 * Copyright (c) 2019, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package com.oracle.svm.methodhandles;

import static com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError.unimplemented;
import static com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError.unsupportedFeature;

import java.lang.invoke.CallSite;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
// Checkstyle: stop
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
// Checkstyle: resume

import org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.GraalUnsafeAccess;

import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateUtil;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Alias;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AnnotateOriginal;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Delete;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Substitute;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.TargetClass;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.TargetElement;
import com.oracle.svm.core.hub.DynamicHub;
import com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.JDK11OrLater;
import com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.JDK8OrEarlier;
import com.oracle.svm.reflect.target.Target_java_lang_reflect_Field;

Native Image implementation of the parts of the JDK method handles engine implemented in C++. We try to stay as close as the original implementation unless required by some design decision.
/** * Native Image implementation of the parts of the JDK method handles engine implemented in C++. We * try to stay as close as the original implementation unless required by some design decision. */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @TargetClass(className = "java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives", onlyWith = MethodHandlesSupported.class) final class Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives { /* * MemberName native constructor. We need to resolve the actual type and flags of the member and * specify its invocation type if needed. */ @Substitute private static void init(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName self, Object ref) { Member member = (Member) ref; Object type; int flags; byte refKind; if (member instanceof Field) { Field field = (Field) member; type = field.getType(); flags = Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_Constants.MN_IS_FIELD | field.getModifiers(); /* The code calling this expects a getter, and will change it to a setter if needed */ refKind = Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) ? Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_Constants.REF_getStatic : Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_Constants.REF_getField; } else if (member instanceof Method) { Method method = (Method) member; Object[] typeInfo = new Object[2]; typeInfo[0] = method.getReturnType(); typeInfo[1] = method.getParameterTypes(); type = typeInfo; int mods = method.getModifiers(); flags = Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_Constants.MN_IS_METHOD | mods; if (Modifier.isStatic(mods)) { refKind = Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_Constants.REF_invokeStatic; } else if (Modifier.isInterface(mods)) { refKind = Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_Constants.REF_invokeInterface; } else { refKind = Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_Constants.REF_invokeVirtual; } } else if (member instanceof Constructor) { Constructor<?> constructor = (Constructor<?>) member; Object[] typeInfo = new Object[2]; typeInfo[0] = void.class; typeInfo[1] = constructor.getParameterTypes(); type = typeInfo; flags = Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_Constants.MN_IS_CONSTRUCTOR | constructor.getModifiers(); refKind = Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_Constants.REF_newInvokeSpecial; } else { throw new InternalError("unknown member type: " + member.getClass()); } flags |= refKind << Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_Constants.MN_REFERENCE_KIND_SHIFT; self.init(member.getDeclaringClass(), member.getName(), type, flags); self.reflectAccess = (Member) ref; } @Substitute private static void expand(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName self) { throw unsupportedFeature("MethodHandleNatives.expand()"); } @Delete private static native int getMembers(Class<?> defc, String matchName, String matchSig, int matchFlags, Class<?> caller, int skip, Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName[] results); @Substitute private static long objectFieldOffset(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName self) { if (self.reflectAccess == null && self.intrinsic == null) { throw new InternalError("unresolved field"); } if (!self.isField() || self.isStatic()) { throw new InternalError("non-static field required"); } /* Intrinsic arguments are not accessed through their offset. */ if (self.intrinsic != null) { return -1L; } return GraalUnsafeAccess.getUnsafe().objectFieldOffset((Field) self.reflectAccess); } @Substitute private static long staticFieldOffset(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName self) { if (!self.isField() || !self.isStatic()) { throw new InternalError("static field required"); } return 0L; /* Static fields are accessed through their base */ } @Substitute private static Object staticFieldBase(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName self) { if (self.reflectAccess == null) { throw new InternalError("unresolved field"); } if (!self.isField() || !self.isStatic()) { throw new InternalError("static field required"); } return SubstrateUtil.cast(self.reflectAccess, Target_java_lang_reflect_Field.class).acquireFieldAccessor(false); } @Substitute private static Object getMemberVMInfo(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName self) { throw unsupportedFeature("MethodHandleNatives.getMemberVMInfo()"); } @Delete private static native void setCallSiteTargetNormal(CallSite site, MethodHandle target); @Delete private static native void setCallSiteTargetVolatile(CallSite site, MethodHandle target); @Delete private static native void registerNatives(); @Delete private static native int getNamedCon(int which, Object[] name); // JDK 8 only @Delete @TargetElement(onlyWith = JDK8OrEarlier.class) private static native Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName resolve(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName self, Class<?> caller) throws LinkageError, ClassNotFoundException; @Delete @TargetElement(onlyWith = JDK8OrEarlier.class) private static native int getConstant(int which); // JDK 11 @TargetElement(onlyWith = JDK11OrLater.class) @Substitute static Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName resolve(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName self, Class<?> caller, boolean speculativeResolve) throws LinkageError, ClassNotFoundException { if (self.reflectAccess != null) { return self; } Class<?> declaringClass = self.getDeclaringClass(); if (declaringClass == null) { return null; } /* Intrinsic methods */ self.intrinsic = MethodHandleIntrinsic.resolve(self); if (self.intrinsic != null) { self.flags |= self.intrinsic.variant.flags; return self; } /* Fill the member through reflection */ try { if (self.isMethod()) { Class<?>[] parameterTypes = self.getMethodType().parameterArray(); Method method = Util_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives.lookupMethod(declaringClass, self.name, parameterTypes); if (method.getReturnType() != self.getMethodType().returnType()) { /* Method handle lookup also checks return type */ throw new NoSuchMethodException(SubstrateUtil.cast(declaringClass, DynamicHub.class).methodToString(self.name, parameterTypes)); } self.reflectAccess = method; self.flags |= method.getModifiers(); } else if (self.isConstructor()) { Constructor<?> constructor = declaringClass.getDeclaredConstructor(self.getMethodType().parameterArray()); self.reflectAccess = constructor; self.flags |= constructor.getModifiers(); } else if (self.isField()) { Field field = Util_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives.lookupField(declaringClass, self.name); if (field.getType() != self.getFieldType()) { /* Method handle lookup also checks field type */ throw new NoSuchFieldException(declaringClass.getName() + "." + self.name); } self.reflectAccess = field; self.flags |= field.getModifiers(); } return self; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { if (speculativeResolve) { return null; } else { throw new NoSuchMethodError(e.getMessage()); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { if (speculativeResolve) { return null; } else { throw new NoSuchFieldError(e.getMessage()); } } } @Delete @TargetElement(onlyWith = JDK11OrLater.class) private static native void copyOutBootstrapArguments(Class<?> caller, int[] indexInfo, int start, int end, Object[] buf, int pos, boolean resolve, Object ifNotAvailable); @Substitute @TargetElement(onlyWith = JDK11OrLater.class) private static void clearCallSiteContext(Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_CallSiteContext context) { throw unimplemented("CallSiteContext not supported"); } @AnnotateOriginal static native boolean refKindIsMethod(byte refKind); @AnnotateOriginal static native String refKindName(byte refKind); }
The method handles API looks up methods and fields in a diffent way than the reflection API. The specified member is searched in the given declaring class and its superclasses (like Class.getMethod(String, Class[])) but including private members (like Class.getDeclaredMethod(String, Class[])). We solve this by recursively looking up the declared methods of the declaring class and its superclasses.
/** * The method handles API looks up methods and fields in a diffent way than the reflection API. The * specified member is searched in the given declaring class and its superclasses (like * {@link Class#getMethod(String, Class[])}) but including private members (like * {@link Class#getDeclaredMethod(String, Class[])}). We solve this by recursively looking up the * declared methods of the declaring class and its superclasses. */
final class Util_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives { static Method lookupMethod(Class<?> declaringClazz, String name, Class<?>[] parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException { return lookupMethod(declaringClazz, name, parameterTypes, null); } private static Method lookupMethod(Class<?> declaringClazz, String name, Class<?>[] parameterTypes, NoSuchMethodException originalException) throws NoSuchMethodException { try { return declaringClazz.getDeclaredMethod(name, parameterTypes); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { Class<?> superClass = declaringClazz.getSuperclass(); NoSuchMethodException newOriginalException = originalException == null ? e : originalException; if (superClass == null) { throw newOriginalException; } else { return lookupMethod(superClass, name, parameterTypes, newOriginalException); } } } static Field lookupField(Class<?> declaringClazz, String name) throws NoSuchFieldException { return lookupField(declaringClazz, name, null); } private static Field lookupField(Class<?> declaringClazz, String name, NoSuchFieldException originalException) throws NoSuchFieldException { try { return declaringClazz.getDeclaredField(name); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { Class<?> superClass = declaringClazz.getSuperclass(); NoSuchFieldException newOriginalException = originalException == null ? e : originalException; if (superClass == null) { throw newOriginalException; } else { return lookupField(superClass, name, newOriginalException); } } } } @TargetClass(className = "java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives", innerClass = "Constants", onlyWith = MethodHandlesSupported.class) final class Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_Constants { // Checkstyle: stop @Alias static int MN_IS_METHOD; @Alias static int MN_IS_CONSTRUCTOR; @Alias static int MN_IS_FIELD; @Alias static int MN_IS_TYPE; @Alias static int MN_CALLER_SENSITIVE; @Alias static int MN_REFERENCE_KIND_SHIFT; @Alias static int MN_REFERENCE_KIND_MASK; // The SEARCH_* bits are not for MN.flags but for the matchFlags argument of MHN.getMembers: @Alias static int MN_SEARCH_SUPERCLASSES; @Alias static int MN_SEARCH_INTERFACES;
Constant pool reference-kind codes, as used by CONSTANT_MethodHandle CP entries.
/** * Constant pool reference-kind codes, as used by CONSTANT_MethodHandle CP entries. */
@Alias static byte REF_NONE; // null value @Alias static byte REF_getField; @Alias static byte REF_getStatic; @Alias static byte REF_putField; @Alias static byte REF_putStatic; @Alias static byte REF_invokeVirtual; @Alias static byte REF_invokeStatic; @Alias static byte REF_invokeSpecial; @Alias static byte REF_newInvokeSpecial; @Alias static byte REF_invokeInterface; @Alias static byte REF_LIMIT; // Checkstyle: resume } @TargetClass(className = "java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives", innerClass = "CallSiteContext", onlyWith = JDK11OrLater.class) final class Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_CallSiteContext { } @TargetClass(className = "java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives", onlyWith = MethodHandlesNotSupported.class) final class Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_NotSupported { /* * We are defensive and handle native methods by marking them as deleted. If they are reachable, * the user is certainly doing something wrong. But we do not want to fail with a linking error. */ @Delete private static native void init(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName_NotSupported self, Object ref); @Delete private static native void expand(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName_NotSupported self); @Delete private static native int getMembers(Class<?> defc, String matchName, String matchSig, int matchFlags, Class<?> caller, int skip, Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName_NotSupported[] results); @Delete private static native long objectFieldOffset(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName_NotSupported self); @Delete private static native long staticFieldOffset(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName_NotSupported self); @Delete private static native Object staticFieldBase(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName_NotSupported self); @Delete private static native Object getMemberVMInfo(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName_NotSupported self); @Delete private static native void setCallSiteTargetNormal(CallSite site, MethodHandle target); @Delete private static native void setCallSiteTargetVolatile(CallSite site, MethodHandle target); @Delete private static native void registerNatives(); @Delete private static native int getNamedCon(int which, Object[] name); // JDK 8 only @Delete @TargetElement(onlyWith = JDK8OrEarlier.class) private static native Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName_NotSupported resolve(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName_NotSupported self, Class<?> caller) throws LinkageError, ClassNotFoundException; @Delete @TargetElement(onlyWith = JDK8OrEarlier.class) private static native int getConstant(int which); // JDK 11 @Delete @TargetElement(onlyWith = JDK11OrLater.class) private static native Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName_NotSupported resolve(Target_java_lang_invoke_MemberName_NotSupported self, Class<?> caller, boolean speculativeResolve) throws LinkageError, ClassNotFoundException; @Delete @TargetElement(onlyWith = JDK11OrLater.class) private static native void copyOutBootstrapArguments(Class<?> caller, int[] indexInfo, int start, int end, Object[] buf, int pos, boolean resolve, Object ifNotAvailable); @Delete @TargetElement(onlyWith = JDK11OrLater.class) private static native void clearCallSiteContext(Target_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_CallSiteContext context); }