package io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.platform;

import io.ebean.annotation.ConstraintMode;
import io.ebean.config.DbConstraintNaming;
import io.ebean.config.ServerConfig;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbDefaultValue;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbIdentity;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.IdType;
import io.ebean.util.StringHelper;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.BaseDdlHandler;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.DdlBuffer;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.DdlHandler;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.DdlWrite;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.platform.util.PlatformTypeConverter;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.ddlgeneration.platform.util.VowelRemover;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.migration.AddHistoryTable;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.migration.AlterColumn;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.migration.Column;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.migration.DropHistoryTable;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.migration.IdentityType;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.model.MTable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

Controls the DDL generation for a specific database platform.
/** * Controls the DDL generation for a specific database platform. */
public class PlatformDdl { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PlatformDdl.class); protected final DatabasePlatform platform; protected PlatformHistoryDdl historyDdl = new NoHistorySupportDdl();
Converter for logical/standard types to platform specific types. (eg. clob -> text)
/** * Converter for logical/standard types to platform specific types. (eg. clob -> text) */
private final PlatformTypeConverter typeConverter;
For handling support of sequences and autoincrement.
/** * For handling support of sequences and autoincrement. */
private final DbIdentity dbIdentity;
Set to true if table and column comments are included inline with the create statements.
/** * Set to true if table and column comments are included inline with the create statements. */
protected boolean inlineComments;
Default assumes if exists is supported.
/** * Default assumes if exists is supported. */
protected String dropTableIfExists = "drop table if exists "; protected String dropTableCascade = "";
Default assumes if exists is supported.
/** * Default assumes if exists is supported. */
protected String dropSequenceIfExists = "drop sequence if exists "; protected String foreignKeyOnDelete = "on delete"; protected String foreignKeyOnUpdate = "on update"; protected String identitySuffix = " auto_increment"; protected String alterTableIfExists = ""; protected String dropConstraintIfExists = "drop constraint if exists"; protected String dropIndexIfExists = "drop index if exists "; protected String alterColumn = "alter column"; protected String alterColumnSuffix = ""; protected String dropUniqueConstraint = "drop constraint"; protected String addConstraint = "add constraint"; protected String addColumn = "add column"; protected String addColumnSuffix = ""; protected String columnSetType = ""; protected String columnSetDefault = "set default"; protected String columnDropDefault = "drop default"; protected String columnSetNotnull = "set not null"; protected String columnSetNull = "set null"; protected String updateNullWithDefault = "update ${table} set ${column} = ${default} where ${column} is null"; protected String createTable = "create table"; protected String dropColumn = "drop column"; protected String dropColumnSuffix = "";
Set false for MsSqlServer to allow multiple nulls for OneToOne mapping.
/** * Set false for MsSqlServer to allow multiple nulls for OneToOne mapping. */
protected boolean inlineUniqueWhenNullable = true; protected DbConstraintNaming naming;
Generally not desired as then they are not named (used with SQLite).
/** * Generally not desired as then they are not named (used with SQLite). */
protected boolean inlineForeignKeys; protected boolean includeStorageEngine; protected final DbDefaultValue dbDefaultValue; protected String fallbackArrayType = "varchar(1000)"; public PlatformDdl(DatabasePlatform platform) { this.platform = platform; this.dbIdentity = platform.getDbIdentity(); this.dbDefaultValue = platform.getDbDefaultValue(); this.typeConverter = new PlatformTypeConverter(platform.getDbTypeMap()); }
Set configuration options.
/** * Set configuration options. */
public void configure(ServerConfig serverConfig) { historyDdl.configure(serverConfig, this); naming = serverConfig.getConstraintNaming(); }
Create a DdlHandler for the specific database platform.
/** * Create a DdlHandler for the specific database platform. */
public DdlHandler createDdlHandler(ServerConfig serverConfig) { return new BaseDdlHandler(serverConfig, this); }
Return the identity type to use given the support in the underlying database platform for sequences and identity/autoincrement.
/** * Return the identity type to use given the support in the underlying database * platform for sequences and identity/autoincrement. */
public IdType useIdentityType(IdentityType modelIdentity) { if (modelIdentity == null) { // use the default return dbIdentity.getIdType(); } return identityType(modelIdentity, dbIdentity.getIdType(), dbIdentity.isSupportsSequence(), dbIdentity.isSupportsIdentity()); }
Determine the id type to use based on requested identityType and the support for that in the database platform.
/** * Determine the id type to use based on requested identityType and * the support for that in the database platform. */
private IdType identityType(IdentityType modelIdentity, IdType platformIdType, boolean supportsSequence, boolean supportsIdentity) { switch (modelIdentity) { case GENERATOR: return IdType.GENERATOR; case EXTERNAL: return IdType.EXTERNAL; case SEQUENCE: return supportsSequence ? IdType.SEQUENCE : platformIdType; case IDENTITY: return supportsIdentity ? IdType.IDENTITY : platformIdType; default: return platformIdType; } }
Modify and return the column definition for autoincrement or identity definition.
/** * Modify and return the column definition for autoincrement or identity definition. */
public String asIdentityColumn(String columnDefn) { return columnDefn + identitySuffix; }
Return true if the table and column comments are included inline.
/** * Return true if the table and column comments are included inline. */
public boolean isInlineComments() { return inlineComments; }
Return true if the platform includes storage engine clause.
/** * Return true if the platform includes storage engine clause. */
public boolean isIncludeStorageEngine() { return includeStorageEngine; }
Return true if foreign key reference constraints need to inlined with create table. Ideally we don't do this as then the constraints are not named. Do this for SQLite.
/** * Return true if foreign key reference constraints need to inlined with create table. * Ideally we don't do this as then the constraints are not named. Do this for SQLite. */
public boolean isInlineForeignKeys() { return inlineForeignKeys; }
Write all the table columns converting to platform types as necessary.
/** * Write all the table columns converting to platform types as necessary. */
public void writeTableColumns(DdlBuffer apply, List<Column> columns, boolean useIdentity) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { apply.newLine(); writeColumnDefinition(apply, columns.get(i), useIdentity); if (i < columns.size() - 1) { apply.append(","); } } }
Write the column definition to the create table statement.
/** * Write the column definition to the create table statement. */
protected void writeColumnDefinition(DdlBuffer buffer, Column column, boolean useIdentity) throws IOException { boolean identityColumn = useIdentity && isTrue(column.isPrimaryKey()); String platformType = convert(column.getType(), identityColumn); buffer.append(" "); buffer.append(lowerColumnName(column.getName()), 29); buffer.append(platformType); if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(column.isPrimaryKey())) { String defaultValue = convertDefaultValue(column.getDefaultValue()); if (defaultValue != null) { buffer.append(" default ").append(defaultValue); } } if (isTrue(column.isNotnull()) || isTrue(column.isPrimaryKey())) { writeColumnNotNull(buffer); } // add check constraints later as we really want to give them a nice name // so that the database can potentially provide a nice SQL error }
Allow for platform overriding (e.g. ClickHouse).
/** * Allow for platform overriding (e.g. ClickHouse). */
protected void writeColumnNotNull(DdlBuffer buffer) throws IOException { buffer.append(" not null"); }
Convert the DB column default literal to platform specific.
/** * Convert the DB column default literal to platform specific. */
public String convertDefaultValue(String dbDefault) { return dbDefaultValue.convert(dbDefault); }
Return the drop foreign key clause.
/** * Return the drop foreign key clause. */
public String alterTableDropForeignKey(String tableName, String fkName) { return "alter table " + alterTableIfExists + tableName + " " + dropConstraintIfExists + " " + maxConstraintName(fkName); }
Convert the standard type to the platform specific type.
/** * Convert the standard type to the platform specific type. */
public String convert(String type, boolean identity) { if (type == null) { return null; } if (type.contains("[]")) { return convertArrayType(type); } String platformType = typeConverter.convert(type); return identity ? asIdentityColumn(platformType) : platformType; }
Convert the logical array type to a db platform specific type to support the array data.
/** * Convert the logical array type to a db platform specific type to support the array data. */
protected String convertArrayType(String logicalArrayType) { if (logicalArrayType.endsWith("]")) { return fallbackArrayType; } int colonPos = logicalArrayType.lastIndexOf(']'); return "varchar" + logicalArrayType.substring(colonPos + 1); }
Add history support to this table using the platform specific mechanism.
/** * Add history support to this table using the platform specific mechanism. */
public void createWithHistory(DdlWrite writer, MTable table) throws IOException { historyDdl.createWithHistory(writer, table); }
Drop history support for a given table.
/** * Drop history support for a given table. */
public void dropHistoryTable(DdlWrite writer, DropHistoryTable dropHistoryTable) throws IOException { historyDdl.dropHistoryTable(writer, dropHistoryTable); }
Add history support to an existing table.
/** * Add history support to an existing table. */
public void addHistoryTable(DdlWrite writer, AddHistoryTable addHistoryTable) throws IOException { historyDdl.addHistoryTable(writer, addHistoryTable); }
Regenerate the history triggers (or function) due to a column being added/dropped/excluded or included.
/** * Regenerate the history triggers (or function) due to a column being added/dropped/excluded or included. */
public void regenerateHistoryTriggers(DdlWrite write, HistoryTableUpdate update) throws IOException { historyDdl.updateTriggers(write, update); }
Generate and return the create sequence DDL.
/** * Generate and return the create sequence DDL. */
public String createSequence(String sequenceName, int initialValue, int allocationSize) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("create sequence "); sb.append(sequenceName); if (initialValue > 1) { sb.append(" start with ").append(initialValue); } if (allocationSize > 1) { sb.append(" increment by ").append(allocationSize); } sb.append(";"); return sb.toString(); }
Return the drop sequence statement (potentially with if exists clause).
/** * Return the drop sequence statement (potentially with if exists clause). */
public String dropSequence(String sequenceName) { return dropSequenceIfExists + sequenceName; }
Return the drop table statement (potentially with if exists clause).
/** * Return the drop table statement (potentially with if exists clause). */
public String dropTable(String tableName) { return dropTableIfExists + tableName + dropTableCascade; }
Return the drop index statement.
/** * Return the drop index statement. */
public String dropIndex(String indexName, String tableName) { return dropIndexIfExists + maxConstraintName(indexName); }
Return the create index statement.
/** * Return the create index statement. */
public String createIndex(String indexName, String tableName, String[] columns) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("create index ").append(maxConstraintName(indexName)).append(" on ").append(tableName); appendColumns(columns, buffer); return buffer.toString(); }
Return the foreign key constraint when used inline with create table.
/** * Return the foreign key constraint when used inline with create table. */
public String tableInlineForeignKey(WriteForeignKey request) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(90); buffer.append("foreign key"); appendColumns(request.cols(), buffer); buffer.append(" references ").append(lowerTableName(request.refTable())); appendColumns(request.refCols(), buffer); appendForeignKeySuffix(request, buffer); return buffer.toString(); }
Add foreign key.
/** * Add foreign key. */
public String alterTableAddForeignKey(WriteForeignKey request) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(90); buffer .append("alter table ").append(lowerTableName(request.table())) .append(" add constraint ").append(maxConstraintName(request.fkName())) .append(" foreign key"); appendColumns(request.cols(), buffer); buffer .append(" references ") .append(lowerTableName(request.refTable())); appendColumns(request.refCols(), buffer); appendForeignKeySuffix(request, buffer); return buffer.toString(); } protected void appendForeignKeySuffix(WriteForeignKey request, StringBuilder buffer) { appendForeignKeyOnDelete(buffer, withDefault(request.onDelete())); appendForeignKeyOnUpdate(buffer, withDefault(request.onDelete())); } protected ConstraintMode withDefault(ConstraintMode mode) { return (mode == null) ? ConstraintMode.RESTRICT : mode; } protected void appendForeignKeyOnDelete(StringBuilder buffer, ConstraintMode mode) { appendForeignKeyMode(buffer, foreignKeyOnDelete, mode); } protected void appendForeignKeyOnUpdate(StringBuilder buffer, ConstraintMode mode) { appendForeignKeyMode(buffer, foreignKeyOnUpdate, mode); } protected void appendForeignKeyMode(StringBuilder buffer, String onMode, ConstraintMode mode) { buffer.append(" ").append(onMode).append(" ").append(translate(mode)); } protected String translate(ConstraintMode mode) { switch (mode) { case SET_NULL: return "set null"; case SET_DEFAULT: return "set default"; case RESTRICT: return "restrict"; case CASCADE: return "cascade"; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown mode " + mode); } }
Drop a unique constraint from the table (Sometimes this is an index).
/** * Drop a unique constraint from the table (Sometimes this is an index). */
public String alterTableDropUniqueConstraint(String tableName, String uniqueConstraintName) { return "alter table " + tableName + " " + dropUniqueConstraint + " " + maxConstraintName(uniqueConstraintName); }
Drop a unique constraint from the table.
/** * Drop a unique constraint from the table. */
public String alterTableDropConstraint(String tableName, String constraintName) { return "alter table " + tableName + " " + dropConstraintIfExists + " " + maxConstraintName(constraintName); }
Add a unique constraint to the table.

Overridden by MsSqlServer for specific null handling on unique constraints.

/** * Add a unique constraint to the table. * <p> * Overridden by MsSqlServer for specific null handling on unique constraints. */
public String alterTableAddUniqueConstraint(String tableName, String uqName, String[] columns, String[] nullableColumns) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(90); buffer.append("alter table ").append(tableName).append(" add constraint ").append(maxConstraintName(uqName)).append(" unique "); appendColumns(columns, buffer); return buffer.toString(); } public void alterTableAddColumn(DdlBuffer buffer, String tableName, Column column, boolean onHistoryTable, String defaultValue) throws IOException { String convertedType = convert(column.getType(), false); buffer.append("alter table ").append(tableName) .append(" ").append(addColumn).append(" ").append(column.getName()) .append(" ").append(convertedType); // Add default value also to history table if it is not excluded if (defaultValue != null) { if (!onHistoryTable || !isTrue(column.isHistoryExclude())) { buffer.append(" default "); buffer.append(defaultValue); } } if (!onHistoryTable) { if (isTrue(column.isNotnull())) { writeColumnNotNull(buffer); } buffer.append(addColumnSuffix); buffer.endOfStatement(); // check constraints cannot be added in one statement for h2 if (!StringHelper.isNull(column.getCheckConstraint())) { String ddl = alterTableAddCheckConstraint(tableName, column.getCheckConstraintName(), column.getCheckConstraint()); buffer.append(ddl).endOfStatement(); } } else { buffer.append(addColumnSuffix); buffer.endOfStatement(); } } public void alterTableDropColumn(DdlBuffer buffer, String tableName, String columnName) throws IOException { buffer.append("alter table ").append(tableName).append(" ").append(dropColumn).append(" ").append(columnName) .append(dropColumnSuffix).endOfStatement(); }
Return true if unique constraints for nullable columns can be inlined as normal. Returns false for MsSqlServer & DB2 due to it's not possible to to put a constraint on a nullable column
/** * Return true if unique constraints for nullable columns can be inlined as normal. * Returns false for MsSqlServer & DB2 due to it's not possible to to put a constraint * on a nullable column */
public boolean isInlineUniqueWhenNullable() { return inlineUniqueWhenNullable; }
Alter a column type.

Note that that MySql and SQL Server instead use alterColumnBaseAttributes()

/** * Alter a column type. * <p> * Note that that MySql and SQL Server instead use alterColumnBaseAttributes() * </p> */
public String alterColumnType(String tableName, String columnName, String type) { return "alter table " + tableName + " " + alterColumn + " " + columnName + " " + columnSetType + convert(type, false) + alterColumnSuffix; }
Alter a column adding or removing the not null constraint.

Note that that MySql, SQL Server, and HANA instead use alterColumnBaseAttributes()

/** * Alter a column adding or removing the not null constraint. * <p> * Note that that MySql, SQL Server, and HANA instead use alterColumnBaseAttributes() * </p> */
public String alterColumnNotnull(String tableName, String columnName, boolean notnull) { String suffix = notnull ? columnSetNotnull : columnSetNull; return "alter table " + tableName + " " + alterColumn + " " + columnName + " " + suffix + alterColumnSuffix; }
Alter table adding the check constraint.
/** * Alter table adding the check constraint. */
public String alterTableAddCheckConstraint(String tableName, String checkConstraintName, String checkConstraint) { return "alter table " + tableName + " " + addConstraint + " " + maxConstraintName(checkConstraintName) + " " + checkConstraint; }
Alter column setting the default value.
/** * Alter column setting the default value. */
public String alterColumnDefaultValue(String tableName, String columnName, String defaultValue) { String suffix = DdlHelp.isDropDefault(defaultValue) ? columnDropDefault : columnSetDefault + " " + convertDefaultValue(defaultValue); return "alter table " + tableName + " " + alterColumn + " " + columnName + " " + suffix + alterColumnSuffix; }
Alter column setting both the type and not null constraint.

Used by MySql, SQL Server, and HANA as these require both column attributes to be set together.

/** * Alter column setting both the type and not null constraint. * <p> * Used by MySql, SQL Server, and HANA as these require both column attributes to be set together. * </p> */
public String alterColumnBaseAttributes(AlterColumn alter) { // by default do nothing, only used by mysql, sql server, and HANA as they can only // modify the column with the full column definition return null; } protected void appendColumns(String[] columns, StringBuilder buffer) { buffer.append(" ("); for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { buffer.append(","); } buffer.append(lowerColumnName(columns[i].trim())); } buffer.append(")"); } protected void appendWithSpace(String content, StringBuilder buffer) { if (content != null && !content.isEmpty()) { buffer.append(" ").append(content); } }
Convert the table to lower case.

Override as desired. Generally lower case with underscore is a good cross database choice for column/table names.

/** * Convert the table to lower case. * <p> * Override as desired. Generally lower case with underscore is a good cross database * choice for column/table names. */
protected String lowerTableName(String name) { return naming.lowerTableName(name); }
Convert the column name to lower case.

Override as desired. Generally lower case with underscore is a good cross database choice for column/table names.

/** * Convert the column name to lower case. * <p> * Override as desired. Generally lower case with underscore is a good cross database * choice for column/table names. */
protected String lowerColumnName(String name) { return naming.lowerColumnName(name); } public DatabasePlatform getPlatform() { return platform; } public String getUpdateNullWithDefault() { return updateNullWithDefault; }
Null safe Boolean true test.
/** * Null safe Boolean true test. */
protected boolean isTrue(Boolean value) { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(value); }
Add an inline table comment to the create table statement.
/** * Add an inline table comment to the create table statement. */
public void inlineTableComment(DdlBuffer apply, String tableComment) throws IOException { // do nothing by default (MySql only) }
Add an table storage engine to the create table statement.
/** * Add an table storage engine to the create table statement. */
public void tableStorageEngine(DdlBuffer apply, String storageEngine) throws IOException { // do nothing by default }
Add table comment as a separate statement (from the create table statement).
/** * Add table comment as a separate statement (from the create table statement). */
public void addTableComment(DdlBuffer apply, String tableName, String tableComment) throws IOException { if (DdlHelp.isDropComment(tableComment)) { tableComment = ""; } apply.append(String.format("comment on table %s is '%s'", tableName, tableComment)).endOfStatement(); }
Add column comment as a separate statement.
/** * Add column comment as a separate statement. */
public void addColumnComment(DdlBuffer apply, String table, String column, String comment) throws IOException { if (DdlHelp.isDropComment(comment)) { comment = ""; } apply.append(String.format("comment on column %s.%s is '%s'", table, column, comment)).endOfStatement(); }
Use this to generate a prolog for each script (stored procedures)
/** * Use this to generate a prolog for each script (stored procedures) */
public void generateProlog(DdlWrite write) throws IOException { }
Use this to generate an epilog. Will be added at the end of script
/** * Use this to generate an epilog. Will be added at the end of script */
public void generateEpilog(DdlWrite write) throws IOException { }
Shortens the given name to the maximum constraint name length of the platform in a deterministic way.

First, all vowels are removed, If the string is still to long, 31 bits are taken from the hash code of the string and base36 encoded (10 digits and 26 chars) string.

As 36^6 > 31^2, the resulting string is never longer as 6 chars.

/** * Shortens the given name to the maximum constraint name length of the platform in a deterministic way. * <p> * First, all vowels are removed, If the string is still to long, 31 bits are taken from the hash code * of the string and base36 encoded (10 digits and 26 chars) string. * <p> * As 36^6 > 31^2, the resulting string is never longer as 6 chars. */
protected String maxConstraintName(String name) { if (name.length() > platform.getMaxConstraintNameLength()) { int hash = name.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; name = VowelRemover.trim(name, 4); if (name.length() > platform.getMaxConstraintNameLength()) { return name.substring(0, platform.getMaxConstraintNameLength() - 7) + "_" + Integer.toString(hash, 36); } } return name; }
Mysql-specific: Locks all tables for triggers that have to be updated.
/** * Mysql-specific: Locks all tables for triggers that have to be updated. */
public void lockTables(DdlBuffer buffer, Collection<String> tables) throws IOException { }
Mysql-specific: Unlocks all tables for triggers that have to be updated.
/** * Mysql-specific: Unlocks all tables for triggers that have to be updated. */
public void unlockTables(DdlBuffer buffer, Collection<String> tables) throws IOException { }
Returns the database-specific "create table" command prefix. For HANA this is either "create column table" or "create row table", for all other databases it is "create table".
Returns:The "create table" command prefix
/** * Returns the database-specific "create table" command prefix. For HANA this is * either "create column table" or "create row table", for all other databases * it is "create table". * * @return The "create table" command prefix */
public String getCreateTableCommandPrefix() { return createTable; } public boolean suppressPrimaryKeyOnPartition() { return false; } public void addTablePartition(DdlBuffer apply, String partitionMode, String partitionColumn) throws IOException { // only supported by postgres initially } }