 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
 * minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.sl.parser;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.RootCallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.Truffle;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameDescriptor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlot;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlotKind;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.SLLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.SLExpressionNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.SLRootNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.SLStatementNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.controlflow.SLBlockNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.controlflow.SLBreakNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.controlflow.SLContinueNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.controlflow.SLDebuggerNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.controlflow.SLFunctionBodyNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.controlflow.SLIfNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.controlflow.SLReturnNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.controlflow.SLWhileNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLAddNodeGen;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLBigIntegerLiteralNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLDivNodeGen;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLEqualNodeGen;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLFunctionLiteralNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLInvokeNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLLessOrEqualNodeGen;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLLessThanNodeGen;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLLogicalAndNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLLogicalNotNodeGen;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLLogicalOrNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLLongLiteralNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLMulNodeGen;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLParenExpressionNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLReadPropertyNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLReadPropertyNodeGen;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLStringLiteralNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLSubNodeGen;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLWritePropertyNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.expression.SLWritePropertyNodeGen;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.local.SLReadArgumentNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.local.SLReadLocalVariableNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.local.SLReadLocalVariableNodeGen;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.local.SLWriteLocalVariableNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.local.SLWriteLocalVariableNodeGen;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.util.SLUnboxNodeGen;

Helper class used by the SL Parser to create nodes. The code is factored out of the automatically generated parser to keep the attributed grammar of SL small.
/** * Helper class used by the SL {@link Parser} to create nodes. The code is factored out of the * automatically generated parser to keep the attributed grammar of SL small. */
public class SLNodeFactory {
Local variable names that are visible in the current block. Variables are not visible outside of their defining block, to prevent the usage of undefined variables. Because of that, we can decide during parsing if a name references a local variable or is a function name.
/** * Local variable names that are visible in the current block. Variables are not visible outside * of their defining block, to prevent the usage of undefined variables. Because of that, we can * decide during parsing if a name references a local variable or is a function name. */
static class LexicalScope { protected final LexicalScope outer; protected final Map<String, FrameSlot> locals; LexicalScope(LexicalScope outer) { this.outer = outer; this.locals = new HashMap<>(); if (outer != null) { locals.putAll(outer.locals); } } } /* State while parsing a source unit. */ private final Source source; private final Map<String, RootCallTarget> allFunctions; /* State while parsing a function. */ private int functionStartPos; private String functionName; private int functionBodyStartPos; // includes parameter list private int parameterCount; private FrameDescriptor frameDescriptor; private List<SLStatementNode> methodNodes; /* State while parsing a block. */ private LexicalScope lexicalScope; private final SLLanguage language; public SLNodeFactory(SLLanguage language, Source source) { this.language = language; this.source = source; this.allFunctions = new HashMap<>(); } public Map<String, RootCallTarget> getAllFunctions() { return allFunctions; } public void startFunction(Token nameToken, Token bodyStartToken) { assert functionStartPos == 0; assert functionName == null; assert functionBodyStartPos == 0; assert parameterCount == 0; assert frameDescriptor == null; assert lexicalScope == null; functionStartPos = nameToken.getStartIndex(); functionName = nameToken.getText(); functionBodyStartPos = bodyStartToken.getStartIndex(); frameDescriptor = new FrameDescriptor(); methodNodes = new ArrayList<>(); startBlock(); } public void addFormalParameter(Token nameToken) { /* * Method parameters are assigned to local variables at the beginning of the method. This * ensures that accesses to parameters are specialized the same way as local variables are * specialized. */ final SLReadArgumentNode readArg = new SLReadArgumentNode(parameterCount); readArg.setSourceSection(nameToken.getStartIndex(), nameToken.getText().length()); SLExpressionNode assignment = createAssignment(createStringLiteral(nameToken, false), readArg, parameterCount); methodNodes.add(assignment); parameterCount++; } public void finishFunction(SLStatementNode bodyNode) { if (bodyNode == null) { // a state update that would otherwise be performed by finishBlock lexicalScope = lexicalScope.outer; } else { methodNodes.add(bodyNode); final int bodyEndPos = bodyNode.getSourceEndIndex(); final SourceSection functionSrc = source.createSection(functionStartPos, bodyEndPos - functionStartPos); final SLStatementNode methodBlock = finishBlock(methodNodes, parameterCount, functionBodyStartPos, bodyEndPos - functionBodyStartPos); assert lexicalScope == null : "Wrong scoping of blocks in parser"; final SLFunctionBodyNode functionBodyNode = new SLFunctionBodyNode(methodBlock); functionBodyNode.setSourceSection(functionSrc.getCharIndex(), functionSrc.getCharLength()); final SLRootNode rootNode = new SLRootNode(language, frameDescriptor, functionBodyNode, functionSrc, functionName); allFunctions.put(functionName, Truffle.getRuntime().createCallTarget(rootNode)); } functionStartPos = 0; functionName = null; functionBodyStartPos = 0; parameterCount = 0; frameDescriptor = null; lexicalScope = null; } public void startBlock() { lexicalScope = new LexicalScope(lexicalScope); } public SLStatementNode finishBlock(List<SLStatementNode> bodyNodes, int startPos, int length) { return finishBlock(bodyNodes, 0, startPos, length); } public SLStatementNode finishBlock(List<SLStatementNode> bodyNodes, int skipCount, int startPos, int length) { lexicalScope = lexicalScope.outer; if (containsNull(bodyNodes)) { return null; } List<SLStatementNode> flattenedNodes = new ArrayList<>(bodyNodes.size()); flattenBlocks(bodyNodes, flattenedNodes); int n = flattenedNodes.size(); for (int i = skipCount; i < n; i++) { SLStatementNode statement = flattenedNodes.get(i); if (statement.hasSource() && !isHaltInCondition(statement)) { statement.addStatementTag(); } } SLBlockNode blockNode = new SLBlockNode(flattenedNodes.toArray(new SLStatementNode[flattenedNodes.size()])); blockNode.setSourceSection(startPos, length); return blockNode; } private static boolean isHaltInCondition(SLStatementNode statement) { return (statement instanceof SLIfNode) || (statement instanceof SLWhileNode); } private void flattenBlocks(Iterable<? extends SLStatementNode> bodyNodes, List<SLStatementNode> flattenedNodes) { for (SLStatementNode n : bodyNodes) { if (n instanceof SLBlockNode) { flattenBlocks(((SLBlockNode) n).getStatements(), flattenedNodes); } else { flattenedNodes.add(n); } } }
Returns an SLDebuggerNode for the given token.
  • debuggerToken – The token containing the debugger node's info.
Returns:A SLDebuggerNode for the given token.
/** * Returns an {@link SLDebuggerNode} for the given token. * * @param debuggerToken The token containing the debugger node's info. * @return A SLDebuggerNode for the given token. */
SLStatementNode createDebugger(Token debuggerToken) { final SLDebuggerNode debuggerNode = new SLDebuggerNode(); srcFromToken(debuggerNode, debuggerToken); return debuggerNode; }
Returns an SLBreakNode for the given token.
  • breakToken – The token containing the break node's info.
Returns:A SLBreakNode for the given token.
/** * Returns an {@link SLBreakNode} for the given token. * * @param breakToken The token containing the break node's info. * @return A SLBreakNode for the given token. */
public SLStatementNode createBreak(Token breakToken) { final SLBreakNode breakNode = new SLBreakNode(); srcFromToken(breakNode, breakToken); return breakNode; }
Returns an SLContinueNode for the given token.
  • continueToken – The token containing the continue node's info.
Returns:A SLContinueNode built using the given token.
/** * Returns an {@link SLContinueNode} for the given token. * * @param continueToken The token containing the continue node's info. * @return A SLContinueNode built using the given token. */
public SLStatementNode createContinue(Token continueToken) { final SLContinueNode continueNode = new SLContinueNode(); srcFromToken(continueNode, continueToken); return continueNode; }
Returns an SLWhileNode for the given parameters.
  • whileToken – The token containing the while node's info
  • conditionNode – The conditional node for this while loop
  • bodyNode – The body of the while loop
Returns:A SLWhileNode built using the given parameters. null if either conditionNode or bodyNode is null.
/** * Returns an {@link SLWhileNode} for the given parameters. * * @param whileToken The token containing the while node's info * @param conditionNode The conditional node for this while loop * @param bodyNode The body of the while loop * @return A SLWhileNode built using the given parameters. null if either conditionNode or * bodyNode is null. */
public SLStatementNode createWhile(Token whileToken, SLExpressionNode conditionNode, SLStatementNode bodyNode) { if (conditionNode == null || bodyNode == null) { return null; } conditionNode.addStatementTag(); final int start = whileToken.getStartIndex(); final int end = bodyNode.getSourceEndIndex(); final SLWhileNode whileNode = new SLWhileNode(conditionNode, bodyNode); whileNode.setSourceSection(start, end - start); return whileNode; }
Returns an SLIfNode for the given parameters.
  • ifToken – The token containing the if node's info
  • conditionNode – The condition node of this if statement
  • thenPartNode – The then part of the if
  • elsePartNode – The else part of the if (null if no else part)
Returns:An SLIfNode for the given parameters. null if either conditionNode or thenPartNode is null.
/** * Returns an {@link SLIfNode} for the given parameters. * * @param ifToken The token containing the if node's info * @param conditionNode The condition node of this if statement * @param thenPartNode The then part of the if * @param elsePartNode The else part of the if (null if no else part) * @return An SLIfNode for the given parameters. null if either conditionNode or thenPartNode is * null. */
public SLStatementNode createIf(Token ifToken, SLExpressionNode conditionNode, SLStatementNode thenPartNode, SLStatementNode elsePartNode) { if (conditionNode == null || thenPartNode == null) { return null; } conditionNode.addStatementTag(); final int start = ifToken.getStartIndex(); final int end = elsePartNode == null ? thenPartNode.getSourceEndIndex() : elsePartNode.getSourceEndIndex(); final SLIfNode ifNode = new SLIfNode(conditionNode, thenPartNode, elsePartNode); ifNode.setSourceSection(start, end - start); return ifNode; }
Returns an SLReturnNode for the given parameters.
  • t – The token containing the return node's info
  • valueNode – The value of the return (null if not returning a value)
Returns:An SLReturnNode for the given parameters.
/** * Returns an {@link SLReturnNode} for the given parameters. * * @param t The token containing the return node's info * @param valueNode The value of the return (null if not returning a value) * @return An SLReturnNode for the given parameters. */
public SLStatementNode createReturn(Token t, SLExpressionNode valueNode) { final int start = t.getStartIndex(); final int length = valueNode == null ? t.getText().length() : valueNode.getSourceEndIndex() - start; final SLReturnNode returnNode = new SLReturnNode(valueNode); returnNode.setSourceSection(start, length); return returnNode; }
Returns the corresponding subclass of SLExpressionNode for binary expressions.
These nodes are currently not instrumented.
  • opToken – The operator of the binary expression
  • leftNode – The left node of the expression
  • rightNode – The right node of the expression
Returns:A subclass of SLExpressionNode using the given parameters based on the given opToken. null if either leftNode or rightNode is null.
/** * Returns the corresponding subclass of {@link SLExpressionNode} for binary expressions. </br> * These nodes are currently not instrumented. * * @param opToken The operator of the binary expression * @param leftNode The left node of the expression * @param rightNode The right node of the expression * @return A subclass of SLExpressionNode using the given parameters based on the given opToken. * null if either leftNode or rightNode is null. */
public SLExpressionNode createBinary(Token opToken, SLExpressionNode leftNode, SLExpressionNode rightNode) { if (leftNode == null || rightNode == null) { return null; } final SLExpressionNode leftUnboxed = SLUnboxNodeGen.create(leftNode); final SLExpressionNode rightUnboxed = SLUnboxNodeGen.create(rightNode); final SLExpressionNode result; switch (opToken.getText()) { case "+": result = SLAddNodeGen.create(leftUnboxed, rightUnboxed); break; case "*": result = SLMulNodeGen.create(leftUnboxed, rightUnboxed); break; case "/": result = SLDivNodeGen.create(leftUnboxed, rightUnboxed); break; case "-": result = SLSubNodeGen.create(leftUnboxed, rightUnboxed); break; case "<": result = SLLessThanNodeGen.create(leftUnboxed, rightUnboxed); break; case "<=": result = SLLessOrEqualNodeGen.create(leftUnboxed, rightUnboxed); break; case ">": result = SLLogicalNotNodeGen.create(SLLessOrEqualNodeGen.create(leftUnboxed, rightUnboxed)); break; case ">=": result = SLLogicalNotNodeGen.create(SLLessThanNodeGen.create(leftUnboxed, rightUnboxed)); break; case "==": result = SLEqualNodeGen.create(leftUnboxed, rightUnboxed); break; case "!=": result = SLLogicalNotNodeGen.create(SLEqualNodeGen.create(leftUnboxed, rightUnboxed)); break; case "&&": result = new SLLogicalAndNode(leftUnboxed, rightUnboxed); break; case "||": result = new SLLogicalOrNode(leftUnboxed, rightUnboxed); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("unexpected operation: " + opToken.getText()); } int start = leftNode.getSourceCharIndex(); int length = rightNode.getSourceEndIndex() - start; result.setSourceSection(start, length); result.addExpressionTag(); return result; }
Returns an SLInvokeNode for the given parameters.
  • functionNode – The function being called
  • parameterNodes – The parameters of the function call
  • finalToken – A token used to determine the end of the sourceSelection for this call
Returns:An SLInvokeNode for the given parameters. null if functionNode or any of the parameterNodes are null.
/** * Returns an {@link SLInvokeNode} for the given parameters. * * @param functionNode The function being called * @param parameterNodes The parameters of the function call * @param finalToken A token used to determine the end of the sourceSelection for this call * @return An SLInvokeNode for the given parameters. null if functionNode or any of the * parameterNodes are null. */
public SLExpressionNode createCall(SLExpressionNode functionNode, List<SLExpressionNode> parameterNodes, Token finalToken) { if (functionNode == null || containsNull(parameterNodes)) { return null; } final SLExpressionNode result = new SLInvokeNode(functionNode, parameterNodes.toArray(new SLExpressionNode[parameterNodes.size()])); final int startPos = functionNode.getSourceCharIndex(); final int endPos = finalToken.getStartIndex() + finalToken.getText().length(); result.setSourceSection(startPos, endPos - startPos); result.addExpressionTag(); return result; }
Returns an SLWriteLocalVariableNode for the given parameters.
  • nameNode – The name of the variable being assigned
  • valueNode – The value to be assigned
Returns:An SLExpressionNode for the given parameters. null if nameNode or valueNode is null.
/** * Returns an {@link SLWriteLocalVariableNode} for the given parameters. * * @param nameNode The name of the variable being assigned * @param valueNode The value to be assigned * @return An SLExpressionNode for the given parameters. null if nameNode or valueNode is null. */
public SLExpressionNode createAssignment(SLExpressionNode nameNode, SLExpressionNode valueNode) { return createAssignment(nameNode, valueNode, null); }
Returns an SLWriteLocalVariableNode for the given parameters.
  • nameNode – The name of the variable being assigned
  • valueNode – The value to be assigned
  • argumentIndex – null or index of the argument the assignment is assigning
Returns:An SLExpressionNode for the given parameters. null if nameNode or valueNode is null.
/** * Returns an {@link SLWriteLocalVariableNode} for the given parameters. * * @param nameNode The name of the variable being assigned * @param valueNode The value to be assigned * @param argumentIndex null or index of the argument the assignment is assigning * @return An SLExpressionNode for the given parameters. null if nameNode or valueNode is null. */
public SLExpressionNode createAssignment(SLExpressionNode nameNode, SLExpressionNode valueNode, Integer argumentIndex) { if (nameNode == null || valueNode == null) { return null; } String name = ((SLStringLiteralNode) nameNode).executeGeneric(null); FrameSlot frameSlot = frameDescriptor.findOrAddFrameSlot( name, argumentIndex, FrameSlotKind.Illegal); FrameSlot existingSlot = lexicalScope.locals.put(name, frameSlot); boolean newVariable = existingSlot == null; final SLExpressionNode result = SLWriteLocalVariableNodeGen.create(valueNode, frameSlot, nameNode, newVariable); if (valueNode.hasSource()) { final int start = nameNode.getSourceCharIndex(); final int length = valueNode.getSourceEndIndex() - start; result.setSourceSection(start, length); } if (argumentIndex == null) { result.addExpressionTag(); } return result; }
Returns a SLReadLocalVariableNode if this read is a local variable or a SLFunctionLiteralNode if this read is global. In SL, the only global names are functions.
  • nameNode – The name of the variable/function being read
  • A SLReadLocalVariableNode representing the local variable being read.
  • A SLFunctionLiteralNode representing the function definition.
  • null if nameNode is null.
/** * Returns a {@link SLReadLocalVariableNode} if this read is a local variable or a * {@link SLFunctionLiteralNode} if this read is global. In SL, the only global names are * functions. * * @param nameNode The name of the variable/function being read * @return either: * <ul> * <li>A SLReadLocalVariableNode representing the local variable being read.</li> * <li>A SLFunctionLiteralNode representing the function definition.</li> * <li>null if nameNode is null.</li> * </ul> */
public SLExpressionNode createRead(SLExpressionNode nameNode) { if (nameNode == null) { return null; } String name = ((SLStringLiteralNode) nameNode).executeGeneric(null); final SLExpressionNode result; final FrameSlot frameSlot = lexicalScope.locals.get(name); if (frameSlot != null) { /* Read of a local variable. */ result = SLReadLocalVariableNodeGen.create(frameSlot); } else { /* Read of a global name. In our language, the only global names are functions. */ result = new SLFunctionLiteralNode(name); } result.setSourceSection(nameNode.getSourceCharIndex(), nameNode.getSourceLength()); result.addExpressionTag(); return result; } public SLExpressionNode createStringLiteral(Token literalToken, boolean removeQuotes) { /* Remove the trailing and ending " */ String literal = literalToken.getText(); if (removeQuotes) { assert literal.length() >= 2 && literal.startsWith("\"") && literal.endsWith("\""); literal = literal.substring(1, literal.length() - 1); } final SLStringLiteralNode result = new SLStringLiteralNode(literal.intern()); srcFromToken(result, literalToken); result.addExpressionTag(); return result; } public SLExpressionNode createNumericLiteral(Token literalToken) { SLExpressionNode result; try { /* Try if the literal is small enough to fit into a long value. */ result = new SLLongLiteralNode(Long.parseLong(literalToken.getText())); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { /* Overflow of long value, so fall back to BigInteger. */ result = new SLBigIntegerLiteralNode(new BigInteger(literalToken.getText())); } srcFromToken(result, literalToken); result.addExpressionTag(); return result; } public SLExpressionNode createParenExpression(SLExpressionNode expressionNode, int start, int length) { if (expressionNode == null) { return null; } final SLParenExpressionNode result = new SLParenExpressionNode(expressionNode); result.setSourceSection(start, length); return result; }
Returns an SLReadPropertyNode for the given parameters.
  • receiverNode – The receiver of the property access
  • nameNode – The name of the property being accessed
Returns:An SLExpressionNode for the given parameters. null if receiverNode or nameNode is null.
/** * Returns an {@link SLReadPropertyNode} for the given parameters. * * @param receiverNode The receiver of the property access * @param nameNode The name of the property being accessed * @return An SLExpressionNode for the given parameters. null if receiverNode or nameNode is * null. */
public SLExpressionNode createReadProperty(SLExpressionNode receiverNode, SLExpressionNode nameNode) { if (receiverNode == null || nameNode == null) { return null; } final SLExpressionNode result = SLReadPropertyNodeGen.create(receiverNode, nameNode); final int startPos = receiverNode.getSourceCharIndex(); final int endPos = nameNode.getSourceEndIndex(); result.setSourceSection(startPos, endPos - startPos); result.addExpressionTag(); return result; }
Returns an SLWritePropertyNode for the given parameters.
  • receiverNode – The receiver object of the property assignment
  • nameNode – The name of the property being assigned
  • valueNode – The value to be assigned
Returns:An SLExpressionNode for the given parameters. null if receiverNode, nameNode or valueNode is null.
/** * Returns an {@link SLWritePropertyNode} for the given parameters. * * @param receiverNode The receiver object of the property assignment * @param nameNode The name of the property being assigned * @param valueNode The value to be assigned * @return An SLExpressionNode for the given parameters. null if receiverNode, nameNode or * valueNode is null. */
public SLExpressionNode createWriteProperty(SLExpressionNode receiverNode, SLExpressionNode nameNode, SLExpressionNode valueNode) { if (receiverNode == null || nameNode == null || valueNode == null) { return null; } final SLExpressionNode result = SLWritePropertyNodeGen.create(receiverNode, nameNode, valueNode); final int start = receiverNode.getSourceCharIndex(); final int length = valueNode.getSourceEndIndex() - start; result.setSourceSection(start, length); result.addExpressionTag(); return result; }
Creates source description of a single token.
/** * Creates source description of a single token. */
private static void srcFromToken(SLStatementNode node, Token token) { node.setSourceSection(token.getStartIndex(), token.getText().length()); }
Checks whether a list contains a null.
/** * Checks whether a list contains a null. */
private static boolean containsNull(List<?> list) { for (Object e : list) { if (e == null) { return true; } } return false; } }