 * Copyright (c) 2017, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
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package com.oracle.truffle.tck;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Source;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Value;
import org.junit.Assert;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.debug.Breakpoint;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.debug.Debugger;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.debug.DebuggerSession;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.debug.SourceElement;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.debug.SuspendedCallback;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.debug.SuspendedEvent;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;

Test utility class that makes it easier to test and debug debugger functionality for guest languages. Testing suspended callbacks can be cumbersome when having to assert multiple sequential events. The debugger tester allows to test suspended callbacks using sequential code that allows to assert multiple events. It does so by running the engine on a separate thread and it uses internal APIs to allow access to the SuspendedEvent from another Thread. Do not use this class for anything else than testing.

The debugger tester can print debug traces to standard output with -Dtruffle.debug.trace=true. Example usage: DebuggerTesterSnippets.testDebugging()

/** * Test utility class that makes it easier to test and debug debugger functionality for guest * languages. Testing suspended callbacks can be cumbersome when having to assert multiple * sequential events. The debugger tester allows to test suspended callbacks using sequential code * that allows to assert multiple {@link SuspendedEvent events}. It does so by running the engine on * a separate thread and it uses internal APIs to allow access to the {@link SuspendedEvent} from * another Thread. Do not use this class for anything else than testing. * <p> * The debugger tester can print debug traces to standard output with -Dtruffle.debug.trace=true. * * Example usage: {@link com.oracle.truffle.tck.DebuggerTesterSnippets#testDebugging()} * * @since 0.16 */
public final class DebuggerTester implements AutoCloseable { static final boolean TRACE = Boolean.getBoolean("truffle.debug.trace"); private final BlockingQueue<Object> newEvent; private final Semaphore executing; private final Semaphore initialized; private final Thread evalThread; private final Engine engine; private final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private final ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private volatile boolean closed; private volatile ExecutingSource executingSource; private static void trace(String message) { if (TRACE) { PrintStream out = System.out; out.println("DebuggerTester: " + message); } } private static void err(String message) { PrintStream out = System.err; out.println("DebuggerTester: " + message); } private final ExecutingLoop executingLoop; private SuspendedCallback handler;
Constructs a new debugger tester instance. Boots up a new context on Thread in the background. The tester instance needs to be closed after use. Throws an AssertionError if the engine initialization fails.
/** * Constructs a new debugger tester instance. Boots up a new {@link Context context} on Thread * in the background. The tester instance needs to be {@link #close() closed} after use. Throws * an AssertionError if the engine initialization fails. * * @since 0.16 */
public DebuggerTester() { this(null); }
Constructs a new debugger tester instance with a pre-set context builder.
  • contextBuilder – a pre-set context builder. Only out and err streams are set on this builder prior the Context instance creation.
See Also:
/** * Constructs a new debugger tester instance with a pre-set context builder. * * @param contextBuilder a pre-set context builder. Only out and err streams are set on this * builder prior the {@link Context} instance creation. * * @see #DebuggerTester() * @since 0.31 */
public DebuggerTester(Context.Builder contextBuilder) { this.newEvent = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(1); this.executing = new Semaphore(0); this.initialized = new Semaphore(0); final AtomicReference<Engine> engineRef = new AtomicReference<>(); final AtomicReference<Throwable> error = new AtomicReference<>(); this.executingLoop = new ExecutingLoop(contextBuilder, engineRef, error); this.evalThread = new Thread(executingLoop); this.evalThread.start(); try { initialized.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } this.engine = engineRef.get(); if (error.get() != null) { throw new AssertionError("Engine initialization failed", error.get()); } }
Returns the error output of the underlying context.
/** * Returns the error output of the underlying {@link Context context}. * * @since 0.16 */
public String getErr() { try { err.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return new String(err.toByteArray()); }
Returns the standard output of the underlying context.
/** * Returns the standard output of the underlying {@link Context context}. * * @since 0.16 */
public String getOut() { try { out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return new String(out.toByteArray()); }
Get the Debugger instance associated with the current engine.
/** * Get the Debugger instance associated with the current engine. * * @since 0.27 */
public Debugger getDebugger() { return engine.getInstruments().get("debugger").lookup(Debugger.class); }
Starts a new debugger session in the context's engine. The debugger session allows to suspend the execution and to install breakpoints. If multiple sessions are created for one evaluation then all suspended events are delegated to this debugger tester instance.
Returns:a new debugger session
/** * Starts a new {@link Debugger#startSession(SuspendedCallback) debugger session} in the * context's {@link Engine engine}. The debugger session allows to suspend the execution and to * install breakpoints. If multiple sessions are created for one {@link #startEval(Source) * evaluation} then all suspended events are delegated to this debugger tester instance. * * @return a new debugger session * @since 0.16 */
public DebuggerSession startSession() { return getDebugger().startSession(new SuspendedCallback() { public void onSuspend(SuspendedEvent event) { DebuggerTester.this.onSuspend(event); } }); }
Starts a new debugger session in the context's engine. The debugger session allows to suspend the execution on the provided source elements and to install breakpoints. If multiple sessions are created for one evaluation then all suspended events are delegated to this debugger tester instance.
  • sourceElements – a list of source elements
Returns:a new debugger session
/** * Starts a new {@link Debugger#startSession(SuspendedCallback, SourceElement...) debugger * session} in the context's {@link Engine engine}. The debugger session allows to suspend the * execution on the provided source elements and to install breakpoints. If multiple sessions * are created for one {@link #startEval(Source) evaluation} then all suspended events are * delegated to this debugger tester instance. * * @param sourceElements a list of source elements * @return a new debugger session * @since 0.33 */
public DebuggerSession startSession(SourceElement... sourceElements) { return getDebugger().startSession(new SuspendedCallback() { public void onSuspend(SuspendedEvent event) { DebuggerTester.this.onSuspend(event); } }, sourceElements); }
Starts a new evaluation on the background thread. Only one evaluation can be active at a time. Please ensure that expectDone() completed successfully before starting a new evaluation. When no source is available please refer to startExecute(Function<Context,Value>). Throws an IllegalStateException if another evaluation is still executing or the tester is already closed.
/** * Starts a new {@link Context#eval(Source) evaluation} on the background thread. Only one * evaluation can be active at a time. Please ensure that {@link #expectDone()} completed * successfully before starting a new evaluation. When no source is available please refer to * {@link DebuggerTester#startExecute(Function)}. Throws an {@link IllegalStateException} if * another evaluation is still executing or the tester is already closed. * * @since 0.27 */
public void startEval(Source s) { startExecute(new Function<Context, Value>() { public Value apply(Context c) { return c.eval(s); } }); }
Starts a new script evaluation on the background thread. Only one evaluation can be active at a time. Please ensure that expectDone() completed successfully before starting a new evaluation. If a Source is available please refer to startEval(Source) . Throws an IllegalStateException if another evaluation is still executing or the tester is already closed.
/** * Starts a new script evaluation on the background thread. Only one evaluation can be active at * a time. Please ensure that {@link #expectDone()} completed successfully before starting a new * evaluation. If a Source is available please refer to {@link DebuggerTester#startEval(Source)} * . Throws an {@link IllegalStateException} if another evaluation is still executing or the * tester is already closed. * * @since 20.0 */
public void startExecute(Function<Context, Value> script) { if (this.executingSource != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already executing other source "); } this.executingSource = new ExecutingSource(script); }
Expects an suspended event and returns it for potential assertions. If the execution completed or was killed instead then an assertion error is thrown. The returned suspended event is only valid until on of expectKilled(), expectSuspended(SuspendedCallback) or expectDone() is called again. Throws an IllegalStateException if the tester is already closed.
  • callback – handler to be called when the execution is suspended
/** * Expects an suspended event and returns it for potential assertions. If the execution * completed or was killed instead then an assertion error is thrown. The returned suspended * event is only valid until on of {@link #expectKilled()}, * {@link #expectSuspended(SuspendedCallback)} or {@link #expectDone()} is called again. Throws * an {@link IllegalStateException} if the tester is already closed. * * @param callback handler to be called when the execution is suspended * @since 0.16 */
public void expectSuspended(SuspendedCallback callback) { if (closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already closed."); } SuspendedCallback previous = this.handler; this.handler = callback; notifyNextAction(); Object event; try { event = takeEvent(); String e = getErr(); if (!e.isEmpty()) { throw new AssertionError("Error output is not empty: " + e); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } if (event instanceof ExecutingSource) { ExecutingSource s = (ExecutingSource) event; if (s.error != null) { throw new AssertionError("Error in eval", s.error); } throw new AssertionError("Expected suspended event got return value " + s.returnValue); } else if (event instanceof SuspendedEvent) { this.handler = previous; } else { if (event instanceof Error) { throw (Error) event; } if (event instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) event; } throw new AssertionError("Got unknown event.", (event instanceof Throwable ? (Throwable) event : null)); } }
Expects the current evaluation to be completed with an error and not be killed or to produce further suspended events. It returns a string representation of the result value to be asserted. If the evaluation caused any errors they are thrown as AssertionError. Throws an IllegalStateException if the tester is already closed.
/** * Expects the current evaluation to be completed with an error and not be killed or to produce * further suspended events. It returns a string representation of the result value to be * asserted. If the evaluation caused any errors they are thrown as {@link AssertionError}. * Throws an {@link IllegalStateException} if the tester is already closed. * * @since 0.16 */
public Throwable expectThrowable() { return (Throwable) expectDoneImpl(true); }
Expects the current evaluation to be completed successfully and not be killed or to produce further suspended events. It returns a string representation of the result value to be asserted. If the evaluation caused any errors they are thrown as AssertionError. Throws an IllegalStateException if the tester is already closed.
/** * Expects the current evaluation to be completed successfully and not be killed or to produce * further suspended events. It returns a string representation of the result value to be * asserted. If the evaluation caused any errors they are thrown as {@link AssertionError}. * Throws an {@link IllegalStateException} if the tester is already closed. * * @since 0.16 */
public String expectDone() { return (String) expectDoneImpl(false); } private Object expectDoneImpl(boolean expectError) throws AssertionError { if (closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already closed."); } try { notifyNextAction(); Object event; try { event = takeEvent(); // waits for next event. String e = getErr(); if (!e.isEmpty()) { throw new AssertionError("Error output is not empty: " + e); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } if (event instanceof ExecutingSource) { ExecutingSource s = (ExecutingSource) event; if (expectError) { if (s.error == null) { throw new AssertionError("Error expected exception bug got return value: " + s.returnValue); } return s.error; } else { if (s.error != null) { throw new AssertionError("Error in eval", s.error); } return s.returnValue; } } else if (event instanceof SuspendedEvent) { throw new AssertionError("Expected done but got " + event); } else if (event instanceof Throwable) { throw new AssertionError("Got exception", (Throwable) event); } else { throw new AssertionError("Got unknown: " + event); } } finally { executingSource = null; } }
Expects the current evaluation to be killed and not be completed or to produce further suspended events. Throws an IllegalStateException if the tester is already closed. If the evaluation caused any errors besides the kill exception then they are thrown as AssertionError.
/** * Expects the current evaluation to be killed and not be completed or to produce further * suspended events. Throws an {@link IllegalStateException} if the tester is already closed. If * the evaluation caused any errors besides the kill exception then they are thrown as * {@link AssertionError}. * * @since 0.16 */
public void expectKilled() { Throwable error = expectThrowable(); if (error instanceof PolyglotException) { Assert.assertTrue(((PolyglotException) error).isCancelled()); Assert.assertTrue(error.getMessage(), error.getMessage().contains("Execution cancelled by a debugging session.")); return; } throw new AssertionError("Expected killed bug got error: " + error, error); }
Returns the thread that the execution started with startEval(Source) is running on.
Returns:the thread instance
/** * Returns the thread that the execution started with {@link #startEval(Source)} is running on. * * @return the thread instance * @since 0.16 */
public Thread getEvalThread() { return evalThread; }
Close the engine. It's not possible to evaluate code after engine is closed, use it when the engine needs to be closed before the debugger session.
/** * Close the engine. It's not possible to evaluate code after engine is closed, use it when the * engine needs to be closed before the debugger session. * * @since 0.30 */
public void closeEngine() { engine.close(); }
Closes the current debugger tester session and all its associated resources like the background thread. The debugger tester becomes unusable after closing.
/** * Closes the current debugger tester session and all its associated resources like the * background thread. The debugger tester becomes unusable after closing. * * @since 0.16 */
public void close() { if (closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already closed."); } closed = true; trace("kill session " + this); // trying to interrupt if execution is in IO. notifyNextAction(); try { evalThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException iex) { throw new AssertionError("Interrupted while joining eval thread.", iex); } engine.close(); }
Utility method that checks proper resolution of line breakpoints. Breakpoints are submitted to every line of the source and their resolution location is checked.

The source need to contain resolution marks in the form of "R<line number>_" where <line number> is line number of the original breakpoint position and R is the resolved mark name. These marks need to be placed at the proper breakpoint resolution line/column position, for a breakpoint submitted to every line. When several submitted breakpoints resolve to the same position, an interval can be specified in the form of "R<line start number>-<line end number>_", where both start and end line numbers are inclusive. The marks are stripped off before execution.

The guest language code with marks may look like:

// test
function test(n) {
  if (R1-3_n <= 1) {
    return R4_2 * n;
  return R5-7_n - 1;
  • sourceWithMarks – a source text, which contains the resolution marks
  • resolvedMarkName – the mark name. It is used in a regular expression, therefore the mark must not have a special meaning in a regular expression.
  • language – the source language
/** * Utility method that checks proper resolution of line breakpoints. Breakpoints are submitted * to every line of the source and their resolution location is checked. * <p> * The source need to contain resolution marks in the form of * "<code>R&lt;line number&gt;_</code>" where &lt;line number&gt; is line number of the original * breakpoint position and <code>R</code> is the resolved mark name. These marks need to be * placed at the proper breakpoint resolution line/column position, for a breakpoint submitted * to every line. When several submitted breakpoints resolve to the same position, an interval * can be specified in the form of * "<code>R&lt;line start number&gt;-&lt;line end number&gt;_</code>", where both start and end * line numbers are inclusive. The marks are stripped off before execution. * <p> * The guest language code with marks may look like: * * <pre> * // test * function test(n) { * if (R1-3_n &lt;= 1) { * return R4_2 * n; * } * return R5-7_n - 1; * } * </pre> * * @param sourceWithMarks a source text, which contains the resolution marks * @param resolvedMarkName the mark name. It is used in a regular expression, therefore the mark * must not have a special meaning in a regular expression. * @param language the source language * @since 0.33 */
public void assertLineBreakpointsResolution(String sourceWithMarks, String resolvedMarkName, String language) { assertLineBreakpointsResolution(sourceWithMarks, null, resolvedMarkName, language); }
  • positionPredicate – null to test line breakpoints on all lines, or a predicate that limits the testable lines.
See Also:
/** * @param positionPredicate <code>null</code> to test line breakpoints on all lines, or a * predicate that limits the testable lines. * @see #assertLineBreakpointsResolution(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) * @since 19.3.0 */
public void assertLineBreakpointsResolution(String sourceWithMarks, PositionPredicate positionPredicate, String resolvedMarkName, String language) { Pattern br = Pattern.compile("(" + resolvedMarkName + "\\d+_|" + resolvedMarkName + "\\d+-\\d+_)"); Map<Integer, Integer> bps = new HashMap<>(); String sourceString = sourceWithMarks; Matcher bm = br.matcher(sourceString); while (bm.find()) { String bg = bm.group(); int index = bm.start(); int bn1; int bn2; String bpNums = bg.substring(1, bg.length() - 1); int rangeIndex = bpNums.indexOf('-'); if (rangeIndex > 0) { bn1 = Integer.parseInt(bpNums.substring(0, rangeIndex)); bn2 = Integer.parseInt(bpNums.substring(rangeIndex + 1)); } else { bn1 = bn2 = Integer.parseInt(bpNums); } for (int bn = bn1; bn <= bn2; bn++) { Integer bp = bps.get(bn); if (bp == null) { bps.put(bn, index + 1); } else { Assert.fail(bg + " specified more than once."); } } sourceString = bm.replaceFirst(""); bm.reset(sourceString); } if (TRACE) { trace("sourceString = '" + sourceString + "'"); } final Source source = Source.newBuilder(language, sourceString, "testMisplacedLineBreakpoint." + language).buildLiteral(); com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source tsource = DebuggerTester.getSourceImpl(source); for (int l = 1; l < source.getLineCount(); l++) { if ((positionPredicate == null || positionPredicate.testLine(l)) && !bps.containsKey(l)) { Assert.fail("Line " + l + " is missing."); } } for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> bentry : bps.entrySet()) { int line = bentry.getKey(); int indexResolved = bentry.getValue(); int lineResolved = source.getLineNumber(indexResolved - 1); if (TRACE) { trace("TESTING breakpoint '" + line + "' => " + lineResolved + ":"); } try (DebuggerSession session = startSession()) { startEval(source); int[] resolvedIndexPtr = new int[]{0}; Breakpoint breakpoint = session.install(Breakpoint.newBuilder(tsource).lineIs(line).oneShot().resolveListener(new Breakpoint.ResolveListener() { @Override public void breakpointResolved(Breakpoint brkp, SourceSection section) { resolvedIndexPtr[0] = section.getCharIndex() + 1; if (TRACE) { trace("BREAKPOINT resolved to " + section.getStartLine() + ":" + section.getStartColumn()); } } }).build()); expectSuspended((SuspendedEvent event) -> { Assert.assertEquals("Expected " + line + " => " + lineResolved, lineResolved, event.getSourceSection().getStartLine()); Assert.assertSame(breakpoint, event.getBreakpoints().iterator().next()); event.prepareContinue(); }); expectDone(); Assert.assertEquals("Expected resolved " + line + " => " + indexResolved, indexResolved, resolvedIndexPtr[0]); } } }
Utility method that checks proper resolution of column breakpoints. Breakpoints are submitted to marked positions and their resolution location is checked.

The source need to contain both breakpoint submission marks in the form of "B<number>_" and breakpoint resolution marks in the form of "R<number>_" where <number> is an identification of the breakpoint. These marks need to be placed at the proper breakpoint submission/resolution line/column position. When several submitted breakpoints resolve to the same position, an interval can be specified in the form of "R<start number>-<end number>_", where both start and end line numbers are inclusive. The marks are stripped off before execution.

The guest language code with marks may look like:

// B1_test
function B2_test(n) {B3_
  if (R1-4_n <= B4_1) {B5_
    return R5_2 * n;
  return R6_n - 1;
  • sourceWithMarks – a source text, which contains the resolution marks
  • breakpointMarkName – the breakpoint submission mark name. It is used in a regular expression, therefore the mark must not have a special meaning in a regular expression.
  • resolvedMarkName – the resolved mark name. It is used in a regular expression, therefore the mark must not have a special meaning in a regular expression.
  • language – the source language
/** * Utility method that checks proper resolution of column breakpoints. Breakpoints are submitted * to marked positions and their resolution location is checked. * <p> * The source need to contain both breakpoint submission marks in the form of "B&lt;number&gt;_" * and breakpoint resolution marks in the form of "R&lt;number&gt;_" where &lt;number&gt; is an * identification of the breakpoint. These marks need to be placed at the proper breakpoint * submission/resolution line/column position. When several submitted breakpoints resolve to the * same position, an interval can be specified in the form of "R&lt;start number&gt;-&lt;end * number&gt;_", where both start and end line numbers are inclusive. The marks are stripped off * before execution. * <p> * The guest language code with marks may look like: * * <pre> * // B1_test * function B2_test(n) {B3_ * if (R1-4_n &lt;= B4_1) {B5_ * return R5_2 * n; * } * return R6_n - 1; * B6_} * </pre> * * @param sourceWithMarks a source text, which contains the resolution marks * @param breakpointMarkName the breakpoint submission mark name. It is used in a regular * expression, therefore the mark must not have a special meaning in a regular * expression. * @param resolvedMarkName the resolved mark name. It is used in a regular expression, therefore * the mark must not have a special meaning in a regular expression. * @param language the source language * @since 0.33 */
public void assertColumnBreakpointsResolution(String sourceWithMarks, String breakpointMarkName, String resolvedMarkName, String language) { Pattern br = Pattern.compile("([" + breakpointMarkName + resolvedMarkName + "]\\d+_|" + resolvedMarkName + "\\d+-\\d+_)"); Map<Integer, int[]> bps = new HashMap<>(); String sourceString = sourceWithMarks; Matcher bm = br.matcher(sourceString); while (bm.find()) { String bg = bm.group(); int index = bm.start(); int state = (bg.charAt(0) == 'B') ? 0 : 1; String bpNums = bg.substring(1, bg.length() - 1); int bn1; int bn2; int rangeIndex = bpNums.indexOf('-'); if (rangeIndex > 0) { bn1 = Integer.parseInt(bpNums.substring(0, rangeIndex)); bn2 = Integer.parseInt(bpNums.substring(rangeIndex + 1)); } else { bn1 = bn2 = Integer.parseInt(bpNums); } for (int bn = bn1; bn <= bn2; bn++) { int[] bp = bps.get(bn); if (bp == null) { bp = new int[2]; bps.put(bn, bp); } if (bp[state] > 0) { Assert.fail(bg + " specified more than once."); } bp[state] = index + 1; } sourceString = bm.replaceFirst(""); bm.reset(sourceString); } if (TRACE) { trace("sourceString = '" + sourceString + "'"); } final Source source = Source.newBuilder(language, sourceString, "testMisplacedColumnBreakpoint." + language).buildLiteral(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, int[]> bentry : bps.entrySet()) { int bpId = bentry.getKey(); int[] bp = bentry.getValue(); Assert.assertTrue(Integer.toString(bpId), bp[0] > 0); Assert.assertTrue(Integer.toString(bpId), bp[1] > 0); int line = source.getLineNumber(bp[0] - 1); int column = source.getColumnNumber(bp[0] - 1); if (TRACE) { trace("TESTING BP_" + bpId + ": " + bp[0] + " (" + line + ":" + column + ") => " + bp[1] + ":"); } try (DebuggerSession session = startSession()) { startEval(source); int[] resolvedIndexPtr = new int[]{0}; Breakpoint breakpoint = session.install( Breakpoint.newBuilder(DebuggerTester.getSourceImpl(source)).lineIs(line).columnIs(column).oneShot().resolveListener(new Breakpoint.ResolveListener() { @Override public void breakpointResolved(Breakpoint brkp, SourceSection section) { resolvedIndexPtr[0] = section.getCharIndex() + 1; if (TRACE) { trace(" resolved: " + (resolvedIndexPtr[0])); } } }).build()); expectSuspended((SuspendedEvent event) -> { Assert.assertEquals("B" + bpId + ": Expected " + bp[0] + " => " + bp[1] + ", resolved at " + resolvedIndexPtr[0], bp[1], event.getSourceSection().getCharIndex() + 1); Assert.assertSame(breakpoint, event.getBreakpoints().iterator().next()); event.prepareContinue(); }); expectDone(); Assert.assertEquals("B" + bpId + ": Expected resolved " + bp[0] + " => " + bp[1], bp[1], resolvedIndexPtr[0]); } } }
Utility method that tests if a breakpoint submitted to any location in the source code suspends the execution. A two-pass test is performed. In the first pass, line breakpoints are submitted to every line. In the second pass, breakpoints are submitted to every line and column combination, even outside the source scope. It is expected that the breakpoints resolve to a nearest suspendable location and it is checked that all breakpoints are hit.
  • source – a source to evaluate with breakpoints submitted everywhere
/** * Utility method that tests if a breakpoint submitted to any location in the source code * suspends the execution. A two-pass test is performed. In the first pass, line breakpoints are * submitted to every line. In the second pass, breakpoints are submitted to every line and * column combination, even outside the source scope. It is expected that the breakpoints * resolve to a nearest suspendable location and it is checked that all breakpoints are hit. * * @param source a source to evaluate with breakpoints submitted everywhere * @since 0.33 */
public void assertBreakpointsBreakEverywhere(Source source) { assertBreakpointsBreakEverywhere(source, null); }
Utility method that tests if a breakpoint submitted to any location permitted by the PositionPredicate in the source code suspends the execution. A two-pass test is performed. In the first pass, line breakpoints are submitted to every testable line. In the second pass, breakpoints are submitted to every testable line and column combination, even outside the source scope, if permitted by the PositionPredicate. It is expected that the breakpoints resolve to a nearest suspendable location and it is checked that all submitted breakpoints are hit.
  • source – a source to evaluate with breakpoints submitted everywhere
  • positionPredicate – null to submit breakpoints everywhere, or a predicate that limits the testable positions.
/** * Utility method that tests if a breakpoint submitted to any location permitted by the * {@link PositionPredicate} in the source code suspends the execution. A two-pass test is * performed. In the first pass, line breakpoints are submitted to every testable line. In the * second pass, breakpoints are submitted to every testable line and column combination, even * outside the source scope, if permitted by the {@link PositionPredicate}. It is expected that * the breakpoints resolve to a nearest suspendable location and it is checked that all * submitted breakpoints are hit. * * @param source a source to evaluate with breakpoints submitted everywhere * @param positionPredicate <code>null</code> to submit breakpoints everywhere, or a predicate * that limits the testable positions. * @since 19.3.0 */
public void assertBreakpointsBreakEverywhere(Source source, PositionPredicate positionPredicate) { int numLines = source.getLineCount(); int numColumns = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= numLines; i++) { int ll = source.getLineLength(i); if (ll > numColumns) { numColumns = ll; } } com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source tsource = DebuggerTester.getSourceImpl(source); final List<Breakpoint> breakpoints = new ArrayList<>(); final Set<Breakpoint> breakpointsResolved = new HashSet<>(); final List<Breakpoint> breakpointsHit = new ArrayList<>(); Breakpoint.ResolveListener resolveListener = new Breakpoint.ResolveListener() { @Override public void breakpointResolved(Breakpoint breakpoint, SourceSection section) { Assert.assertFalse(breakpointsResolved.contains(breakpoint)); breakpointsResolved.add(breakpoint); } }; // Test all line breakpoints for (int l = 1; l < (numLines + 5); l++) { if (positionPredicate == null || positionPredicate.testLine(l)) { Breakpoint breakpoint = Breakpoint.newBuilder(tsource).lineIs(l).oneShot().resolveListener(resolveListener).build(); breakpoints.add(breakpoint); } } assertBreakpoints(source, breakpoints, breakpointsResolved, breakpointsHit); breakpoints.clear(); breakpointsResolved.clear(); breakpointsHit.clear(); // Test all line/column breakpoints for (int l = 1; l < (numLines + 5); l++) { for (int c = 1; c < (numColumns + 5); c++) { if (positionPredicate == null || positionPredicate.testLineColumn(l, c)) { Breakpoint breakpoint = Breakpoint.newBuilder(tsource).lineIs(l).columnIs(c).oneShot().resolveListener(resolveListener).build(); breakpoints.add(breakpoint); } } } assertBreakpoints(source, breakpoints, breakpointsResolved, breakpointsHit); } private void assertBreakpoints(Source source, List<Breakpoint> breakpoints, Set<Breakpoint> breakpointsResolved, List<Breakpoint> breakpointsHit) { try (DebuggerSession session = startSession(new SourceElement[0])) { for (Breakpoint breakpoint : breakpoints) { session.install(breakpoint); } startEval(source); while (breakpointsHit.size() != breakpoints.size()) { try { expectSuspended((SuspendedEvent event) -> { breakpointsHit.addAll(event.getBreakpoints()); event.prepareContinue(); }); } catch (Throwable t) { Set<Breakpoint> notHit = new HashSet<>(breakpoints); notHit.removeAll(breakpointsHit); for (Breakpoint b : notHit) { err("Not hit " + b + ": " + b.getLocationDescription()); } err("---"); for (Breakpoint b : breakpointsHit) { err("Hit " + b + ": " + b.getLocationDescription()); } throw t; } } expectDone(); } Assert.assertEquals(breakpoints.size(), breakpointsResolved.size()); Assert.assertEquals(breakpoints.size(), breakpointsHit.size()); }
Get Truffle Source that corresponds to the Polyglot Source. This is a bridge between the two Source implementations.
/** * Get {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source Truffle Source} that corresponds to the * {@link Source Polyglot Source}. This is a bridge between the two Source implementations. * * @since 0.28 */
public static com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source getSourceImpl(Source source) { return (com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source) getField(source, "impl"); } // Copied from ReflectionUtils. private static Object getField(Object value, String name) { try { Field f = value.getClass().getDeclaredField(name); setAccessible(f, true); return f.get(value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } private static void setAccessible(Field field, boolean flag) { if (!Java8OrEarlier) { openForReflectionTo(field.getDeclaringClass(), DebuggerTester.class); } field.setAccessible(flag); } private static final boolean Java8OrEarlier = System.getProperty("java.specification.version").compareTo("1.9") < 0;
Opens declaringClass's package to allow a method declared in accessor to call AccessibleObject.setAccessible(boolean) on an AccessibleObject representing a field or method declared by declaringClass.
/** * Opens {@code declaringClass}'s package to allow a method declared in {@code accessor} to call * {@link AccessibleObject#setAccessible(boolean)} on an {@link AccessibleObject} representing a * field or method declared by {@code declaringClass}. */
private static void openForReflectionTo(Class<?> declaringClass, Class<?> accessor) { try { Method getModule = Class.class.getMethod("getModule"); Class<?> moduleClass = getModule.getReturnType(); Class<?> modulesClass = Class.forName("jdk.internal.module.Modules"); Method addOpens = maybeGetAddOpensMethod(moduleClass, modulesClass); if (addOpens != null) { Object moduleToOpen = getModule.invoke(declaringClass); Object accessorModule = getModule.invoke(accessor); if (moduleToOpen != accessorModule) { addOpens.invoke(null, moduleToOpen, declaringClass.getPackage().getName(), accessorModule); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } private static Method maybeGetAddOpensMethod(Class<?> moduleClass, Class<?> modulesClass) { try { return modulesClass.getDeclaredMethod("addOpens", moduleClass, String.class, moduleClass); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // This method was introduced by JDK-8169069 return null; } } private void putEvent(Object event) { trace("Put event " + this + ": " + Thread.currentThread()); if (event instanceof SuspendedEvent) { try { if (handler == null) { throw new AssertionError("Expected done but got event " + event); } handler.onSuspend((SuspendedEvent) event); } catch (Throwable e) { newEvent.add(e); return; } } newEvent.add(event); } private Object takeEvent() throws InterruptedException { trace("Take event " + this + ": " + Thread.currentThread()); try { return newEvent.take(); } finally { trace("Taken event " + this + ": " + Thread.currentThread()); } } private void onSuspend(SuspendedEvent event) { if (closed) { return; } try { putEvent(event); } finally { waitForExecuting(); } } private void waitForExecuting() { trace("Wait for executing " + this + ": " + Thread.currentThread()); if (closed) { return; } try { executing.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } trace("Wait for executing released " + this + ": " + Thread.currentThread()); } private void notifyNextAction() { trace("Notify next action " + this + ": " + Thread.currentThread()); executing.release(); } private static final class ExecutingSource { private final Function<Context, Value> function; private Throwable error; private String returnValue; ExecutingSource(Function<Context, Value> function) { this.function = function; } }
Predicate of testable positions.
/** * Predicate of testable positions. * * @since 19.3.0 */
public interface PositionPredicate {
Whether to test at the line.
/** * Whether to test at the line. * * @since 19.3.0 */
boolean testLine(int line);
Whether to test at the line and column position.
/** * Whether to test at the line and column position. * * @since 19.3.0 */
boolean testLineColumn(int line, int column); } class ExecutingLoop implements Runnable { private final Context.Builder contextBuilder; private final AtomicReference<Engine> engineRef; private final AtomicReference<Throwable> error; ExecutingLoop(Context.Builder contextBuilder, AtomicReference<Engine> engineRef, AtomicReference<Throwable> error) { this.contextBuilder = (contextBuilder != null) ? contextBuilder : Context.newBuilder(); this.engineRef = engineRef; this.error = error; } @Override public void run() { Context context = null; try { try { context = contextBuilder.out(out).err(err).build(); engineRef.set(context.getEngine()); } catch (Throwable t) { error.set(t); return; } finally { initialized.release(); } while (true) { waitForExecuting(); if (closed) { return; } ExecutingSource s = executingSource; try { trace("Start executing " + this); s.returnValue = s.function.apply(context).toString(); trace("Done executing " + this); } catch (Throwable e) { s.error = e; } finally { putEvent(s); } } } finally { if (context != null) { context.close(); } } } } } class DebuggerTesterSnippets { // BEGIN: DebuggerTesterSnippets.testDebugging public void testDebugging() { try (DebuggerTester tester = new DebuggerTester()) { // use your guest language source here Source source = null; try (DebuggerSession session = tester.startSession()) { session.suspendNextExecution(); tester.startEval(source); tester.expectSuspended(new SuspendedCallback() { @Override public void onSuspend(SuspendedEvent event) { // assert suspended event is proper here event.prepareStepInto(1); } }); tester.expectSuspended(new SuspendedCallback() { @Override public void onSuspend(SuspendedEvent event) { // assert another suspended event is proper here event.prepareContinue(); } }); // expect no more suspended events tester.expectDone(); } } } // END: DebuggerTesterSnippets.testDebugging }