 * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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package org.graalvm.component.installer;

import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.persist.ProxyResource;
import org.graalvm.component.installer.persist.test.Handler;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;

/** * * @author sdedic */
public class InstallerCommandlineTest extends CommandTestBase { static class MainErrorException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; } private Environment environment; class MockInstallerMain extends ComponentInstaller { MockInstallerMain(String[] args) { super(args); initGlobalOptions(); } @Override protected Environment setupEnvironment(SimpleGetopt go) { Environment env = new Environment(getCommand(), getParameters(), go.getOptValues()) { @Override public Map<String, String> parameters(boolean cmdLine) { return InstallerCommandlineTest.this.parameters(cmdLine); } @Override public String getParameter(String key, boolean cmdLine) { return InstallerCommandlineTest.this.getParameter(key, cmdLine); } }; setInput(env); setFeedback(InstallerCommandlineTest.this); env.setGraalHome(exposeGraalHomePath()); env.setLocalRegistry(getLocalRegistry()); env.setFileOperations(getFileOperations()); environment = env; return env; } @Override protected RuntimeException error(String messageKey, Object... aa) { InstallerCommandlineTest.this.error(messageKey, null, aa); throw new MainErrorException(); } @Override protected SimpleGetopt createOptionsObject(Map<String, String> opts) { return new SimpleGetopt(globalOptions) { @Override public RuntimeException err(String messageKey, Object... aa) { return MockInstallerMain.this.error(messageKey, aa); } }; } @Override protected void printUsage(Feedback output) { super.printUsage(InstallerCommandlineTest.this); } } Path exposeGraalHomePath() { return getGraalHomePath(); } MockInstallerMain main = new MockInstallerMain(new String[0]); static class Msg { String keyOrMessage; Object[] args; Throwable ex; Msg(String keyOrMessage, Object[] args, Throwable ex) { this.keyOrMessage = keyOrMessage; this.args = args; this.ex = ex; } } class CaptureOut extends FeedbackAdapter { private List<Msg> err = new ArrayList<>(); private List<Msg> out = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void error(String key, Throwable t, Object... params) { err.add(new Msg(key, params, t)); } @Override public void output(String bundleKey, Object... params) { out.add(new Msg(bundleKey, params, null)); } @Override public void message(String bundleKey, Object... params) { out.add(new Msg(bundleKey, params, null)); } @Override public boolean verbatimOut(String msg, boolean beVerbose) { System.err.println(""); return false; } @Override public String l10n(String key, Object... params) { if ("Installer_BuiltingCatalogURL".equals(key)) { return testCatalogURL; } return super.l10n(key, params); } } String testCatalogURL = "test://www.graalvm.org/test/catalog"; CaptureOut capture = new CaptureOut(); LinkedList<String> args = new LinkedList<>(); void assertMsg(String msgKey, boolean out) { List<Msg> list = out ? capture.out : capture.err; for (Msg m : list) { if (msgKey.equals(m.keyOrMessage)) { return; } } fail("Expected message: " + msgKey); } @Before @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); ComponentInstaller.initCommands(); ComponentInstaller.initGlobalOptions(); delegateFeedback(capture); }
Checks that help is printed with no params.
/** * Checks that help is printed with no params. */
@Test public void testNoParamsPrintsHelp() { main.processOptions(new LinkedList<>(Collections.emptyList())); assertMsg("INFO_Usage", true); }
Checks that help is printed with no params.
/** * Checks that help is printed with no params. */
@Test public void testNoCommandPrintsError() { args = new LinkedList<>(); args.add("--file"); exception.expect(MainErrorException.class); try { main.processOptions(args); } finally { assertMsg("ERROR_MissingCommand", false); } }
Checks that --version option prints version and terminates with 0 exit code.
/** * Checks that --version option prints version and terminates with 0 exit code. */
@Test public void testVersionSucceeds() { args = new LinkedList<>(); args.add("--version"); delegateFeedback(capture); int excode = main.processOptions(args); assertTrue(capture.err.isEmpty()); assertMsg("MSG_InstallerVersion", true); assertEquals("Must complete succesfully", 0, excode); }
Checks that --show-version option prints version and performs the command.
/** * Checks that --show-version option prints version and performs the command. */
@Test public void testShowVersionSucceeds() { args = new LinkedList<>(); args.add("--show-version"); args.add("list"); delegateFeedback(capture); int excode = main.processOptions(args); assertTrue(capture.err.isEmpty()); assertMsg("MSG_InstallerVersion", true); assertEquals("Should continue execution", -1, excode); }
Checks that help is printed with no params.
/** * Checks that help is printed with no params. */
@Test public void testHelpOption() { args = new LinkedList<>(); args.add("--help"); assertNull(main.interpretOptions(main.createOptions(args))); assertMsg("INFO_Usage", true); main = new MockInstallerMain(new String[0]); capture.out.clear(); args.add(0, "install"); assertNotNull(main.createOptions(args)); }
Checks that -L -U is not valid.
/** * Checks that -L -U is not valid. */
@Test public void testUrlAndFiles() throws Exception { exception.expect(MainErrorException.class); args.add("--url"); args.add("--file"); main.processOptions(args); }
Checks that -c -U is not valid.
/** * Checks that -c -U is not valid. */
@Test public void testUrlAndCatalog() throws Exception { exception.expect(MainErrorException.class); args.add("--url"); args.add("-c"); main.processOptions(args); }
Checks that -c -U is not valid.
/** * Checks that -c -U is not valid. */
@Test public void testUrlAndCustomCatalog() throws Exception { exception.expect(MainErrorException.class); args.add("--url"); args.add("-C"); args.add("eee"); main.processOptions(args); } @Rule public ProxyResource proxyResource = new ProxyResource(); @Override public CatalogFactory getCatalogFactory() { return environment.getCatalogFactory(); }
Checks that the hardcoded catalog is used, if there's nothing in release file.
/** * Checks that the hardcoded catalog is used, if there's nothing in release file. */
@Test public void testUseHardcodedCatalog() throws Exception { URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(testCatalogURL, u); this.storage.graalInfo.put(BundleConstants.GRAAL_VERSION, "0.33-dev"); args.add("avail"); main.processOptions(args); main.doProcessCommand(); assertTrue(Handler.isVisited(testCatalogURL)); } String releaseURL = "test://graalvm.org/relase/catalog"; void setupReleaseCatalog() { this.storage.graalInfo.put(BundleConstants.GRAAL_VERSION, "0.33-dev"); this.storage.graalInfo.put("component_catalog", releaseURL); }
Checks that the hardcoded catalog is used, if there's nothing in release file.
/** * Checks that the hardcoded catalog is used, if there's nothing in release file. */
@Test public void testUseReleaseCatalog() throws Exception { setupReleaseCatalog(); URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(releaseURL, u); args.add("avail"); main.processOptions(args); main.doProcessCommand(); assertTrue(Handler.isVisited(releaseURL)); } String envURL = "test://graalvm.org/environment/catalog"; void setupEnvCatalog() { envParameters.put("GRAALVM_CATALOG", envURL); }
Checks that the hardcoded catalog is used, if there's nothing in release file.
/** * Checks that the hardcoded catalog is used, if there's nothing in release file. */
@Test public void testEnvironmentOverridesRelease() throws Exception { URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(envURL, u); setupReleaseCatalog(); setupEnvCatalog(); args.add("avail"); main.processOptions(args); main.doProcessCommand(); assertTrue(Handler.isVisited(envURL)); } String syspropURL = "test://graalvm.org/sysprop/catalog"; void setupSyspropCatalog() { propParameters.put("org.graalvm.component.catalog", syspropURL); }
Checks that the hardcoded catalog is used, if there's nothing in release file.
/** * Checks that the hardcoded catalog is used, if there's nothing in release file. */
@Test public void testSysPropertyOverridesEnv() throws Exception { URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(syspropURL, u); setupReleaseCatalog(); setupEnvCatalog(); setupSyspropCatalog(); args.add("avail"); main.processOptions(args); assertEquals(0, main.doProcessCommand()); assertTrue(Handler.isVisited(syspropURL)); }
Checks that without an explicit option remote catalogs are not processed when using local files.
/** * Checks that without an explicit option remote catalogs are not processed when using local * files. */
@Test public void testLocalFileDoesNotReadCatalogs() throws Exception { setupReleaseCatalog(); Path file = dataFile("persist/dir1/llvm-toolchain.jar"); args.add("--file"); args.add("install"); args.add("-0"); args.add(file.toString()); main.processOptions(args); assertEquals(0, main.doProcessCommand()); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(releaseURL)); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(envURL)); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(testCatalogURL)); }
Checks that without an explicit option remote catalogs are not processed when using local files.
/** * Checks that without an explicit option remote catalogs are not processed when using local * files. */
@Test public void testLocalFilesWithDefaultCatalog() throws Exception { setupReleaseCatalog(); Path file = dataFile("persist/dir1/llvm-toolchain.jar"); args.add("--file"); args.add("-c"); args.add("install"); args.add("-0"); args.add(file.toString()); // allow the remote catalog: URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(releaseURL, u); main.processOptions(args); assertEquals(0, main.doProcessCommand()); // no ID is resolved assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(releaseURL)); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(envURL)); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(testCatalogURL)); }
Local file with dependencies fails to install if -D is not given.
/** * Local file with dependencies fails to install if -D is not given. */
@Test public void testFailLocalWithDependencies() throws Exception { setupReleaseCatalog(); Path file = dataFile("persist/dir1/ruby.jar"); args.add("--file"); args.add("install"); args.add("-0"); args.add(file.toString()); // allow the remote catalog: URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(releaseURL, u); main.processOptions(args); exception.expect(FailedOperationException.class); exception.expectMessage("INSTALL_UnresolvedDependencies"); try { assertEquals(0, main.doProcessCommand()); } finally { assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(releaseURL)); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(envURL)); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(testCatalogURL)); } }
Checks that with -D, local dependencies are resolved in the file's directory.
/** * Checks that with -D, local dependencies are resolved in the file's directory. */
@Test public void testLocalDepsResolvedInDirectory() throws Exception { setupReleaseCatalog(); Path file = dataFile("persist/dir1/ruby.jar"); args.add("--file"); args.add("install"); args.add("-0"); args.add("-D"); args.add(file.toString()); // allow the remote catalog: URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(releaseURL, u); main.processOptions(args); assertEquals(0, main.doProcessCommand()); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(releaseURL)); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(envURL)); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(testCatalogURL)); }
Checks that -c will cause the catalog to be downloaded.
  • Exception –
/** * Checks that -c will cause the catalog to be downloaded. * * @throws Exception */
@Test public void testEnableCatalogFetchesRemote() throws Exception { setupReleaseCatalog(); args.add("-c"); args.add("list"); URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(releaseURL, u); storage.graalInfo.put("component_catalog", releaseURL); main.processOptions(args); main.doProcessCommand(); assertTrue(Handler.isVisited(releaseURL)); }
When -C local-file is passed, gu must not touch its builtin (release file) catalogs URLs.
  • Exception –
/** * When -C local-file is passed, gu must not touch its builtin (release file) catalogs URLs. * * @throws Exception */
@Test public void testDirectoryCatalogDisablesRelease() throws Exception { setupReleaseCatalog(); Path dir = dataFile("repo/"); args.add("-C"); args.add(dir.toAbsolutePath().toString()); args.add("avail"); args.add("--show-updates"); URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(releaseURL, u); storage.graalInfo.put("component_catalog", releaseURL); Set<String> componentShorts = new HashSet<>(); class FB extends FeedbackAdapter { @Override public String l10n(String key, Object... params) { if ("LIST_ComponentShortList".equals(key)) { return "%1$s"; } return super.l10n(key, params); } @Override public boolean verbatimOut(String msg, boolean beVerbose) { componentShorts.add(msg); return super.verbatimOut(msg, beVerbose); } } FB fb = new FB(); delegateFeedback(fb); main.processOptions(args); main.doProcessCommand(); assertTrue(componentShorts.contains("graalvm")); assertTrue(componentShorts.contains("R")); assertTrue(componentShorts.contains("ruby")); assertTrue(componentShorts.contains("llvm-toolchain")); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(releaseURL)); }
There's a mix of component versions in the dir; should return just the ones that fit into the graalvm.
  • Exception –
/** * There's a mix of component versions in the dir; should return just the ones that fit into the * graalvm. * * @throws Exception */
@Test public void testVersionSpecificComponentsFromDir() throws Exception { setupReleaseCatalog(); Path dir = dataFile("persist/data"); args.add("-C"); args.add(dir.toAbsolutePath().toString()); args.add("avail"); args.add("--show-updates"); URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(releaseURL, u); storage.graalInfo.put("component_catalog", releaseURL); Set<String> componentShorts = new HashSet<>(); class FB extends FeedbackAdapter { @Override public String l10n(String key, Object... params) { if ("LIST_ComponentShortList".equals(key)) { return "%1$s"; } return super.l10n(key, params); } @Override public boolean verbatimOut(String msg, boolean beVerbose) { componentShorts.add(msg); return super.verbatimOut(msg, beVerbose); } } FB fb = new FB(); delegateFeedback(fb); main.processOptions(args); main.doProcessCommand(); // note: there's a typo in test data. assertTrue(componentShorts.contains("org.graavm.ruby")); assertTrue(componentShorts.contains("llvm-toolchain")); assertTrue(componentShorts.contains("ruby")); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(releaseURL)); }
Checks that potential missing resources in release catalog are skipped.
/** * Checks that potential missing resources in release catalog are skipped. */
@Test public void testSkipMissingResourcesInReleaseCatalog() throws Exception { setupReleaseCatalog(); args.add("avail"); URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog.properties"); String urlString = releaseURL + "_2"; Handler.bind(urlString, u); // note: the releaseURL is NOT bound, FileNotFoundException will be thrown storage.graalInfo.put("component_catalog", releaseURL + "|" + urlString); class FB extends FeedbackAdapter { String warningLine; @Override public void error(String key, Throwable t, Object... params) { if ("REMOTE_WarningErrorDownloadCatalogNotFoundSkip".equals(key)) { warningLine = params[0].toString(); } } } FB fb = new FB(); delegateFeedback(fb); main.processOptions(args); main.doProcessCommand(); assertTrue(Handler.isVisited(releaseURL)); assertTrue(Handler.isVisited(urlString)); assertEquals(releaseURL, fb.warningLine); }
Checks that catalog entries in environment win over release file ones.
  • Exception –
/** * Checks that catalog entries in environment win over release file ones. * * @throws Exception */
@Test public void testExplicitCatalogWinsOverItems() throws Exception { storage.graalInfo.put(CommonConstants.CAP_GRAALVM_VERSION, ""); storage.graalInfo.put("component_catalog", releaseURL); // override with env variables catalog entries: String url1 = "test://graalv.org/test/explicit.properties"; String url2 = "test://graalv.org/test/envcatalog.properties"; envParameters.put("GRAALVM_CATALOG", url1); envParameters.put("GRAALVM_COMPONENT_CATALOG_1_URL", url2); envParameters.put("GRAALVM_COMPONENT_CATALOG_1_LABEL", "First env"); args.add("avail"); main.processOptions(args); main.doProcessCommand(); URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(releaseURL, u); Handler.bind(url1, u); Handler.bind(url2, u); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(releaseURL)); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(url2)); assertTrue(Handler.isVisited(url1)); }
By default, the default edition must be used to determine the catalogs.
  • Exception –
/** * By default, the default edition must be used to determine the catalogs. * * @throws Exception */
@Test public void testUseDefaultEditionCatalogsSingle() throws Exception { String url0 = "test://graalvm.org/relase/catalog2"; String url1 = "test://graalv.org/test/explicit.properties"; String url2 = "test://graalv.org/test/envcatalog.properties"; releaseURL = url0 + "|{ee=GraalVM EE}" + url1; // NOI18N storage.graalInfo.put(CommonConstants.RELEASE_CATALOG_KEY, releaseURL); storage.graalInfo.put(CommonConstants.CAP_GRAALVM_VERSION, ""); URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(url0, u); Handler.bind(url1, u); Handler.bind(url2, u); args.add("avail"); main.processOptions(args); main.doProcessCommand(); assertTrue(Handler.isVisited(url0)); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(url1)); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(url2)); } @Test public void testUseExplicitEditionOnParams() throws Exception { String url0 = "test://graalvm.org/relase/catalog2"; String url1 = "test://graalv.org/test/explicit.properties"; String url2 = "test://graalv.org/test/envcatalog.properties"; releaseURL = url0 + "|{ee=GraalVM EE}" + url1; // NOI18N storage.graalInfo.put(CommonConstants.RELEASE_CATALOG_KEY, releaseURL); storage.graalInfo.put(CommonConstants.CAP_GRAALVM_VERSION, ""); URL u = getClass().getResource("remote/catalog"); Handler.bind(url0, u); Handler.bind(url1, u); Handler.bind(url2, u); args.add("avail"); args.add("--edition"); args.add("ee"); main.processOptions(args); main.doProcessCommand(); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(url0)); assertTrue(Handler.isVisited(url1)); assertFalse(Handler.isVisited(url2)); } }