 * Copyright (c) 2019, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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package com.oracle.truffle.tools.chromeinspector.test;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Value;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.io.MessageEndpoint;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.io.MessageTransport;

Tests the use of MessageTransport with the Inspector.
/** * Tests the use of {@link MessageTransport} with the Inspector. */
public class InspectorMessageTransportTest extends EnginesGCedTest { private static final String PORT = "54367"; private static final Pattern URI_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("ws://.*:" + PORT + "/[\\dA-Za-z_\\-]+"); private static final String[] INITIAL_MESSAGES = { "{\"id\":5,\"method\":\"Runtime.enable\"}", "{\"id\":6,\"method\":\"Debugger.enable\"}", "{\"id\":7,\"method\":\"Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions\",\"params\":{\"state\":\"none\"}}", "{\"id\":8,\"method\":\"Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth\",\"params\":{\"maxDepth\":32}}", "{\"id\":20,\"method\":\"Debugger.setBlackboxPatterns\",\"params\":{\"patterns\":[]}}", "{\"id\":28,\"method\":\"Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger\"}" }; private static final String[] MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND; private static final String[] MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT = { "{\"result\":{},\"id\":5}", "{\"result\":{},\"id\":6}", "{\"result\":{},\"id\":7}", "{\"result\":{},\"id\":8}", "{\"result\":{},\"id\":20}", "{\"result\":{},\"id\":28}", "{\"method\":\"Runtime.executionContextCreated\"", "{\"method\":\"Debugger.paused\",", "{\"result\":{},\"id\":50}", "{\"method\":\"Debugger.resumed\"}", "{\"method\":\"Debugger.paused\",", "{\"result\":{},\"id\":100}", "{\"method\":\"Debugger.resumed\"}" }; static { MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND = Arrays.copyOf(INITIAL_MESSAGES, INITIAL_MESSAGES.length + 2); MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND[INITIAL_MESSAGES.length] = "{\"id\":50,\"method\":\"Debugger.stepOver\"}"; MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND[INITIAL_MESSAGES.length + 1] = "{\"id\":100,\"method\":\"Debugger.resume\"}"; } @Test public void inspectorEndpointDefaultPathTest() { inspectorEndpointTest(null); } @Test public void inspectorEndpointExplicitPathTest() { inspectorEndpointTest("simplePath" + SecureInspectorPathGenerator.getToken()); inspectorEndpointTest("/some/complex/path" + SecureInspectorPathGenerator.getToken()); } @Test public void inspectorEndpointRaceTest() { RaceControl rc = new RaceControl(); inspectorEndpointTest(null, rc); } private void inspectorEndpointTest(String path) { inspectorEndpointTest(path, null); } private void inspectorEndpointTest(String path, RaceControl rc) { Session session = new Session(rc); DebuggerEndpoint endpoint = new DebuggerEndpoint(path, rc); try (Engine engine = endpoint.onOpen(session)) { Context context = Context.newBuilder().engine(engine).build(); Value result = context.eval("sl", "function main() {\n x = 1;\n return x;\n}"); Assert.assertEquals("Result", "1", result.toString()); endpoint.onClose(session); } int numMessages = MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND.length + MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT.length; Assert.assertEquals(session.messages.toString(), numMessages, session.messages.size()); assertMessages(session.messages, MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND.length, MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT.length); } private static void assertMessages(List<String> messages, int num2B, int num2C) { for (int ib = 0, ic = 0; ib < num2B && ic < num2C;) { String msg = messages.get(ib + ic); if (msg.startsWith("2B")) { // to backend if (!msg.substring(2).startsWith(MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND[ib])) { Assert.fail("Expected start with '" + MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND[ib] + "', got: '" + msg + "'"); } ib++; } else { Assert.assertTrue(msg, msg.startsWith("2C")); // to client if (!msg.substring(2).startsWith(MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT[ic])) { Assert.fail("Expected start with '" + MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT[ic] + "', got: '" + msg + "'"); } ic++; } } } @Test public void inspectorReconnectTest() throws IOException, InterruptedException { Session session = new Session(null); DebuggerEndpoint endpoint = new DebuggerEndpoint("simplePath" + SecureInspectorPathGenerator.getToken(), null); try (Engine engine = endpoint.onOpen(session)) { try (Context context = Context.newBuilder().engine(engine).build()) { Value result = context.eval("sl", "function main() {\n x = 1;\n return x;\n}"); Assert.assertEquals("Result", "1", result.toString()); MessageEndpoint peerEndpoint = endpoint.peer; peerEndpoint.sendClose(); Assert.assertNotSame(peerEndpoint, endpoint.peer); result = context.eval("sl", "function main() {\n x = 2;\n return x;\n}"); Assert.assertEquals("Result", "2", result.toString()); } // We will not get the last 6 messages to client and 2 to backend // as we do not do initial suspension on re-connect int expectedNumMessages = 2 * (MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND.length + MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT.length) - 8; synchronized (session.messages) { while (session.messages.size() < expectedNumMessages) { // The reply messages are sent asynchronously. We need to wait for them. session.messages.wait(); } } Assert.assertEquals(session.messages.toString(), expectedNumMessages, session.messages.size()); assertMessages(session.messages, MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND.length, MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT.length); // Messages after reconnect List<String> messagesAfterReconnect = session.messages.subList(MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND.length + MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT.length, expectedNumMessages); assertMessages(messagesAfterReconnect, MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND.length - 2, MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT.length - 6); } } @Test public void inspectorClosedTest() throws IOException, InterruptedException { Session session = new Session(null); DebuggerEndpoint endpoint = new DebuggerEndpoint("simplePath" + SecureInspectorPathGenerator.getToken(), null); endpoint.setOpenCountLimit(1); try (Engine engine = endpoint.onOpen(session)) { try (Context context = Context.newBuilder().engine(engine).build()) { Value result = context.eval("sl", "function main() {\n x = 1;\n return x;\n}"); Assert.assertEquals("Result", "1", result.toString()); MessageEndpoint peerEndpoint = endpoint.peer; peerEndpoint.sendClose(); // Execution goes on after close: result = context.eval("sl", "function main() {\n x = 2;\n debugger;\n return x;\n}"); Assert.assertEquals("Result", "2", result.toString()); } try (Engine engine2 = endpoint.onOpen(session)) { try (Context context = Context.newBuilder().engine(engine2).build()) { Value result = context.eval("sl", "function main() {\n x = 3;\n debugger; return x;\n}"); Assert.assertEquals("Result", "3", result.toString()); } int expectedNumMessages = MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND.length + MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT.length; synchronized (session.messages) { while (session.messages.size() < expectedNumMessages) { // The reply messages are sent asynchronously. We need to wait for them. session.messages.wait(); } } Assert.assertEquals(session.messages.toString(), expectedNumMessages, session.messages.size()); assertMessages(session.messages, MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND.length, MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT.length); } } } @Test public void inspectorCloseAfterDisposeTest() { Session session = new Session(null); DebuggerEndpoint endpoint = new DebuggerEndpoint("simplePath" + SecureInspectorPathGenerator.getToken(), null); MessageEndpoint peerEndpoint; try (Engine engine = endpoint.onOpen(session)) { try (Context context = Context.newBuilder().engine(engine).build()) { context.eval("sl", "function main() {\n x = 1;\n return x;\n}"); peerEndpoint = endpoint.peer; } } try { peerEndpoint.sendClose(); Assert.fail("Endpoint should be closed already."); } catch (IOException e) { // O.K. } try { peerEndpoint.sendText("Something"); Assert.fail("Endpoint should be closed already."); } catch (IOException e) { // O.K. } try { peerEndpoint.sendPing(ByteBuffer.allocate(1)); Assert.fail("Endpoint should be closed already."); } catch (IOException e) { // O.K. } try { peerEndpoint.sendPong(ByteBuffer.allocate(1)); Assert.fail("Endpoint should be closed already."); } catch (IOException e) { // O.K. } } @Test public void inspectorContextClosedTest() throws IOException, InterruptedException { Session session = new Session(null); DebuggerEndpoint endpoint = new DebuggerEndpoint("simplePath" + SecureInspectorPathGenerator.getToken(), null); endpoint.setOpenCountLimit(1); try (Context context = endpoint.onOpenContext(session)) { addContextReference(context); Value result = context.eval("sl", "function main() {\n x = 1;\n return x;\n}"); Assert.assertEquals("Result", "1", result.toString()); MessageEndpoint peerEndpoint = endpoint.peer; peerEndpoint.sendClose(); // Execution goes on after close: result = context.eval("sl", "function main() {\n x = 2;\n debugger;\n return x;\n}"); Assert.assertEquals("Result", "2", result.toString()); try (Context context2 = endpoint.onOpenContext(session)) { addContextReference(context2); result = context2.eval("sl", "function main() {\n x = 3;\n debugger; return x;\n}"); Assert.assertEquals("Result", "3", result.toString()); int expectedNumMessages = MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND.length + MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT.length; synchronized (session.messages) { while (session.messages.size() < expectedNumMessages) { // The reply messages are sent asynchronously. We need to wait for them. session.messages.wait(); } } Assert.assertEquals(session.messages.toString(), expectedNumMessages, session.messages.size()); assertMessages(session.messages, MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND.length, MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT.length); } } } @Test public void inspectorVetoedTest() { Engine.Builder engineBuilder = Engine.newBuilder().serverTransport(new MessageTransport() { @Override public MessageEndpoint open(URI uri, MessageEndpoint peerEndpoint) throws IOException, MessageTransport.VetoException { throw new MessageTransport.VetoException("Server vetoed."); } }).option("inspect", PORT); try { engineBuilder.build(); Assert.fail("Veto not effective."); } catch (PolyglotException ex) { String message = ex.getMessage(); Assert.assertTrue(message, message.startsWith("Starting inspector on ")); Assert.assertTrue(message, message.endsWith(":" + PORT + " failed: Server vetoed.")); } } private static final class Session { private final RaceControl rc; final List<String> messages = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>(MESSAGES_TO_BACKEND.length + MESSAGES_TO_CLIENT.length)); private final BasicRemote remote = new BasicRemote(messages); private boolean opened = true; Session(RaceControl rc) { this.rc = rc; } BasicRemote getBasicRemote() { return remote; } public boolean isOpen() { return opened; } void addMessageHandler(MsgHandler handler) throws IOException { remote.handler = handler; sendInitialMessages(handler); if (rc != null) { rc.clientMessagesSent(); } } private void sendInitialMessages(final MsgHandler handler) throws IOException { if (opened) { for (String message : INITIAL_MESSAGES) { handler.onMessage(message); } } } private void close() { opened = false; } interface MsgHandler { void onMessage(String message) throws IOException; } } private static final class BasicRemote { Session.MsgHandler handler; private final List<String> messages; private boolean didStep = false; BasicRemote(List<String> messages) { this.messages = messages; } void sendText(String text) throws IOException { if (!text.startsWith("{\"method\":\"Debugger.scriptParsed\"")) { synchronized (messages) { messages.add("2C" + text); messages.notifyAll(); } } if (text.startsWith("{\"method\":\"Debugger.paused\"")) { if (!didStep) { handler.onMessage("{\"id\":50,\"method\":\"Debugger.stepOver\"}"); didStep = true; } else { handler.onMessage("{\"id\":100,\"method\":\"Debugger.resume\"}"); didStep = false; } } } } private final class DebuggerEndpoint { private final String path; private final RaceControl rc; private int openCountLimit = -1; MessageEndpoint peer; DebuggerEndpoint(String path, RaceControl rc) { this.path = path; this.rc = rc; } void setOpenCountLimit(int openCountLimit) { this.openCountLimit = openCountLimit; } public Engine onOpen(final Session session) { assert this != null; Engine.Builder engineBuilder = Engine.newBuilder().serverTransport(new EndpointMessageTransport(session)).option("inspect", PORT); if (path != null) { engineBuilder.option("inspect.Path", path); } Engine engine = engineBuilder.build(); addEngineReference(engine); return engine; } public Context onOpenContext(final Session session) { assert this != null; Context.Builder contextBuilder = Context.newBuilder().serverTransport(new EndpointMessageTransport(session)).option("inspect", PORT); if (path != null) { contextBuilder.option("inspect.Path", path); } Context context = contextBuilder.build(); addEngineReference(context.getEngine()); return context; } public void onClose(Session session) { Assert.assertNotNull(session); assert this != null; } private final class EndpointMessageTransport implements MessageTransport { private final Session session; EndpointMessageTransport(Session session) { this.session = session; } @Override public MessageEndpoint open(URI requestURI, MessageEndpoint peerEndpoint) throws IOException, MessageTransport.VetoException { Assert.assertEquals("Invalid protocol", "ws", requestURI.getScheme()); DebuggerEndpoint.this.peer = peerEndpoint; String uriStr = requestURI.toString(); if (path == null) { Assert.assertTrue(uriStr, URI_PATTERN.matcher(uriStr).matches()); } else { Assert.assertTrue(uriStr, uriStr.startsWith("ws://")); String absolutePath = path.startsWith("/") ? path : "/" + path; Assert.assertTrue(uriStr, uriStr.endsWith(":" + PORT + absolutePath)); } boolean closed = false; if (openCountLimit == 0) { closed = true; peerEndpoint.sendClose(); } else if (openCountLimit > 0) { openCountLimit--; } MessageEndpoint ourEndpoint = new ChromeDebuggingProtocolMessageHandler(session, requestURI, peerEndpoint, closed); if (rc != null) { rc.waitTillClientDataAreSent(); } return ourEndpoint; } } } private static final class ChromeDebuggingProtocolMessageHandler implements MessageEndpoint { private final Session session; ChromeDebuggingProtocolMessageHandler(Session session, URI uri, MessageEndpoint peerEndpoint, boolean closed) throws IOException { this.session = session; if (closed) { session.close(); } Assert.assertEquals("ws", uri.getScheme()); /* Forward a JSON message from the client to the backend. */ session.addMessageHandler(message -> { Assert.assertTrue(session.isOpen()); session.messages.add("2B" + message); peerEndpoint.sendText(message); }); } /* Forward a JSON message from the backend to the client. */ @Override public void sendText(String text) throws IOException { Assert.assertTrue(session.isOpen()); session.getBasicRemote().sendText(text); } @Override public void sendBinary(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("sendBinary"); } @Override public void sendPing(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("onPing"); } @Override public void sendPong(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("onPong"); } @Override public void sendClose() throws IOException { session.close(); } } // Test a possible race between data sent and transport open. // The WSInterceptorServer needs to be able to deal with sendText() being called before opened() private static final class RaceControl { private boolean clientSent = false; private synchronized void clientMessagesSent() { clientSent = true; notifyAll(); } private synchronized void waitTillClientDataAreSent() { try { while (!clientSent) { wait(); } // The data were sent, but it takes a while to process them till // WSInterceptorServer#sendText gets called. Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } } } }