "([\\S]"; } else { return VARIABLE_MATCH_PATTERN; } } } }