package io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.dml;

import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform;
import io.ebean.util.StringHelper;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.PersistRequestBean;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.persist.BeanPersister;

import java.sql.SQLException;

Bean persister that uses the Handler and Meta objects.

The design of this is based on the immutable Meta objects. They hold a information in the form of lists of Bindable objects. This effectively flattens the structure of the bean with embedded and associated objects into a flat list of Bindable objects.

/** * Bean persister that uses the Handler and Meta objects. * <p> * The design of this is based on the immutable Meta objects. They hold a * information in the form of lists of Bindable objects. This effectively * flattens the structure of the bean with embedded and associated objects into * a flat list of Bindable objects. * </p> */
public final class DmlBeanPersister implements BeanPersister { private final DatabasePlatform dbPlatform; private final UpdateMeta updateMeta; private final InsertMeta insertMeta; private final DeleteMeta deleteMeta; DmlBeanPersister(DatabasePlatform dbPlatform, UpdateMeta updateMeta, InsertMeta insertMeta, DeleteMeta deleteMeta) { this.dbPlatform = dbPlatform; this.updateMeta = updateMeta; this.insertMeta = insertMeta; this.deleteMeta = deleteMeta; }
execute the bean delete request.
/** * execute the bean delete request. */
@Override public int delete(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { return execute(request, new DeleteHandler(request, deleteMeta)); }
execute the bean insert request.
/** * execute the bean insert request. */
@Override public void insert(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { execute(request, new InsertHandler(request, insertMeta)); }
execute the bean update request.
/** * execute the bean update request. */
@Override public void update(PersistRequestBean<?> request) { execute(request, new UpdateHandler(request, updateMeta)); }
execute request taking batching into account.
/** * execute request taking batching into account. */
private int execute(PersistRequestBean<?> request, PersistHandler handler) { boolean batched = request.isBatched(); try { handler.bind(); if (batched) { handler.addBatch(); return -1; } else { return handler.executeNoBatch(); } } catch (SQLException e) { // log the error to the transaction log String msg = "Error[" + StringHelper.removeNewLines(e.getMessage()) + "]"; if (request.getTransaction().isLogSummary()) { request.getTransaction().logSummary(msg); } throw dbPlatform.translate(msg, e); } finally { if (!batched) { handler.close(); } } } }