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package org.graalvm.component.installer;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.graalvm.component.installer.Commands.DO_NOT_PROCESS_OPTIONS;

/** * * @author sdedic */
public class SimpleGetopt { private LinkedList<String> parameters; private final Map<String, String> globalOptions; private final Map<String, Map<String, String>> commandOptions = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, String> optValues = new HashMap<>(); private final LinkedList<String> positionalParameters = new LinkedList<>(); private String command; private boolean ignoreUnknownCommands; private boolean unknownCommand; private List<String> unknownOptions; private Map<String, String> abbreviations = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, Map<String, String>> commandAbbreviations = new HashMap<>(); public SimpleGetopt(Map<String, String> globalOptions) { this.globalOptions = globalOptions; } public void setParameters(LinkedList<String> parameters) { this.parameters = parameters; } public SimpleGetopt ignoreUnknownOptions(boolean ignore) { this.unknownOptions = ignore ? new ArrayList<>() : null; return this; } public SimpleGetopt ignoreUnknownCommands(boolean ignore) { this.ignoreUnknownCommands = ignore; return this; } public List<String> getUnknownOptions() { return unknownOptions == null ? Collections.emptyList() : unknownOptions; } // overridable by tests public RuntimeException err(String messageKey, Object... args) { throw ComponentInstaller.err(messageKey, args); } private String findCommand(String cmdString) { String cmd = cmdString; if (cmd.isEmpty()) { if (ignoreUnknownCommands) { return null; } throw err("ERROR_MissingCommand"); // NOI18N } String selCommand = null; for (String s : commandOptions.keySet()) { if (s.startsWith(cmdString)) { if (selCommand != null) { throw err("ERROR_AmbiguousCommand", cmdString, selCommand, s); } selCommand = s; if (s.length() == cmdString.length()) { break; } } } if (selCommand == null) { if (ignoreUnknownCommands) { unknownCommand = true; command = cmdString; return null; } throw err("ERROR_UnknownCommand", cmdString); // NOI18N } command = selCommand; return command; } private static final String NO_ABBREV = "**no-abbrev"; // NOI18N private boolean hasCommand() { return command != null && !unknownCommand; } @SuppressWarnings("StringEquality") Map<String, String> computeAbbreviations(Collection<String> optNames) { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>(); for (String o : optNames) { if (o.length() < 2) { continue; } result.put(o, NO_ABBREV); for (int i = 2; i < o.length(); i++) { String s = o.substring(0, i); String fullName = result.get(s); if (fullName == null) { result.put(s, o); } else { result.put(s, NO_ABBREV); } } } // final Object noAbbrevMark = NO_ABBREV; for (Iterator<Entry<String, String>> ens = result.entrySet().iterator(); ens.hasNext();) { Entry<String, String> en = ens.next(); // cannot use comparison to NO_ABBREV directly because of FindBugs + mx gate combo. if (NO_ABBREV.equals(en.getValue())) { ens.remove(); } } return result; } Collection<String> getAllOptions() { Set<String> s = new HashSet<>(); s.addAll(globalOptions.keySet()); for (Map<String, String> cmdOpts : commandOptions.values()) { s.addAll(cmdOpts.keySet()); } // discard short option stubs when only long option exists. for (Iterator<String> it = s.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String opt = it.next(); if (opt.length() == 1 && !Character.isLetterOrDigit(opt.charAt(0))) { it.remove(); } } return s; } void computeAbbreviations() { abbreviations = computeAbbreviations(globalOptions.keySet()); for (String c : commandOptions.keySet()) { Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(commandOptions.get(c).keySet()); names.addAll(globalOptions.keySet()); Map<String, String> commandAbbrevs = computeAbbreviations(names); commandAbbreviations.put(c, commandAbbrevs); } } public void process() { computeAbbreviations(); while (true) { String p = parameters.peek(); if (p == null) { break; } if (!p.startsWith("-")) { // NOI18N if (command == null) { findCommand(parameters.poll()); Map<String, String> cOpts = commandOptions.get(command); if (cOpts != null) { for (String s : optValues.keySet()) { if (s.length() > 1) { continue; } if ("X".equals(cOpts.get(s))) { unknownOption(s, command); break; } } if (cOpts.containsKey(DO_NOT_PROCESS_OPTIONS)) { // NOI18N // terminate all processing, the rest are positional params positionalParameters.addAll(parameters); break; } } else { positionalParameters.add(p); } } else { positionalParameters.add(parameters.poll()); } continue; } else if (p.length() == 1 || "--".equals(p)) { // dash alone, or double-dash terminates option search. parameters.poll(); positionalParameters.addAll(parameters); break; } String param = parameters.poll(); boolean nextParam = p.startsWith("--"); // NOI18N String optName; int optCharIndex = 1; while (optCharIndex < param.length()) { if (nextParam) { optName = param.substring(2); param = processOptSpec(optName, optCharIndex, param, nextParam); } else { optName = param.substring(optCharIndex, optCharIndex + 1); optCharIndex += optName.length(); param = processOptSpec(optName, optCharIndex, param, nextParam); } // hack: if "help" option (hardcoded) is present, terminate if (optValues.get("h") != null) { return; } if (nextParam) { break; } } } } private void unknownOption(String option, String cmd) { if (unknownOptions == null) { if (cmd == null) { throw err("ERROR_UnsupportedGlobalOption", option); // NOI18N } else { throw err("ERROR_UnsupportedOption", option, cmd); // NOI18N } } else { unknownOptions.add(option); } } private String processOptSpec(String o, int optCharIndex, String optParam, boolean nextParam) { String param = optParam; String optSpec = null; String optName = o; Map<String, String> cmdSpec = null; if (hasCommand()) { Map<String, String> cmdAbbrevs = commandAbbreviations.get(command); String fullO = cmdAbbrevs.get(optName); if (fullO != null) { optName = fullO; } cmdSpec = commandOptions.get(command); String c = cmdSpec.get(optName); if (c != null && optName.length() > 1) { optSpec = cmdSpec.get(c); optName = c; } else { optSpec = c; } } if (optSpec == null) { String fullO = abbreviations.get(optName); if (fullO != null) { optName = fullO; } String c = globalOptions.get(optName); if (c != null && optName.length() > 1) { optSpec = globalOptions.get(c); optName = c; } else { optSpec = c; } } if (optSpec != null && optSpec.startsWith("=")) { String s = optSpec.substring(1); String nspec = null; if (cmdSpec != null) { nspec = cmdSpec.get(s); } if (nspec == null) { nspec = globalOptions.get(s); } if (nspec != null) { optSpec = nspec; optName = s; } } if (optSpec == null) { if (unknownCommand) { return param; } unknownOption(optName, command); return param; } // no support for parametrized options now String optVal = ""; switch (optSpec) { case "s": if (nextParam) { optVal = parameters.poll(); if (optVal == null) { throw err("ERROR_OptionNeedsParameter", o, command); // NOI18N } } else { if (optCharIndex < param.length()) { optVal = param.substring(optCharIndex); param = ""; } else if (parameters.isEmpty()) { throw err("ERROR_OptionNeedsParameter", o, command); // NOI18N } else { optVal = parameters.poll(); } } break; case "X": unknownOption(o, command); return param; case "": break; } optValues.put(optName, optVal); // NOI18N return param; } public String getCommand() { return command; } public void addCommandOptions(String commandName, Map<String, String> optSpec) { commandOptions.put(commandName, new HashMap<>(optSpec)); } // test only void addCommandOption(String commandName, String optName, String optVal) { commandOptions.get(commandName).put(optName, optVal); } public Map<String, String> getOptValues() { return optValues; } public LinkedList<String> getPositionalParameters() { return positionalParameters; } }