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package org.graalvm.component.installer.remote;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.ConnectException;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.Proxy;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Feedback;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.URLConnectionFactory;

Creates URLConnections to the given destination. Caches the decision about proxy. For the first openConnection(URI, Consumer<URLConnection>), the code wil open
  • a direct connection to the proxy
  • a connection through http proxy, if configured
  • a connection through https proxy, if configured
Users may forget to set both the http/https proxies, so the code will attempt to use whetaver is known. All those connections will attempt to connect to the destination. The first connection attempt that succeeds will be used. The mechanism (proxy setting, direct) that established the connection will be cached for subsequent requests to the same authority. Additional requests to the same location should not open additional probes then.

The factory is caching threads; initially at most 3 threads will be created for probes, then each request will reuse a thread from the thread pool (to watch time out the operation on the main thread).
/** * Creates URLConnections to the given destination. Caches the decision about proxy. For the first * {@link #openConnection(java.net.URI, java.util.function.Consumer)}, the code wil open * <ul> * <li>a direct connection to the proxy * <li>a connection through http proxy, if configured * <li>a connection through https proxy, if configured * </ul> * Users may forget to set both the http/https proxies, so the code will attempt to use whetaver is * known. All those connections will attempt to connect to the destination. The first connection * attempt that succeeds will be used. The mechanism (proxy setting, direct) that established the * connection will be cached for subsequent requests to the same authority. Additional requests to * the same location should not open additional probes then. * <p/> * The factory is caching threads; initially at most 3 threads will be created for probes, then each * request will reuse a thread from the thread pool (to watch time out the operation on the main * thread). * * @author sdedic */
public class ProxyConnectionFactory implements URLConnectionFactory {
The max delay to connect to the final destination or open a proxy connection. In seconds.
/** * The max delay to connect to the final destination or open a proxy connection. In seconds. */
private static final int DEFAULT_CONNECT_DELAY = Integer.getInteger("org.graalvm.component.installer.connectDelaySec", 10);
Delay in the case proxies are not used. Heuristics is not used at all, so the connection time may be longer. In seconds.
/** * Delay in the case proxies are not used. Heuristics is not used at all, so the connection time * may be longer. In seconds. */
private static final int DEFAULT_DIRECT_CONNECT_DELAY = Integer.getInteger("org.graalvm.component.installer.directConnectDelaySec", 20); private static final String PROXY_SCHEME_PREFIX = "http://"; // NOI18N private final Feedback feedback; private final URL urlBase; // @GuardedBy(this) private Connector winningConnector;
Thread pool for connection attempts. Subsequent connections do not send unnecessary probes, but are done in a thread so the main thread may time out the operation. Most likely the threads will be allocated from this pool.
/** * Thread pool for connection attempts. Subsequent connections do not send unnecessary probes, * but are done in a thread so the main thread may time out the operation. Most likely the * threads will be allocated from this pool. */
private final ExecutorService connectors = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
HTTP proxy settings. The default is taken from system environment variables and system property
/** * HTTP proxy settings. The default is taken from system environment variables and system * property */
String envHttpProxy = System.getProperty("http_proxy", System.getenv("http_proxy")); // NOI18N
HTTPS proxy settings. The default is taken from system environment variables and system property
/** * HTTPS proxy settings. The default is taken from system environment variables and system * property */
String envHttpsProxy = System.getProperty("https_proxy", System.getenv("https_proxy")); // NOI18N
The configurable delay for this factory. Initialized to DEFAULT_CONNECT_DELAY.
/** * The configurable delay for this factory. Initialized to {@link #DEFAULT_CONNECT_DELAY}. */
private int connectDelay = DEFAULT_CONNECT_DELAY; private int directConnectDelay = DEFAULT_DIRECT_CONNECT_DELAY; public ProxyConnectionFactory(Feedback feedback, URL urlBase) { this.feedback = feedback.withBundle(ProxyConnectionFactory.class); this.urlBase = urlBase; }
Customizes connection timeouts. Base delay must be at least 0 (infinite wait). If the direct delay is negative, it is scaled from base delay using the same factor as the default timeouts
  • delay – base delay, 0 for infinite wait. Must not be negative
  • directDelay – single connection delay, negative to derive from the base delay
/** * Customizes connection timeouts. Base delay must be at least 0 (infinite wait). If the direct * delay is negative, it is scaled from base delay using the same factor as the default timeouts * * @param delay base delay, 0 for infinite wait. Must not be negative * @param directDelay single connection delay, negative to derive from the base delay */
public void setConnectDelay(int delay, int directDelay) { if (delay < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.connectDelay = delay; if (directDelay >= 0) { this.directConnectDelay = directDelay; } else { // scale the base delay by the default connection factor float factor = Math.min(1, ((float) DEFAULT_DIRECT_CONNECT_DELAY / DEFAULT_CONNECT_DELAY)); this.directConnectDelay = Math.round(delay * factor); } }
Scales the default timeouts by some factor.
  • factor – factor to scale the default timeouts.
/** * Scales the default timeouts by some factor. * * @param factor factor to scale the default timeouts. */
public void setConnectDelayFactor(float factor) { this.connectDelay = Math.round(DEFAULT_CONNECT_DELAY * factor); this.directConnectDelay = Math.round(DEFAULT_DIRECT_CONNECT_DELAY * factor); } public ProxyConnectionFactory setProxy(boolean secure, String proxyURI) { if (secure) { envHttpsProxy = proxyURI; } else { envHttpProxy = proxyURI; } return this; } public URLConnection openConnection(URI relative, Consumer<URLConnection> configCallback) throws IOException { if (relative != null) { try { return openConnectionWithProxies(urlBase.toURI().resolve(relative).toURL(), configCallback); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } } else { return openConnectionWithProxies(urlBase, configCallback); } } private class ConnectionContext { private final Consumer<URLConnection> configCallback; private final CountDownLatch countDown; private final URL url; private final List<Connector> tryConnectors = new ArrayList<>(); // @GuardedBy(this) private Connector winner; // @GuardedBy(this) private URLConnection openedConnection; // @GuardedBy(this) private IOException exProxy; // @GuardedBy(this) private IOException exDirect; // @GuardedBy(this); private int outcomes; ConnectionContext(URL url, Consumer<URLConnection> configCallback, CountDownLatch latch) { this.configCallback = configCallback; this.countDown = latch; this.url = url; } synchronized URLConnection getConnection() throws IOException { if (openedConnection == null) { if (exDirect != null) { throw exDirect; } else if (exProxy != null) { throw exProxy; } throw new ConnectException(feedback.l10n("EXC_CannotConnectTo", url)); } else { return openedConnection; } } boolean setOutcome(Connector w, URLConnection opened) { synchronized (this) { if (winner != null) { return false; } winner = w; openedConnection = opened; } if (countDown != null) { countDown.countDown(); } return true; } void setOutcome(boolean direct, IOException e) { synchronized (this) { if (direct) { exDirect = e; } else { exProxy = e; } if (++outcomes == tryConnectors.size()) { countDown.countDown(); } } } synchronized IOException getConnectException() { if (exDirect != null) { return exDirect; } return new ConnectException(feedback.l10n("EXC_TimeoutConnectTo", url)); } synchronized void submit(Connector c) { tryConnectors.add(c); } void start() { for (Connector c : tryConnectors) { connectors.submit(c); } } } final class Connector implements Runnable { private final String proxySpec; private URL url; private ConnectionContext context; Connector(String proxySpec) { this.proxySpec = proxySpec; } boolean isDirect() { return proxySpec == null; } boolean accepts(URL u) { synchronized (this) { return Objects.equals(u.getAuthority(), url.getAuthority()); } } Connector bind(ConnectionContext ctx) { synchronized (this) { context = ctx; url = ctx.url; } return this; } @Override public void run() { ConnectionContext ctx; synchronized (this) { ctx = context; context = null; } runWithContext(ctx); } void runWithContext(ConnectionContext ctx) { final Proxy proxy; if (isDirect()) { proxy = null; } else { if (proxySpec == null || proxySpec.isEmpty()) { return; } try { // the URI is created just to parse the proxy specification. It won't be // actually used as a whole to form URL or open connection URI uri = new URI(proxySpec); // if the user forgets the scheme (http://) the string is misparsed and hostname // becomes the scheme while the host part will be empty. Adding the "http://" in // front // fixes parsing at least for the host/port part. if (uri.getScheme() == null || uri.getHost() == null) { try { uri = new URI(PROXY_SCHEME_PREFIX + proxySpec); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // better leave the specified value without the scheme. } } InetSocketAddress address = InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, address); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { ctx.setOutcome(false, new IOException(ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex)); return; } } Consumer<URLConnection> configCallback; configCallback = ctx.configCallback; boolean won = false; URLConnection test = null; try { test = proxy == null ? url.openConnection() : url.openConnection(proxy); if (configCallback != null) { configCallback.accept(test); } test.connect(); if (test instanceof HttpURLConnection) { HttpURLConnection htest = (HttpURLConnection) test; int rcode = htest.getResponseCode(); // using bad request 400 as a marker. All 4xx, 5xx codes should be handled this // way to force // the appropriate exception out. if (rcode >= HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) { // force the exception, should fail with IOException InputStream stm = test.getInputStream(); try { stm.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { // let the exception through for direct connections, maybe better error // message // will come out. if (isDirect()) { throw ex; } // swallow, we want to report just proxy failed. } if (!isDirect()) { throw new IOException(feedback.l10n("EXC_ProxyFailed", rcode)); } } } won = ctx.setOutcome(this, test); } catch (IOException ex) { ctx.setOutcome(isDirect(), ex); } finally { if (!won) { if (test instanceof HttpURLConnection) { ((HttpURLConnection) test).disconnect(); } } } } } private URLConnection openConnectionWithProxies(URL url, Consumer<URLConnection> configCallback) throws IOException { final CountDownLatch connected = new CountDownLatch(1); String httpProxy; String httpsProxy; Connector winner; ConnectionContext ctx = new ConnectionContext(url, configCallback, connected); synchronized (this) { httpProxy = envHttpProxy; httpsProxy = envHttpsProxy; winner = winningConnector; } boolean haveProxy = false; // reuse the same detected direct / proxy for matching URLs. if (winner != null && winner.accepts(url)) { winner.bind(ctx); // submit the winner so we can also recover from long connect delays ctx.submit(winner); // note: the winner will benefit from larger timeout as it is just one // connection } else { if (httpProxy != null) { ctx.submit(new Connector(httpProxy).bind(ctx)); } // do not attempt 2nd probe try if http+https are set to the same value. if (httpsProxy != null && !Objects.equals(httpProxy, httpsProxy)) { ctx.submit(new Connector(httpsProxy).bind(ctx)); } ctx.submit(new Connector(null).bind(ctx)); } ctx.start(); int shouldDelay = haveProxy ? connectDelay : directConnectDelay; URLConnection res = null; try { if (shouldDelay > 0) { if (!connected.await(shouldDelay, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { throw ctx.getConnectException(); } else { // may also throw exception res = ctx.getConnection(); } } else { // wait indefinitely ... until network times out. connected.await(); res = ctx.getConnection(); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new ConnectException(feedback.l10n("EXC_InterruptedConnectingTo", url)); } return res; } @Override public URLConnection createConnection(URL u, Consumer<URLConnection> configCallback) throws IOException { try { return openConnection(u.toURI(), configCallback); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } } }