 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
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package com.oracle.truffle.api.object.dsl;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DynamicObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DynamicObjectFactory;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.HiddenKey;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.ObjectType;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

Annotate an interface with Layout to generate an implementation of the interface which uses object-model properties. Layout allows you to use the object-model in a similar way to writing a normal Java class for statically declared and implementation-specific fields. Most methods generated from an Layout-annotated interface are suitable for use on the fast-path. The name of the interface should end with 'Layout'. {@codesnippet rectlayout} The generated class is named with the name of the interface and then -Impl. A singleton instance of the interface, -Impl.INSTANCE is available as a static field in the class. {@codesnippet rectlayoutimpl}

Factory method

A factory method named create- and then the name of the layout creates instances of the layout. It returns a DynamicObject, not an instance of the interface. {@codesnippet rectlayoutcreate}

Alternative constructor method

As an alternative to the create- factory, you can declare a method named build, which returns the arguments packed for DynamicObjectFactory.newInstance(Object...). {@codesnippet rectlayoutbuild} This is particularly useful when the DynamicObjectFactory is not statically known or some generic allocation node taking Object[] arguments is used to create objects. {@codesnippet rectlayoutbuildinstance}


Guards can tell you if an object is using layout. Guards are defined for DynamicObject, the more general Object which first checks if the arguments is a DynamicObject, and ObjectType, which you can get through the shape of a DynamicObject. To add a guard, define the method in your interface. {@codesnippet rectlayoutguards}


To add properties, define a getter and setter, and add a parameter to the factory method. {@codesnippet rectlayoutprops} If you don't define a setter, the property will be final. This may improve the performance of the property.

Nullable Properties

By default, properties are non-nullable, which means that they always need an instance of an object and they cannot be assigned the value null. This has performance benefits in the implementation of the object-model. To make a property nullable so that you can assign null to it, annotate the constructor parameter with Nullable. {@codesnippet nullable}

Volatile Properties

To define a property with volatile semantics, in the sense of the Java Language Specification section, annotate the constructor parameter with Volatile. A property annotated as volatile also allows you to define atomic operation methods in your layout interface for that property. Methods available are compareAndSet, in the sense of AtomicReference.compareAndSet, and getAndSet, in the sense of AtomicReference.getAndSet. {@codesnippet volatile} Volatile properties generally have lower performance than the default non-volatile properties.

Semi-Final Properties

It is possible to define a 'back-door' and unsafe setter for otherwise-final properties by appending -Unsafe to the setter name. {@codesnippet semifinal} Final and semi-final properties may be assumed by a dynamic compiler to not change for a given instance of an object after it is constructed. Unsafe setters are therefore unsafe as a modification to the property could be ignored by the dynamic compiler. You should only use unsafe setters if you have reasoned that it is not possible for the dynamic compiler to compile a reference to the object and the property before the unsafe setter is used. One use-case is closing cycles in class graphs, such as the classic class-of-class-is-class problem, where you normally want the class property to be final for performance but just as the graph is created this one cycle needs to be closed. Errors due to the incorrect use of unsafe getters are likely to be non-deterministic and difficult to isolate. Consider making properties temporarily non-final with a conventional getter if stale value are experienced in dynamically compiled code.

Shape Properties

A shape property is a property that is shared between many objects and does not frequently change. One intended use-case is a property to store the class of an object, which is likely shared between many objects and likely does not change after the object is created. Shape properties should be cached against an object's shape as there is an extra level of indirection used to look up their value for an object. They may save space as they are not stored for all instances. It is important to note that changing a shape-property for an existing object is both not a fast-path operation, and depending on the design of your interpreter is likely to invalidate caches. When shape properties are used there is an extra level of indirection, in that a DynamicObjectFactory (referred to as the shape, because it is the shape that the factory object contains that is used to look up shape properties) is created by the layout and then used when creating new instances. As shape properties are set and changed, multiple factories will be created and it is up to the user to store and supply these as needed. Consider the example of a Java-style object, with a class and a hash code. The class would be a shape property, as many objects will share the same class, and the hash code will be a normal property. Shape properties are created by parameters in the method that creates the shape. The factory method then accepts an instance of a factory when creating the object, which is how the instance knows the value of the class property to use. A getter for a shape property can be defined as normal. {@codesnippet javaobject} When we load our Java interpreter we need to set the class property of the Class object to be itself. This means in this one isolated, slow-path, case we need to change a shape property for an object that is already allocated. Getters for shape properties can be defined for the DynamicObjectFactory, and for the ObjectType. Setters for shape properties are more complex, and they are not intended to be used in the fast path. Setters can be defined on a DynamicObjectFactory, in which case they return a new factory, or on a DynamicObject, in which they they change the shape of the object. This is a slow-path operation and is likely to invalidate caches in your interpreter. {@codesnippet shapesetters} Apply this to our example with Java classes: {@codesnippet closecycle}

Layout Inheritance

Inheritance of layout interfaces allows you to model classical class inheritance, such as in a language like Java. Use normal interface inheritance to make one layout inherit from another. You then need to add the parameters for super-layouts at the beginning of sub-layout constructor methods. Inherited shape properties work in a similar way. {@codesnippet inheritanceinterfaces} {@codesnippet inheritanceuse}

Custom Object-Type Superclass

Generated layouts use custom ObjectType subclasses internally. The default base class that is inherited from is simply ObjectType. You can change this with the objectTypeSuperclass property on the Layout annotation.

Implicit Casts

IntToLong and IntToDouble implicit cast flags can be set in the generated layout by setting implicitCastIntToLong or implicitCastIntToDouble. This can only be done in base layouts, not subclassed layouts.

Custom Identifiers

By default, internal HiddenKey identifiers with descriptive names will be created for your properties automatically. You can also specify the identifiers to use by defining them as public static final fields in the interface. {@codesnippet customid}
Deprecated:with no replacement.
/** * Annotate an interface with {@link Layout} to generate an implementation of the interface which * uses object-model properties. {@link Layout} allows you to use the object-model in a similar way * to writing a normal Java class for statically declared and implementation-specific fields. Most * methods generated from an {@link Layout}-annotated interface are suitable for use on the * fast-path. * * The name of the interface should end with 'Layout'. * * {@codesnippet rectlayout} * * The generated class is named with the name of the interface and then {@code -Impl}. A singleton * instance of the interface, {@code -Impl.INSTANCE} is available as a static field in the class. * * {@codesnippet rectlayoutimpl} * * <h2>Factory method</h2> * * A factory method named {@code create-} and then the name of the layout creates instances of the * layout. It returns a {@link DynamicObject}, not an instance of the interface. * * {@codesnippet rectlayoutcreate} * * <h3>Alternative constructor method</h3> * * As an alternative to the {@code create-} factory, you can declare a method named {@code build}, * which returns the arguments packed for {@link DynamicObjectFactory#newInstance(Object...)}. * * {@codesnippet rectlayoutbuild} * * This is particularly useful when the {@code DynamicObjectFactory} is not statically known or some * generic allocation node taking {@code Object[]} arguments is used to create objects. * * {@codesnippet rectlayoutbuildinstance} * * <h2>Guards</h2> * * Guards can tell you if an object is using layout. Guards are defined for {@link DynamicObject}, * the more general {@link Object} which first checks if the arguments is a {@link DynamicObject}, * and {@link ObjectType}, which you can get through the shape of a {@link DynamicObject}. To add a * guard, define the method in your interface. * * * {@codesnippet rectlayoutguards} * * <h2>Properties</h2> * * To add properties, define a getter and setter, and add a parameter to the factory method. * * {@codesnippet rectlayoutprops} * * If you don't define a setter, the property will be final. This may improve the performance of the * property. * * <h2>Nullable Properties</h2> * * By default, properties are non-nullable, which means that they always need an instance of an * object and they cannot be assigned the value {@code null}. This has performance benefits in the * implementation of the object-model. * * To make a property nullable so that you can assign {@code null} to it, annotate the constructor * parameter with {@link Nullable}. * * {@codesnippet nullable} * * <h2>Volatile Properties</h2> * * To define a property with volatile semantics, in the sense of the Java Language Specification * section, annotate the constructor parameter with {@link Volatile}. A property annotated * as volatile also allows you to define atomic operation methods in your layout interface for that * property. Methods available are {@code compareAndSet}, in the sense of * {@link AtomicReference#compareAndSet}, and {@code getAndSet}, in the sense of * {@link AtomicReference#getAndSet}. * * {@codesnippet volatile} * * Volatile properties generally have lower performance than the default non-volatile properties. * * <h2>Semi-Final Properties</h2> * * It is possible to define a 'back-door' and unsafe setter for otherwise-final properties by * appending {@code -Unsafe} to the setter name. * * {@codesnippet semifinal} * * Final and semi-final properties may be assumed by a dynamic compiler to not change for a given * instance of an object after it is constructed. Unsafe setters are therefore unsafe as a * modification to the property could be ignored by the dynamic compiler. You should only use unsafe * setters if you have reasoned that it is not possible for the dynamic compiler to compile a * reference to the object and the property before the unsafe setter is used. One use-case is * closing cycles in class graphs, such as the classic class-of-class-is-class problem, where you * normally want the class property to be final for performance but just as the graph is created * this one cycle needs to be closed. * * Errors due to the incorrect use of unsafe getters are likely to be non-deterministic and * difficult to isolate. Consider making properties temporarily non-final with a conventional getter * if stale value are experienced in dynamically compiled code. * * <h2>Shape Properties</h2> * * A shape property is a property that is shared between many objects and does not frequently * change. One intended use-case is a property to store the class of an object, which is likely * shared between many objects and likely does not change after the object is created. * * Shape properties should be cached against an object's shape as there is an extra level of * indirection used to look up their value for an object. They may save space as they are not stored * for all instances. * * It is important to note that changing a shape-property for an existing object is both not a * fast-path operation, and depending on the design of your interpreter is likely to invalidate * caches. * * When shape properties are used there is an extra level of indirection, in that a * {@link DynamicObjectFactory} (referred to as the shape, because it is the shape that the factory * object contains that is used to look up shape properties) is created by the layout and then used * when creating new instances. As shape properties are set and changed, multiple factories will be * created and it is up to the user to store and supply these as needed. * * Consider the example of a Java-style object, with a class and a hash code. The class would be a * shape property, as many objects will share the same class, and the hash code will be a normal * property. * * Shape properties are created by parameters in the method that creates the shape. The factory * method then accepts an instance of a factory when creating the object, which is how the instance * knows the value of the class property to use. A getter for a shape property can be defined as * normal. * * {@codesnippet javaobject} * * When we load our Java interpreter we need to set the class property of the {@code Class} object * to be itself. This means in this one isolated, slow-path, case we need to change a shape property * for an object that is already allocated. Getters for shape properties can be defined for the * {@link DynamicObjectFactory}, and for the {@link ObjectType}. * * Setters for shape properties are more complex, and they are not intended to be used in the fast * path. Setters can be defined on a {@link DynamicObjectFactory}, in which case they return a new * factory, or on a {@link DynamicObject}, in which they they change the shape of the object. This * is a slow-path operation and is likely to invalidate caches in your interpreter. * * {@codesnippet shapesetters} * * Apply this to our example with Java classes: * * {@codesnippet closecycle} * * <h2>Layout Inheritance</h2> * * Inheritance of layout interfaces allows you to model classical class inheritance, such as in a * language like Java. Use normal interface inheritance to make one layout inherit from another. You * then need to add the parameters for super-layouts at the beginning of sub-layout constructor * methods. * * Inherited shape properties work in a similar way. * * {@codesnippet inheritanceinterfaces} * * {@codesnippet inheritanceuse} * * <h2>Custom Object-Type Superclass</h2> * * Generated layouts use custom {@link ObjectType} subclasses internally. The default base class * that is inherited from is simply {@link ObjectType}. You can change this with the * {@link #objectTypeSuperclass} property on the {@link Layout} annotation. * * <h2>Implicit Casts</h2> * * {@code IntToLong} and {@code IntToDouble} implicit cast flags can be set in the generated layout * by setting {@link #implicitCastIntToLong} or {@link #implicitCastIntToDouble}. This can only be * done in base layouts, not subclassed layouts. * * <h2>Custom Identifiers</h2> * * By default, internal {@link HiddenKey} identifiers with descriptive names will be created for * your properties automatically. You can also specify the identifiers to use by defining them as * public static final fields in the interface. * * {@codesnippet customid} * * @since 0.12 * @deprecated with no replacement. */
@Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @Deprecated public @interface Layout {
/** @since 0.12 */
@Deprecated Class<? extends ObjectType> objectTypeSuperclass() default ObjectType.class;
/** @since 0.12 */
@Deprecated boolean implicitCastIntToLong() default false;
/** @since 0.12 */
@Deprecated boolean implicitCastIntToDouble() default false;
Non-instantiable class representing default value for Layout.dispatch().
/** * Non-instantiable class representing default value for {@link #dispatch()}. * * @since 20.0 */
@Deprecated final class DispatchDefaultValue { private DispatchDefaultValue() { } }
Generate override of ObjectType.dispatch() method in the generated inner *Type class.
/** * Generate override of {@link ObjectType#dispatch()} method in the generated inner *Type class. * * @since 20.0 */
@Deprecated Class<?> dispatch() default DispatchDefaultValue.class; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") class Snippets { // BEGIN: rectlayout @Layout private interface RectLayout { } // END: rectlayout private static class RectLayoutImpl { public static final RectLayoutImpl INSTANCE = new RectLayoutImpl(); } static Object rectLayoutImpl() { return // BEGIN: rectlayoutimpl RectLayoutImpl.INSTANCE; // END: rectlayoutimpl } interface CreateSnippets { // BEGIN: rectlayoutcreate DynamicObject createRect(int x, int y, int width, int height); // END: rectlayoutcreate // BEGIN: rectlayoutbuild Object[] build(int x, int y, int width, int height); // END: rectlayoutbuild } static class BuildSnippets { static class RectLayoutImpl implements CreateSnippets { public DynamicObject createRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) { return null; } public Object[] build(int x, int y, int width, int height) { return null; } public static final CreateSnippets INSTANCE = new RectLayoutImpl(); } DynamicObject createRect(Object type, int x, int y, int width, int height) { // BEGIN: rectlayoutbuildinstance DynamicObjectFactory factory = getCachedFactory(type); return factory.newInstance(RectLayoutImpl.INSTANCE.build(x, y, width, height)); // END: rectlayoutbuildinstance } private static DynamicObjectFactory getCachedFactory(Object type) { return (DynamicObjectFactory) type; } } interface InterfaceSnippets { // BEGIN: rectlayoutguards boolean isRect(DynamicObject object); boolean isRect(Object object); boolean isRect(ObjectType objectType); // END: rectlayoutguards // BEGIN: rectlayoutprops DynamicObject createRect(int x, int y, int width, int height); int getX(DynamicObject object); void setX(DynamicObject object, int value); int getWidth(DynamicObject object); void setWidth(DynamicObject object, int value); // END: rectlayoutprops // BEGIN: nullable DynamicObject createObject(@Nullable Object nullableProperty); // END: nullable // BEGIN: volatile boolean compareAndSetWidth(DynamicObject object, int expectedValue, int newValue); int getAndSet(DynamicObject object, int value); // END: volatile // BEGIN: semifinal void setValueUnsafe(DynamicObject object, Object value); // END: semifinal class JavaClass { } // BEGIN: javaobject @Layout interface JavaObjectLayout { DynamicObjectFactory createJavaObjectShape(JavaClass klass); DynamicObject createJavaObject(DynamicObjectFactory factory, int hashCode); JavaClass getKlass(DynamicObjectFactory factory); JavaClass getKlass(ObjectType objectType); JavaClass getKlass(DynamicObject object); int getHashCode(DynamicObject object); } // END: javaobject // BEGIN: shapesetters DynamicObjectFactory setKlass(DynamicObjectFactory factory, JavaClass value); void setKlass(DynamicObject object, JavaClass value); // END: shapesetters } static class JavaObjectImpl { static final JavaObjectImpl INSTANCE = new JavaObjectImpl(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Object createJavaObject(Object x, Object y) { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") Object createJavaObjectShape(Object x) { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") void setKlass(Object x, Object y) { } } Object defaultHashCode() { return null; } void closeCycle() { Object // BEGIN: closecycle javaClassObject = JavaObjectImpl.INSTANCE.createJavaObject( JavaObjectImpl.INSTANCE.createJavaObjectShape(null), defaultHashCode()); JavaObjectImpl.INSTANCE.setKlass(javaClassObject, javaClassObject); // END: closecycle } // BEGIN: inheritanceinterfaces @Layout interface BaseLayout { DynamicObject createBase(int a); boolean isBase(DynamicObject object); int getA(DynamicObject object); void setA(DynamicObject object, int value); } @Layout interface SuperLayout extends BaseLayout { DynamicObject createSuper(int a, int b); int getB(DynamicObject object); void setB(DynamicObject object, int value); } // END: inheritanceinterfaces static class BaseImpl { static final BaseImpl INSTANCE = new BaseImpl(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean isBase(Object x) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") Object getA(Object x) { return null; } } static class SuperImpl { static final SuperImpl INSTANCE = new SuperImpl(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") DynamicObject createSuper(int x, int y) { return null; } } void inheritanceUse() { // BEGIN: inheritanceuse DynamicObject object = SuperImpl.INSTANCE.createSuper(14, 2); BaseImpl.INSTANCE.isBase(object); BaseImpl.INSTANCE.getA(object); // END: inheritanceuse } // Checkstyle: stop // BEGIN: customid @Layout interface CustomIdentifierLayout { public static final String A_IDENTIFIER = "A"; DynamicObject createCustomIdentifier(int a); } // END: customid // Checkstyle: resume }