package io.ebeaninternal.server.persist;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransaction;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
Factory for creating Statements.
This is only used by CallableSql and UpdateSql requests and does not support
* Factory for creating Statements.
* <p>
* This is only used by CallableSql and UpdateSql requests and does not support
* getGeneratedKeys.
* </p>
class PstmtFactory {
PstmtFactory() {
Get a callable statement without any batching.
* Get a callable statement without any batching.
public CallableStatement getCstmt(SpiTransaction t, String sql) throws SQLException {
Connection conn = t.getInternalConnection();
return conn.prepareCall(sql);
Get a prepared statement without any batching.
* Get a prepared statement without any batching.
public PreparedStatement getPstmt(SpiTransaction t, String sql, boolean getGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
Connection conn = t.getInternalConnection();
if (getGeneratedKeys) {
return conn.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
} else {
return conn.prepareStatement(sql);
Return a prepared statement taking into account batch requirements.
* Return a prepared statement taking into account batch requirements.
public PreparedStatement getPstmt(SpiTransaction t, boolean logSql, String sql, BatchPostExecute batchExe) throws SQLException {
BatchedPstmtHolder batch = t.getBatchControl().getPstmtHolder();
PreparedStatement stmt = batch.getStmt(sql, batchExe);
if (stmt != null) {
return stmt;
if (logSql) {
Connection conn = t.getInternalConnection();
stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
BatchedPstmt bs = new BatchedPstmt(stmt, false, sql, t);
batch.addStmt(bs, batchExe);
return stmt;
Return a callable statement taking into account batch requirements.
* Return a callable statement taking into account batch requirements.
public CallableStatement getCstmt(SpiTransaction t, boolean logSql, String sql, BatchPostExecute batchExe) throws SQLException {
BatchedPstmtHolder batch = t.getBatchControl().getPstmtHolder();
CallableStatement stmt = (CallableStatement) batch.getStmt(sql, batchExe);
if (stmt != null) {
return stmt;
if (logSql) {
Connection conn = t.getInternalConnection();
stmt = conn.prepareCall(sql);
BatchedPstmt bs = new BatchedPstmt(stmt, false, sql, t);
batch.addStmt(bs, batchExe);
return stmt;