package io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dml;

import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebean.util.JdbcClose;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransaction;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;

import javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import static io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.DmlUtil.isNullOrZero;

Insert bean handler.
/** * Insert bean handler. */
public class InsertHandler extends DmlHandler {
The associated InsertMeta data.
/** * The associated InsertMeta data. */
private final InsertMeta meta;
Set to true when the key is concatenated.
/** * Set to true when the key is concatenated. */
private final boolean concatinatedKey;
Flag set when using getGeneratedKeys.
/** * Flag set when using getGeneratedKeys. */
private boolean useGeneratedKeys;
A SQL Select used to fetch back the Id where generatedKeys is not supported.
/** * A SQL Select used to fetch back the Id where generatedKeys is not * supported. */
private boolean useSelectLastInsertedId;
Create to handle the insert execution.
/** * Create to handle the insert execution. */
public InsertHandler(PersistRequestBean<?> persist, InsertMeta meta) { super(persist); this.meta = meta; this.concatinatedKey = meta.isConcatenatedKey(); } @Override public boolean isUpdate() { return false; }
Generate and bind the insert statement.
/** * Generate and bind the insert statement. */
@Override public void bind() throws SQLException { BeanDescriptor<?> desc = persistRequest.getBeanDescriptor(); EntityBean bean = persistRequest.getEntityBean(); Object idValue = desc.getId(bean); boolean withId = !isNullOrZero(idValue); // check to see if we are going to use generated keys if (!withId) { if (concatinatedKey) { // expecting a concatenated key that can // be built from supplied AssocOne beans withId = meta.deriveConcatenatedId(persistRequest); } else if (meta.supportsGetGeneratedKeys()) { // Identity with getGeneratedKeys useGeneratedKeys = true; } else { // use a query to get the last inserted id useSelectLastInsertedId = meta.supportsSelectLastInsertedId(); } } SpiTransaction t = persistRequest.getTransaction(); // get the appropriate sql sql = meta.getSql(withId, persistRequest.isPublish()); PreparedStatement pstmt; if (persistRequest.isBatched()) { pstmt = getPstmtBatch(t, sql, persistRequest, useGeneratedKeys); } else { pstmt = getPstmt(t, sql, useGeneratedKeys); } dataBind = bind(pstmt); meta.bind(this, bean, withId, persistRequest.isPublish()); if (persistRequest.isBatched()) { batchedPstmt.registerInputStreams(dataBind.getInputStreams()); } logSql(sql); }
Check with useGeneratedKeys to get appropriate PreparedStatement.
/** * Check with useGeneratedKeys to get appropriate PreparedStatement. */
@Override PreparedStatement getPstmt(SpiTransaction t, String sql, boolean useGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException { Connection conn = t.getInternalConnection(); if (useGeneratedKeys) { return conn.prepareStatement(sql, meta.getIdentityDbColumns()); } else { return conn.prepareStatement(sql); } }
Execute non batched insert additionally using getGeneratedKeys if required.
/** * Execute non batched insert additionally using getGeneratedKeys if required. */
@Override public int execute() throws SQLException, OptimisticLockException { int rowCount = dataBind.executeUpdate(); if (useGeneratedKeys) { // get the auto-increment value back and set into the bean getGeneratedKeys(); } else if (useSelectLastInsertedId) { // fetch back the Id using a query fetchGeneratedKeyUsingSelect(); } checkRowCount(rowCount); return rowCount; }
For non batch insert with generated keys.
/** * For non batch insert with generated keys. */
private void getGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException { ResultSet rset = dataBind.getPstmt().getGeneratedKeys(); try { setGeneratedKey(rset); } finally { JdbcClose.close(rset); } } private void setGeneratedKey(ResultSet rset) throws SQLException { if ( { Object idValue = rset.getObject(1); if (idValue != null) { persistRequest.setGeneratedKey(idValue); } } else { throw new PersistenceException("Autoincrement getGeneratedKeys() returned no rows?"); } }
For non batch insert with DBs that do not support getGeneratedKeys. Use a SQL select to fetch back the Id value.
/** * For non batch insert with DBs that do not support getGeneratedKeys. Use a * SQL select to fetch back the Id value. */
private void fetchGeneratedKeyUsingSelect() throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { stmt = transaction.getConnection().prepareStatement(persistRequest.getSelectLastInsertedId()); rset = stmt.executeQuery(); setGeneratedKey(rset); } finally { JdbcClose.close(rset); JdbcClose.close(stmt); } } }