 * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package org.graalvm.component.installer.persist;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.CommandTestBase;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.CommonConstants;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.ComponentCatalog;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.SoftwareChannel;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.SoftwareChannelSource;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.Version;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.CatalogContents;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.model.ComponentInfo;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.persist.test.Handler;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.remote.RemoteCatalogDownloader;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;

/** * * @author sdedic */
public class DirectoryCatalogProviderTest extends CommandTestBase { @Rule public ProxyResource proxyResource = new ProxyResource(); @Test public void testLoadFromEmptyDirectory() throws Exception { Path nf = testFolder.newFolder().toPath(); DirectoryCatalogProvider prov = new DirectoryCatalogProvider(nf, this); assertTrue(prov.listComponentIDs().isEmpty()); } @Test public void testLoadFromNonDirectory() throws Exception { Path nf = testFolder.newFile().toPath(); DirectoryCatalogProvider prov = new DirectoryCatalogProvider(nf, this); assertTrue(prov.listComponentIDs().isEmpty()); } @Test public void testLoadComponentsJars() throws Exception { Path ruby033 = dataFile("data/truffleruby2.jar"); Path ruby10 = dataFile("../remote/data/truffleruby2.jar"); Path llvm = dataFile("data/llvm-toolchain.jar"); Path nf = testFolder.newFolder().toPath(); Files.copy(ruby033, nf.resolve(ruby033.getFileName())); Files.copy(ruby10, nf.resolve("truffleruby10.jar")); Files.copy(llvm, nf.resolve(llvm.getFileName())); DirectoryCatalogProvider prov = new DirectoryCatalogProvider(nf, this); Set<String> ids = prov.listComponentIDs(); assertEquals(2, ids.size()); assertTrue(ids.contains("org.graalvm.ruby")); assertTrue(ids.contains("org.graalvm.llvm-toolchain")); } static class E { Throwable ex; String file; String msg; } class FB extends FeedbackAdapter { List<E> errs = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void error(String key, Throwable t, Object... params) { E e = new E(); e.ex = t; if (params != null && params.length > 1) { e.file = Objects.toString(params[0]); e.msg = Objects.toString(params[1]); } errs.add(e); } }
Checks that invalid/non-components/broken stuff is reported. When the user specifies directory as catalog source, it's probably important to report invalid data.
/** * Checks that invalid/non-components/broken stuff is reported. When the user specifies * directory as catalog source, it's probably important to report invalid data. */
@Test public void testReportBrokenComponents() throws Exception { Path testData = dataFile("dir1"); DirectoryCatalogProvider prov = new DirectoryCatalogProvider(testData, this); FB fb = new FB(); delegateFeedback(fb); Set<String> ids = prov.listComponentIDs(); assertEquals(2, ids.size()); assertEquals(3, fb.errs.size()); }
Implied directory catalogs (to resolve dependencies) can scan directories with random contents. broken or non-components should be silently ignored.
/** * Implied directory catalogs (to resolve dependencies) can scan directories with random * contents. broken or non-components should be silently ignored. */
@Test public void testSuppressErrorComponents() throws Exception { Path testData = dataFile("dir1"); DirectoryCatalogProvider prov = new DirectoryCatalogProvider(testData, this); prov.setReportErrors(false); FB fb = new FB(); delegateFeedback(fb); Set<String> ids = prov.listComponentIDs(); assertEquals(2, ids.size()); assertTrue(fb.errs.isEmpty()); } @Test public void testDifferentRequirementsFiltered() throws Exception { Path testData = dataFile("dir1"); DirectoryCatalogProvider prov = new DirectoryCatalogProvider(testData, this); Set<String> ids = prov.listComponentIDs(); assertEquals(2, ids.size()); // typo is there... Collection<ComponentInfo> infos = prov.loadComponentMetadata("org.graavm.ruby"); assertEquals(2, infos.size()); CatalogContents contents = new CatalogContents(this, prov, getLocalRegistry()); Version.Match m = getLocalRegistry().getGraalVersion().match(Version.Match.Type.INSTALLABLE); // check that the JDK11 component gets removed Collection<ComponentInfo> catInfos = contents.loadComponents("org.graavm.ruby", m, false); assertEquals(1, catInfos.size()); ComponentInfo ci = catInfos.iterator().next(); assertEquals(testData.resolve("ruby.jar").toUri().toURL(), ci.getRemoteURL()); } @Test public void testSpecificJavaPresent() throws Exception { storage.graalInfo.put(CommonConstants.CAP_JAVA_VERSION, "11"); Path testData = dataFile("dir1"); DirectoryCatalogProvider prov = new DirectoryCatalogProvider(testData, this); Set<String> ids = prov.listComponentIDs(); assertEquals(2, ids.size()); // typo is there... Collection<ComponentInfo> infos = prov.loadComponentMetadata("org.graavm.ruby"); assertEquals(2, infos.size()); CatalogContents contents = new CatalogContents(this, prov, getLocalRegistry()); Version.Match m = getLocalRegistry().getGraalVersion().match(Version.Match.Type.INSTALLABLE); // both Ruby should pass: ruby.jar has no jdk restriction Collection<ComponentInfo> catInfos = contents.loadComponents("org.graavm.ruby", m, false); assertEquals(2, catInfos.size()); Set<URL> urls = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList( testData.resolve("ruby.jar").toUri().toURL(), testData.resolve("ruby-11.jar").toUri().toURL())); Iterator<ComponentInfo> itC = catInfos.iterator(); ComponentInfo ci = itC.next(); assertTrue(urls.remove(ci.getRemoteURL())); ci = itC.next(); assertTrue(urls.remove(ci.getRemoteURL())); }
Checks that the merging catalog initializes the directory provider correctly.
  • Exception –
/** * Checks that the merging catalog initializes the directory provider correctly. * * @throws Exception */
@Test public void testNoErrorsWithLocalCatalogs() throws Exception { URL clu = getClass().getResource("data/catalog"); URL u = new URL("test://graalvm.io/download/truffleruby.zip"); Handler.bind(u.toString(), clu); Path testData = dataFile("dir1"); SoftwareChannelSource scs = new SoftwareChannelSource(testData.toUri().toURL().toString(), "local dir"); storage.graalInfo.put(CommonConstants.CAP_GRAALVM_VERSION, "0.33-dev"); FB fb = new FB(); delegateFeedback(fb); RemoteCatalogDownloader d = new RemoteCatalogDownloader(this, this, u); d.addLocalChannelSource(scs); registry = openCatalog(d); // directory contents scanned / component found ComponentInfo info = registry.findComponent("org.graalvm.llvm-toolchain"); assertNotNull(info); // catalog loaded / component found info = registry.findComponent("ruby"); assertNotNull(info); // no errors assertTrue(fb.errs.isEmpty()); } ComponentCatalog openCatalog(SoftwareChannel ch) throws IOException { return openCatalog(ch, getLocalRegistry().getGraalVersion()); } ComponentCatalog openCatalog(SoftwareChannel ch, Version v) throws IOException { ComponentCatalog cc = new CatalogContents(this, ch.getStorage(), getLocalRegistry(), v); cc.getComponentIDs(); return cc; } }