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 * permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
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package com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop;

import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_16;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_4;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.BOXED_SHORT_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_2;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I32_LONG_ARRAY_2;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I64_BYTE_ARRAY_4;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_2;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_4;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_1;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_4;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8;
import static com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.ReadPolyglotArrayTest.TestObject.TYPED_POINTER_ARRAY;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import org.graalvm.polyglot.Value;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.TruffleObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.runtime.interop.access.LLVMInteropReadNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.runtime.pointer.LLVMNativePointer;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.ArrayObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.DoubleArrayObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.LongArrayObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.TestCallback;
import com.oracle.truffle.llvm.tests.interop.values.TypedArrayObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.tck.TruffleRunner;

Test and document which values can be read from polyglot arrays. This mainly tests LLVMInteropReadNode.
/** * Test and document which values can be read from polyglot arrays. This mainly tests * {@link LLVMInteropReadNode}. */
@RunWith(Parameterized.class) @Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory(TruffleRunner.ParametersFactory.class) public class ReadPolyglotArrayTest extends ReadPolyglotArrayTestBase {
Object representing an arbitrary "pointer".
/** * Object representing an arbitrary "pointer". */
private static final Object A_POINTER = new TruffleObject() { };
Wrap test objects in an enum to get a nice name for the parameter.
/** * Wrap test objects in an enum to get a nice name for the parameter. */
public enum TestObject implements java.util.function.Supplier<Object> { BOXED_SHORT_ARRAY_1(() -> new ArrayObject(0xCAFE)), BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1(() -> new ArrayObject(0xCAFEFEED)), BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4(() -> new ArrayObject(0xCAFEFEED, 0x12345678, 0x87654321, 0x18273645)), BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1(() -> new ArrayObject(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)), BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_4(() -> new ArrayObject(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L, 0x87654321_18273645L, 0x11223344_55667788L, 0x99AABBCC_DDEEFF00L)), BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_8( () -> new ArrayObject(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L, 0x87654321_18273645L, 0x11223344_55667788L, 0x99AABBCC_DDEEFF00L, 0x11111111_22222222L, 0x33333333_44444444L, 0x55555555_66666666L, 0x77777777_88888888L)), BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8( () -> new ArrayObject((float) Math.PI, (float) Math.E, (float) -Math.PI, (float) -Math.E, (float) (1.0 / Math.PI), (float) (1.0 / Math.E), (float) (1.0 / -Math.PI), (float) (1.0 / -Math.E))), BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8(() -> new ArrayObject(Math.PI, Math.E, -Math.PI, -Math.E, (1.0 / Math.PI), (1.0 / Math.E), (1.0 / -Math.PI), (1.0 / -Math.E))), BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8(() -> new ArrayObject(0xCA, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xED, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78)), BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_16(() -> new ArrayObject(0xCA, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xED, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88)), TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I8), 0xCAFEFEED)), TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_4(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I8), 0xCAFEFEED, 0x12345678, 0x87654321, 0x18273645)), TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_1(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I8), 0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)), TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_4(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I8), 0xCAFEFEED_12345678L, 0x87654321_18273645L, 0x11223344_55667788L, 0x99AABBCC_DDEEFF00L)), TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8( () -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I8), 0xCAFEFEED_12345678L, 0x87654321_18273645L, 0x11223344_55667788L, 0x99AABBCC_DDEEFF00L, 0x11111111_22222222L, 0x33333333_44444444L, 0x55555555_66666666L, 0x77777777_88888888L)), TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I8), 0xCA, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xED, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88)), TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I16), 0xCAFEFEED)), TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_2(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I16), 0xCAFEFEED, 0x12345678)), TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I16), 0xCAFE, 0xFEED, 0x1234, 0x5678)), TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I32), 0xCAFEFEED)), TYPED_I32_LONG_ARRAY_2(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I32), 0xCAFEFEED_12345678L, 0x11223344_55667788L)), TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I64), 0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)), TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_2(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I64), 0xCAFEFEED_12345678L, 0x11223344_55667788L)), TYPED_I64_BYTE_ARRAY_4(() -> new LongArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.I64), 0xCAFEL, 0xFEEDL, 0x1234L, 0x5678L)), TYPED_POINTER_ARRAY(() -> new TypedArrayObject(getPointerTypeID(), A_POINTER)), TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8( () -> new DoubleArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.FLOAT), (float) Math.PI, (float) Math.E, (float) -Math.PI, (float) -Math.E, (float) (1.0 / Math.PI), (float) (1.0 / Math.E), (float) (1.0 / -Math.PI), (float) (1.0 / -Math.E))), TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8(() -> new DoubleArrayObject(getTypeID(TestType.DOUBLE), Math.PI, Math.E, -Math.PI, -Math.E, (1.0 / Math.PI), (1.0 / Math.E), (1.0 / -Math.PI), (1.0 / -Math.E))); private final Supplier<Object> factory; TestObject(Supplier<Object> factory) { this.factory = factory; } @Override public Object get() { return factory.get(); } } @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{3}: {0}, {4}") public static Collection<Object[]> data() { ArrayList<Object[]> c = new ArrayList<>(); // read i8 ReadI8.untyped(c); ReadI8.fromI8(c); ReadI8.fromI16(c); ReadI8.fromI32(c); ReadI8.fromI64(c); ReadI8.fromFloatingPoint(c); ReadI8.fromPointer(c); // read i16 ReadI16.untyped(c); ReadI16.fromI8(c); ReadI16.fromI16(c); ReadI16.fromI32(c); ReadI16.fromI64(c); ReadI16.fromFloatingPoint(c); // read i32 ReadI32.untyped(c); ReadI32.fromI8(c); ReadI32.fromI16(c); ReadI32.fromI32(c); ReadI32.fromI64(c); ReadI32.fromFloatingPoint(c); // read i64 ReadI64.untyped(c); ReadI64.fromI8(c); ReadI64.fromI16(c); ReadI64.fromI32(c); ReadI64.fromI64(c); ReadI64.fromFloatingPoint(c); ReadI64.fromPointer(c); // read float ReadFloat.untyped(c); ReadFloat.fromI8(c); ReadFloat.fromI16(c); ReadFloat.fromI32(c); ReadFloat.fromI64(c); ReadFloat.fromFloatingPoint(c); // read double ReadDouble.untyped(c); ReadDouble.fromI8(c); ReadDouble.fromI16(c); ReadDouble.fromI32(c); ReadDouble.fromI64(c); ReadDouble.fromFloatingPoint(c); ReadDouble.fromPointer(c); // read pointer ReadPointer.untyped(c); ReadPointer.fromI8(c); ReadPointer.fromI16(c); ReadPointer.fromI32(c); ReadPointer.fromI64(c); ReadPointer.fromFloatingPoint(c); ReadPointer.fromPointer(c); return c; } private static class ReadI8 {
Read an i8 from an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Read an i8 from an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i8", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((byte) 0xED)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i8", BOXED_SHORT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((byte) 0xFE)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i8", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((byte) 0xCA)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one double element from polyglot array and cast it. */ addSupported(c, "read_i8", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((byte) Math.PI)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one float element from polyglot array and cast it. */ addSupported(c, "read_i8", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((byte) (float) Math.PI)); }
Read i8 from i8 arrays.
/** * Read i8 from i8 arrays. */
private static void fromI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "read_i8", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((byte) 0xED)); addSupported(c, "read_i8_from_i8_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals((byte) 0xED)); addSupported(c, "read_i8_from_i8_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 1, resultEquals((byte) 0xFE)); addSupported(c, "read_i8_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((byte) 0xED)); addSupported(c, "read_i8_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 0, resultEquals((byte) 0xCA)); addSupported(c, "read_i8_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, resultEquals((byte) 0xFE)); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i8", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i8_from_i16_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i8_from_i16_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i8", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i8_from_i32_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i8_from_i32_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i8", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i8_from_i64_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i8_from_i64_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
Read i8 from floating point arrays.
/** * Read i8 from floating point arrays. */
private static void fromFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i8", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i8", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i8_from_float_array", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i8_from_double_array", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i8_from_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i8_from_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
Reading i8 from a pointer should not work.
/** * Reading i8 from a pointer should not work. */
private static void fromPointer(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i8", TYPED_POINTER_ARRAY, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); } } private static class ReadI16 {
Read an i16 from an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Read an i16 from an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i16", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((short) 0xFEED)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i16", BOXED_SHORT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((short) 0xCAFE)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i16", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((short) 0xCA)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one double element from polyglot array and cast it. */ addSupported(c, "read_i16", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((short) Math.PI)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one float element from polyglot array and cast it. */ addSupported(c, "read_i16", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((short) (float) Math.PI)); }
Read i16 from i8 arrays.
/** * Read i16 from i8 arrays. */
private static void fromI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_i16", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian((short) 0xED00))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_i16", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_4, 2, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 4")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 16 bit result in 2 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_i16", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian((short) 0xED78))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_i16_from_i8_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian((short) 0xED00))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_i16_from_i8_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 2, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 4")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 32 bit result in 4 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_i16_from_i8_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, resultNotEquals(toNativeEndian((short) 0xCAFE))); /* * Read the second i16 from a "byte array". */ addSupported(c, "read_i16_from_i8_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 1, resultEquals(toNativeEndian((short) 0xFEED))); // typed arrays, explicit casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_i16_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian((short) 0xED00))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_i16_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_4, 2, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 4")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 32 bit result in 4 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_i16_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian((short) 0xED78))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_i16_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian((short) 0xCAFE))); /* * Read the second i16 from a "byte array". */ addSupported(c, "read_i16_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, resultEquals(toNativeEndian((short) 0xFEED))); }
Reading i16 from i16 should always work.
/** * Reading i16 from i16 should always work. */
private static void fromI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "read_i16", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((short) 0xFEED)); addSupported(c, "read_i16", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((short) 0xFEED)); addSupported(c, "read_i16_from_i16_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((short) 0xFEED)); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i16", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i16_from_i32_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i16_from_i32_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i16", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i16_from_i64_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i16_from_i64_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
Read i16 from floating point arrays.
/** * Read i16 from floating point arrays. */
private static void fromFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i16", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i16", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i16_from_float_array", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i16_from_double_array", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i16_from_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i16_from_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); } } private static class ReadI32 {
Read an i32 from an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Read an i32 from an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(0xCA)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one double element from polyglot array and cast it. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((int) Math.PI)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one float element from polyglot array and cast it. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((int) (float) Math.PI)); }
Read i32 from i8 arrays.
/** * Read i32 from i8 arrays. */
private static void fromI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0xED000000))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_4, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 4")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 32 bit result in 4 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, resultNotEquals(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32_from_i8_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0xED000000))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_i32_from_i8_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 4")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 32 bit result in 4 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32_from_i8_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, resultNotEquals(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32_from_i8_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED))); /* * Read the second i32 from a "byte array". */ addSupported(c, "read_i32_from_i8_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 1, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0x12345678))); // typed arrays, explicit casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0xED000000))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_i32_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_4, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 4")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 32 bit result in 4 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, resultNotEquals(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_i32_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED))); /* * Read the second i32 from a "byte array". */ addSupported(c, "read_i32_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0x12345678))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_2, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32_from_i16_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32_from_i16_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32_from_i16_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
Reading i32 from i32 should always work.
/** * Reading i32 from i32 should always work. */
private static void fromI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "read_i32", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED)); addSupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED)); addSupported(c, "read_i32_from_i32_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED)); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_2, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_I64_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32_from_i64_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32_from_i64_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32_from_i64_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
Read i32 from floating point arrays.
/** * Read i32 from floating point arrays. */
private static void fromFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Float.floatToRawIntBits((float) Math.PI))); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addSupported(c, "read_i32_from_float_array", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Float.floatToRawIntBits((float) Math.PI))); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32_from_double_array", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addSupported(c, "read_i32_from_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Float.floatToRawIntBits((float) Math.PI))); addUnsupported(c, "read_i32_from_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); } } private static class ReadI64 {
Read an i64 from an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Read an i64 from an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(0xCA)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one double element from polyglot array and cast it. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((long) Math.PI)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one float element from polyglot array and cast it. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((long) (float) Math.PI)); }
Read i64 from i8 arrays.
/** * Read i64 from i8 arrays. */
private static void fromI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0x78458800_00000000L))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_i64", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 8")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 64 bit result in 8 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, resultNotEquals(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64_from_i8_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0x78458800_00000000L))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_i64_from_i8_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_8, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 8")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 64 bit result in 8 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64_from_i8_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, resultNotEquals(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64_from_i8_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L))); /* * Read the second i64 from a "byte array". */ addSupported(c, "read_i64_from_i8_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0x11223344_55667788L))); // typed arrays, explicit casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0x78000000_00000000L))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_i64_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 8")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 64 bit result in 8 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, resultNotEquals(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_i64_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 0, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L))); /* * Read the second i64 from a "byte array". */ addSupported(c, "read_i64_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, resultEquals(toNativeEndian(0x11223344_55667788L))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i64", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i64", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_2, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i64", TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i64_from_i16_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i64_from_i16_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i64_from_i16_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i64", TYPED_I32_LONG_ARRAY_2, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i64_from_i32_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i64_from_i32_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_i64_from_i32_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
Reading i64 from i64 should always work.
/** * Reading i64 from i64 should always work. */
private static void fromI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "read_i64", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)); addSupported(c, "read_i64", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)); addSupported(c, "read_i64_from_i64_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)); }
Read i64 from floating point arrays.
/** * Read i64 from floating point arrays. */
private static void fromFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_i64", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addSupported(c, "read_i64", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(Math.PI))); addUnsupported(c, "read_i64_from_float_array", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addSupported(c, "read_i64_from_double_array", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(Math.PI))); addUnsupported(c, "read_i64_from_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addSupported(c, "read_i64_from_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(Math.PI))); }
Reading i64 from a pointer. We expect that no conversion happens and we get the object back as is.
/** * Reading i64 from a pointer. We expect that no conversion happens and we get the object * back as is. */
private static void fromPointer(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "read_i64", TYPED_POINTER_ARRAY, 0, resultEquals(A_POINTER)); } } private static class ReadFloat {
Read a float from an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Read a float from an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_float", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((float) 0xCAFEFEED)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_float", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((float) 0xCA)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one double element from polyglot array and cast it. */ addSupported(c, "read_float", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((float) Math.PI)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one float element from polyglot array and cast it. */ addSupported(c, "read_float", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((float) Math.PI)); }
Read float from i8 arrays.
/** * Read float from i8 arrays. */
private static void fromI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_float", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(Float.intBitsToFloat(toNativeEndian(0xED000000)))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_float", TYPED_I8_INT_ARRAY_4, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 4")); addSupported(c, "read_float", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 0, resultEquals(Float.intBitsToFloat(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED)))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts addSupported(c, "read_float_from_i8_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Float.intBitsToFloat(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED)))); addSupported(c, "read_float_from_i8_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 1, resultEquals(Float.intBitsToFloat(toNativeEndian(0x12345678)))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_float", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_float", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_2, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_float", TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_float_from_i16_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_float_from_i16_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_float_from_i16_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
Reading float from float should always work.
/** * Reading float from float should always work. */
private static void fromI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "read_float", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((float) 0xCAFEFEED)); addSupported(c, "read_float", TYPED_I32_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(Float.intBitsToFloat(0xCAFEFEED))); addSupported(c, "read_float_from_i32_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(Float.intBitsToFloat(0xCAFEFEED))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_float", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_float", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_2, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_float", TYPED_I64_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_float_from_i64_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_float_from_i64_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_float_from_i64_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
Read float from floating point arrays.
/** * Read float from floating point arrays. */
private static void fromFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "read_float", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((float) Math.PI)); addUnsupported(c, "read_float", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addSupported(c, "read_float_from_float_array", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((float) Math.PI)); addUnsupported(c, "read_float_from_double_array", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addSupported(c, "read_float_from_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((float) Math.PI)); addUnsupported(c, "read_float_from_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); } } private static class ReadDouble {
Read a double from an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Read a double from an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_double", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((double) 0xCAFEFEED)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_double", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((double) 0xCA)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one double element from polyglot array and cast it. */ addSupported(c, "read_double", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Math.PI)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one double element from polyglot array and cast it. */ addSupported(c, "read_double", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((double) (float) Math.PI)); }
Read double from i8 arrays.
/** * Read double from i8 arrays. */
private static void fromI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_double", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(toNativeEndian(0x78458800_00000000L)))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_double", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 8")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 64 bit result in 8 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_double", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, resultNotEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_double", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 0, resultEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_double_from_i8_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(toNativeEndian(0x78458800_00000000L)))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_double_from_i8_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_8, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 8")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 64 bit result in 8 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_double_from_i8_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, resultNotEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_double_from_i8_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)))); /* * Read the second double from a "byte array". */ addSupported(c, "read_double_from_i8_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, resultEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(toNativeEndian(0x11223344_55667788L)))); // typed arrays, explicit casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_double_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(toNativeEndian(0x78000000_00000000L)))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_double_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 8")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 64 bit result in 8 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_double_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, resultNotEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_double_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 0, resultEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)))); /* * Read the second double from a "byte array". */ addSupported(c, "read_double_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, resultEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(toNativeEndian(0x11223344_55667788L)))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_double", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_double", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_2, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_double", TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_double_from_i16_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_double_from_i16_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_double_from_i16_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_double", TYPED_I32_LONG_ARRAY_2, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_double_from_i32_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_double_from_i32_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_double_from_i32_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
Reading double from i64 should always work.
/** * Reading double from i64 should always work. */
private static void fromI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "read_double", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals((double) 0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)); addSupported(c, "read_double", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L))); addSupported(c, "read_double_from_i64_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L))); }
Read double from floating point arrays.
/** * Read double from floating point arrays. */
private static void fromFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_double", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addSupported(c, "read_double", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Math.PI)); addUnsupported(c, "read_double_from_float_array", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addSupported(c, "read_double_from_double_array", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Math.PI)); addUnsupported(c, "read_double_from_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addSupported(c, "read_double_from_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Math.PI)); }
Reading double from a pointer should not work.
/** * Reading double from a pointer should not work. */
private static void fromPointer(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_double", TYPED_POINTER_ARRAY, 0, expectPolyglotException("Cannot convert a pointer to DOUBLE")); } } private static class ReadPointer {
Read a pointer from an untyped polyglot array without cast.
/** * Read a pointer from an untyped polyglot array without cast. */
private static void untyped(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)); /* * No explicit type cast. Read one element from polyglot array. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(0xCA)); /* * This might be unexpected. We read a double from the array. The result is an LLVM * pointer pointing to a double. However, there are no pointers in polyglot so the * result is dereferenced. Thus the double is return. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(Math.PI)); /* * This might be unexpected. We read a float from the array. The result is an LLVM * pointer pointing to a float. However, there are no pointers in polyglot so the result * is dereferenced. Thus the float is return. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals((float) Math.PI)); }
Read pointer from i8 arrays.
/** * Read pointer from i8 arrays. */
private static void fromI8(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { // typed arrays, no casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(toNativeEndian(0x78458800_00000000L)))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 8")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 64 bit result in 8 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, resultNotEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 0, resultEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)))); // untyped arrays, explicit casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i8_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_4, 0, resultEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(toNativeEndian(0x78458800_00000000L)))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i8_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_8, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 8")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 64 bit result in 8 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i8_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, resultNotEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i8_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, resultEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)))); /* * Read the second pointer from a "byte array". */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i8_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, resultEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(toNativeEndian(0x11223344_55667788L)))); // typed arrays, explicit casts /* Out of bounds reads are ok as long as we are in the aligned bounds. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(toNativeEndian(0x78000000_00000000L)))); /* Cannot read out of (aligned) bounds of the supplied array. */ addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 1, expectPolyglotException("Invalid array index 8")); /* * The result might be unexpected. The interop value is interpreted as an byte array, * thus reading 64 bit result in 8 byte reads. Only the least significant byte of every * element is read. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_LONG_ARRAY_8, 0, resultNotEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)))); /* * Read from a "byte array". The supplied objects is in fact not a byte array but an * object array of Integers, but it does not really matter. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 0, resultEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(toNativeEndian(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L)))); /* * Read the second pointer from a "byte array". */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i8_array", TYPED_I8_BYTE_ARRAY_16, 1, resultEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(toNativeEndian(0x11223344_55667788L)))); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI16(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer", TYPED_I16_INT_ARRAY_2, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer", TYPED_I16_BYTE_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i16_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i16_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i16_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 array.
/** * These calls all fail since we to not issue multiple reads unless the receiver is a i8 * array. */
private static void fromI32(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer", TYPED_I32_LONG_ARRAY_2, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i32_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_1, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i32_array", BOXED_INT_ARRAY_4, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i32_array", BOXED_BYTE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); }
Reading pointer from i64 should always work.
/** * Reading pointer from i64 should always work. */
private static void fromI64(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { /* * This might be unexpected. If no type is attached, the array is interpreted as an * array of objects (which happen to be boxed Longs). We expect that we get back the * Long object. */ addSupported(c, "read_pointer", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, (Value ret) -> Assert.assertEquals(Long.valueOf(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L), ret.as(Long.class))); addSupported(c, "read_pointer", TYPED_I64_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L))); addSupported(c, "read_pointer_from_i64_array", BOXED_LONG_ARRAY_1, 0, resultEquals(LLVMNativePointer.create(0xCAFEFEED_12345678L))); }
Read pointer from floating point arrays.
/** * Read pointer from floating point arrays. */
private static void fromFloatingPoint(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("Cannot convert a double to POINTER")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer_from_float_array", BOXED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer_from_double_array", BOXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("Cannot convert a double to POINTER")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer_from_float_array", TYPED_FLOAT_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("from foreign object")); addUnsupported(c, "read_pointer_from_double_array", TYPED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_8, 0, expectPolyglotException("Cannot convert a double to POINTER")); }
Reading pointer from a pointer.
/** * Reading pointer from a pointer. */
private static void fromPointer(ArrayList<Object[]> c) { addSupported(c, "read_pointer", TYPED_POINTER_ARRAY, 0, resultEquals(A_POINTER)); } } @Parameterized.Parameter(0) public String function; @Parameterized.Parameter(1) public ResultConsumer assertion; @Parameterized.Parameter(2) public ExpectedExceptionConsumer expectedException;
This parameter is only used to indicate whether the call is expected to work or not.
/** * This parameter is only used to indicate whether the call is expected to work or not. */
@Parameterized.Parameter(3) public ExpectedResultMarker support; @Parameterized.Parameter(4) public ParameterArray parameters; private static Value polyglotReadPointerLibrary; private static Object pointerTypeId;
Load bitcode library. Method name needs to be different than in the base class, otherwise it is not executed.
/** * Load bitcode library. Method name needs to be different than in the base class, otherwise it * is not executed. */
@BeforeClass public static void loadPolyglotReadPointerLibrary() { polyglotReadPointerLibrary = loadTestBitcodeValue("readPolyglotArray.c"); Value lib = runWithPolyglot.getPolyglotContext().asValue(polyglotReadPointerLibrary); Value getTypes = lib.getMember("get_pointer_typeid"); getTypes.execute(new TestCallback(1, args -> { pointerTypeId = args[0]; return null; })); } private static Object getPointerTypeID() { return pointerTypeId; } @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public void test() { Value read = polyglotReadPointerLibrary.getMember(function); Assert.assertNotNull("Function not found: " + function, read); expectedException.accept(thrown); Value ret = read.execute(parameters.getArguments()); assertion.accept(ret); } }