package io.ebeaninternal.server.expression;

import io.ebean.Junction;
import io.ebean.LikeType;
import io.ebean.plugin.ExpressionPath;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;

Context for writing a doc store query.
/** * Context for writing a doc store query. */
public interface DocQueryContext {
Start a junction.
/** * Start a junction. */
void startBool(Junction.Type type) throws IOException;
Start a conjunction.
/** * Start a conjunction. */
void startBoolMust() throws IOException;
Start a boolean NOT.
/** * Start a boolean NOT. */
void startBoolMustNot() throws IOException;
End a bool expression/group.
/** * End a bool expression/group. */
void endBool() throws IOException;
Write a equalTo expression.
/** * Write a equalTo expression. */
void writeEqualTo(String propertyName, Object value) throws IOException;
Write a case insensitive equalTo expression.
/** * Write a case insensitive equalTo expression. */
void writeIEqualTo(String propName, String value) throws IOException;
Write a case insensitive notEqualTo expression.
/** * Write a case insensitive notEqualTo expression. */
default void writeINotEqualTo(String propName, String value) throws IOException { throw new AbstractMethodError("writeINotEqualTo not implemented"); }
Write a range operation with one value.
/** * Write a range operation with one value. */
void writeRange(String propertyName, String rangeType, Object value) throws IOException;
Write a range operation with a lower and upper values.
/** * Write a range operation with a lower and upper values. */
void writeRange(String propertyName, Op lowOp, Object valueLow, Op highOp, Object valueHigh) throws IOException;
Write an In expression.
/** * Write an In expression. */
void writeIn(String propertyName, Object[] values, boolean not) throws IOException;
Write an Id in expression.
/** * Write an Id in expression. */
void writeIds(Collection<?> idCollection) throws IOException;
Write an Id equals expression.
/** * Write an Id equals expression. */
void writeId(Object value) throws IOException;
Write a raw expression with bind values (might not be supported).
/** * Write a raw expression with bind values (might not be supported). */
void writeRaw(String raw, Object[] values) throws IOException;
Write an exists expression.
/** * Write an exists expression. */
void writeExists(boolean notNull, String propertyName) throws IOException;
Write one of the base expressions.
/** * Write one of the base expressions. */
void writeSimple(Op type, String propertyName, Object value) throws IOException;
Write an all equals expression.
/** * Write an all equals expression. */
void writeAllEquals(Map<String, Object> propMap) throws IOException;
Write a Like expression.
/** * Write a Like expression. */
void writeLike(String propName, String val, LikeType type, boolean caseInsensitive) throws IOException;
Write a Match expression.
/** * Write a Match expression. */
void writeMatch(String propName, String search, Match options) throws IOException;
Write a Multi-match expression.
/** * Write a Multi-match expression. */
void writeMultiMatch(String search, MultiMatch options) throws IOException;
Write a simple expression.
/** * Write a simple expression. */
void writeTextSimple(String search, TextSimple options) throws IOException;
Write a common terms expression.
/** * Write a common terms expression. */
void writeTextCommonTerms(String search, TextCommonTerms options) throws IOException;
Write a query string expression.
/** * Write a query string expression. */
void writeTextQueryString(String search, TextQueryString options) throws IOException;
Start a Bool which may contain some of Must, Must Not, Should.
/** * Start a Bool which may contain some of Must, Must Not, Should. */
void startBoolGroup() throws IOException;
Start a Must, Must Not or Should list.
/** * Start a Must, Must Not or Should list. */
void startBoolGroupList(Junction.Type type) throws IOException;
End a Must, Must Not or Should list.
/** * End a Must, Must Not or Should list. */
void endBoolGroupList() throws IOException;
End the Bool group.
/** * End the Bool group. */
void endBoolGroup() throws IOException;
Return the expression path for the given property path.
/** * Return the expression path for the given property path. */
ExpressionPath getExpressionPath(String propName);
Start nested path expressions.
/** * Start nested path expressions. */
void startNested(String nestedPath) throws IOException;
End nested path expressions.
/** * End nested path expressions. */
void endNested() throws IOException;
Start a not wrapping an expression.
/** * Start a not wrapping an expression. */
void startNot() throws IOException;
End a not wrapper.
/** * End a not wrapper. */
void endNot() throws IOException; }