package io.ebeaninternal.server.cache;

import io.ebean.BackgroundExecutor;
import io.ebean.cache.ServerCache;
import io.ebean.cache.ServerCacheConfig;
import io.ebean.cache.ServerCacheFactory;
import io.ebean.cache.ServerCacheNotification;
import io.ebean.cache.ServerCacheNotify;

Default implementation of ServerCacheFactory.
/** * Default implementation of ServerCacheFactory. */
class DefaultServerCacheFactory implements ServerCacheFactory { private final BackgroundExecutor executor;
Construct when l2 cache is disabled.
/** * Construct when l2 cache is disabled. */
DefaultServerCacheFactory() { this.executor = null; }
Construct with executor service.
/** * Construct with executor service. */
DefaultServerCacheFactory(BackgroundExecutor executor) { this.executor = executor; } @Override public ServerCache createCache(ServerCacheConfig config) { DefaultServerCache cache; if (config.isQueryCache()) { // use a server cache aware of extra validation and QueryCacheEntry cache = new DefaultServerQueryCache(new DefaultServerCacheConfig(config)); } else { cache = new DefaultServerCache(new DefaultServerCacheConfig(config)); } if (executor != null) { cache.periodicTrim(executor); } return cache; } @Override public ServerCacheNotify createCacheNotify(ServerCacheNotify listener) { return new NoopServerCacheNotify(); } private static class NoopServerCacheNotify implements ServerCacheNotify { @Override public void notify(ServerCacheNotification notification) { // do nothing } } }