package io.github.vmzakharov.ecdataframe.dataframe;

import io.github.vmzakharov.ecdataframe.dsl.DataFrameEvalContext;
import io.github.vmzakharov.ecdataframe.dsl.EvalContext;
import io.github.vmzakharov.ecdataframe.dsl.Expression;
import io.github.vmzakharov.ecdataframe.dsl.value.BooleanValue;
import io.github.vmzakharov.ecdataframe.dsl.value.Value;
import io.github.vmzakharov.ecdataframe.dsl.value.ValueType;
import io.github.vmzakharov.ecdataframe.dsl.visitor.InMemoryEvaluationVisitor;
import io.github.vmzakharov.ecdataframe.util.ExpressionParserHelper;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.primitive.BooleanPredicate;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.ImmutableList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.ListIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.MutableList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.primitive.BooleanList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.primitive.IntList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.primitive.MutableBooleanList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.primitive.MutableIntList;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Twin;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Lists;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Maps;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.primitive.IntLists;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.mutable.primitive.BooleanArrayList;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.primitive.IntInterval;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.tuple.Tuples;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.utility.ArrayIterate;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class DataFrame
    private final String name;
    private final MutableMap<String, DfColumn> columnsByName = Maps.mutable.of();
    private final MutableList<DfColumn> columns = Lists.mutable.of();
    private int rowCount = 0;

    private final DataFrameEvalContext evalContext; // todo: make threadlocal?
    private IntList rowIndex = null;
    private boolean poolingEnabled = false;

    private MutableBooleanList bitmap = null;

    private MutableList<MutableIntList> aggregateIndex = null;

    public DataFrame(String newName)
    { = newName;
        this.evalContext = new DataFrameEvalContext(this);

    public DataFrame addStringColumn(String newColumnName)
        return this.addColumn(new DfStringColumnStored(this, newColumnName));

    public DataFrame addStringColumn(String newColumnName, String expressionAsString)
        return this.addColumn(new DfStringColumnComputed(this, newColumnName, expressionAsString));

    public DataFrame addLongColumn(String newColumnName)
        return this.addColumn(new DfLongColumnStored(this, newColumnName));

    public DataFrame addLongColumn(String newColumnName, String expressionAsString)
        return this.addColumn(new DfLongColumnComputed(this, newColumnName, expressionAsString));

    public DataFrame addDoubleColumn(String newColumnName)
        return this.addColumn(new DfDoubleColumnStored(this, newColumnName));

    public DataFrame addDoubleColumn(String newColumnName, String expressionAsString)
        return this.addColumn(new DfDoubleColumnComputed(this, newColumnName, expressionAsString));

    public DataFrame addDateColumn(String newColumnName)
        return this.addColumn(new DfDateColumnStored(this, newColumnName));

    public DataFrame addDateColumn(String newColumnName, String expressionAsString)
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot add calculated date columns... yet");

    public DataFrame addColumn(DfColumn newColumn)
        // todo: would like to make it impossible in the first place
        if (newColumn.getDataFrame() != this)
            throw new RuntimeException("Mixing columns from different data frames: attempting to add"
                    + " to '" + this.getName() + "' column '"
                    + newColumn.getName() + "' already bound to '" + newColumn.getDataFrame().getName() + "'");

                "Column named '" + newColumn.getName() + "' is already in data frame '" + this.getName() + "'");

        this.columnsByName.put(newColumn.getName(), newColumn);

        if (this.isPoolingEnabled())
        return this;

    public void enablePooling()
        this.poolingEnabled = true;

    public boolean isPoolingEnabled()
        return this.poolingEnabled;

    public DfColumn getColumnNamed(String columnName)
        DfColumn column = this.columnsByName.get(columnName);

        ErrorReporter.reportAndThrow(column == null,
                "Column '" + columnName + "' does not exist in data frame '" + this.getName() + "'");

        return column;

    public ImmutableList<DfColumn> getColumns()
        return this.columns.toImmutable();

    public DfColumn getColumnAt(int columnIndex)
        return this.columns.get(columnIndex);

    public void addRow(ListIterable<Value> rowValues)
        rowValues.forEachWithIndex((v, i) -> this.columns.get(i).addValue(v));

    public String asCsvString()
        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();


        int columnCount = this.columnCount();
        String[] row = new String[columnCount];
        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < this.rowCount(); rowIndex++)
            for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++)
                row[columnIndex] = this.getValueAsStringLiteral(rowIndex, columnIndex);

        return s.toString();

    public int rowCount()
        return this.rowCount;

    public DataFrame addRow()
        return this;

    public DataFrame addRow(Object... values)
        ArrayIterate.forEachWithIndex(values, (v, i) -> this.columns.get(i).addObject(v));
        return this;

    public int columnCount()
        return this.columns.size();

    public String getName()

    public DataFrame addColumn(String name, ValueType type)
        switch (type)
            case LONG:
            case DOUBLE:
            case STRING:
            case DATE:
                throw new RuntimeException("Cannot add a column for values of type " + type);
        return this;

    public DataFrame addColumn(String name, ValueType type, String expressionAsString)
        switch (type)
            case LONG:
                this.addLongColumn(name, expressionAsString);
            case DOUBLE:
                this.addDoubleColumn(name, expressionAsString);
            case STRING:
                this.addStringColumn(name, expressionAsString);
            case DATE:
                this.addDateColumn(name, expressionAsString);
                throw new RuntimeException("Cannot add a column for values of type " + type);
        return this;

    private int rowIndexMap(int virtualRowIndex)
        if (this.isIndexed())
            return this.rowIndex.get(virtualRowIndex);
        return virtualRowIndex;

    private boolean isIndexed()
        return this.rowIndex != null;

    public IntList getAggregateIndex(int rowIndex)
        if (this.isAggregateWithIndex())
            return this.aggregateIndex.get(this.rowIndexMap(rowIndex));

        return IntLists.immutable.empty();

    private boolean isAggregateWithIndex()
        return this.aggregateIndex != null;

    public Object getObject(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
        return this.columns.get(columnIndex).getObject(this.rowIndexMap(rowIndex));

    public Object getObject(String columnName, int rowIndex)
        return this.columnsByName.get(columnName).getObject(this.rowIndexMap(rowIndex));

    public Value getValue(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
        return this.columns.get(columnIndex).getValue(this.rowIndexMap(rowIndex));

    public Value getValue(String columnName, int rowIndex)
        return this.columnsByName.get(columnName).getValue(this.rowIndexMap(rowIndex));

    public Value getValueAtPhysicalRow(String columnName, int rowIndex)
        return this.columnsByName.get(columnName).getValue(rowIndex);

    public String getValueAsStringLiteral(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
        return this.columns.get(columnIndex).getValueAsStringLiteral(this.rowIndexMap(rowIndex));

    public String getValueAsString(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
        return this.columns.get(columnIndex).getValueAsString(this.rowIndexMap(rowIndex));

    public long getLong(String columnName, int rowIndex)
        return this.getLongColumn(columnName).getLong(this.rowIndexMap(rowIndex));

    public String getString(String columnName, int rowIndex)
        return this.getStringColumn(columnName).getString(this.rowIndexMap(rowIndex));

    public double getDouble(String columnName, int rowIndex)
        return this.getDoubleColumn(columnName).getDouble(this.rowIndexMap(rowIndex));

    public LocalDate getDate(String columnName, int rowIndex)
        return this.getDateColumn(columnName).getDate(this.rowIndexMap(rowIndex));

    public DfLongColumn getLongColumn(String columnName)
        return (DfLongColumn) this.getColumnNamed(columnName);

    public DfDoubleColumn getDoubleColumn(String columnName)
        return (DfDoubleColumn) this.getColumnNamed(columnName);

    public DfDateColumn getDateColumn(String columnName)
        return (DfDateColumn) this.getColumnNamed(columnName);

    public DfStringColumn getStringColumn(String columnName)
        return (DfStringColumn) this.getColumnNamed(columnName);

    public boolean hasColumn(String columnName)
        return this.columnsByName.containsKey(columnName);

    public DataFrameEvalContext getEvalContext()
        return this.evalContext;

    public void setExternalEvalContext(EvalContext newEvalContext)

indicates that no further updates can be made to this data frame.
Returns:the data frame
/** * indicates that no further updates can be made to this data frame. * * @return the data frame */
public DataFrame seal() { MutableIntList storedColumnsSizes =; if (storedColumnsSizes.size() == 0) { this.rowCount = 0; } else { this.rowCount = storedColumnsSizes.get(0); if (storedColumnsSizes.detectIfNone(e -> e != this.rowCount, -1) != -1) { ErrorReporter.reportAndThrow( "Stored column sizes are not the same when attempting to seal data frame '" + this.getName() + "'"); } } this.columns.forEach(DfColumn::seal); return this; } public DataFrame sum(ListIterable<String> columnsToSumNames) { ListIterable<DfColumn> columnsToSum = this.getColumnsToAggregate(columnsToSumNames); DataFrame summedDataFrame = new DataFrame("Sum Of " + this.getName()); // convert calculated columns into stored so that we can aggregate into them columnsToSum.forEach(each -> summedDataFrame.addColumn(each.getName(), each.getType())); ListIterable<Number> sums = columnsToSum.collect( each -> (each instanceof DfDoubleColumn) ? ((DfDoubleColumn) each).sum() : ((DfLongColumn) each).sum() ); summedDataFrame.addRow(sums.toArray()); return summedDataFrame; } private ListIterable<DfColumn> getColumnsToAggregate(ListIterable<String> columnNames) { ListIterable<DfColumn> columnsToAggregate = this.columnsNamed(columnNames); ListIterable<DfColumn> nonNumericColumns = columnsToAggregate.reject(each -> each.getType().isNumber()); ErrorReporter.reportAndThrow(nonNumericColumns.notEmpty(), "Attempting to aggregate non-numeric columns: " + nonNumericColumns.collect(DfColumn::getName).makeString() + " in data frame '" + this.getName() + "'"); return columnsToAggregate; } public DataFrame sumBy(ListIterable<String> columnsToSumNames, ListIterable<String> columnsToGroupByNames) { ListIterable<DfColumn> columnsToSum = this.getColumnsToAggregate(columnsToSumNames); DataFrame summedDataFrame = new DataFrame("Sum Of " + this.getName()); columnsToGroupByNames .collect(this::getColumnNamed) .forEach(each -> summedDataFrame.addColumn(each.getName(), each.getType())); // converting calculated columns into stored columnsToSum.forEach(each -> summedDataFrame.addColumn(each.getName(), each.getType())); ListIterable<DfColumn> accumulatorColumns = summedDataFrame.columnsNamed(columnsToSumNames); // todo: consider implementing index as a structure in DataFrame DfUniqueIndex index = new DfUniqueIndex(summedDataFrame, columnsToGroupByNames); for (int i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) { ListIterable<Object> keyValue = index.computeKeyFrom(this, i); int accIndex = index.getRowIndexAtKeyIfAbsentAdd(keyValue); for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < columnsToSum.size(); colIndex++) { accumulatorColumns.get(colIndex).incrementFrom(accIndex, columnsToSum.get(colIndex), i); } } return summedDataFrame; } public DataFrame sumByWithIndex(ListIterable<String> columnsToSumNames, ListIterable<String> columnsToGroupByNames) { MutableList<MutableIntList> sumIndex = Lists.mutable.of(); ListIterable<DfColumn> columnsToSum = this.getColumnsToAggregate(columnsToSumNames); DataFrame summedDataFrame = new DataFrame("Sum Of " + this.getName()); columnsToGroupByNames .collect(this::getColumnNamed) .forEachWith(DfColumn::cloneSchemaAndAttachTo, summedDataFrame); columnsToSum .forEachWith(DfColumn::cloneSchemaAndAttachTo, summedDataFrame); ListIterable<DfColumn> accumulatorColumns = summedDataFrame.columnsNamed(columnsToSumNames); DfUniqueIndex index = new DfUniqueIndex(summedDataFrame, columnsToGroupByNames); for (int i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) { ListIterable<Object> keyValue = index.computeKeyFrom(this, i); int accIndex = index.getRowIndexAtKeyIfAbsentAdd(keyValue); while (sumIndex.size() <= accIndex) { sumIndex.add(IntLists.mutable.of()); } sumIndex.get(accIndex).add(i); for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < columnsToSum.size(); colIndex++) { accumulatorColumns.get(colIndex).incrementFrom(accIndex, columnsToSum.get(colIndex), i); } } summedDataFrame.aggregateIndex = sumIndex; return summedDataFrame; } public Twin<DataFrame> partition(String filterExpressionString) { DataFrame selected = this.cloneStructure( + "-selected"); DataFrame rejected = this.cloneStructure( + "-rejected"); DataFrameEvalContext context = new DataFrameEvalContext(this); Expression filterExpression = ExpressionParserHelper.DEFAULT.toExpression(filterExpressionString); InMemoryEvaluationVisitor evaluationVisitor = new InMemoryEvaluationVisitor(context); for (int i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) { context.setRowIndex(i); Value select = filterExpression.evaluate(evaluationVisitor); if (((BooleanValue) select).isTrue()) { selected.copyRowFrom(this, i); } else { rejected.copyRowFrom(this, i); } } selected.seal(); rejected.seal(); return Tuples.twin(selected, rejected); } public DataFrame selectBy(String filterExpressionString) { DataFrame filtered = this.cloneStructure(this.getName()+"-selected"); DataFrameEvalContext context = new DataFrameEvalContext(this); Expression filterExpression = ExpressionParserHelper.DEFAULT.toExpression(filterExpressionString); InMemoryEvaluationVisitor evaluationVisitor = new InMemoryEvaluationVisitor(context); for (int i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) { context.setRowIndex(i); Value select = filterExpression.evaluate(evaluationVisitor); if (((BooleanValue) select).isTrue()) { filtered.copyRowFrom(this, i); } } filtered.seal(); return filtered; } private DataFrame selectByMarkValue(BooleanList marked, BooleanPredicate markAtIndexPredicate) { DataFrame filtered = this.cloneStructure(this.getName()+"-selected"); for (int i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) { if (markAtIndexPredicate.accept(marked.get(i))) { filtered.copyRowFrom(this, this.rowIndexMap(i)); } } filtered.seal(); return filtered; } private void copyRowFrom(DataFrame source, int rowIndex) { for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < this.columns.size(); columnIndex++) { DfColumn thisColumn = this.columns.get(columnIndex); if (thisColumn.isStored()) { source.getColumnAt(columnIndex).addRowToColumn(rowIndex, thisColumn); } } } public DataFrame cloneStructure(String newName) { DataFrame cloned = new DataFrame(newName); this.columns.each(each -> each.cloneSchemaAndAttachTo(cloned)); return cloned; }
creates an empty data frame with the same schema as this one except computed columns are converted to stored columns of the same type
  • newName – the name for the new data frame
Returns:an empty data frame with the provided name and new schema
/** * creates an empty data frame with the same schema as this one except computed columns are converted to stored * columns of the same type * @param newName the name for the new data frame * @return an empty data frame with the provided name and new schema */
public DataFrame cloneStructureAsStored(String newName) { DataFrame cloned = new DataFrame(newName); this.columns.each(e -> cloned.addColumn(e.getName(), e.getType())); return cloned; } public void sortBy(ListIterable<String> columnsToSortByNames) { this.unsort(); // doing this before check for rowCount to make sure that the sort columns exist even if the data frame is empty ListIterable<DfColumn> columnsToSortBy = this.columnsNamed(columnsToSortByNames); if (this.rowCount == 0) { this.rowIndex = IntLists.immutable.empty(); return; } DfTuple[] tuples = new DfTuple[this.rowCount]; for (int i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) { tuples[i] = this.rowToTuple(i, columnsToSortBy); } MutableIntList indexes = IntInterval.zeroTo(this.rowCount - 1).toList(); indexes.sortThisBy(i -> tuples[i]); this.rowIndex = indexes; } public void sortByExpression(String expressionString) { this.unsort(); if (this.rowCount == 0) { this.rowIndex = IntLists.immutable.empty(); return; } Expression expression = ExpressionParserHelper.DEFAULT.toExpression(expressionString); MutableIntList indexes = IntInterval.zeroTo(this.rowCount - 1).toList(); indexes.sortThisBy(i -> this.evaluateExpression(expression, i)); this.rowIndex = indexes; } public Value evaluateExpression(Expression expression, int rowIndex) { this.getEvalContext().setRowIndex(rowIndex); return expression.evaluate(new InMemoryEvaluationVisitor(evalContext)); } private DfTuple rowToTuple(int rowIndex, ListIterable<DfColumn> columnsToCollect) { int size = columnsToCollect.size(); Object[] values = new Object[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { values[i] = columnsToCollect.get(i).getObject(rowIndex); } return new DfTuple(values); } public void unsort() { this.rowIndex = null; } private ListIterable<DfColumn> columnsNamed(ListIterable<String> columnNames) { return columnNames.collect(this::getColumnNamed); }
Creates a new data frame which is a union of this data frame and the data frame passed as the parameter. The data frame schemas must match.
  • other – the data frame to union with
Returns:a data frame with the rows being the union of the rows this data frame and the parameter
/** * Creates a new data frame which is a union of this data frame and the data frame passed as the parameter. * The data frame schemas must match. * * @param other the data frame to union with * @return a data frame with the rows being the union of the rows this data frame and the parameter */
public DataFrame union(DataFrame other) { ErrorReporter.reportAndThrow(this.columnCount() != other.columnCount(), "Attempting to union data frames with different number of columns"); DataFrame dfUnion = new DataFrame("union"); this.columns.forEach( col -> col.mergeWithInto(other.getColumnNamed(col.getName()), dfUnion) ); dfUnion.seal(); return dfUnion; }
enables flagging the rows as true or false - effectively creating a bitmap of the data frame
/** * enables flagging the rows as true or false - effectively creating a bitmap of the data frame */
public void enableBitmap() { this.bitmap = BooleanArrayList.newWithNValues(this.rowCount, false); } public void disableBitmap() { this.bitmap = null; } public void setFlag(int rowIndex) { this.bitmap.set(rowIndex, true); } public boolean isFlagged(int rowIndex) { return this.bitmap.get(rowIndex); }
creates a new data frame, which contain a subset of rows of this data frame for the rows with the bitmap flags set (i.e. equals to true). This is the behavior the opposite of selectNotMarked
Returns:a data frame containing the filtered subset of rows
/** * creates a new data frame, which contain a subset of rows of this data frame for the rows with the bitmap flags set * (i.e. equals to true). This is the behavior the opposite of {@code selectNotMarked} * * @return a data frame containing the filtered subset of rows */
public DataFrame selectFlagged() { return this.selectByMarkValue(this.bitmap, mark -> mark); }
creates a new data frame, which contain a subset of rows of this data frame for the rows with the bitmap flag not set (i.e. equals to false). This is the behavior the opposite of selectMarked
Returns:a data frame containing the filtered subset of rows
/** * creates a new data frame, which contain a subset of rows of this data frame for the rows with the bitmap flag not * set (i.e. equals to false). This is the behavior the opposite of {@code selectMarked} * * @return a data frame containing the filtered subset of rows */
public DataFrame selectNotFlagged() { return this.selectByMarkValue(this.bitmap, mark -> !mark); }
Tag rows based on whether the provided expression returns true of false
  • filterExpressionString – the expression to set the flags by
/** * Tag rows based on whether the provided expression returns true of false * * @param filterExpressionString the expression to set the flags by */
public void flagRowsBy(String filterExpressionString) { this.bitmap = BooleanArrayList.newWithNValues(this.rowCount, false); DataFrameEvalContext context = new DataFrameEvalContext(this); Expression filterExpression = ExpressionParserHelper.DEFAULT.toExpression(filterExpressionString); InMemoryEvaluationVisitor evaluationVisitor = new InMemoryEvaluationVisitor(context); for (int i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) { context.setRowIndex(i); BooleanValue evalResult = (BooleanValue) filterExpression.evaluate(evaluationVisitor); if (evalResult.isTrue()) { this.bitmap.set(i, true); } } }
Removes the column from this data frame. Throws a RuntimeException if the specified column doesn't exist.
  • columnName – the name of the column to drop.
Returns:the data frame
/** * Removes the column from this data frame. Throws a {@code RuntimeException} if the specified column doesn't * exist. * * @param columnName the name of the column to drop. * @return the data frame */
public DataFrame dropColumn(String columnName) { DfColumn dropped = this.getColumnNamed(columnName); this.columns.remove(dropped); this.columnsByName.remove(columnName); return this; }
A very basic join - creates a data frame that is this an join of this data frame and another one, based on the key column values. Rows with the same values of the key column will be combined in the resulting data frame into one wide row. This is an inner join so rows for which there is no match in the other data frame will not be present in the join.
  • other – the data frame to join to
  • thisJoinColumnName – the name of the column in the data frame to use a join key
  • otherJoinColumnName – the name of the column in the data frame to use a join
Returns:a data frame that is a join of this data frame and the data frame passed as a parameter
/** * A very basic join - creates a data frame that is this an join of this data frame and another one, based on * the key column values. Rows with the same values of the key column will be combined in the resulting data frame * into one wide row. This is an inner join so rows for which there is no match in the other data frame will not be * present in the join. * * @param other the data frame to join to * @param thisJoinColumnName the name of the column in the data frame to use a join key * @param otherJoinColumnName the name of the column in the data frame to use a join * @return a data frame that is a join of this data frame and the data frame passed as a parameter */
public DataFrame join(DataFrame other, String thisJoinColumnName, String otherJoinColumnName) { return this.join(other, false, thisJoinColumnName, otherJoinColumnName); }
A basic outer join - creates a data frame that is this an join of this data frame and another one, based on the key column values. Rows with the same values of the key column will be combined in the resulting data frame into one wide row. The rows for which there is no match in the other data frame will have the missing values filled with nulls for object column types or zeros for numeric column types.
  • other – the data frame to join to
  • thisJoinColumnName – the name of the column in the data frame to use a join key
  • otherJoinColumnName – the name of the column in the data frame to use a join
Returns:a data frame that is a join of this data frame and the data frame passed as a parameter
/** * A basic outer join - creates a data frame that is this an join of this data frame and another one, based on * the key column values. Rows with the same values of the key column will be combined in the resulting data frame * into one wide row. The rows for which there is no match in the other data frame will have the missing values * filled with nulls for object column types or zeros for numeric column types. * * @param other the data frame to join to * @param thisJoinColumnName the name of the column in the data frame to use a join key * @param otherJoinColumnName the name of the column in the data frame to use a join * @return a data frame that is a join of this data frame and the data frame passed as a parameter */
public DataFrame outerJoin(DataFrame other, String thisJoinColumnName, String otherJoinColumnName) { return this.join(other, true, thisJoinColumnName, otherJoinColumnName); } // todo: multi column join // todo: data frame difference // todo: do not override sort order (use external sort) private DataFrame join(DataFrame other, boolean outerJoin, String thisJoinColumnName, String otherJoinColumnName) { DataFrame joined = this.cloneStructureAsStored(this.getName() + "_" + other.getName()); MutableList<String> uniqueColumnNames = this.columns.collect(DfColumn::getName); MutableMap<String, String> otherColumnNameMap = Maps.mutable.of(); other.columns.collect(DfColumn::getName).forEach(e -> { String newName = e; while (uniqueColumnNames.contains(newName)) { newName += "_B"; } uniqueColumnNames.add(newName); otherColumnNameMap.put(e, newName); } ); other.columns .reject(c -> c.getName().equals(otherJoinColumnName)) .forEach(c -> joined.addColumn(otherColumnNameMap.get(c.getName()), c.getType())); this.sortBy(Lists.immutable.of(thisJoinColumnName)); other.sortBy(Lists.immutable.of(otherJoinColumnName)); int thisRowIndex = 0; int otherRowIndex = 0; int thisRowCount = this.rowCount(); int otherRowCount = other.rowCount(); Object[] rowData = new Object[joined.columnCount()]; ListIterable<String> theseColumnNames = this.columns.collect(DfColumn::getName); int theseColumnCount = theseColumnNames.size(); int joinColumnIndex = theseColumnNames.detectIndex(e -> e.equals(thisJoinColumnName)); ListIterable<String> otherColumnNames = other.columns.collect(DfColumn::getName).rejectWith(String::equals, otherJoinColumnName); int comparison; while (thisRowIndex < thisRowCount && otherRowIndex < otherRowCount) { comparison = ((Comparable<Object>) this.getObject(thisJoinColumnName, thisRowIndex)).compareTo( other.getObject(otherJoinColumnName, otherRowIndex)); final int thisMakeFinal = thisRowIndex; final int otherMakeFinal = otherRowIndex; if (comparison == 0) { theseColumnNames.forEachWithIndex((colName, i) -> rowData[i] = this.getObject(colName, thisMakeFinal)); otherColumnNames.forEachWithIndex((colName, i) -> rowData[theseColumnCount + i] = other.getObject(colName, otherMakeFinal)); joined.addRow(rowData); thisRowIndex++; otherRowIndex++; } else { if (comparison < 0) { // this side is behind if (outerJoin) { Arrays.fill(rowData, null); theseColumnNames.forEachWithIndex((colName, i) -> rowData[i] = this.getObject(colName, thisMakeFinal)); joined.addRow(rowData); } thisRowIndex++; } else { // the other side is behind if (outerJoin) { Arrays.fill(rowData, null); rowData[joinColumnIndex] = other.getObject(otherJoinColumnName, otherMakeFinal); otherColumnNames.forEachWithIndex((colName, i) -> rowData[theseColumnCount + i] = other.getObject(colName, otherMakeFinal)); joined.addRow(rowData); } otherRowIndex++; } } } // leftovers go here if (outerJoin) { while (thisRowIndex < thisRowCount) { int thisMakeFinal = thisRowIndex; Arrays.fill(rowData, null); theseColumnNames.forEachWithIndex((colName, i) -> rowData[i] = this.getObject(colName, thisMakeFinal)); joined.addRow(rowData); thisRowIndex++; } while (otherRowIndex < otherRowCount) { int otherMakeFinal = otherRowIndex; Arrays.fill(rowData, null); rowData[joinColumnIndex] = other.getObject(otherJoinColumnName, otherMakeFinal); otherColumnNames.forEachWithIndex((colName, i) -> rowData[theseColumnCount + i] = other.getObject(colName, otherMakeFinal)); joined.addRow(rowData); otherRowIndex++; } } return joined; }
Drops the data frame columns with the names specified as the method parameter
  • columnNamesToDrop – the names of the columns to remove from this data frame
Returns:the data frame
/** * Drops the data frame columns with the names specified as the method parameter * @param columnNamesToDrop the names of the columns to remove from this data frame * @return the data frame */
public DataFrame dropColumns(ListIterable<String> columnNamesToDrop) { ListIterable<DfColumn> columnsToDrop = columnNamesToDrop.collect(this::getColumnNamed); this.columns.removeAllIterable(columnsToDrop); this.columnsByName.removeAllKeys(columnNamesToDrop.toSet()); return this; }
Drops all the data frame columns except those with the names specified as the method parameter
  • columnNamesToKeep – the list of column names to retain
Returns:the data frame
/** * Drops all the data frame columns except those with the names specified as the method parameter * @param columnNamesToKeep the list of column names to retain * @return the data frame */
public DataFrame keepColumns(ListIterable<String> columnNamesToKeep) { ListIterable<DfColumn> columnsToKeep = columnNamesToKeep.collect(this::getColumnNamed); // will throw if a column doesn't exist MutableList<String> columnNamesToDrop = this.columns.collect(DfColumn::getName).reject(columnNamesToKeep::contains); return this.dropColumns(columnNamesToDrop); } }