package io.github.vmzakharov.ecdataframe.dataframe;

import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.ListIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.MutableList;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Lists;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.primitive.ObjectIntMaps;

public class DfUniqueIndex
    private final MutableObjectIntMap<ListIterable<Object>> rowIndexByKey = ObjectIntMaps.mutable.of();
    private final ListIterable<DfColumn> indexByColumns;
    private final DataFrame indexedDataFrame;

    public DfUniqueIndex(DataFrame newIndexedDataFrame, ListIterable<String> indexByColumnNames)
        this.indexedDataFrame = newIndexedDataFrame;
        this.indexByColumns = indexByColumnNames.collect(this.indexedDataFrame::getColumnNamed);

    private int getRowIndexAtKey(ListIterable<Object> key)
        return this.rowIndexByKey.getIfAbsent(key, -1);

Returns the value in the index that matches the index key. If no matching key exists in the index, a new entry for this key is added to the indexed data frame and its index is returned.
  • key – the row in the aDataFrame to compute the key on
Returns:row id in the the indexed data frame corresponding to the computed key
/** * Returns the value in the index that matches the index key. If no matching key exists in the index, a new entry * for this key is added to the indexed data frame and its index is returned. * @param key the row in the <code>aDataFrame</code> to compute the key on * @return row id in the <b>the indexed data frame</b> corresponding to the computed key */
public int getRowIndexAtKeyIfAbsentAdd(ListIterable<Object> key) { int rowIndex = this.getRowIndexAtKey(key); if (rowIndex == -1) { this.indexedDataFrame.addRow(); // need to be effectively final so introducing another variable rather than reusing rowIndex int lastRowIndex = this.indexedDataFrame.rowCount() - 1; this.addIndex(key, lastRowIndex); this.indexByColumns.forEachWithIndex((col, i) -> col.setObject(lastRowIndex, key.get(i))); rowIndex = lastRowIndex; } return rowIndex; } public ListIterable<Object> computeKeyFrom(DataFrame aDataFrame, int rowIndex) { MutableList<Object> key = Lists.fixedSize.of(new Object[this.indexByColumns.size()]); this.indexByColumns.forEachWithIndex( (col, index) -> key.set(index, aDataFrame.getColumnNamed(col.getName()).getObject(rowIndex))); return key; } public void addIndex(ListIterable<Object> key, int rowIndex) { this.rowIndexByKey.put(key, rowIndex); } }