 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.
package org.graalvm.component.installer.persist;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.BundleConstants;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.CommonConstants;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Config;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Feedback;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.MetadataException;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.SystemUtils;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Version;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.ComponentInfo;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.DistributionType;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.ManagementStorage;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.StabilityLevel;

Directory-based implementation of component storage.
/** * Directory-based implementation of component storage. */
public class DirectoryStorage implements ManagementStorage { public static final String META_LICENSE_FILE = "LICENSE_PATH"; // NOI18N
Relative fileName for the "release" Graalvm metadata.
/** * Relative fileName for the "release" Graalvm metadata. */
private static final String PATH_RELEASE_FILE = "release";
Suffix for the component metadata files, including comma.
/** * Suffix for the component metadata files, including comma. */
private static final String COMPONENT_FILE_SUFFIX = ".component"; // NOI18N
Metadata for natively installed component.
/** * Metadata for natively installed component. */
private static final String NATIVE_COMPONENT_FILE_SUFFIX = ".meta"; // NOI18N
Suffix for the filelist metadata files.
/** * Suffix for the filelist metadata files. */
private static final String LIST_FILE_SUFFIX = ".filelist"; // NOI18N
The "replaced files" metadata fileName relative to the registry.
/** * The "replaced files" metadata fileName relative to the registry. */
private static final String PATH_REPLACED_FILES = "replaced-files.properties"; // NOI18N
Template for license accepted records.
/** * * Template for license accepted records. */
private static final String LICENSE_DIR = "licenses"; // NOI18N'
Template for license accepted records.
/** * Template for license accepted records. */
private static final String LICENSE_CONTENTS_NAME = LICENSE_DIR + "/{0}"; // NOI18N'
Template for license accepted records.
/** * Template for license accepted records. */
private static final String LICENSE_CONTENTS_ID = LICENSE_DIR + "/{0}.id"; // NOI18N'
Template for license accepted records.
/** * * Template for license accepted records. */
static final String LICENSE_FILE_TEMPLATE = LICENSE_DIR + "/{0}.accepted/_all"; // NOI18N' /** * */ private static final String BUNDLE_REQUIRED_PREFIX = BundleConstants.BUNDLE_REQUIRED + "-"; // NOI18N private static final String BUNDLE_PROVIDED_PREFIX = BundleConstants.BUNDLE_PROVIDED + "-"; // NOI18N
Root of the storage fileName.
/** * Root of the storage fileName. */
protected final Path registryPath;
GralVM installation home.
/** * GralVM installation home. */
protected final Path graalHomePath;
The environment for reporting errors etc.
/** * The environment for reporting errors etc. */
private final Feedback feedback; private Properties loaded; private ComponentInfo graalCore; private static final String GRAALVM_SOURCE = "source"; // NOI18N private static final Pattern SOURCE_REVISION = Pattern.compile("\\b([a-z-._]+):([0-9a-f]+)\\b"); // NOI18N private static final String REVISION_PREFIX = "source_"; // NOI18N private static final String[] REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES = { CommonConstants.CAP_GRAALVM_VERSION, CommonConstants.CAP_OS_NAME, CommonConstants.CAP_OS_ARCH }; private static final String ENTERPRISE_EDITION = "ee"; // NOI18N private static final String VM_ENTERPRISE_COMPONENT = "vm-enterprise:"; // NOI18N private String javaVersion; private Config config; public DirectoryStorage(Feedback feedback, Path storagePath, Path graalHomePath) { this.feedback = feedback; this.registryPath = storagePath; this.graalHomePath = graalHomePath; this.javaVersion = "" + SystemUtils.getJavaMajorVersion(); // NOI18N } public Config getConfig() { return config; } public void setConfig(Config config) { this.config = config; } public String getJavaVersion() { return javaVersion; } public void setJavaVersion(String javaVersion) { this.javaVersion = javaVersion; } @Override public Map<String, String> loadGraalVersionInfo() { Path graalVersionFile = graalHomePath.resolve(SystemUtils.fromCommonString(PATH_RELEASE_FILE)); try (InputStream istm = Files.newInputStream(graalVersionFile)) { // NOI18N return load(istm); } catch (IOException ex) { throw feedback.failure("ERROR_ReadingRealeaseFile", ex, graalVersionFile, ex.getMessage()); } } public Version getGraalVMVersion() { String s = loadGraalVersionInfo().get(CommonConstants.CAP_GRAALVM_VERSION); return Version.fromString(s); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Map<String, String> load(InputStream istm) throws IOException { Map<String, String> graalAttributes = new HashMap<>(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(istm); String srcText = null; for (String key : Collections.list((Enumeration<String>) props.propertyNames())) { String val = props.getProperty(key, ""); // MOI18N String lowerKey = key.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (!val.isEmpty() && val.charAt(0) == '"' && val.length() > 1 && val.charAt(val.length() - 1) == '"') { // MOI18N val = val.substring(1, val.length() - 1).trim(); } if (GRAALVM_SOURCE.equals(lowerKey)) { Matcher m = SOURCE_REVISION.matcher(val); srcText = val; while (m.find()) { if (m.group(1) == null || m.group(2) == null || m.group(1).isEmpty() || m.group(2).isEmpty()) { throw feedback.failure("ERROR_ReleaseSourceRevisions", null, graalHomePath); } graalAttributes.put(REVISION_PREFIX + m.group(1), m.group(2)); } } else { graalAttributes.put(lowerKey, val); } } for (String a : REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES) { if (!graalAttributes.containsKey(a)) { throw feedback.failure("STORAGE_InvalidReleaseFile", null); } } if (graalAttributes.get(CommonConstants.CAP_EDITION) == null && srcText != null) { // Hardcoded, sorry ... if (srcText.contains(VM_ENTERPRISE_COMPONENT)) { graalAttributes.put(CommonConstants.CAP_EDITION, ENTERPRISE_EDITION); // NOI18N } else { graalAttributes.put(CommonConstants.CAP_EDITION, CommonConstants.EDITION_CE); } } graalAttributes.putIfAbsent(CommonConstants.CAP_JAVA_VERSION, javaVersion); return graalAttributes; }
Loads list of components.
Returns:component IDs
/** * Loads list of components. * * @return component IDs * @throws IOException */
@Override public Set<String> listComponentIDs() throws IOException { if (!Files.exists(registryPath)) { return Collections.emptySet(); } File d = registryPath.toFile(); File[] files = d.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File child) { if (!Files.isRegularFile(child.toPath())) { return false; } return child.getName().endsWith(COMPONENT_FILE_SUFFIX) || child.getName().endsWith(NATIVE_COMPONENT_FILE_SUFFIX); } }); if (files != null) { Set<String> result = new HashSet<>(); for (File f : files) { String s = registryPath.relativize(f.toPath()).toString(); int lastDot = s.lastIndexOf('.'); result.add(s.substring(0, lastDot)); } // GraalVM core is always present if (Files.exists(graalHomePath.resolve("bin"))) { result.add(BundleConstants.GRAAL_COMPONENT_ID); } return result; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("File listing of " + d + " returned null."); } } private static String computeTag(Properties data) throws IOException { try (StringWriter wr = new StringWriter()) { data.store(wr, ""); // properties store date/time into the stream as a comment. Cannot be disabled // programmatically, // must filter out. return SystemUtils.digestString(wr.toString().replaceAll("#.*\r?\n\r?", ""), false); // NOI18N } } ComponentInfo loadMetadataFrom(InputStream fileStream) throws IOException { loaded = new Properties(); loaded.load(fileStream); String serial = loaded.getProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_SERIAL); if (serial == null) { serial = computeTag(loaded); } String id = getRequiredProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_ID); String name = getRequiredProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_NAME); String version = getRequiredProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_VERSION); return propertiesToMeta(loaded, new ComponentInfo(id, name, version, serial), feedback); } public static ComponentInfo propertiesToMeta(Properties loaded, ComponentInfo ci, Feedback fb) { String stability = loaded.getProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_STABILITY); if (stability != null) { ci.setStability(StabilityLevel.valueOfMixedCase(stability)); } String license = loaded.getProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_LICENSE_PATH); if (license != null) { SystemUtils.checkCommonRelative(null, license); ci.setLicensePath(license); } for (String s : loaded.stringPropertyNames()) { if (s.startsWith(BUNDLE_REQUIRED_PREFIX)) { String k = s.substring(BUNDLE_REQUIRED_PREFIX.length()); String v = loaded.getProperty(s, ""); // NOI18N ci.addRequiredValue(k, v); } if (s.startsWith(BUNDLE_PROVIDED_PREFIX)) { String k = s.substring(BUNDLE_PROVIDED_PREFIX.length()); String v = loaded.getProperty(s, ""); // NOI18N if (v.length() < 2) { continue; } String val = v.substring(1); Object o; switch (v.charAt(0)) { case 'V': o = Version.fromString(val); break; case '"': o = val; break; default: continue; } ci.provideValue(k, o); } } Set<String> deps = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (String s : loaded.getProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_DEPENDENCY, "").split(",")) { String p = s.trim(); if (!p.isEmpty()) { deps.add(s.trim()); } } if (!deps.isEmpty()) { ci.setDependencies(deps); } if (Boolean.TRUE.toString().equals(loaded.getProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_POLYGLOT_PART, ""))) { // NOI18N ci.setPolyglotRebuild(true); } List<String> ll = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : loaded.getProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_WORKDIRS, "").split(":")) { String p = s.trim(); if (!p.isEmpty()) { SystemUtils.checkCommonRelative(null, p); ll.add(p); } } ci.addWorkingDirectories(ll); String licType = loaded.getProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_LICENSE_TYPE); if (licType != null) { ci.setLicenseType(licType); } String postInst = loaded.getProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_MESSAGE_POSTINST); if (postInst != null) { String text = postInst.replace("\\n", "\n").replace("\\\\", "\\"); // NOI18N ci.setPostinstMessage(text); } String u = loaded.getProperty(CommonConstants.BUNDLE_ORIGIN_URL); if (u != null) { try { ci.setRemoteURL(new URL(u)); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { // ignore } } String dtn = loaded.getProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_COMPONENT_DISTRIBUTION, DistributionType.OPTIONAL.name()); try { ci.setDistributionType(DistributionType.valueOf(dtn.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new MetadataException(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_COMPONENT_DISTRIBUTION, fb.withBundle(DirectoryStorage.class).l10n("ERROR_InvalidDistributionType", dtn)); } return ci; } private ComponentInfo getCoreInfo() { if (graalCore != null) { return graalCore; } Version v = getGraalVMVersion(); ComponentInfo ci = new ComponentInfo(BundleConstants.GRAAL_COMPONENT_ID, feedback.l10n("NAME_GraalCoreComponent"), v.originalString()); Path cmpFile = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fileName(BundleConstants.GRAAL_COMPONENT_ID + NATIVE_COMPONENT_FILE_SUFFIX)); if (Files.exists(cmpFile)) { ci.setNativeComponent(true); } graalCore = ci; return graalCore; } @Override public Set<ComponentInfo> loadComponentMetadata(String tag) throws IOException { Path cmpFile = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fileName(tag + COMPONENT_FILE_SUFFIX)); boolean nc = false; if (!Files.exists(cmpFile)) { if (BundleConstants.GRAAL_COMPONENT_ID.equals(tag)) { return Collections.singleton(getCoreInfo()); } cmpFile = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fileName(tag + NATIVE_COMPONENT_FILE_SUFFIX)); if (!Files.exists(cmpFile)) { return null; } nc = true; } try (InputStream fileStream = Files.newInputStream(cmpFile)) { ComponentInfo info = loadMetadataFrom(fileStream); info.setInfoPath(cmpFile.toString()); info.setNativeComponent(nc); return Collections.singleton(info); } }
Loads component files into its metadata.
  • ci – the component metadata
Returns:initialized ComponentInfo
/** * Loads component files into its metadata. * * @param ci the component metadata * @return initialized ComponentInfo * @throws IOException on I/O errors */
@Override public ComponentInfo loadComponentFiles(ComponentInfo ci) throws IOException { String tag = ci.getId(); Path listFile = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fileName(tag + LIST_FILE_SUFFIX)); if (!Files.exists(listFile)) { return ci; } List<String> s = Files.readAllLines(listFile); // throw away duplicities, sort. Set<String> result = new HashSet<>(s.size()); for (String e : s) { String trimmed = e.trim(); if (!trimmed.isEmpty()) { SystemUtils.checkCommonRelative(null, trimmed); result.add(trimmed); } } s = new ArrayList<>(result); Collections.sort(s); ci.addPaths(s); return ci; } private String getRequiredProperty(String key) { String val = loaded.getProperty(key); if (val == null) { throw feedback.failure("STORAGE_CorruptedComponentStorage", null); } return val; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map<String, Collection<String>> readReplacedFiles() throws IOException { Path replacedPath = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fromCommonString(PATH_REPLACED_FILES)); Map<String, Collection<String>> result = new HashMap<>(); Properties props = new Properties(); if (!Files.exists(replacedPath)) { return result; } try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(replacedPath)) { props.load(is); } for (String s : Collections.list((Enumeration<String>) props.propertyNames())) { String files = props.getProperty(s, ""); // NOI18N Collection<String> unsorted = new HashSet<>(); for (String x : files.split(" *, *")) { // NOI18N String t = x.trim(); if (!t.isEmpty()) { SystemUtils.checkCommonRelative(null, t); unsorted.add(t); } } List<String> components = new ArrayList<>(unsorted); Collections.sort(components); result.put(s, components); } return result; } @Override public void updateReplacedFiles(Map<String, Collection<String>> replacedFiles) throws IOException { Properties props = new SortedProperties(); for (String k : replacedFiles.keySet()) { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(replacedFiles.get(k)); Collections.sort(ids); props.setProperty(k, String.join(",", ids)); } Path replacedPath = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fromCommonString(PATH_REPLACED_FILES)); if (props.isEmpty()) { Files.deleteIfExists(replacedPath); } else { try (OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(replacedPath, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING)) { props.store(os, null); } } }
Deletes component's files.
  • id – component id
/** * Deletes component's files. * * @param id component id * @throws IOException */
@Override public void deleteComponent(String id) throws IOException { Path compFile = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fileName(id + COMPONENT_FILE_SUFFIX)); Path listFile = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fileName(id + LIST_FILE_SUFFIX)); Files.deleteIfExists(compFile); Files.deleteIfExists(listFile); }
Will persist component's metadata.
  • info –
/** * Will persist component's metadata. * * @param info * @throws IOException on failure */
@Override public void saveComponent(ComponentInfo info) throws IOException { // hack: if the component is null, just verify that the user has access to the registry's // data verifyUserAccess(); if (info == null) { return; } if (info.isNativeComponent()) { return; } Path cmpFile = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fileName(info.getId() + COMPONENT_FILE_SUFFIX)); try (OutputStream compFile = Files.newOutputStream(cmpFile, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING)) { metaToProperties(info).store(compFile, null); } saveComponentFileList(info); } public static Properties metaToProperties(ComponentInfo info) { SortedProperties p = new SortedProperties(); p.setProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_ID, info.getId()); p.setProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_NAME, info.getName()); p.setProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_VERSION, info.getVersionString()); String s = info.getTag(); if (s != null && !s.isEmpty()) { p.setProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_SERIAL, s); } if (info.getLicensePath() != null) { p.setProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_LICENSE_PATH, info.getLicensePath()); } if (info.getLicenseType() != null) { p.setProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_LICENSE_TYPE, info.getLicenseType()); } if (info.getStability() != StabilityLevel.Undefined) { p.setProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_STABILITY, info.getStability().toString()); } for (String k : info.getRequiredGraalValues().keySet()) { String v = info.getRequiredGraalValues().get(k); if (v == null) { v = ""; // NOI18N } p.setProperty(BUNDLE_REQUIRED_PREFIX + k, v); } for (String k : info.getProvidedValues().keySet()) { Object o = info.getProvidedValue(k, Object.class); char t; if (o instanceof String) { t = '"'; // NOI18N } else if (o instanceof Version) { t = 'V'; o = ((Version) o).originalString(); } else { continue; } p.setProperty(BUNDLE_PROVIDED_PREFIX + k, t + o.toString()); } if (!info.getDependencies().isEmpty()) { p.setProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_DEPENDENCY, info.getDependencies().stream().sequential().collect(Collectors.joining(":"))); } if (info.getPostinstMessage() != null) { p.setProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_MESSAGE_POSTINST, info.getPostinstMessage()); } if (info.isPolyglotRebuild()) { p.setProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_POLYGLOT_PART, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); } if (!info.getWorkingDirectories().isEmpty()) { p.setProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_WORKDIRS, info.getWorkingDirectories().stream().sequential().collect(Collectors.joining(":"))); } if (info.getDistributionType() != DistributionType.OPTIONAL) { p.setProperty(BundleConstants.BUNDLE_COMPONENT_DISTRIBUTION, info.getDistributionType().name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } URL u = info.getRemoteURL(); if (u != null) { p.setProperty(CommonConstants.BUNDLE_ORIGIN_URL, u.toString()); } return p; } void saveComponentFileList(ComponentInfo info) throws IOException { Path listFile = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fileName(info.getId() + LIST_FILE_SUFFIX)); List<String> entries = new ArrayList<>(new HashSet<>(info.getPaths())); Collections.sort(entries); Files.write(listFile, entries, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); } private static String transliterateLicenseId(String licenseID) { return licenseID.replaceAll("[^-\\p{Alnum}.,_()@^{}~]", "_"); } @Override public Date licenseAccepted(ComponentInfo info, String licenseID) { if (!SystemUtils.isLicenseTrackingEnabled()) { return null; } String id = transliterateLicenseId(licenseID); try { String fn = MessageFormat.format(LICENSE_FILE_TEMPLATE, id, info == null ? "_all" : info.getId()); Path listFile = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fromCommonRelative(fn)); if (!Files.isReadable(listFile)) { return null; } return new Date(Files.getLastModifiedTime(listFile).toMillis()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw feedback.failure("ERR_CannotReadAcceptance", ex, licenseID); } } @Override public Map<String, Collection<String>> findAcceptedLicenses() { if (!SystemUtils.isLicenseTrackingEnabled()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } Path licDir = registryPath.resolve(LICENSE_DIR); Map<String, Collection<String>> result = new HashMap<>(); try { if (!Files.isDirectory(licDir)) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } Files.walk(licDir).forEach((lp) -> { if (!Files.isRegularFile(lp)) { return; } Path parent = lp.getParent(); if (parent.equals(licDir)) { return; } String fn = parent.getFileName().toString(); if (!fn.endsWith(".accepted")) { return; } int dot = fn.lastIndexOf('.'); String fnid = fn.substring(0, dot); String id; try { Path p = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fromCommonRelative(MessageFormat.format(LICENSE_CONTENTS_ID, fnid))); if (Files.exists(p)) { List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(p); id = lines.get(0); } else { id = fnid; } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new UncheckedIOException(ex); } result.computeIfAbsent(id, (x) -> new ArrayList<>()).add(lp.getFileName().toString()); }); } catch (UncheckedIOException ex) { throw feedback.failure("ERR_CannotReadAcceptance", ex.getCause(), "(all)"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw feedback.failure("ERR_CannotReadAcceptance", ex, "(all)"); } return result; } @Override public void recordLicenseAccepted(ComponentInfo info, String licenseID, String licenseText, Date d) throws IOException { if (!SystemUtils.isLicenseTrackingEnabled()) { return; } if (licenseID == null) { clearRecordedLicenses(); return; } String id = transliterateLicenseId(licenseID); String fn = MessageFormat.format(LICENSE_FILE_TEMPLATE, id, info == null ? "_all" : info.getId()); Path listFile = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fromCommonRelative(fn)); if (listFile == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(licenseID); } Path dir = listFile.getParent(); if (dir == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(licenseID); } if (!Files.isDirectory(dir)) { // create the directory Files.createDirectories(dir); Path contentsFile = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fromCommonRelative( MessageFormat.format(LICENSE_CONTENTS_NAME, id))); Files.write(contentsFile, Arrays.asList(licenseText.split("\n"))); if (!id.equals(licenseID)) { Path p = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fromCommonRelative(MessageFormat.format(LICENSE_CONTENTS_ID, id))); Files.write(p, Arrays.asList(licenseID)); } } String ds = (d == null ? new Date() : d).toString(); Files.write(listFile, Collections.singletonList(ds), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); } void clearRecordedLicenses() throws IOException { Path listFile = registryPath.resolve(LICENSE_DIR); if (Files.isDirectory(listFile)) { try (Stream<Path> paths = Files.walk(listFile)) { paths.sorted(Comparator.reverseOrder()).forEach((p) -> { try { if (p.equals(listFile)) { return; } Files.delete(p); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new UncheckedIOException(ex); } }); } catch (UncheckedIOException ex) { throw ex.getCause(); } } } @Override public String licenseText(String licID) { Path contentsFile = registryPath.resolve(SystemUtils.fromCommonRelative( MessageFormat.format(LICENSE_CONTENTS_NAME, transliterateLicenseId(licID)))); try { return Files.lines(contentsFile).collect(Collectors.joining("\n")); } catch (IOException ex) { throw feedback.failure("ERR_CannotReadAcceptance", ex, licID); } } void verifyUserAccess() { if (Files.isWritable(registryPath)) { return; } try { String owner = SystemUtils.findFileOwner(registryPath); if (owner != null) { throw feedback.failure("ERROR_MustBecomeUser", null, owner); } } catch (IOException ex) { // ignore, use generic message } throw feedback.failure("ERROR_MustBecomeAdmin", null); } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 3; hash = 97 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.graalHomePath); return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final DirectoryStorage other = (DirectoryStorage) obj; if (!Objects.equals(this.graalHomePath, other.graalHomePath)) { return false; } return true; } }