 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
 * use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
 * Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
 * either these or other terms.
 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
 * minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes;

import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleOptions;

Don't use. There is more lightweight replacement - the org.graalvm.graphio API provided as part of the GraalVM compiler project.
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:This class references XML API which is in its own separate module on JDK9. Such dependency makes the Truffle API too "heavy weight" and as such it is scheduled for removal.
/** * Don't use. There is more lightweight replacement - the <code>org.graalvm.graphio</code> API * provided as part of the GraalVM compiler project. * * * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated This class references XML API which is in its own separate module on JDK9. Such * dependency makes the Truffle API too "heavy weight" and as such it is scheduled for * removal. */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecated") @Deprecated public class GraphPrintVisitor implements Closeable {
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static final String GraphVisualizerAddress = "";
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public static final int GraphVisualizerPort = 4444; private static final String DEFAULT_GRAPH_NAME = "truffle tree"; private Map<Object, NodeElement> nodeMap; private List<EdgeElement> edgeList; private Map<Object, NodeElement> prevNodeMap; private int id; private Impl xmlstream; private OutputStream outputStream; private int openGroupCount; private int openGraphCount; private String currentGraphName; private static class NodeElement { private final int id; private final Map<String, Object> properties; NodeElement(int id) { super(); this.id = id; this.properties = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } public int getId() { return id; } public Map<String, Object> getProperties() { return properties; } } private static class EdgeElement { private final NodeElement from; private final NodeElement to; private final int index; private final String label; EdgeElement(NodeElement from, NodeElement to, int index, String label) { this.from = from; this.to = to; this.index = index; this.label = label; } public NodeElement getFrom() { return from; } public NodeElement getTo() { return to; } public int getIndex() { return index; } public String getLabel() { return label; } } private interface Impl { void writeStartDocument(); void writeEndDocument(); void writeStartElement(String name); void writeEndElement(); void writeAttribute(String name, String value); void writeCharacters(String text); void flush(); void close(); } @SuppressWarnings("all") private static class XMLImpl implements Impl { // uses fully qualified name to prevent mx to add "require java.xml" when compiling on JDK9 private static final javax.xml.stream.XMLOutputFactory XML_OUTPUT_FACTORY = javax.xml.stream.XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); // uses fully qualified name to prevent mx to add "require java.xml" when compiling on JDK9 private final javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter xmlstream; XMLImpl(OutputStream outputStream) { try { this.xmlstream = XML_OUTPUT_FACTORY.createXMLStreamWriter(outputStream); // uses fully qualified name to prevent mx to add "require java.xml" when compiling // on JDK9 } catch (javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException | javax.xml.stream.FactoryConfigurationError e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public void writeStartDocument() { try { xmlstream.writeStartDocument(); // uses fully qualified name to prevent mx to add "require java.xml" when compiling // on JDK9 } catch (javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void writeEndDocument() { try { xmlstream.writeEndDocument(); // uses fully qualified name to prevent mx to add "require java.xml" when compiling // on JDK9 } catch (javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void writeStartElement(String name) { try { xmlstream.writeStartElement(name); // uses fully qualified name to prevent mx to add "require java.xml" when compiling // on JDK9 } catch (javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void writeEndElement() { try { xmlstream.writeEndElement(); // uses fully qualified name to prevent mx to add "require java.xml" when compiling // on JDK9 } catch (javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void writeAttribute(String name, String value) { try { xmlstream.writeAttribute(name, value); // uses fully qualified name to prevent mx to add "require java.xml" when compiling // on JDK9 } catch (javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void writeCharacters(String text) { try { xmlstream.writeCharacters(text); // uses fully qualified name to prevent mx to add "require java.xml" when compiling // on JDK9 } catch (javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void flush() { try { xmlstream.flush(); // uses fully qualified name to prevent mx to add "require java.xml" when compiling // on JDK9 } catch (javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void close() { try { xmlstream.close(); // uses fully qualified name to prevent mx to add "require java.xml" when compiling // on JDK9 } catch (javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public GraphPrintVisitor() { this(new ByteArrayOutputStream()); }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public GraphPrintVisitor(OutputStream outputStream) { this.outputStream = outputStream; this.xmlstream = createImpl(outputStream); this.xmlstream.writeStartDocument(); this.xmlstream.writeStartElement("graphDocument"); } private static Impl createImpl(OutputStream outputStream) { return new XMLImpl(outputStream); } private void ensureOpen() { if (xmlstream == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("printer is closed"); } }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public GraphPrintVisitor beginGroup(String groupName) { ensureOpen(); maybeEndGraph(); openGroupCount++; xmlstream.writeStartElement("group"); xmlstream.writeStartElement("properties"); if (!groupName.isEmpty()) { // set group name xmlstream.writeStartElement("p"); xmlstream.writeAttribute("name", "name"); xmlstream.writeCharacters(groupName); xmlstream.writeEndElement(); } xmlstream.writeEndElement(); // properties // forget old nodes prevNodeMap = null; nodeMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(); edgeList = new ArrayList<>(); return this; }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public GraphPrintVisitor endGroup() { ensureOpen(); if (openGroupCount <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no open group"); } maybeEndGraph(); openGroupCount--; xmlstream.writeEndElement(); // group return this; }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public GraphPrintVisitor beginGraph(String graphName) { ensureOpen(); if (openGroupCount == 0) { beginGroup(graphName); } maybeEndGraph(); openGraphCount++; this.currentGraphName = graphName; // save old nodes prevNodeMap = nodeMap; nodeMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(); edgeList = new ArrayList<>(); return this; } private void maybeEndGraph() { if (openGraphCount > 0) { endGraph(); assert openGraphCount == 0; } }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public GraphPrintVisitor endGraph() { ensureOpen(); if (openGraphCount <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no open graph"); } openGraphCount--; xmlstream.writeStartElement("graph"); xmlstream.writeStartElement("properties"); // set graph name xmlstream.writeStartElement("p"); xmlstream.writeAttribute("name", "name"); xmlstream.writeCharacters(currentGraphName); xmlstream.writeEndElement(); xmlstream.writeEndElement(); // properties xmlstream.writeStartElement("nodes"); writeNodes(); xmlstream.writeEndElement(); // nodes xmlstream.writeStartElement("edges"); writeEdges(); xmlstream.writeEndElement(); // edges xmlstream.writeEndElement(); // graph xmlstream.flush(); return this; } private void writeNodes() { for (NodeElement node : nodeMap.values()) { xmlstream.writeStartElement("node"); xmlstream.writeAttribute("id", String.valueOf(node.getId())); xmlstream.writeStartElement("properties"); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> property : node.getProperties().entrySet()) { xmlstream.writeStartElement("p"); xmlstream.writeAttribute("name", property.getKey()); xmlstream.writeCharacters(safeToString(property.getValue())); xmlstream.writeEndElement(); // p } xmlstream.writeEndElement(); // properties xmlstream.writeEndElement(); // node } } private void writeEdges() { for (EdgeElement edge : edgeList) { xmlstream.writeStartElement("edge"); xmlstream.writeAttribute("from", String.valueOf(edge.getFrom().getId())); xmlstream.writeAttribute("to", String.valueOf(edge.getTo().getId())); xmlstream.writeAttribute("index", String.valueOf(edge.getIndex())); if (edge.getLabel() != null) { xmlstream.writeAttribute("label", edge.getLabel()); } xmlstream.writeEndElement(); // edge } }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
@Override public String toString() { if (outputStream instanceof ByteArrayOutputStream) { return new String(((ByteArrayOutputStream) outputStream).toByteArray(), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); } return super.toString(); }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public void printToFile(File f) { close(); if (outputStream instanceof ByteArrayOutputStream) { try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(f)) { os.write(((ByteArrayOutputStream) outputStream).toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public void printToSysout() { close(); if (outputStream instanceof ByteArrayOutputStream) { PrintStream out = System.out; out.println(toString()); } }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public void printToNetwork(boolean ignoreErrors) { close(); if (outputStream instanceof ByteArrayOutputStream) { try (Socket socket = new Socket(GraphVisualizerAddress, GraphVisualizerPort); BufferedOutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream(), 0x4000)) { os.write(((ByteArrayOutputStream) outputStream).toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { if (!ignoreErrors) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public void close() { if (xmlstream == null) { return; } while (openGroupCount > 0) { endGroup(); } assert openGraphCount == 0 && openGroupCount == 0; xmlstream.writeEndElement(); // graphDocument xmlstream.writeEndDocument(); xmlstream.flush(); xmlstream.close(); xmlstream = null; } private int nextId() { return id++; } private int oldOrNextId(Object node) { if (null != prevNodeMap && prevNodeMap.containsKey(node)) { NodeElement nodeElem = prevNodeMap.get(node); return nodeElem.getId(); } else { return nextId(); } } final NodeElement getElementByObject(Object obj) { return nodeMap.get(obj); } final void createElementForNode(Object node) { boolean exists = nodeMap.containsKey(node); if (!exists) { int nodeId = oldOrNextId(node); nodeMap.put(node, new NodeElement(nodeId)); String className = NodeUtil.className(node.getClass()); setNodeProperty(node, "name", dropNodeSuffix(className)); NodeInfo nodeInfo = node.getClass().getAnnotation(NodeInfo.class); if (nodeInfo != null) { setNodeProperty(node, "cost", nodeInfo.cost()); if (!nodeInfo.shortName().isEmpty()) { setNodeProperty(node, "shortName", nodeInfo.shortName()); } } setNodeProperty(node, "class", className); if (node instanceof Node) { readNodeProperties((Node) node); copyDebugProperties((Node) node); } } } private static String dropNodeSuffix(String className) { return className.replaceFirst("Node$", ""); } final void setNodeProperty(Object node, String propertyName, Object value) { NodeElement nodeElem = getElementByObject(node); nodeElem.getProperties().put(propertyName, value); } private void copyDebugProperties(Node node) { Map<String, Object> debugProperties = node.getDebugProperties(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> property : debugProperties.entrySet()) { setNodeProperty(node, property.getKey(), property.getValue()); } } private void readNodeProperties(Node node) { NodeClass nodeClass = NodeClass.get(node); for (Object field : nodeClass.getNodeFieldArray()) { if (isDataField(nodeClass, field)) { String key = nodeClass.getFieldName(field); if (!getElementByObject(node).getProperties().containsKey(key)) { Object value = nodeClass.getFieldValue(field, node); setNodeProperty(node, key, value); } } } } private static boolean isDataField(NodeClass nodeClass, Object field) { return !nodeClass.isChildField(field) && !nodeClass.isChildrenField(field); } final void connectNodes(Object a, Object b, String label) { NodeElement fromNode = getElementByObject(a); NodeElement toNode = getElementByObject(b); if (fromNode == null || toNode == null) { return; } // count existing to-edges int count = 0; for (EdgeElement e : edgeList) { if (e.getTo() == toNode) { ++count; } } edgeList.add(new EdgeElement(fromNode, toNode, count, label)); }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public GraphPrintVisitor visit(Object node) { if (openGraphCount == 0) { beginGraph(DEFAULT_GRAPH_NAME); } // if node is visited once again, skip if (getElementByObject(node) != null) { return this; } // respect node's custom handler if (!TruffleOptions.AOT && NodeUtil.findAnnotation(node.getClass(), CustomGraphPrintHandler.class) != null) { visit(node, createGraphPrintHandlerFromClass(NodeUtil.findAnnotation(node.getClass(), CustomGraphPrintHandler.class).handler())); } else if (NodeUtil.findAnnotation(node.getClass(), NullGraphPrintHandler.class) != null) { // ignore } else { visit(node, new DefaultGraphPrintHandler()); } return this; }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public GraphPrintVisitor visit(Object node, GraphPrintHandler handler) { if (openGraphCount == 0) { beginGraph(DEFAULT_GRAPH_NAME); } handler.visit(node, new GraphPrintAdapter()); return this; } private static GraphPrintHandler createGraphPrintHandlerFromClass(Class<? extends GraphPrintHandler> customHandlerClass) { try { return customHandlerClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } private static LinkedHashMap<String, Node> findNamedNodeChildren(Node node) { LinkedHashMap<String, Node> nodes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); NodeClass nodeClass = NodeClass.get(node); for (Object field : nodeClass.getNodeFieldArray()) { if (nodeClass.isChildField(field)) { Object value = nodeClass.getFieldObject(field, node); if (value != null) { nodes.put(nodeClass.getFieldName(field), (Node) value); } } else if (nodeClass.isChildrenField(field)) { Object value = nodeClass.getFieldObject(field, node); if (value != null) { Object[] children = (Object[]) value; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i] != null) { nodes.put(nodeClass.getFieldName(field) + "[" + i + "]", (Node) children[i]); } } } } } return nodes; } private static String safeToString(Object value) { try { return String.valueOf(value); } catch (Throwable ex) { return value.getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(value)); } }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public class GraphPrintAdapter {
Default constructor.
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Default constructor. * * @since 0.8 or earlier */
public GraphPrintAdapter() { }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public void createElementForNode(Object node) { GraphPrintVisitor.this.createElementForNode(node); }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public void visit(Object node) { GraphPrintVisitor.this.visit(node); }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public void visit(Object node, GraphPrintHandler handler) { GraphPrintVisitor.this.visit(node, handler); }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public void connectNodes(Object node, Object child) { GraphPrintVisitor.this.connectNodes(node, child, null); }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public void connectNodes(Object node, Object child, String label) { GraphPrintVisitor.this.connectNodes(node, child, label); }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public void setNodeProperty(Object node, String propertyName, Object value) { GraphPrintVisitor.this.setNodeProperty(node, propertyName, value); }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public boolean visited(Object node) { return GraphPrintVisitor.this.getElementByObject(node) != null; } }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
public interface GraphPrintHandler {
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
void visit(Object node, GraphPrintAdapter printer); } private static final class DefaultGraphPrintHandler implements GraphPrintHandler { @SuppressWarnings("all") public void visit(Object node, GraphPrintAdapter printer) { printer.createElementForNode(node); if (node instanceof Node) { for (Map.Entry<String, Node> child : findNamedNodeChildren((Node) node).entrySet()) { printer.visit(child.getValue()); printer.connectNodes(node, child.getValue(), child.getKey()); } } } }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.TYPE) public @interface CustomGraphPrintHandler {
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
Class<? extends GraphPrintHandler> handler(); }
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** @since 0.8 or earlier */
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.TYPE) public @interface NullGraphPrintHandler { } }