 * Copyright 2017-2020 original authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package io.micronaut.http.netty.websocket;

import io.micronaut.buffer.netty.NettyByteBufferFactory;
import io.micronaut.core.annotation.Internal;
import io.micronaut.core.async.publisher.Publishers;
import io.micronaut.core.bind.ArgumentBinderRegistry;
import io.micronaut.core.bind.BoundExecutable;
import io.micronaut.core.bind.DefaultExecutableBinder;
import io.micronaut.core.bind.ExecutableBinder;
import io.micronaut.core.bind.exceptions.UnsatisfiedArgumentException;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.ConversionService;
import io.micronaut.core.type.Argument;
import io.micronaut.http.HttpRequest;
import io.micronaut.http.MediaType;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Consumes;
import io.micronaut.http.bind.RequestBinderRegistry;
import io.micronaut.http.codec.CodecException;
import io.micronaut.http.codec.MediaTypeCodecRegistry;
import io.micronaut.inject.ExecutableMethod;
import io.micronaut.inject.MethodExecutionHandle;
import io.micronaut.websocket.CloseReason;
import io.micronaut.websocket.bind.WebSocketState;
import io.micronaut.websocket.bind.WebSocketStateBinderRegistry;
import io.micronaut.websocket.context.WebSocketBean;
import io.netty.channel.Channel;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandlerContext;
import io.netty.channel.SimpleChannelInboundHandler;

import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.BinaryWebSocketFrame;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.CloseWebSocketFrame;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.PingWebSocketFrame;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.PongWebSocketFrame;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.TextWebSocketFrame;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketFrame;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketVersion;
import io.reactivex.Flowable;
import io.reactivex.functions.BiConsumer;
import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

Abstract implementation that handles WebSocket frames.
/** * Abstract implementation that handles WebSocket frames. * * @author graemerocher * @since 1.0 */
@Internal public abstract class AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object> {
The id of the handler used when adding it to the Netty pipeline.
/** * The id of the handler used when adding it to the Netty pipeline. */
public static final String ID = "websocket-handler"; protected final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); protected final ArgumentBinderRegistry<WebSocketState> webSocketBinder; protected final Map<String, Object> uriVariables; protected final WebSocketBean<?> webSocketBean; protected final HttpRequest<?> originatingRequest; protected final MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?> messageHandler; protected final NettyRxWebSocketSession session; protected final MediaTypeCodecRegistry mediaTypeCodecRegistry; protected final WebSocketVersion webSocketVersion; protected final WebSocketSessionRepository webSocketSessionRepository; private final Argument<?> bodyArgument; private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Default constructor.
  • ctx – The channel handler context
  • binderRegistry – The request binder registry
  • mediaTypeCodecRegistry – The codec registry
  • webSocketBean – The websocket bean
  • request – The originating request
  • uriVariables – The URI variables
  • version – The websocket version being used
  • webSocketSessionRepository – The web socket repository if they are supported (like on the server), null otherwise
/** * Default constructor. * * @param ctx The channel handler context * @param binderRegistry The request binder registry * @param mediaTypeCodecRegistry The codec registry * @param webSocketBean The websocket bean * @param request The originating request * @param uriVariables The URI variables * @param version The websocket version being used * @param webSocketSessionRepository The web socket repository if they are supported (like on the server), null otherwise */
protected AbstractNettyWebSocketHandler( ChannelHandlerContext ctx, RequestBinderRegistry binderRegistry, MediaTypeCodecRegistry mediaTypeCodecRegistry, WebSocketBean<?> webSocketBean, HttpRequest<?> request, Map<String, Object> uriVariables, WebSocketVersion version, WebSocketSessionRepository webSocketSessionRepository) { this.webSocketSessionRepository = webSocketSessionRepository; this.webSocketBinder = new WebSocketStateBinderRegistry(binderRegistry); this.uriVariables = uriVariables; this.webSocketBean = webSocketBean; this.originatingRequest = request; this.messageHandler = webSocketBean.messageMethod().orElse(null); this.mediaTypeCodecRegistry = mediaTypeCodecRegistry; this.webSocketVersion = version; this.session = createWebSocketSession(ctx); if (session != null) { ExecutableBinder<WebSocketState> binder = new DefaultExecutableBinder<>(); if (messageHandler != null) { BoundExecutable<?, ?> bound = binder.tryBind(messageHandler.getExecutableMethod(), webSocketBinder, new WebSocketState(session, originatingRequest)); List<Argument<?>> unboundArguments = bound.getUnboundArguments(); if (unboundArguments.size() == 1) { this.bodyArgument = unboundArguments.iterator().next(); } else { this.bodyArgument = null; if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("WebSocket @OnMessage method " + webSocketBean.getTarget() + "." + messageHandler.getExecutableMethod() + " should define exactly 1 message parameter, but found 2 possible candidates: " + unboundArguments); } if (session.isOpen()) { session.close(CloseReason.INTERNAL_ERROR); } } } else { this.bodyArgument = null; } Optional<? extends MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?>> executionHandle = webSocketBean.openMethod(); if (executionHandle.isPresent()) { MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?> openMethod = executionHandle.get(); BoundExecutable boundExecutable = null; try { boundExecutable = bindMethod(request, webSocketBinder, openMethod, Collections.emptyList()); } catch (Throwable e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error Binding method @OnOpen for WebSocket [" + webSocketBean + "]: " + e.getMessage(), e); } if (session.isOpen()) { session.close(CloseReason.INTERNAL_ERROR); } } if (boundExecutable != null) { try { BoundExecutable finalBoundExecutable = boundExecutable; Object result = invokeExecutable(finalBoundExecutable, openMethod); if (Publishers.isConvertibleToPublisher(result)) { Flowable<?> flowable = instrumentPublisher(ctx, result); flowable.subscribe( o -> { }, error -> { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error Opening WebSocket [" + webSocketBean + "]: " + error.getMessage(), error); } if (session.isOpen()) { session.close(CloseReason.INTERNAL_ERROR); } }, () -> { } ); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error Opening WebSocket [" + webSocketBean + "]: " + e.getMessage(), e); } if (session.isOpen()) { session.close(CloseReason.INTERNAL_ERROR); } } } } } else { this.bodyArgument = null; } }
Returns:The body argument for the message handler
/** * @return The body argument for the message handler */
public Argument<?> getBodyArgument() { return bodyArgument; }
Returns:The session
/** * @return The session */
public NettyRxWebSocketSession getSession() { return session; } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) { Optional<? extends MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?>> opt = webSocketBean.errorMethod(); if (opt.isPresent()) { MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?> errorMethod = opt.get(); try { BoundExecutable boundExecutable = bindMethod( originatingRequest, webSocketBinder, errorMethod, Collections.singletonList(cause) ); Object target = errorMethod.getTarget(); Object result; try { result = boundExecutable.invoke(target); } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error invoking to @OnError handler " + target.getClass().getSimpleName() + "." + errorMethod.getExecutableMethod() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } handleUnexpected(ctx, e); return; } if (Publishers.isConvertibleToPublisher(result)) { Flowable<?> flowable = instrumentPublisher(ctx, result); flowable.toList().subscribe((BiConsumer<List<?>, Throwable>) (objects, throwable) -> { if (throwable != null && LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error subscribing to @OnError handler " + target.getClass().getSimpleName() + "." + errorMethod.getExecutableMethod() + ": " + throwable.getMessage(), throwable); } handleUnexpected(ctx, throwable); }); } } catch (UnsatisfiedArgumentException e) { handleUnexpected(ctx, cause); } } else { handleUnexpected(ctx, cause); } } @Override public void handlerRemoved(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { handleCloseReason(ctx, CloseReason.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE); }
Subclasses should implement to create the actual NettyRxWebSocketSession.
  • ctx – The context
Returns:The session
/** * Subclasses should implement to create the actual {@link NettyRxWebSocketSession}. * * @param ctx The context * @return The session */
protected abstract NettyRxWebSocketSession createWebSocketSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx);
Subclasses can override to customize publishers returned from message handlers.
  • ctx – The context
  • result – The result
Returns:The flowable
/** * Subclasses can override to customize publishers returned from message handlers. * * @param ctx The context * @param result The result * @return The flowable */
protected Flowable<?> instrumentPublisher(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object result) { Flowable<?> actual = Publishers.convertPublisher(result, Flowable.class); return actual.subscribeOn(Schedulers.from(ctx.channel().eventLoop())); }
Invokes the given executable.
  • boundExecutable – The bound executable
  • messageHandler – The message handler
Returns:The result
/** * Invokes the given executable. * * @param boundExecutable The bound executable * @param messageHandler The message handler * @return The result */
protected Object invokeExecutable(BoundExecutable boundExecutable, MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?> messageHandler) { return boundExecutable.invoke(messageHandler.getTarget()); } @Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) { if (msg instanceof WebSocketFrame) { handleWebSocketFrame(ctx, (WebSocketFrame) msg); } else { ctx.fireChannelRead(msg); } }
Handles WebSocket frame request.
  • ctx – The context
  • msg – The frame
/** * Handles WebSocket frame request. * * @param ctx The context * @param msg The frame */
protected void handleWebSocketFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, WebSocketFrame msg) { if (msg instanceof TextWebSocketFrame || msg instanceof BinaryWebSocketFrame) { if (messageHandler == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("WebSocket bean [" + webSocketBean.getTarget() + "] received message, but defined no @OnMessage handler. Dropping frame..."); } writeCloseFrameAndTerminate( ctx, CloseReason.UNSUPPORTED_DATA ); } else { Argument<?> bodyArgument = this.getBodyArgument(); Optional<?> converted = ConversionService.SHARED.convert(msg.content(), bodyArgument); if (!converted.isPresent()) { MediaType mediaType; try { mediaType = messageHandler.stringValue(Consumes.class).map(MediaType::new).orElse(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exceptionCaught(ctx, e); return; } try { converted = mediaTypeCodecRegistry.findCodec(mediaType).map(codec -> codec.decode(bodyArgument, new NettyByteBufferFactory(ctx.alloc()).wrap(msg.content()))); } catch (CodecException e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error Processing WebSocket Message [" + webSocketBean + "]: " + e.getMessage(), e); } exceptionCaught(ctx, e); return; } } if (converted.isPresent()) { Object v = converted.get(); NettyRxWebSocketSession currentSession = getSession(); ExecutableBinder<WebSocketState> executableBinder = new DefaultExecutableBinder<>( Collections.singletonMap(bodyArgument, v) ); try { BoundExecutable boundExecutable = executableBinder.bind( messageHandler.getExecutableMethod(), webSocketBinder, new WebSocketState(currentSession, originatingRequest) ); Object result = invokeExecutable(boundExecutable, messageHandler); if (Publishers.isConvertibleToPublisher(result)) { Flowable<?> flowable = instrumentPublisher(ctx, result); flowable.subscribe( o -> { }, error -> { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error Processing WebSocket Message [" + webSocketBean + "]: " + error.getMessage(), error); } exceptionCaught(ctx, error); }, () -> messageHandled(ctx, session, v) ); } else { messageHandled(ctx, session, v); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error Processing WebSocket Message [" + webSocketBean + "]: " + e.getMessage(), e); } exceptionCaught(ctx, e); } } else { writeCloseFrameAndTerminate( ctx, CloseReason.UNSUPPORTED_DATA.getCode(), CloseReason.UNSUPPORTED_DATA.getReason() + ": " + "Received data cannot be converted to target type: " + bodyArgument ); } } } else if (msg instanceof PingWebSocketFrame) { // respond with pong PingWebSocketFrame frame = (PingWebSocketFrame) msg.retain(); ctx.writeAndFlush(new PongWebSocketFrame(frame.content())); } else if (msg instanceof PongWebSocketFrame) { return; } else if (msg instanceof CloseWebSocketFrame) { CloseWebSocketFrame cwsf = (CloseWebSocketFrame) msg; handleCloseFrame(ctx, cwsf); } else { writeCloseFrameAndTerminate( ctx, CloseReason.UNSUPPORTED_DATA ); } }
Method called once a message has been handled by the handler.
  • ctx – The channel handler context
  • session – The session
  • message – The message that was handled
/** * Method called once a message has been handled by the handler. * * @param ctx The channel handler context * @param session The session * @param message The message that was handled */
protected void messageHandled(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, NettyRxWebSocketSession session, Object message) { // no-op }
Writes the give close reason and terminates the session.
  • ctx – The context
  • closeReason – The reason
/** * Writes the give close reason and terminates the session. * @param ctx The context * @param closeReason The reason */
protected void writeCloseFrameAndTerminate(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, CloseReason closeReason) { final int code = closeReason.getCode(); final String reason = closeReason.getReason(); writeCloseFrameAndTerminate(ctx, code, reason); }
Used to close thee session with a given reason.
  • ctx – The context
  • cr – The reason
/** * Used to close thee session with a given reason. * @param ctx The context * @param cr The reason */
private void handleCloseReason(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, CloseReason cr) { if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Closing WebSocket session {} with reason {}", getSession(), cr); } Optional<? extends MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?>> opt = webSocketBean.closeMethod(); if (opt.isPresent()) { MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?> methodExecutionHandle = opt.get(); Object target = methodExecutionHandle.getTarget(); try { BoundExecutable boundExecutable = bindMethod( originatingRequest, webSocketBinder, methodExecutionHandle, Collections.singletonList(cr) ); invokeAndClose(ctx, target, boundExecutable, methodExecutionHandle, true); } catch (Throwable e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error invoking @OnClose handler for WebSocket bean [" + target + "]: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } else { writeCloseFrameAndTerminate(ctx, cr); } } } private void handleCloseFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, CloseWebSocketFrame cwsf) { CloseReason cr = new CloseReason(cwsf.statusCode(), cwsf.reasonText()); handleCloseReason(ctx, cr); } private void invokeAndClose(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object target, BoundExecutable boundExecutable, MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?> methodExecutionHandle, boolean isClose) { Object result; try { result = invokeExecutable(boundExecutable, methodExecutionHandle); } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error invoking @OnClose handler " + target.getClass().getSimpleName() + "." + methodExecutionHandle.getExecutableMethod() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } ctx.close(); return; } if (Publishers.isConvertibleToPublisher(result)) { Flowable<?> flowable = instrumentPublisher(ctx, result); flowable.toList().subscribe((BiConsumer<List<?>, Throwable>) (objects, throwable) -> { if (throwable != null && LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error subscribing to @" + (isClose ? "OnClose" : "OnError") + " handler for WebSocket bean [" + target + "]: " + throwable.getMessage(), throwable); } ctx.close(); }); } else { ctx.close(); } } private BoundExecutable bindMethod(HttpRequest<?> request, ArgumentBinderRegistry<WebSocketState> binderRegistry, MethodExecutionHandle<?, ?> openMethod, List<?> parameters) { ExecutableMethod<?, ?> executable = openMethod.getExecutableMethod(); Map<Argument<?>, Object> preBound = prepareBoundVariables(executable, parameters); ExecutableBinder<WebSocketState> executableBinder = new DefaultExecutableBinder<>( preBound ); return executableBinder.bind(executable, binderRegistry, new WebSocketState(getSession(), request)); } private Map<Argument<?>, Object> prepareBoundVariables(ExecutableMethod<?, ?> executable, List<?> parameters) { Map<Argument<?>, Object> preBound = new HashMap<>(executable.getArguments().length); for (Argument argument : executable.getArguments()) { Class type = argument.getType(); for (Object object : parameters) { if (type.isInstance(object)) { preBound.put(argument, object); break; } } } return preBound; } private void handleUnexpected(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) { if (cause instanceof IOException) { String msg = cause.getMessage(); if (msg != null && msg.contains("Connection reset")) { // ignore client connection drops return; } } if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Unexpected Exception in WebSocket [" + webSocketBean.getTarget() + "]: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } Channel channel = ctx.channel(); if (channel.isOpen()) { final CloseReason internalError = CloseReason.INTERNAL_ERROR; writeCloseFrameAndTerminate(ctx, internalError); } } private void writeCloseFrameAndTerminate(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int code, String reason) { final CloseWebSocketFrame closeFrame = new CloseWebSocketFrame(code, reason); ctx.channel().writeAndFlush(closeFrame) .addListener(future -> handleCloseFrame(ctx, new CloseWebSocketFrame(code, reason))); } }