package io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.platform;

import io.ebean.annotation.ConstraintMode;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.DdlBuffer;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.DdlWrite;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.migration.AlterColumn;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.platform.MultiValueBind;


MS SQL Server platform specific DDL.
/** * MS SQL Server platform specific DDL. */
public class SqlServerDdl extends PlatformDdl { public SqlServerDdl(DatabasePlatform platform) { super(platform); this.identitySuffix = " identity(1,1)"; this.alterTableIfExists = ""; this.addColumn = "add"; this.inlineUniqueWhenNullable = false; this.columnSetDefault = "add default"; this.dropConstraintIfExists = "drop constraint"; this.historyDdl = new SqlServerHistoryDdl(); } @Override protected void appendForeignKeyMode(StringBuilder buffer, String onMode, ConstraintMode mode) { if (mode != ConstraintMode.RESTRICT) { super.appendForeignKeyMode(buffer, onMode, mode); } } @Override public String dropTable(String tableName) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("IF OBJECT_ID('"); buffer.append(tableName); buffer.append("', 'U') IS NOT NULL drop table "); buffer.append(tableName); return buffer.toString(); } @Override public String alterTableDropForeignKey(String tableName, String fkName) { int pos = tableName.lastIndexOf('.'); String objectId = maxConstraintName(fkName); if (pos != -1) { objectId = tableName.substring(0, pos + 1) + fkName; } return "IF OBJECT_ID('" + objectId + "', 'F') IS NOT NULL " + super.alterTableDropForeignKey(tableName, fkName); } @Override public String dropSequence(String sequenceName) { return "IF OBJECT_ID('" + sequenceName + "', 'SO') IS NOT NULL drop sequence " + sequenceName; } @Override public String dropIndex(String indexName, String tableName) { return "IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('" + tableName + "','U') AND name = '" + maxConstraintName(indexName) + "') drop index " + maxConstraintName(indexName) + " ON " + tableName; }
MsSqlServer specific null handling on unique constraints.
/** * MsSqlServer specific null handling on unique constraints. */
@Override public String alterTableAddUniqueConstraint(String tableName, String uqName, String[] columns, String[] nullableColumns) { if (nullableColumns == null || nullableColumns.length == 0) { return super.alterTableAddUniqueConstraint(tableName, uqName, columns, nullableColumns); } if (uqName == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // issues#233 String start = "create unique nonclustered index " + uqName + " on " + tableName + "("; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(start); for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(columns[i]); } sb.append(") where"); String sep = " "; for (String column : nullableColumns) { sb.append(sep).append(column).append(" is not null"); sep = " and "; } return sb.toString(); } @Override public String alterTableDropConstraint(String tableName, String constraintName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("IF (OBJECT_ID('").append(constraintName).append("', 'C') IS NOT NULL) "); sb.append(super.alterTableDropConstraint(tableName, constraintName)); return sb.toString(); }
Drop a unique constraint from the table (Sometimes this is an index).
/** * Drop a unique constraint from the table (Sometimes this is an index). */
@Override public String alterTableDropUniqueConstraint(String tableName, String uniqueConstraintName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("IF (OBJECT_ID('").append(maxConstraintName(uniqueConstraintName)).append("', 'UQ') IS NOT NULL) "); sb.append(super.alterTableDropUniqueConstraint(tableName, uniqueConstraintName)).append(";\n"); sb.append(dropIndex(uniqueConstraintName, tableName)); return sb.toString(); }
Generate and return the create sequence DDL.
/** * Generate and return the create sequence DDL. */
@Override public String createSequence(String sequenceName, int initialValue, int allocationSize) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("create sequence "); sb.append(sequenceName); sb.append(" as bigint "); if (initialValue > 1) { sb.append(" start with ").append(initialValue); } else { sb.append(" start with 1 "); } if (allocationSize > 1) { sb.append(" increment by ").append(allocationSize); } sb.append(";"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public String alterColumnDefaultValue(String tableName, String columnName, String defaultValue) { // Unfortunately, the SqlServer creates default values with a random name. // You can specify a name in DDL, but this does not work in conjunction with // temporal tables in certain cases. So we have to delete the constraint with // a rather complex statement. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (DdlHelp.isDropDefault(defaultValue)) { sb.append("EXEC usp_ebean_drop_default_constraint ").append(tableName).append(", ").append(columnName); } else { sb.append("alter table ").append(tableName); sb.append(" add default ").append(convertDefaultValue(defaultValue)).append(" for ").append(columnName); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public String alterColumnBaseAttributes(AlterColumn alter) { if (DdlHelp.isDropDefault(alter.getDefaultValue())) { return null; } String tableName = alter.getTableName(); String columnName = alter.getColumnName(); String type = alter.getType() != null ? alter.getType() : alter.getCurrentType(); type = convert(type, false); boolean notnull = (alter.isNotnull() != null) ? alter.isNotnull() : Boolean.TRUE.equals(alter.isCurrentNotnull()); String notnullClause = notnull ? " not null" : ""; return "alter table " + tableName + " " + alterColumn + " " + columnName + " " + type + notnullClause; } @Override public String alterColumnType(String tableName, String columnName, String type) { // can't alter itself - done in alterColumnBaseAttributes() return null; } @Override public String alterColumnNotnull(String tableName, String columnName, boolean notnull) { // can't alter itself - done in alterColumnBaseAttributes() return null; }
Add table comment as a separate statement (from the create table statement).
/** * Add table comment as a separate statement (from the create table statement). */
@Override public void addTableComment(DdlBuffer apply, String tableName, String tableComment) throws IOException { // do nothing for MS SQL Server (cause it requires stored procedures etc) }
Add column comment as a separate statement.
/** * Add column comment as a separate statement. */
@Override public void addColumnComment(DdlBuffer apply, String table, String column, String comment) throws IOException { // do nothing for MS SQL Server (cause it requires stored procedures etc) }
It is rather complex to delete a column on SqlServer as there must not exist any references (constraints, default values, indices and foreign keys). That's why we call a user stored procedure here
/** * It is rather complex to delete a column on SqlServer as there must not exist any references * (constraints, default values, indices and foreign keys). That's why we call a user stored procedure here */
@Override public void alterTableDropColumn(DdlBuffer buffer, String tableName, String columnName) throws IOException { buffer.append("EXEC usp_ebean_drop_column ").append(tableName).append(", ").append(columnName).endOfStatement(); }
This writes the multi value datatypes needed for MultiValueBind
/** * This writes the multi value datatypes needed for {@link MultiValueBind} */
@Override public void generateProlog(DdlWrite write) throws IOException { super.generateProlog(write); generateTVPDefinitions(write, "bigint"); generateTVPDefinitions(write, "float"); generateTVPDefinitions(write, "bit"); generateTVPDefinitions(write, "date"); generateTVPDefinitions(write, "time"); //generateTVPDefinitions(write, "datetime2"); generateTVPDefinitions(write, "uniqueidentifier"); generateTVPDefinitions(write, "nvarchar(max)"); } private void generateTVPDefinitions(DdlWrite write, String definition) throws IOException { int pos = definition.indexOf('('); String name = pos == -1 ? definition : definition.substring(0, pos); dropTVP(write.dropAll(), name); //TVPs are included in "I__create_procs.sql" //createTVP(write.apply(), name, definition); } private void dropTVP(DdlBuffer ddl, String name) throws IOException { ddl.append("if exists (select name from sys.types where name = 'ebean_").append(name) .append("_tvp') drop type ebean_").append(name).append("_tvp").endOfStatement(); } private void createTVP(DdlBuffer ddl, String name, String definition) throws IOException { ddl.append("if not exists (select name from sys.types where name = 'ebean_").append(name) .append("_tvp') create type ebean_").append(name).append("_tvp as table (c1 ").append(definition).append(")") .endOfStatement(); } }