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 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
 * permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
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 * conditions and the following disclaimer.
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package com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop;

import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.OBJECT_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_16;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_2;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I32_LONG_ARRAY_2;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I64_BYTE_ARRAY_4;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_2;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.WritePolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_POINTER_ARRAY;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.UntypedArrayObject.UntypedByteArrayObject;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.UntypedArrayObject.UntypedDoubleArrayObject;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.UntypedArrayObject.UntypedFloatArrayObject;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.UntypedArrayObject.UntypedIntegerArrayObject;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.UntypedArrayObject.UntypedLongArrayObject;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.runtime.interop.access.LLVMInteropWriteNode;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Value;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.TruffleObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.runtime.pointer.LLVMNativePointer;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.ArrayObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.DoubleArrayObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.LongArrayObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.TestCallback;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.TypedArrayObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.tck.TruffleRunner;

Test and document which values can be written to polyglot arrays. This mainly tests LLVMInteropWriteNode.
/** * Test and document which values can be written to polyglot arrays. This mainly tests * {@link LLVMInteropWriteNode}. */
@RunWith(Parameterized.class) @Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory(TruffleRunner.ParametersFactory.class) public class WritePolyglotArrayTest extends WritePolyglotArrayTestBase {
Object representing an arbitrary "pointer".
/** * Object representing an arbitrary "pointer". */
private static final Object A_POINTER = new TruffleObject() { };
Wrap test objects in an enum to get a nice name for the parameter.
/** * Wrap test objects in an enum to get a nice name for the parameter. */
public enum TestObject implements java.util.function.Supplier<Object> { OBJECT_ARRAY_8(() -> new ArrayObject("11111111", "22222222", "33333333", "44444444", "55555555", "66666666", "77777777", "88888888")), PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1(() -> new UntypedIntegerArrayObject(0x11111111)), PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8(() -> new UntypedIntegerArrayObject(0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777, 0x88888888)), PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1(() -> new UntypedLongArrayObject(0x11111111_12345678L)), PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_8( () -> new UntypedLongArrayObject(0x11111111_12345678L, 0x87654321_18273645L, 0x11223344_55667788L, 0x99AABBCC_DDEEFF00L, 0x11111111_22222222L, 0x33333333_44444444L, 0x55555555_66666666L, 0x77777777_88888888L)), PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8(() -> new UntypedFloatArrayObject(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8(() -> new UntypedDoubleArrayObject(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8(() -> new UntypedByteArrayObject((byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xFE, (byte) 0xFE, (byte) 0xED, (byte) 0x12, (byte) 0x34, (byte) 0x56, (byte) 0x78)), PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_16( () -> new UntypedByteArrayObject((byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xFE, (byte) 0xFE, (byte) 0xED, (byte) 0x12, (byte) 0x34, (byte) 0x56, (byte) 0x78, (byte) 0x11, (byte) 0x22, (byte) 0x33, (byte) 0x44, (byte) 0x55, (byte) 0x66, (byte) 0x77, (byte) 0x88)), TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I8), 0x11111111)), TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_8(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I8), 0x11111111, 0x22222222L, 0x33333333, 0x44444444L, 0x55555555, 0x66666666L, 0x77777777, 0x88888888L)), TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_1(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I8), 0x11111111_12345678L)), TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8( () -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I8), 0x11111111_12345678L, 0x87654321_18273645L, 0x11223344_55667788L, 0x99AABBCC_DDEEFF00L, 0x11111111_22222222L, 0x33333333_44444444L, 0x55555555_66666666L, 0x77777777_88888888L)), TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I8), 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF, 0x00)), TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I16), 0x11111111)), TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_2(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I16), 0x11111111, 0x12345678)), TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I16), 0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333, 0x4444)), TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I32), 0x11111111)), TYPED_I32_LONG_ARRAY_2(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I32), 0x11111111_12345678L, 0x11223344_55667788L)), TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I64), 0x11111111_12345678L)), TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_2(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I64), 0x11111111_12345678L, 0x11223344_55667788L)), TYPED_I64_BYTE_ARRAY_4(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I64), 0x1111L, 0x2222L, 0x3333L, 0x4444L)), TYPED_POINTER_ARRAY(() -> new TypedArrayObject(getPointerTypeID(), A_POINTER)), TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8(() -> new DoubleArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.FLOAT), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8(() -> new DoubleArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.DOUBLE), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); private final Supplier<Object> factory; TestObject(Supplier<Object> factory) { this.factory = factory; } @Override public Object get() { return factory.get(); } } @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{3}: {0}, {4}") public static Collection<Object[]> data() { ArrayList<Object[]> c = new ArrayList<>(); // write i8 WriteI8.untyped(c); WriteI8.toI8(c); WriteI8.toI16(c); WriteI8.toI32(c); WriteI8.toI64(c); WriteI8.toFloatingPoint(c); WriteI8.toPointer(c); // write i16 WriteI16.untyped(c); WriteI16.toI8(c); WriteI16.toI16(c); WriteI16.toI32(c); WriteI16.toI64(c); WriteI16.toFloatingPoint(c); // write i32 WriteI32.untyped(c); WriteI32.toI8(c); WriteI32.toI16(c); WriteI32.toI32(c); WriteI32.toI64(c); WriteI32.toFloatingPoint(c); // write i64 WriteI64.untyped(c); WriteI64.toI8(c); WriteI64.toI16(c); WriteI64.toI32(c); WriteI64.toI64(c); WriteI64.toFloatingPoint(c); WriteI64.toPointer(c); // write float WriteFloat.untyped(c); WriteFloat.toI8(c); WriteFloat.toI16(c); WriteFloat.toI32(c); WriteFloat.toI64(c); WriteFloat.toFloatingPoint(c); // write double WriteDouble.untyped(c); WriteDouble.toI8(c); WriteDouble.toI16(c); WriteDouble.toI32(c); WriteDouble.toI64(c); WriteDouble.toFloatingPoint(c); WriteDouble.toPointer(c); // write pointer WritePointer.untyped(c); WritePointer.toI8(c); WritePointer.toI16(c); WritePointer.toI32(c); WritePointer.toI64(c); WritePointer.toFloatingPoint(c); WritePointer.toPointer(c); return c; } private static class WriteI8 {
Write an i8 to an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Write an i8 to an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "write_i8", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i8", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i8", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); }
Write i8 to i8 arrays.
/** * Write i8 to i8 arrays. */
private static void toI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts addSupported(c, "write_i8", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i8", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i8", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts addSupported(c, "write_i8_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i8_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i8_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 1, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); // typed arrays, explicit casts addSupported(c, "write_i8_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i8_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i8_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); }
Writing i8 to i8 should always work.
/** * Writing i8 to i8 should always work. */
private static void toI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "write_i8", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i8", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i8_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i8_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i8", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8_to_i32_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8_to_i32_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i8", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_2, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8", TYPED_I64_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
Write i8 to floating point arrays.
/** * Write i8 to floating point arrays. */
private static void toFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i8", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8_to_float_array", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8_to_double_array", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8_to_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i8_to_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
Write i8 to a pointer.
/** * Write i8 to a pointer. */
private static void toPointer(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i8", TYPED_POINTER_ARRAY, 0, hex((byte) 0xCA), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); } } private static class WriteI16 {
Write an i16 to an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Write an i16 to an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { /* A short does not fit into a byte. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_i16", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); addSupported(c, "write_i16", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i16", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i16", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); }
Write i16 to i8 arrays. Two byte writes are expected.
/** * Write i16 to i8 arrays. Two byte writes are expected. */
private static void toI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts /* Cannot write more than one element to the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_i16", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); /* Issue two byte writes. */ addSupported(c, "write_i16", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]))); /* * Write 16 bit to the second element. Since the index calculation is done in 16 bit, * element 2-3 of the byte array are written. */ addSupported(c, "write_i16", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(2, b[0]).set(3, b[1]))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts addUnsupported(c, "write_i16_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); addSupported(c, "write_i16_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]))); addSupported(c, "write_i16_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 1, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(2, b[0]).set(3, b[1]))); // typed arrays, explicit casts addUnsupported(c, "write_i16_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); addSupported(c, "write_i16_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]))); addSupported(c, "write_i16_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(2, b[0]).set(3, b[1]))); }
Writing i16 to i16 should always work.
/** * Writing i16 to i16 should always work. */
private static void toI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "write_i16", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i16", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i16_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i16_to_i16_array", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i16", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16_to_i32_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16_to_i32_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i16", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_2, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16", TYPED_I64_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
Write i16 to floating point arrays.
/** * Write i16 to floating point arrays. */
private static void toFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i16", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16_to_float_array", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16_to_double_array", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16_to_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i16_to_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex((short) 0xCAFE), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); } } private static class WriteI32 {
Write an i32 to an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Write an i32 to an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { /* No explicit type cast. Write one element to polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "write_i32", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); /* The i32 cannot be converted to a float. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_i32", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); /* The i32 can be converted to a double. */ addSupported(c, "write_i32", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); }
Write i32 to i8 arrays. Four byte write expected.
/** * Write i32 to i8 arrays. Four byte write expected. */
private static void toI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts /* Cannot write more than one element to the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_i32", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); /* Issue 4 byte writes. */ addSupported(c, "write_i32", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]))); /* * Write 32 bit to the second element. Since the index calculation is done in 32 bit, * element 4-7 of the byte array are written. */ addSupported(c, "write_i32", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(4, b[0]).set(5, b[1]).set(6, b[2]).set(7, b[3]))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts addUnsupported(c, "write_i32_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); addSupported(c, "write_i32_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]))); addSupported(c, "write_i32_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 1, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(4, b[0]).set(5, b[1]).set(6, b[2]).set(7, b[3]))); // typed arrays, explicit casts addUnsupported(c, "write_i32_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); addSupported(c, "write_i32_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]))); addSupported(c, "write_i32_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(4, b[0]).set(5, b[1]).set(6, b[2]).set(7, b[3]))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i32", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_2, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32", TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
Writing i32 to i32 should always work.
/** * Writing i32 to i32 should always work. */
private static void toI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "write_i32", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i32", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i32_to_i32_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i32_to_i32_array", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i32", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_2, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32", TYPED_I64_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
Write i32 to floating point arrays.
/** * Write i32 to floating point arrays. */
private static void toFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "write_i32", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Float.intBitsToFloat((Integer) value)))); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addSupported(c, "write_i32_to_float_array", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Float.intBitsToFloat((Integer) value)))); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32_to_double_array", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addSupported(c, "write_i32_to_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Float.intBitsToFloat((Integer) value)))); addUnsupported(c, "write_i32_to_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); } } private static class WriteI64 {
Write an i64 to an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Write an i64 to an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i64", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i64", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i64", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); addSupported(c, "write_i64", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); }
Write i64 to i8 arrays. Eight byte writes are expected.
/** * Write i64 to i8 arrays. Eight byte writes are expected. */
private static void toI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts /* Cannot write more than one element to the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_i64", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); /* Issue 4 byte writes. */ addSupported(c, "write_i64", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]).set(4, b[4]).set(5, b[5]).set(6, b[6]).set(7, b[7]))); /* * Write 64 bit to the second element. Since the index calculation is done in 64 bit, * element 8-15 of the byte array are written. */ addSupported(c, "write_i64", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(8, b[0]).set(9, b[1]).set(10, b[2]).set(11, b[3]).set(12, b[4]).set(13, b[5]).set(14, b[6]).set(15, b[7]))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts addUnsupported(c, "write_i64_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); addSupported(c, "write_i64_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]).set(4, b[4]).set(5, b[5]).set(6, b[6]).set(7, b[7]))); addSupported(c, "write_i64_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(8, b[0]).set(9, b[1]).set(10, b[2]).set(11, b[3]).set(12, b[4]).set(13, b[5]).set(14, b[6]).set(15, b[7]))); // typed arrays, explicit casts addUnsupported(c, "write_i64_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); addSupported(c, "write_i64_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]).set(4, b[4]).set(5, b[5]).set(6, b[6]).set(7, b[7]))); addSupported(c, "write_i64_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(8, b[0]).set(9, b[1]).set(10, b[2]).set(11, b[3]).set(12, b[4]).set(13, b[5]).set(14, b[6]).set(15, b[7]))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i64", TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i64_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i64_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i64_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i64", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i64", TYPED_I32_LONG_ARRAY_2, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i64_to_i32_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_i64_to_i32_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
Writing i64 to i64 should always work.
/** * Writing i64 to i64 should always work. */
private static void toI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "write_i64", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i64", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i64_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_i64_to_i64_array", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); }
Write i64 to floating point arrays.
/** * Write i64 to floating point arrays. */
private static void toFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_i64", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object ")); addSupported(c, "write_i64", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Double.longBitsToDouble((Long) value)))); addUnsupported(c, "write_i64_to_float_array", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object ")); addSupported(c, "write_i64_to_double_array", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Double.longBitsToDouble((Long) value)))); addUnsupported(c, "write_i64_to_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object ")); addSupported(c, "write_i64_to_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Double.longBitsToDouble((Long) value)))); }
Write i64 to a pointer. We expect that no conversion happens and we get the object back as is.
/** * Write i64 to a pointer. We expect that no conversion happens and we get the object back * as is. */
private static void toPointer(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "write_i64", TYPED_POINTER_ARRAY, 0, hex(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, LLVMNativePointer.create((Long) value)))); } } private static class WriteFloat {
Write a float to an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Write a float to an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_float", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); addSupported(c, "write_float", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_float", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); }
Write float to i8 arrays.
/** * Write float to i8 arrays. */
private static void toI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts /* Cannot write more than one element to the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_float", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); /* * Reinterpret float as i32 and issue 4 byte writes. */ addSupported(c, "write_float", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]))); /* * Write float (reinterpreted as i32) to the second element. Since the index calculation * is done in 32 bit, element 4-7 of the byte array are written. */ addSupported(c, "write_float", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, (float) Math.PI, assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(4, b[0]).set(5, b[1]).set(6, b[2]).set(7, b[3]))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts addUnsupported(c, "write_float_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); addSupported(c, "write_float_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]))); addSupported(c, "write_float_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 1, (float) Math.PI, assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(4, b[0]).set(5, b[1]).set(6, b[2]).set(7, b[3]))); // typed arrays, explicit casts addUnsupported(c, "write_float_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); addSupported(c, "write_float_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]))); addSupported(c, "write_float_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, (float) Math.PI, assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(4, b[0]).set(5, b[1]).set(6, b[2]).set(7, b[3]))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_float", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_float", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_2, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_float", TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_float_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_float_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_float_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
Writing float to float should always work.
/** * Writing float to float should always work. */
private static void toI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { /* * No type info, assume writing to a float array. The float cannot be converted to an * int. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_float", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); /* Explicitly typed as float array. The float cannot be converted to an int. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_float_to_float_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); /* Typed as i32 array. Reinterpret float bits as int. */ addSupported(c, "write_float", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, (float) Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Float.floatToIntBits((Float) value)))); /* * Typed as i32 array, but explicitly overwritten to float array. The float cannot be * converted to an int. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_float_to_float_array", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_float", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_float", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_2, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_float", TYPED_I64_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_float_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_float_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_float_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
Write float to floating point arrays.
/** * Write float to floating point arrays. */
private static void toFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "write_float", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addUnsupported(c, "write_float", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addSupported(c, "write_float_to_float_array", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addUnsupported(c, "write_float_to_double_array", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addSupported(c, "write_float_to_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addUnsupported(c, "write_float_to_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, (float) Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); } } private static class WriteDouble {
Write a double to an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Write a double to an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_double", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); addSupported(c, "write_double", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addUnsupported(c, "write_double", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); }
Write double to i8 arrays.
/** * Write double to i8 arrays. */
private static void toI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts /* Cannot write more than one element to the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); /* Reinterpret double as i64 and issue 8 byte writes. */ addSupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]).set(4, b[4]).set(5, b[5]).set(6, b[6]).set(7, b[7]))); /* * Write double reinterpreted as i64 to the second element. Since the index calculation * is done in 64 bit, element 8-16 of the byte array are written. */ addSupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, Math.PI, assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(8, b[0]).set(9, b[1]).set(10, b[2]).set(11, b[3]).set(12, b[4]).set(13, b[5]).set(14, b[6]).set(15, b[7]))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts addUnsupported(c, "write_double_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); addSupported(c, "write_double_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]).set(4, b[4]).set(5, b[5]).set(6, b[6]).set(7, b[7]))); addSupported(c, "write_double_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, Math.PI, assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(8, b[0]).set(9, b[1]).set(10, b[2]).set(11, b[3]).set(12, b[4]).set(13, b[5]).set(14, b[6]).set(15, b[7]))); // typed arrays, explicit casts addUnsupported(c, "write_double_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); addSupported(c, "write_double_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]).set(4, b[4]).set(5, b[5]).set(6, b[6]).set(7, b[7]))); addSupported(c, "write_double_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, Math.PI, assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(8, b[0]).set(9, b[1]).set(10, b[2]).set(11, b[3]).set(12, b[4]).set(13, b[5]).set(14, b[6]).set(15, b[7]))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_2, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_double_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_double_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_double_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
Writing double to double should always work.
/** * Writing double to double should always work. */
private static void toI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_double", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); addUnsupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_double_to_double_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); addUnsupported(c, "write_double_to_double_array", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Double.doubleToLongBits((Double) value)))); addSupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_2, 0, Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Double.doubleToLongBits((Double) value)))); addSupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_I64_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Double.doubleToLongBits((Double) value)))); addSupported(c, "write_double_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Double.doubleToLongBits((Double) value)))); addSupported(c, "write_double_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Double.doubleToLongBits((Double) value)))); /* Casting to i64 array, but an i64 does not fit into a byte. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_double_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); }
Write double to doubleing point arrays.
/** * Write double to doubleing point arrays. */
private static void toFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addSupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addUnsupported(c, "write_double_to_double_array", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); addSupported(c, "write_double_to_double_array", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_double_to_double_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); addSupported(c, "write_double_to_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); }
Write i64 to a pointer. We expect that no conversion happens and we get the object back as is.
/** * Write i64 to a pointer. We expect that no conversion happens and we get the object back * as is. */
private static void toPointer(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "write_double", TYPED_POINTER_ARRAY, 0, Math.PI, assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, LLVMNativePointer.create(Double.doubleToLongBits((Double) value))))); } } private static class WritePointer {
Write a pointer to an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Write a pointer to an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); addSupported(c, "write_pointer", OBJECT_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); }
Write pointer to i8 arrays.
/** * Write pointer to i8 arrays. */
private static void toI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts /* Cannot write more than one element to the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); /* Reinterpret pointer as i64 (asNative) and issue 8 byte writes. */ addSupported(c, "write_pointer", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]).set(4, b[4]).set(5, b[5]).set(6, b[6]).set(7, b[7]))); /* * Write pointer reinterpreted as i64 to the second element. Since the index calculation * is done in 64 bit, element 8-16 of the byte array are written. */ addSupported(c, "write_pointer", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(8, b[0]).set(9, b[1]).set(10, b[2]).set(11, b[3]).set(12, b[4]).set(13, b[5]).set(14, b[6]).set(15, b[7]))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); addSupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]).set(4, b[4]).set(5, b[5]).set(6, b[6]).set(7, b[7]))); addSupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i8_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(8, b[0]).set(9, b[1]).set(10, b[2]).set(11, b[3]).set(12, b[4]).set(13, b[5]).set(14, b[6]).set(15, b[7]))); // typed arrays, explicit casts addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 1")); addSupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(0, b[0]).set(1, b[1]).set(2, b[2]).set(3, b[3]).set(4, b[4]).set(5, b[5]).set(6, b[6]).set(7, b[7]))); addSupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResultByteArray((newArray, idx, b) -> newArray.set(8, b[0]).set(9, b[1]).set(10, b[2]).set(11, b[3]).set(12, b[4]).set(13, b[5]).set(14, b[6]).set(15, b[7]))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple writes unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer", TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i16_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple write unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void toI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer", TYPED_I32_LONG_ARRAY_2, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i32_array", PRIMITIVE_INT_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i32_array", PRIMITIVE_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object")); }
Writing pointer to pointer should always work.
/** * Writing pointer to pointer should always work. */
private static void toI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "write_pointer", OBJECT_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); /* Untyped array. Assume that the pointer can be written as is, but it can't. */ addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("Wrong type writing to array element")); /* * However, if we know the array is an i64 array, the pointer is converted to a long * (asNative). */ addSupported(c, "write_pointer", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, LLVMNativePointer.cast(value).asNative()))); addSupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i64_array", PRIMITIVE_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, LLVMNativePointer.cast(value).asNative()))); addSupported(c, "write_pointer_to_i64_array", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, LLVMNativePointer.cast(value).asNative()))); }
Write pointer to floating point arrays.
/** * Write pointer to floating point arrays. */
private static void toFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object ")); addSupported(c, "write_pointer", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Double.longBitsToDouble(LLVMNativePointer.cast(value).asNative())))); addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer_to_float_array", PRIMITIVE_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object ")); addSupported(c, "write_pointer_to_double_array", PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Double.longBitsToDouble(LLVMNativePointer.cast(value).asNative())))); addUnsupported(c, "write_pointer_to_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), expectPolyglotException("to foreign object ")); addSupported(c, "write_pointer_to_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, Double.longBitsToDouble(LLVMNativePointer.cast(value).asNative())))); }
Write pointer to a pointer. We expect that no conversion happens and we get the object back as is.
/** * Write pointer to a pointer. We expect that no conversion happens and we get the object * back as is. */
private static void toPointer(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "write_pointer", TYPED_POINTER_ARRAY, 0, LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), assertResult((newArray, idx, value) -> newArray.set(idx, value))); } } @Parameterized.Parameter(0) public String function; @Parameterized.Parameter(1) public InputConsumer assertion; @Parameterized.Parameter(2) public ExpectedExceptionConsumer expectedException;
This parameter is only used to indicate whether the call is expected to work or not.
/** * This parameter is only used to indicate whether the call is expected to work or not. */
@Parameterized.Parameter(3) public ExpectedResultMarker support; @Parameterized.Parameter(4) public ParameterArray parameters; private static Value polyglotWritePointerLibrary; private static Object pointerTypeId;
Load bitcode library. Method name needs to be different than in the base class, otherwise it is not executed.
/** * Load bitcode library. Method name needs to be different than in the base class, otherwise it * is not executed. */
@BeforeClass public static void loadPolyglotWritePointerLibrary() { polyglotWritePointerLibrary = loadTestBitcodeValue("writePolyglotArray.c"); Value lib = runWithPolyglot.getPolyglotContext().asValue(polyglotWritePointerLibrary); Value getTypes = lib.getMember("get_pointer_typeid"); getTypes.execute(new TestCallback(1, args -> { pointerTypeId = args[0]; return null; })); } private static Object getPointerTypeID() { return pointerTypeId; } @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public void test() { Value write = polyglotWritePointerLibrary.getMember(function); Assert.assertNotNull("Function not found: " + function, write); expectedException.accept(thrown); Object[] arguments = parameters.getArguments(); write.execute(arguments); Object modifiedArray = arguments[0]; Object freshPolyglotArray = parameters.getArguments()[0]; int idx = (Integer) arguments[1]; Object value = arguments[2]; assertion.accept(modifiedArray, PolyglotArrayBuilder.create(freshPolyglotArray), idx, value); } }