package io.ebean.cache;

import io.ebean.config.CurrentTenantProvider;

Configuration used to create ServerCache instances.
/** * Configuration used to create ServerCache instances. */
public class ServerCacheConfig { private final ServerCacheType type; private final String cacheKey; private final ServerCacheOptions cacheOptions; private final CurrentTenantProvider tenantProvider; private final QueryCacheEntryValidate queryCacheEntryValidate; public ServerCacheConfig(ServerCacheType type, String cacheKey, ServerCacheOptions cacheOptions, CurrentTenantProvider tenantProvider, QueryCacheEntryValidate queryCacheEntryValidate) { this.type = type; this.cacheKey = cacheKey; this.cacheOptions = cacheOptions; this.tenantProvider = tenantProvider; this.queryCacheEntryValidate = queryCacheEntryValidate; }
Return the cache type.
/** * Return the cache type. */
public ServerCacheType getType() { return type; }
Return the name of the cache.
/** * Return the name of the cache. */
public String getCacheKey() { return cacheKey; }
Return the tuning options.
/** * Return the tuning options. */
public ServerCacheOptions getCacheOptions() { return cacheOptions; }
Return the current tenant provider.
/** * Return the current tenant provider. */
public CurrentTenantProvider getTenantProvider() { return tenantProvider; }
Return the service that provides validation for query cache entries.
/** * Return the service that provides validation for query cache entries. */
public QueryCacheEntryValidate getQueryCacheEntryValidate() { return queryCacheEntryValidate; }
Return true if the cache is a query cache.
/** * Return true if the cache is a query cache. */
public boolean isQueryCache() { return type == ServerCacheType.QUERY; } }