 * Copyright 2017-2020 original authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package io.micronaut.http;

import io.micronaut.http.cookie.Cookies;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.URI;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;
import java.util.*;

Common interface for HTTP request implementations.

Author:Graeme Rocher
Type parameters:
  • <B> – The Http message body
/** * <p>Common interface for HTTP request implementations.</p> * * @param <B> The Http message body * @author Graeme Rocher * @since 1.0 */
@SuppressWarnings("MethodName") public interface HttpRequest<B> extends HttpMessage<B> {
Constant for HTTP scheme.
/** * Constant for HTTP scheme. */
String SCHEME_HTTP = "http";
Constant for HTTPS scheme.
/** * Constant for HTTPS scheme. */
String SCHEME_HTTPS = "https";
Returns:The Cookies instance
/** * @return The {@link Cookies} instance */
@NonNull Cookies getCookies();
Returns:The HTTP parameters contained with the URI query string
/** * @return The HTTP parameters contained with the URI query string */
@NonNull HttpParameters getParameters();
Returns:The request method
/** * @return The request method */
@NonNull HttpMethod getMethod();
Returns:The full request URI
/** * @return The full request URI */
@NonNull URI getUri();
Returns a new request object that allows mutation.
Returns:The mutable request
/** * Returns a new request object that allows mutation. * @return The mutable request * @since 2.0.0 */
default MutableHttpRequest<B> mutate() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Request is immutable"); }
Returns:The http version of the request.
/** * @return The http version of the request. */
default HttpVersion getHttpVersion() { return HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1; }
A list of accepted MediaType instances sorted by their quality rating.
Returns:A list of zero or many MediaType instances
/** * A list of accepted {@link MediaType} instances sorted by their quality rating. * * @return A list of zero or many {@link MediaType} instances */
default Collection<MediaType> accept() { final HttpHeaders headers = getHeaders(); if (headers.contains(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT)) { return MediaType.orderedOf( headers.getAll(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT) ); } return Collections.emptySet(); }
Returns:The name of the method (same as HttpMethod value for standard http methods).
/** * * @return The name of the method (same as {@link HttpMethod} value for standard http methods). */
default @NonNull String getMethodName() { return getMethod().name(); }
The user principal stored within the request.
Returns:The principal
/** * The user principal stored within the request. * * @return The principal * @since 1.0.4 */
default @NonNull Optional<Principal> getUserPrincipal() { return getAttribute(HttpAttributes.PRINCIPAL, Principal.class); }
The user principal stored within the request.
  • principalType – The principal type
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The principal type
Returns:The principal
/** * The user principal stored within the request. * * @param principalType The principal type * @return The principal * @param <T> The principal type * @since 1.0.4 */
default @NonNull <T extends Principal> Optional<T> getUserPrincipal(Class<T> principalType) { return getAttribute(HttpAttributes.PRINCIPAL, principalType); }
Returns:Get the raw, percent-encoded path without any parameters
/** * @return Get the raw, percent-encoded path without any parameters */
default @NonNull String getPath() { return getUri().getRawPath(); }
Returns:Obtain the remote address
/** * @return Obtain the remote address */
default @NonNull InetSocketAddress getRemoteAddress() { return getServerAddress(); }
Returns:Obtain the server address
/** * @return Obtain the server address */
default @NonNull InetSocketAddress getServerAddress() { String host = getUri().getHost(); int port = getUri().getPort(); return new InetSocketAddress(host != null ? host : "localhost", port > -1 ? port : 80); }
Returns:The server host name
/** * @return The server host name */
default @Nullable String getServerName() { return getUri().getHost(); }
Returns:Is the request an HTTPS request
/** * @return Is the request an HTTPS request */
default boolean isSecure() { String scheme = getUri().getScheme(); return scheme != null && scheme.equals("https"); } @Override default HttpRequest<B> setAttribute(CharSequence name, Object value) { return (HttpRequest<B>) HttpMessage.super.setAttribute(name, value); } @Override default Optional<Locale> getLocale() { return getHeaders().findFirst(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) .map(text -> { int len = text.length(); if (len == 0 || (len == 1 && text.charAt(0) == '*')) { return Locale.getDefault().toLanguageTag(); } if (text.indexOf(';') > -1) { text = text.split(";")[0]; } if (text.indexOf(',') > -1) { text = text.split(",")[0]; } return text; }) .map(Locale::forLanguageTag); }
Retrieves the Certificate used for mutual authentication.
Returns:A certificate used for authentication, if applicable.
/** * Retrieves the Certificate used for mutual authentication. * * @return A certificate used for authentication, if applicable. */
default Optional<Certificate> getCertificate() { return this.getAttribute(HttpAttributes.X509_CERTIFICATE, Certificate.class); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest for a HttpMethod.GET request for the given URI.
  • uri – The URI
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The Http request type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} for a {@link HttpMethod#GET} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param <T> The Http request type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> GET(URI uri) { return GET(uri.toString()); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest for a HttpMethod.GET request for the given URI.
  • uri – The URI
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The Http request type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} for a {@link HttpMethod#GET} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param <T> The Http request type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> GET(String uri) { return HttpRequestFactory.INSTANCE.get(uri); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest for a HttpMethod.OPTIONS request for the given URI.
  • uri – The URI
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The Http request type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} for a {@link HttpMethod#OPTIONS} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param <T> The Http request type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> OPTIONS(URI uri) { return OPTIONS(uri.toString()); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest for a HttpMethod.OPTIONS request for the given URI.
  • uri – The URI
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The Http request type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} for a {@link HttpMethod#OPTIONS} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param <T> The Http request type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> OPTIONS(String uri) { return HttpRequestFactory.INSTANCE.options(uri); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest for a HttpMethod.HEAD request for the given URI.
  • uri – The URI
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} for a {@link HttpMethod#HEAD} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static MutableHttpRequest<?> HEAD(URI uri) { return HEAD(uri.toString()); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest for a HttpMethod.HEAD request for the given URI.
  • uri – The URI
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} for a {@link HttpMethod#HEAD} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static MutableHttpRequest<?> HEAD(String uri) { return HttpRequestFactory.INSTANCE.head(uri); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest that executes an HttpMethod.POST request for the given URI.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The body type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} that executes an {@link HttpMethod#POST} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param body The body of the request (content type defaults to {@link MediaType#APPLICATION_JSON} * @param <T> The body type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> POST(URI uri, T body) { return POST(uri.toString(), body); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest that executes an HttpMethod.POST request for the given URI.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The body type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} that executes an {@link HttpMethod#POST} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param body The body of the request (content type defaults to {@link MediaType#APPLICATION_JSON} * @param <T> The body type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> POST(String uri, T body) { Objects.requireNonNull(uri, "Argument [uri] is required"); Objects.requireNonNull(body, "Argument [body] cannot be null"); return HttpRequestFactory.INSTANCE.post(uri, body); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest that executes an HttpMethod.PUT request for the given URI.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The body type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} that executes an {@link HttpMethod#PUT} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param body The body of the request (content type defaults to {@link MediaType#APPLICATION_JSON} * @param <T> The body type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> PUT(URI uri, T body) { return PUT(uri.toString(), body); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest that executes an HttpMethod.PUT request for the given URI.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The body type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} that executes an {@link HttpMethod#PUT} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param body The body of the request (content type defaults to {@link MediaType#APPLICATION_JSON} * @param <T> The body type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> PUT(String uri, T body) { Objects.requireNonNull(uri, "Argument [uri] is required"); Objects.requireNonNull(body, "Argument [body] cannot be null"); return HttpRequestFactory.INSTANCE.put(uri, body); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest that executes an HttpMethod.PATCH request for the given URI.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The body type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} that executes an {@link HttpMethod#PATCH} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param body The body of the request (content type defaults to {@link MediaType#APPLICATION_JSON} * @param <T> The body type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> PATCH(URI uri, T body) { return PATCH(uri.toString(), body); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest that executes an HttpMethod.PATCH request for the given URI.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The body type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} that executes an {@link HttpMethod#PATCH} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param body The body of the request (content type defaults to {@link MediaType#APPLICATION_JSON} * @param <T> The body type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> PATCH(String uri, T body) { Objects.requireNonNull(uri, "Argument [uri] is required"); Objects.requireNonNull(body, "Argument [body] cannot be null"); return HttpRequestFactory.INSTANCE.patch(uri, body); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest that executes an HttpMethod.DELETE request for the given URI.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The body type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} that executes an {@link HttpMethod#DELETE} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param body The body of the request (content type defaults to {@link MediaType#APPLICATION_JSON} * @param <T> The body type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> DELETE(URI uri, T body) { return DELETE(uri.toString(), body); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest that executes an HttpMethod.DELETE request for the given URI.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The body type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} that executes an {@link HttpMethod#DELETE} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param body The body of the request (content type defaults to {@link MediaType#APPLICATION_JSON} * @param <T> The body type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> DELETE(String uri, T body) { Objects.requireNonNull(uri, "Argument [uri] is required"); return HttpRequestFactory.INSTANCE.delete(uri, body); }
Return a MutableHttpRequest that executes an HttpMethod.DELETE request for the given URI.
  • uri – The URI
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The Http request type
See Also:
Returns:The MutableHttpRequest instance
/** * Return a {@link MutableHttpRequest} that executes an {@link HttpMethod#DELETE} request for the given URI. * * @param uri The URI * @param <T> The Http request type * @return The {@link MutableHttpRequest} instance * @see HttpRequestFactory */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> DELETE(String uri) { return DELETE(uri, null); }
Create a new MutableHttpRequest for the given method and URI.
  • httpMethod – The method
  • uri – The URI
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The Http request type
Returns:The request
/** * Create a new {@link MutableHttpRequest} for the given method and URI. * * @param httpMethod The method * @param uri The URI * @param <T> The Http request type * @return The request */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> create(HttpMethod httpMethod, String uri) { Objects.requireNonNull(httpMethod, "Argument [httpMethod] is required"); return create(httpMethod, uri, httpMethod.name()); }
Create a new MutableHttpRequest for the given method and URI.
  • httpMethod – The method
  • uri – The URI
  • httpMethodName – Method name - for standard http methods is equal to Enum<HttpMethod>.name()
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The Http request type
Returns:The request
/** * Create a new {@link MutableHttpRequest} for the given method and URI. * * @param httpMethod The method * @param uri The URI * @param <T> The Http request type * @param httpMethodName Method name - for standard http methods is equal to {@link HttpMethod#name()} * @return The request */
static <T> MutableHttpRequest<T> create(HttpMethod httpMethod, String uri, String httpMethodName) { Objects.requireNonNull(httpMethod, "Argument [httpMethod] is required"); Objects.requireNonNull(uri, "Argument [uri] is required"); Objects.requireNonNull(httpMethodName, "Argument [httpMethodName] is required"); return HttpRequestFactory.INSTANCE.create(httpMethod, uri, httpMethodName); } }