package io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.json.SpiJsonReader;


Help BeanPropertyAssocMany with JSON processing.
/** * Help BeanPropertyAssocMany with JSON processing. */
class BeanPropertyAssocManyJsonHelp {
The associated many property.
/** * The associated many property. */
private final BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many;
Helper used to read json for transient 'many' properties.
/** * Helper used to read json for transient 'many' properties. */
private final BeanPropertyAssocManyJsonTransient jsonTransient;
Construct for the owning many property.
/** * Construct for the owning many property. */
BeanPropertyAssocManyJsonHelp(BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many) { this.many = many; boolean objectMapperPresent = many.getBeanDescriptor().getServerConfig().getClassLoadConfig().isJacksonObjectMapperPresent(); this.jsonTransient = !objectMapperPresent ? null : new BeanPropertyAssocManyJsonTransient(); }
Read the JSON for this property.
/** * Read the JSON for this property. */
public void jsonRead(SpiJsonReader readJson, EntityBean parentBean) throws IOException { if (!this.many.jsonDeserialize) { return; } JsonParser parser = readJson.getParser(); JsonToken event = parser.nextToken(); if (JsonToken.VALUE_NULL == event) { return; } if (many.isTransient()) { jsonReadTransientUsingObjectMapper(readJson, parentBean); return; } if (JsonToken.START_ARRAY != event) { throw new JsonParseException(parser, "Unexpected token " + event + " - expecting start_array"); } many.setValue(parentBean, many.jsonReadCollection(readJson, parentBean)); }
Read a Transient property using Jackson ObjectMapper.
/** * Read a Transient property using Jackson ObjectMapper. */
private void jsonReadTransientUsingObjectMapper(SpiJsonReader readJson, EntityBean parentBean) throws IOException { if (jsonTransient == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Jackson ObjectMapper is required to read this Transient property " + many.getFullBeanName()); } jsonTransient.jsonReadUsingObjectMapper(many, readJson, parentBean); } }