 * Copyright (c) 2017, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package com.oracle.svm.jni;

// Checkstyle: allow reflection

import java.lang.reflect.Array;

import org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.GraalUnsafeAccess;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CCharPointer;
import org.graalvm.word.PointerBase;
import org.graalvm.word.WordBase;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.StaticFieldsSupport;
import com.oracle.svm.core.config.ConfigurationValues;
import com.oracle.svm.jni.access.JNIAccessibleField;
import com.oracle.svm.jni.access.JNINativeLinkage;
import com.oracle.svm.jni.nativeapi.JNIEnvironment;
import com.oracle.svm.jni.nativeapi.JNIFieldId;
import com.oracle.svm.jni.nativeapi.JNIObjectHandle;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;

Helper code that is used in generated JNI code via JNIGraphKit.
/** * Helper code that is used in generated JNI code via {@code JNIGraphKit}. */
public final class JNIGeneratedMethodSupport { // Careful around here -- these methods are invoked by generated methods. private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = GraalUnsafeAccess.getUnsafe(); static PointerBase nativeCallAddress(JNINativeLinkage linkage) { return linkage.getOrFindEntryPoint(); } static int nativeCallPrologue() { return JNIObjectHandles.pushLocalFrame(JNIObjectHandles.NATIVE_CALL_MIN_LOCAL_HANDLE_CAPACITY); } static void nativeCallEpilogue(int handleFrame) { JNIObjectHandles.popLocalFramesIncluding(handleFrame); } static JNIEnvironment environment() { return JNIThreadLocalEnvironment.getAddress(); } static JNIObjectHandle boxObjectInLocalHandle(Object obj) { return JNIObjectHandles.createLocal(obj); } static Object unboxHandle(JNIObjectHandle handle) { return JNIObjectHandles.getObject(handle); } static WordBase getFieldOffsetFromId(JNIFieldId fieldId) { return JNIAccessibleField.getOffsetFromId(fieldId); } static byte[] getStaticPrimitiveFieldsArray() { return StaticFieldsSupport.getStaticPrimitiveFields(); } static Object[] getStaticObjectFieldsArray() { return StaticFieldsSupport.getStaticObjectFields(); } static void setPendingException(Throwable t) { JNIThreadLocalPendingException.set(t); } static Throwable getAndClearPendingException() { Throwable t = JNIThreadLocalPendingException.get(); JNIThreadLocalPendingException.clear(); return t; } static void rethrowPendingException() throws Throwable { Throwable t = getAndClearPendingException(); if (t != null) { throw t; } } static PointerBase pinArrayAndGetAddress(Object array, CCharPointer isCopy) throws Throwable { if (array.getClass().isArray()) { if (isCopy.isNonNull()) { isCopy.write((byte) 0); } return JNIThreadLocalPinnedObjects.pinArrayAndGetAddress(array); } return WordFactory.nullPointer(); } static boolean unpinArrayByAddress(PointerBase address) throws Throwable { return JNIThreadLocalPinnedObjects.unpinArrayByAddress(address); } static void getPrimitiveArrayRegion(JavaKind elementKind, Object array, int start, int count, PointerBase buffer) { if (start < 0 || count < 0 || start + count > Array.getLength(array)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } if (count > 0) { long offset = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getArrayElementOffset(elementKind, start); int elementSize = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().sizeInBytes(elementKind); UNSAFE.copyMemory(array, offset, null, buffer.rawValue(), count * elementSize); } } static void setPrimitiveArrayRegion(JavaKind elementKind, Object array, int start, int count, PointerBase buffer) { if (start < 0 || count < 0 || start + count > Array.getLength(array)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } if (count > 0) { long offset = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().getArrayElementOffset(elementKind, start); int elementSize = ConfigurationValues.getObjectLayout().sizeInBytes(elementKind); UNSAFE.copyMemory(null, buffer.rawValue(), array, offset, count * elementSize); } } }