package io.ebeaninternal.server.expression;

import io.ebean.Expression;
import io.ebean.Junction;
import io.ebean.event.BeanQueryRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.ManyWhereJoins;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.NaturalKeyQueryData;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpression;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpressionRequest;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpressionValidation;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;


A logical And or Or for joining two expressions.
/** * A logical And or Or for joining two expressions. */
abstract class LogicExpression implements SpiExpression { static final String AND = " and "; static final String OR = " or "; static class And extends LogicExpression { And(Expression expOne, Expression expTwo) { super(true, expOne, expTwo); } @Override public SpiExpression copyForPlanKey() { return new And(expOne.copyForPlanKey(), expTwo.copyForPlanKey()); } } static class Or extends LogicExpression { Or(Expression expOne, Expression expTwo) { super(false, expOne, expTwo); } @Override public SpiExpression copyForPlanKey() { return new Or(expOne.copyForPlanKey(), expTwo.copyForPlanKey()); } } SpiExpression expOne; SpiExpression expTwo; private final boolean conjunction; LogicExpression(boolean conjunction, Expression expOne, Expression expTwo) { this.conjunction = conjunction; this.expOne = (SpiExpression) expOne; this.expTwo = (SpiExpression) expTwo; } @Override public boolean naturalKey(NaturalKeyQueryData<?> data) { // can't use naturalKey cache return false; } @Override public void simplify() { // do nothing } @Override public void writeDocQuery(DocQueryContext context) throws IOException { context.startBool(conjunction ? Junction.Type.AND : Junction.Type.OR); expOne.writeDocQuery(context); expTwo.writeDocQuery(context); context.endBool(); } @Override public String nestedPath(BeanDescriptor<?> desc) { String pathOne = expOne.nestedPath(desc); String pathTwo = expTwo.nestedPath(desc); if (pathOne == null && pathTwo == null) { return null; } if (pathOne != null && pathOne.equals(pathTwo)) { return pathOne; } if (pathOne != null) { expOne = new NestedPathWrapperExpression(pathOne, expOne); } if (pathTwo != null) { expTwo = new NestedPathWrapperExpression(pathTwo, expTwo); } return null; } @Override public Object getIdEqualTo(String idName) { // always return null for this expression return null; } @Override public void containsMany(BeanDescriptor<?> desc, ManyWhereJoins manyWhereJoin) { // get the current state for 'require outer joins' boolean parentOuterJoins = manyWhereJoin.isRequireOuterJoins(); if (!conjunction) { // turn on outer joins required for disjunction expressions manyWhereJoin.setRequireOuterJoins(true); } expOne.containsMany(desc, manyWhereJoin); expTwo.containsMany(desc, manyWhereJoin); if (!conjunction && !parentOuterJoins) { // restore state to not forcing outer joins manyWhereJoin.setRequireOuterJoins(false); } } @Override public void validate(SpiExpressionValidation validation) { expOne.validate(validation); expTwo.validate(validation); } @Override public void addBindValues(SpiExpressionRequest request) { expOne.addBindValues(request); expTwo.addBindValues(request); } @Override public void addSql(SpiExpressionRequest request) { request.append("("); expOne.addSql(request); request.append(conjunction ? AND : OR); expTwo.addSql(request); request.append(")"); } @Override public void prepareExpression(BeanQueryRequest<?> request) { expOne.prepareExpression(request); expTwo.prepareExpression(request); }
Based on the joinType plus the two expressions.
/** * Based on the joinType plus the two expressions. */
@Override public void queryPlanHash(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append("Logic").append(conjunction ? AND : OR).append("["); expOne.queryPlanHash(builder); builder.append(","); expTwo.queryPlanHash(builder); builder.append("]"); } @Override public int queryBindHash() { int hc = expOne.queryBindHash(); hc = hc * 92821 + expTwo.queryBindHash(); return hc; } @Override public boolean isSameByBind(SpiExpression other) { LogicExpression that = (LogicExpression) other; return this.expOne.isSameByBind(that.expOne) && this.expTwo.isSameByBind(that.expTwo); } }