 * Copyright (c) 2016, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
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 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
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 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
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package com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.RootNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;

A source section filter represents an expression for a subset of tagged source sections that are used in an Truffle interpreter.

Start building event filters by calling newBuilder() and complete them by calling Builder.build().

See Also:
/** * A source section filter represents an expression for a subset of tagged source sections that are * used in an Truffle interpreter. * <p> * Start building event filters by calling {@link SourceSectionFilter#newBuilder()} and complete * them by calling {@link Builder#build()}. * * @see SourceSectionFilter#newBuilder() * @see Instrumenter#attachExecutionEventFactory(SourceSectionFilter, ExecutionEventNodeFactory) * @see Instrumenter#attachExecutionEventListener(SourceSectionFilter, ExecutionEventListener) * @since 0.12 */
public final class SourceSectionFilter {
A filter that matches everything.
/** * A filter that matches everything. * * @since 0.18 */
public static final SourceSectionFilter ANY = newBuilder().build(); private final EventFilterExpression[] expressions; private SourceSectionFilter(EventFilterExpression[] expressions) { this.expressions = expressions; }
Creates a new SourceSectionFilter expression using a builder pattern. Individual builder statements are interpreted as conjunctions (AND) while multiple parameters for individual filter expressions are treated as disjunctions (OR). To create the final filter finalize the expression using Builder.build().
See Also:
Returns:a new builder to create new SourceSectionFilter instances
/** * Creates a new {@link SourceSectionFilter} expression using a {@link Builder builder} pattern. * Individual builder statements are interpreted as conjunctions (AND) while multiple parameters * for individual filter expressions are treated as disjunctions (OR). To create the final * filter finalize the expression using {@link Builder#build()}. * * @see Builder#sourceIs(Source...) * @see Builder#mimeTypeIs(String...) * @see Builder#tagIs(Class...) * @see Builder#tagIsNot(Class...) * @see Builder#sourceSectionEquals(SourceSection...) * @see Builder#indexIn(int, int) * @see Builder#lineIn(int, int) * @see Builder#lineIs(int) * @see Builder#rootNameIs(Predicate) * @see Builder#build() * * @return a new builder to create new {@link SourceSectionFilter} instances * @since 0.12 */
public static Builder newBuilder() { return new SourceSectionFilter(null).new Builder(); }
Returns:the filter expressions in a human readable form for debugging.
/** * @return the filter expressions in a human readable form for debugging. * @since 0.12 */
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("SourceSectionFilter["); String sep = ""; for (EventFilterExpression expression : expressions) { b.append(sep); b.append(expression.toString()); sep = " and "; } b.append("]"); return b.toString(); }
Checks if the filter includes the given node, i.e. do the properties of the node's source section meet the conditions set by the filter.
  • node – The node to check.
Returns:True of the filter includes the node, false otherwise.
/** * Checks if the filter includes the given node, i.e. do the properties of the node's source * section meet the conditions set by the filter. * * @param node The node to check. * @return True of the filter includes the node, false otherwise. * @since 19.0. */
public boolean includes(Node node) { if (!InstrumentationHandler.isInstrumentableNode(node)) { return false; } Set<Class<?>> tags = getProvidedTags(node); for (EventFilterExpression exp : expressions) { if (!exp.isIncluded(tags, node, node.getSourceSection())) { return false; } } return true; } private static Set<Class<?>> getProvidedTags(Node node) { Objects.requireNonNull(node); RootNode root = node.getRootNode(); if (root == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } Object polyglotEngine = InstrumentAccessor.nodesAccess().getPolyglotEngine(root); if (polyglotEngine == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } InstrumentationHandler handler = (InstrumentationHandler) InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getInstrumentationHandler(polyglotEngine); return handler.getProvidedTags(node); }
Returns which tags are required to be materialized in order for this filter to be correct. Returns null to indicate that all provided tags are required.
/** * Returns which tags are required to be materialized in order for this filter to be correct. * Returns <code>null</code> to indicate that all provided tags are required. */
Set<Class<?>> getLimitedTags() { Set<Class<?>> requiredTags = null; for (EventFilterExpression expression : expressions) { if (expression instanceof EventFilterExpression.TagIs) { if (requiredTags == null) { requiredTags = new HashSet<>(); } expression.collectReferencedTags(requiredTags); } } return requiredTags; } // implementation Set<Class<?>> getReferencedTags() { Set<Class<?>> usedTags = new HashSet<>(); for (EventFilterExpression expression : expressions) { expression.collectReferencedTags(usedTags); } return usedTags; } boolean isSourceOnly() { for (EventFilterExpression eventFilterExpression : expressions) { if (!eventFilterExpression.isSourceOnly()) { return false; } } return true; } boolean isInstrumentedRoot(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSourceSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { for (EventFilterExpression exp : expressions) { if (!exp.isRootIncluded(providedTags, rootSourceSection, rootNode, rootNodeBits)) { return false; } } return true; } boolean isInstrumentedNode(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { assert InstrumentationHandler.isInstrumentableNode(instrumentedNode); for (EventFilterExpression exp : expressions) { if (!exp.isIncluded(providedTags, instrumentedNode, sourceSection)) { return false; } } return true; } boolean isInstrumentedSource(Source source) { if (source == null) { return false; } for (EventFilterExpression exp : expressions) { assert exp.isSourceOnly() : exp.toString(); if (!exp.isSourceIncluded(source)) { return false; } } return true; }
Configure your own SourceSectionFilter before creating its instance. Specify various parameters by calling individual Builder methods. When done, call build().
/** * Configure your own {@link SourceSectionFilter} before creating its instance. Specify various * parameters by calling individual {@link Builder} methods. When done, call {@link #build()}. * * @since 0.12 */
public final class Builder { private List<EventFilterExpression> expressions = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean includeInternal = true; private Builder() { }
Add a source filter.
/** * Add a source filter. * * @since 0.32 */
public Builder sourceFilter(SourceFilter sourceFilter) { expressions.addAll(Arrays.asList(sourceFilter.expressions)); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections that reference one of the given sources.
/** * Add a filter for all source sections that reference one of the given sources. * * @since 0.12 */
public Builder sourceIs(Source... source) { verifyNotNull(source); expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.SourceIs(source)); return this; }
Adds custom predicate to filter inclusion of sources. The predicate must always return the same result for a source instance otherwise the behavior is undefined. The predicate should be able run on multiple threads at the same time.
  • predicate – a test for inclusion
/** * Adds custom predicate to filter inclusion of {@link Source sources}. The predicate must * always return the same result for a source instance otherwise the behavior is undefined. * The predicate should be able run on multiple threads at the same time. * * @param predicate a test for inclusion * @since 0.17 */
public Builder sourceIs(SourcePredicate predicate) { if (predicate == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("SourcePredicate must not be null."); } expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.SourceFilterIs(predicate)); return this; }
Adds custom predicate to filter inclusion for root names. The root name might be null if not provided by the guest language. If the language returns a changing value it is unspecified which root name is going to be matched. The predicate must always return the same result for a String instance otherwise the behavior is undefined. The predicate should be able run on multiple threads at the same time.
  • predicate – a test for inclusion
/** * Adds custom predicate to filter inclusion for {@link RootNode#getName() root names}. The * root name might be <code>null</code> if not provided by the guest language. If the * language returns a changing value it is unspecified which root name is going to be * matched. The predicate must always return the same result for a {@link String} instance * otherwise the behavior is undefined. The predicate should be able run on multiple threads * at the same time. * * @param predicate a test for inclusion * @since 0.27 */
public Builder rootNameIs(Predicate<String> predicate) { if (predicate == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Predicate must not be null."); } expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.RootNameIs(predicate)); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections that declare one of the given mime-types. Mime-types which are compared must match exactly one of the mime-types specified by the target guest language.
  • mimeTypes – matches one of the given mime types
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections that declare one of the given mime-types. Mime-types * which are compared must match exactly one of the mime-types specified by the target guest * language. * * @param mimeTypes matches one of the given mime types * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder mimeTypeIs(String... mimeTypes) { verifyNotNull(mimeTypes); expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.MimeTypeIs(mimeTypes)); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections that are tagged with one of the given tags.
  • tags – matches one of the given tags
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections that are tagged with one of the given tags. * * @param tags matches one of the given tags * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder tagIs(Class<?>... tags) { verifyNotNull(tags); expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.TagIs(tags)); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections that are not tagged with one of the given tags.
  • tags – matches not one of the given tags
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections that are not tagged with one of the given tags. * * @param tags matches not one of the given tags * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder tagIsNot(Class<?>... tags) { verifyNotNull(tags); expressions.add(new Not(new EventFilterExpression.TagIs(tags))); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections that equal one of the given source sections.
  • section – matches one of the given source sections
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections that equal one of the given source sections. * * @param section matches one of the given source sections * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder sourceSectionEquals(SourceSection... section) { verifyNotNull(section); expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.SourceSectionEquals(section)); return this; }
Add a filter for all root source sections that equal one of the given source sections. All descendant source sections of a matching root source section are included in the filter. This can mean in the dynamic language domain that all nodes of a function for which the root source section matches the given source section is instrumented but its inner functions and its nodes are not instrumented.
  • section – matches one of the given root source sections
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all root source sections that equal one of the given source sections. * All descendant source sections of a matching root source section are included in the * filter. This can mean in the dynamic language domain that all nodes of a function for * which the root source section matches the given source section is instrumented but its * inner functions and its nodes are not instrumented. * * @param section matches one of the given root source sections * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder rootSourceSectionEquals(SourceSection... section) { verifyNotNull(section); expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.RootSourceSectionEquals(section)); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections which indices are not contained in one of the given index ranges.
  • ranges – matches indices that are not contained in one of the given index ranges
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections which indices are not contained in one of the given * index ranges. * * @param ranges matches indices that are not contained in one of the given index ranges * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder indexNotIn(IndexRange... ranges) { verifyNotNull(ranges); expressions.add(new Not(new EventFilterExpression.IndexIn(ranges))); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections which indices are contained in one of the given index ranges.
  • ranges – matches indices that are contained in one of the given index ranges
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections which indices are contained in one of the given * index ranges. * * @param ranges matches indices that are contained in one of the given index ranges * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder indexIn(IndexRange... ranges) { verifyNotNull(ranges); expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.IndexIn(ranges)); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections where the index is inside a startIndex (inclusive) plus a given length (exclusive).
  • startIndex – the start index (inclusive)
  • length – the number of matched characters
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections where the index is inside a startIndex (inclusive) * plus a given length (exclusive). * * @param startIndex the start index (inclusive) * @param length the number of matched characters * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder indexIn(int startIndex, int length) { return indexIn(IndexRange.byLength(startIndex, length)); }
Add a filter for all source sections where lines are contained in one of the given index ranges. Line indices must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • ranges – matches lines that are contained in one of the given index ranges
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections where lines are contained in one of the given index * ranges. Line indices must be greater than or equal to <code>1</code>. * * @param ranges matches lines that are contained in one of the given index ranges * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder lineIn(IndexRange... ranges) { verifyLineIndices(ranges); expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.LineIn(ranges)); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections where lines are not contained in one of the given index ranges. Line indices must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • ranges – matches lines that are not contained in one of the given index ranges
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections where lines are not contained in one of the given * index ranges. Line indices must be greater than or equal to <code>1</code>. * * @param ranges matches lines that are not contained in one of the given index ranges * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder lineNotIn(IndexRange... ranges) { verifyLineIndices(ranges); expressions.add(new Not(new EventFilterExpression.LineIn(ranges))); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections where the line is inside a startLine (first index inclusive) plus a given length (last index exclusive).
  • startLine – the start line (inclusive)
  • length – the number of matched lines
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections where the line is inside a startLine (first index * inclusive) plus a given length (last index exclusive). * * @param startLine the start line (inclusive) * @param length the number of matched lines * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder lineIn(int startLine, int length) { if (startLine < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Start line indices must be >= 1 but were %s.", startLine)); } return lineIn(IndexRange.byLength(startLine, length)); }
Add a filter for all source sections where the line starts in one of the given index ranges. Line indices must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • ranges – matches lines that start in one of the given index ranges
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections where the line starts in one of the given index * ranges. Line indices must be greater than or equal to <code>1</code>. * * @param ranges matches lines that start in one of the given index ranges * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder lineStartsIn(IndexRange... ranges) { verifyLineIndices(ranges); expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.LineStartsIn(ranges)); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections where the line ends in one of the given index ranges. Line indices must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • ranges – matches lines that end in one of the given index ranges
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections where the line ends in one of the given index * ranges. Line indices must be greater than or equal to <code>1</code>. * * @param ranges matches lines that end in one of the given index ranges * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder lineEndsIn(IndexRange... ranges) { verifyLineIndices(ranges); expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.LineEndsIn(ranges)); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections where the columns are contained in one of the given index ranges. Column indices must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • ranges – matches columns that are contained in one of the given index ranges
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections where the columns are contained in one of the given * index ranges. Column indices must be greater than or equal to <code>1</code>. * * @param ranges matches columns that are contained in one of the given index ranges * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.33 */
public Builder columnIn(IndexRange... ranges) { verifyLineIndices(ranges); expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.ColumnIn(ranges)); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections where columns are not contained in one of the given index ranges. Column indices must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • ranges – matches columns that are not contained in one of the given index ranges
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections where columns are not contained in one of the given * index ranges. Column indices must be greater than or equal to <code>1</code>. * * @param ranges matches columns that are not contained in one of the given index ranges * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.33 */
public Builder columnNotIn(IndexRange... ranges) { verifyLineIndices(ranges); expressions.add(new Not(new EventFilterExpression.ColumnIn(ranges))); return this; }
Add a filter for all source sections where the column is inside a startColumn (first index inclusive) plus a given length (last index exclusive).
  • startColumn – the start column (inclusive)
  • length – the number of matched columns
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections where the column is inside a startColumn (first * index inclusive) plus a given length (last index exclusive). * * @param startColumn the start column (inclusive) * @param length the number of matched columns * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.33 */
public Builder columnIn(int startColumn, int length) { if (startColumn < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Start line indices must be >= 1 but were %s.", startColumn)); } return columnIn(IndexRange.byLength(startColumn, length)); }
Add a filter for all source sections where the column starts in one of the given index ranges. Column indices must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • ranges – matches columns that start in one of the given index ranges
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all source sections where the column starts in one of the given index * ranges. Column indices must be greater than or equal to <code>1</code>. * * @param ranges matches columns that start in one of the given index ranges * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.33 */
public Builder columnStartsIn(IndexRange... ranges) { verifyLineIndices(ranges); expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.ColumnStartsIn(ranges)); return this; }
Add a filter for all sources sections where the column ends in one of the given index ranges. Column indices must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • ranges – matches columns that end in one of the given index ranges
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all sources sections where the column ends in one of the given index * ranges. Column indices must be greater than or equal to <code>1</code>. * * @param ranges matches columns that end in one of the given index ranges * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.33 */
public Builder columnEndsIn(IndexRange... ranges) { verifyLineIndices(ranges); expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.ColumnEndsIn(ranges)); return this; } private void verifyLineIndices(IndexRange... ranges) { verifyNotNull(ranges); for (IndexRange indexRange : ranges) { if (indexRange.startIndex < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Start line/column must be >= 1 but was %s.", indexRange.startIndex)); } } }
Add a filter for all sources sections where the line is exactly the given line. Line indices must be greater than or equal to 1. *
  • line – the line to be matched
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter for all sources sections where the line is exactly the given line. Line * indices must be greater than or equal to <code>1</code>. * * * @param line the line to be matched * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.12 */
public Builder lineIs(int line) { return lineIn(line, 1); }
Add a filter that includes or excludes internal root nodes. By default, internal roots are included, call with false to exclude internal code from instrumentation.
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Add a filter that includes or excludes {@link RootNode#isInternal() internal root nodes}. * By default, internal roots are included, call with <code>false</code> to exclude internal * code from instrumentation. * * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.29 */
public Builder includeInternal(boolean internal) { this.includeInternal = internal; return this; }
Adds all the filters defined in the given filter.
  • filter – an existing filter to be included
Returns:the builder to chain calls
/** * Adds all the filters defined in the given {@link SourceSectionFilter filter}. * * @param filter an existing filter to be included * @return the builder to chain calls * @since 0.30 */
public Builder and(SourceSectionFilter filter) { for (EventFilterExpression e : filter.expressions) { expressions.add(e); } return this; }
Finalizes and constructs the SourceSectionFilter instance.
Returns:the built filter expression
/** * Finalizes and constructs the {@link SourceSectionFilter} instance. * * @return the built filter expression * @since 0.12 */
public SourceSectionFilter build() { if (!includeInternal) { expressions.add(new EventFilterExpression.IgnoreInternal()); } Collections.sort(expressions); return new SourceSectionFilter(expressions.toArray(new EventFilterExpression[0])); } } static void verifyNotNull(Object[] values) { if (values == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given arguments must not be null."); } for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (values[i] == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("None of the given argument values must be null."); } } }
Represents a predicate for source objects.
/** * Represents a predicate for source objects. * * @since 0.17 */
public interface SourcePredicate extends Predicate<Source> {
Returns true if the given source should be tested positive and false if the sources should be filtered.
  • source – the source object to filter
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the given source should be tested positive and * <code>false</code> if the sources should be filtered. * * @param source the source object to filter * @since 0.17 */
boolean test(Source source); }
Represents a range between two indices within a source section filter. Instances are immutable.
See Also:
/** * Represents a range between two indices within a {@link SourceSectionFilter source section * filter}. Instances are immutable. * * @see SourceSectionFilter * @see #between(int, int) * @see #byLength(int, int) * @since 0.12 */
public static final class IndexRange { final int startIndex; final int endIndex; IndexRange(int startIndex, int endIndex) { this.startIndex = startIndex; this.endIndex = endIndex; }
Constructs a new index range between one a first index inclusive and a second index exclusive. Parameters must comply startIndex >= 0 and startIndex <= endIndex.
  • startIndex – the start index (inclusive)
  • endIndex – the end index (exclusive)
Returns:a new index range
/** * Constructs a new index range between one a first index inclusive and a second index * exclusive. Parameters must comply <code>startIndex >= 0</code> and * <code>startIndex <= endIndex</code>. * * @param startIndex the start index (inclusive) * @param endIndex the end index (exclusive) * @return a new index range * @throws IllegalArgumentException if parameter invariants are violated * @since 0.12 */
public static IndexRange between(int startIndex, int endIndex) { if (startIndex < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The argument startIndex must be positive but is %s.", startIndex)); } else if (endIndex < startIndex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid range %s:%s.", startIndex, endIndex)); } return new IndexRange(startIndex, endIndex); }
Constructs a new index range with a given first index inclusive and a given length. Parameters must comply startIndex >= 0 and length >= 0.
  • startIndex – the start index (inclusive)
  • length – the length of the range
Returns:a new index range
/** * Constructs a new index range with a given first index inclusive and a given length. * Parameters must comply <code>startIndex >= 0</code> and <code>length >= 0</code>. * * @param startIndex the start index (inclusive) * @param length the length of the range * @return a new index range * @throws IllegalArgumentException if parameter invariants are violated * @since 0.12 */
public static IndexRange byLength(int startIndex, int length) { if (length < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The argument length must be positive but is %s.", length)); } else if (startIndex < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The argument startIndex must be positive but is %s.", startIndex)); } return new IndexRange(startIndex, startIndex + length); } boolean contains(int otherStartIndex, int otherEndIndex) { return startIndex <= otherEndIndex && otherStartIndex < endIndex; }
Returns:a human readable version of the index range
/** * @return a human readable version of the index range * @since 0.12 */
@Override public String toString() { return "[" + startIndex + "-" + endIndex + "]"; } } abstract static class EventFilterExpression implements Comparable<EventFilterExpression> { protected abstract int getOrder(); void collectReferencedTags(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Set<Class<?>> collectTags) { // default implementation does nothing } boolean isSourceIncluded(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Source source) { return false; } abstract boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection); abstract boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits); boolean isSourceOnly() { return false; } @Override public final int compareTo(EventFilterExpression o) { return getOrder() - o.getOrder(); } static void appendRanges(StringBuilder builder, IndexRange[] ranges) { String sep = ""; for (IndexRange range : ranges) { builder.append(sep).append(range); sep = " or "; } } static final class SourceFilterIs extends EventFilterExpression { private final Predicate<Source> predicate; SourceFilterIs(Predicate<Source> predicate) { this.predicate = predicate; } @Override boolean isSourceOnly() { return true; } @Override boolean isSourceIncluded(Source src) { if (src == null) { return false; } return predicate.test(src); } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSourceSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { if (RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(rootNodeBits)) { return false; } if (RootNodeBits.isSameSource(rootNodeBits) && rootSourceSection != null) { return isSourceIncluded(rootSourceSection.getSource()); } return true; } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { if (sourceSection == null) { return false; } return isSourceIncluded(sourceSection.getSource()); } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 1; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("source is included by custom filter %s", predicate.toString()); } } private static final class RootNameIs extends EventFilterExpression { private final Predicate<String> predicate; RootNameIs(Predicate<String> predicate) { this.predicate = predicate; } @Override boolean isSourceOnly() { return false; } @Override boolean isSourceIncluded(Source src) { return true; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSourceSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { return predicate.test(rootNode.getName()); } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { return true; } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 3; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("root name is included by custom filter %s", predicate.toString()); } } static final class SourceIs extends EventFilterExpression { private final Source[] sources; SourceIs(Source... source) { this.sources = source; } @Override boolean isSourceOnly() { return true; } @Override boolean isSourceIncluded(Source src) { for (Source otherSource : sources) { if (src.equals(otherSource)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSourceSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { if (RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(rootNodeBits)) { return false; } if (RootNodeBits.isSameSource(rootNodeBits) && rootSourceSection != null) { return isSourceIncluded(rootSourceSection.getSource()); } return true; } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { if (sourceSection == null) { return false; } return isSourceIncluded(sourceSection.getSource()); } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 1; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("source is %s", Arrays.toString(sources)); } } private static final class MimeTypeIs extends EventFilterExpression { private final String[] mimeTypes; MimeTypeIs(String... mimeTypes) { this.mimeTypes = mimeTypes; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSourceSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { if (RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(rootNodeBits)) { return false; } if (RootNodeBits.isSameSource(rootNodeBits) && rootSourceSection != null) { return isSourceIncluded(rootSourceSection.getSource()); } return true; } @Override boolean isSourceOnly() { return true; } @Override boolean isSourceIncluded(Source source) { String mimeType = source.getMimeType(); if (mimeType != null) { for (String otherMimeType : mimeTypes) { if (otherMimeType.equals(mimeType)) { return true; } } } return false; } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { if (sourceSection == null) { return false; } return isSourceIncluded(sourceSection.getSource()); } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 2; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("mime-type is one-of %s", Arrays.toString(mimeTypes)); } } private static Class<?>[] checkTags(Class<?>[] tags) { for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { if (tags[i] == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tags must not be null."); } } return tags; } private static final class TagIs extends EventFilterExpression { private final Class<?>[] tags; TagIs(Class<?>... tags) { this.tags = checkTags(tags); } @Override void collectReferencedTags(Set<Class<?>> collectTags) { for (Class<?> tag : tags) { collectTags.add(tag); } } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { Class<?>[] filterTags = this.tags; for (int i = 0; i < filterTags.length; i++) { Class<?> tag = filterTags[i]; if (InstrumentationHandler.hasTagImpl(providedTags, instrumentedNode, tag)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { for (Class<?> tag : tags) { if (providedTags.contains(tag)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 4; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("tag is one of %s", Arrays.toString(tags)); } } private static final class SourceSectionEquals extends EventFilterExpression { private final SourceSection[] sourceSections; SourceSectionEquals(SourceSection... sourceSection) { this.sourceSections = sourceSection; // clear tags for (int i = 0; i < sourceSection.length; i++) { sourceSections[i] = sourceSection[i]; } } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection s) { if (s == null) { return false; } for (SourceSection compareSection : sourceSections) { if (s.equals(compareSection)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSourceSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { if (RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(rootNodeBits)) { return false; } if (rootSourceSection == null) { return true; } boolean rootIncluded = canContainSource(rootSourceSection, rootNodeBits); if (RootNodeBits.isSourceSectionsHierachical(rootNodeBits) && rootIncluded) { int rootStart = rootSourceSection.getCharIndex(); int rootEnd = rootSourceSection.getCharEndIndex(); for (SourceSection compareSection : sourceSections) { int compareStart = compareSection.getCharIndex(); int compareEnd = compareSection.getCharEndIndex(); if (compareStart >= rootStart && compareEnd <= rootEnd) { return true; } } /* * If the source section is not contained within the root and the source * sections are hierarchical the source section cannot be contained in this root * node. */ return false; } return rootIncluded; } private boolean canContainSource(SourceSection rootSourceSection, int rootNodeBits) { if (RootNodeBits.isSameSource(rootNodeBits)) { Source rootSource = rootSourceSection.getSource(); for (SourceSection compareSection : sourceSections) { if (rootSource.equals(compareSection.getSource())) { return true; } } return false; } else { return true; } } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 6; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("source-section equals one-of %s", Arrays.toString(sourceSections)); } } private static final class RootSourceSectionEquals extends EventFilterExpression { private final SourceSection[] sourceSections; RootSourceSectionEquals(SourceSection... sourceSection) { this.sourceSections = sourceSection; // clear tags for (int i = 0; i < sourceSection.length; i++) { sourceSections[i] = sourceSection[i]; } } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection s) { return true; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { if (rootSection == null) { return false; } for (SourceSection compareSection : sourceSections) { if (rootSection.equals(compareSection)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 6; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("source-section equals one-of %s", Arrays.toString(sourceSections)); } } private static final class IndexIn extends EventFilterExpression { private final IndexRange[] ranges; IndexIn(IndexRange[] ranges) { this.ranges = ranges; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSourceSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { if (RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(rootNodeBits)) { return false; } if (RootNodeBits.isSourceSectionsHierachical(rootNodeBits) && rootSourceSection != null) { return IndexIn.isIndexIn(rootSourceSection, ranges); } return true; } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { return isIndexIn(sourceSection, ranges); } private static boolean isIndexIn(SourceSection sourceSection, IndexRange[] ranges) { if (sourceSection == null || !sourceSection.isAvailable()) { return false; } int otherStart = sourceSection.getCharIndex(); int otherEnd = otherStart + sourceSection.getCharLength(); for (IndexRange indexRange : ranges) { if (indexRange.contains(otherStart, otherEnd)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 8; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("(index-between "); appendRanges(builder, ranges); builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); } } private static final class LineStartsIn extends EventFilterExpression { private final IndexRange[] ranges; LineStartsIn(IndexRange[] ranges) { this.ranges = ranges; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { if (RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(rootNodeBits)) { return false; } if (RootNodeBits.isSourceSectionsHierachical(rootNodeBits) && rootSection != null) { return LineIn.isLineIn(rootSection, ranges); } return true; } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { if (sourceSection == null || !sourceSection.isAvailable()) { return false; } int otherStart = sourceSection.getStartLine(); for (IndexRange indexRange : ranges) { if (indexRange.contains(otherStart, otherStart)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 10; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("(line-starts-between "); appendRanges(builder, ranges); builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); } } private static final class LineEndsIn extends EventFilterExpression { private final IndexRange[] ranges; LineEndsIn(IndexRange[] ranges) { this.ranges = ranges; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { if (RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(rootNodeBits)) { return false; } if (RootNodeBits.isSourceSectionsHierachical(rootNodeBits) && rootSection != null) { return LineIn.isLineIn(rootSection, ranges); } return true; } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { if (sourceSection == null || !sourceSection.isAvailable()) { return false; } int otherStart = sourceSection.getStartLine(); int otherEnd; if (sourceSection.getSource() == null) { otherEnd = otherStart; } else { otherEnd = sourceSection.getEndLine(); } for (IndexRange indexRange : ranges) { if (indexRange.contains(otherEnd, otherEnd)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 10; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("(line-ends-between "); appendRanges(builder, ranges); builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); } } private static final class LineIn extends EventFilterExpression { private final IndexRange[] ranges; LineIn(IndexRange[] ranges) { this.ranges = ranges; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { if (RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(rootNodeBits)) { return false; } if (RootNodeBits.isSourceSectionsHierachical(rootNodeBits) && rootSection != null) { return LineIn.isLineIn(rootSection, ranges); } return true; } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { return isLineIn(sourceSection, ranges); } static boolean isLineIn(SourceSection sourceSection, IndexRange[] ranges) { if (sourceSection == null || !sourceSection.isAvailable()) { return false; } int otherStart = sourceSection.getStartLine(); int otherEnd; if (sourceSection.getSource() == null) { otherEnd = otherStart; } else { otherEnd = sourceSection.getEndLine(); } for (IndexRange indexRange : ranges) { if (indexRange.contains(otherStart, otherEnd)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 10; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("(line-between "); appendRanges(builder, ranges); builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); } } private static final class ColumnStartsIn extends EventFilterExpression { private final IndexRange[] ranges; ColumnStartsIn(IndexRange[] ranges) { this.ranges = ranges; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { if (RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(rootNodeBits)) { return false; } if (RootNodeBits.isSourceSectionsHierachical(rootNodeBits) && rootSection != null && rootSection.getStartLine() == rootSection.getEndLine()) { return ColumnIn.isColumnIn(rootSection, ranges); } return true; } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { if (!sourceSection.isAvailable()) { return false; } int otherStart = sourceSection.getStartColumn(); for (IndexRange indexRange : ranges) { if (indexRange.contains(otherStart, otherStart)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 12; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("(column-starts-between "); appendRanges(builder, ranges); builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); } } private static final class ColumnEndsIn extends EventFilterExpression { private final IndexRange[] ranges; ColumnEndsIn(IndexRange[] ranges) { this.ranges = ranges; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { if (RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(rootNodeBits)) { return false; } if (RootNodeBits.isSourceSectionsHierachical(rootNodeBits) && rootSection != null && rootSection.getStartLine() == rootSection.getEndLine()) { return ColumnIn.isColumnIn(rootSection, ranges); } return true; } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { int otherStart = sourceSection.getStartColumn(); int otherEnd; if (sourceSection.getSource() == null) { otherEnd = otherStart; } else { otherEnd = sourceSection.getEndColumn(); } for (IndexRange indexRange : ranges) { if (indexRange.contains(otherEnd, otherEnd)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 12; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("(column-ends-between "); appendRanges(builder, ranges); builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); } } private static final class ColumnIn extends EventFilterExpression { private final IndexRange[] ranges; ColumnIn(IndexRange[] ranges) { this.ranges = ranges; } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { if (RootNodeBits.isNoSourceSection(rootNodeBits)) { return false; } if (RootNodeBits.isSourceSectionsHierachical(rootNodeBits) && rootSection != null && rootSection.getStartLine() == rootSection.getEndLine()) { return isColumnIn(rootSection, ranges); } return true; } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { return isColumnIn(sourceSection, ranges); } static boolean isColumnIn(SourceSection sourceSection, IndexRange[] ranges) { if (!sourceSection.isAvailable()) { return false; } int otherStart = sourceSection.getStartColumn(); int otherEnd; if (sourceSection.getSource() == null) { otherEnd = otherStart; } else { otherEnd = sourceSection.getEndColumn(); } for (IndexRange indexRange : ranges) { if (indexRange.contains(otherStart, otherEnd)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 12; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("(column-between "); appendRanges(builder, ranges); builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); } } private static final class IgnoreInternal extends EventFilterExpression { IgnoreInternal() { } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection s) { return s == null || !s.getSource().isInternal(); } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { // assert that the RootNode is internal when it's Source is internal assert rootNode == null || rootSection == null || !rootSection.getSource().isInternal() || rootSection.getSource().isInternal() && rootNode.isInternal() : // "The root's source is internal, but the root node is not. Root node = " + rootNode.getClass(); return rootNode == null || !rootNode.isInternal(); } @Override protected int getOrder() { return 1; } @Override public String toString() { return "ignore internal"; } } } private static final class Not extends EventFilterExpression { final EventFilterExpression delegate; Not(EventFilterExpression delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } @Override boolean isSourceOnly() { return delegate.isSourceOnly(); } @Override boolean isSourceIncluded(Source source) { return !delegate.isSourceIncluded(source); } @Override void collectReferencedTags(Set<Class<?>> collectTags) { delegate.collectReferencedTags(collectTags); } @Override boolean isRootIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, SourceSection rootSection, RootNode rootNode, int rootNodeBits) { return true; } @Override boolean isIncluded(Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection sourceSection) { return !delegate.isIncluded(providedTags, instrumentedNode, sourceSection); } @Override protected int getOrder() { return delegate.getOrder(); } @Override public String toString() { return "not(" + delegate.toString() + ")"; } } }