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package com.oracle.svm.hosted.substitute;

import static com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RecomputeFieldValue.Kind.ArrayBaseOffset;
import static com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RecomputeFieldValue.Kind.ArrayIndexScale;
import static com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RecomputeFieldValue.Kind.ArrayIndexShift;
import static com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RecomputeFieldValue.Kind.FieldOffset;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.InlineInvokePlugin.InlineInfo.createStandardInlineInfo;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.SnippetReflectionProvider;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext.Builder;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.iterators.NodeIterable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.java.GraphBuilderPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FrameState;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.Invoke;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.InvokeWithExceptionNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph.GuardsStage;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.SignExtendNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.SubNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.GraphBuilderConfiguration;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.GraphBuilderConfiguration.Plugins;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.GraphBuilderContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.InlineInvokePlugin;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.InvocationPlugins;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.LoadFieldNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.MethodCallTargetNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.StoreFieldNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.OptimisticOptimizations;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.CanonicalizerPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.tiers.HighTierContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.JavaVersionUtil;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.Feature;

import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.infrastructure.SubstitutionProcessor;
import com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisType;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AutomaticFeature;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RecomputeFieldValue;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RecomputeFieldValue.Kind;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.HostedOptionKey;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.FeatureImpl.DuringAnalysisAccessImpl;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.ImageClassLoader;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.SVMHost;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.c.GraalAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.classinitialization.ClassInitializerGraphBuilderPhase;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.phases.NoClassInitializationPlugin;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.snippets.ReflectionPlugins;

import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.MetaAccessProvider;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.PrimitiveConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaField;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaMethod;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;

class AutomaticSubstitutionFeature implements Feature {

    public void duringAnalysis(DuringAnalysisAccess access) {
        DuringAnalysisAccessImpl accessImpl = (DuringAnalysisAccessImpl) access;
        UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionProcessor automaticSubstitutions = accessImpl.getHostVM().getAutomaticSubstitutionProcessor();


This class tries to registered automatic substitutions for field offset, array base, array index scale and array index shift unsafe computations.
/** * This class tries to registered automatic substitutions for field offset, array base, array index * scale and array index shift unsafe computations. */
public class UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionProcessor extends SubstitutionProcessor { private static final int BASIC_LEVEL = 1; private static final int INFO_LEVEL = 2; private static final int DEBUG_LEVEL = 3; static class Options { @Option(help = "Unsafe automatic substitutions logging level: Disabled=0, Basic=1, Info=2, Debug=3.)")// static final HostedOptionKey<Integer> UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionsLogLevel = new HostedOptionKey<>(BASIC_LEVEL); } private final AnnotationSubstitutionProcessor annotationSubstitutions; private final Map<ResolvedJavaField, ComputedValueField> fieldSubstitutions; private final List<ResolvedJavaType> suppressWarnings; private static ResolvedJavaType resolvedUnsafeClass; private ResolvedJavaMethod unsafeObjectFieldOffsetFieldMethod; private ResolvedJavaMethod unsafeObjectFieldOffsetClassStringMethod; private ResolvedJavaMethod unsafeArrayBaseOffsetMethod; private ResolvedJavaMethod unsafeArrayIndexScaleMethod; private ResolvedJavaMethod integerNumberOfLeadingZerosMethod; private HashSet<ResolvedJavaMethod> neverInlineSet = new HashSet<>(); private HashSet<ResolvedJavaMethod> noCheckedExceptionsSet = new HashSet<>(); private Plugins plugins; private SnippetReflectionProvider snippetReflection; public UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionProcessor(AnnotationSubstitutionProcessor annotationSubstitutions, SnippetReflectionProvider snippetReflection) { this.snippetReflection = snippetReflection; this.annotationSubstitutions = annotationSubstitutions; this.fieldSubstitutions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.suppressWarnings = new ArrayList<>(); } public void init(ImageClassLoader loader, MetaAccessProvider originalMetaAccess, SVMHost hostVM) { ResolvedJavaMethod atomicIntegerFieldUpdaterNewUpdaterMethod; ResolvedJavaMethod atomicLongFieldUpdaterNewUpdaterMethod; ResolvedJavaMethod atomicReferenceFieldUpdaterNewUpdaterMethod; ResolvedJavaMethod fieldSetAccessibleMethod; ResolvedJavaMethod fieldGetMethod; try { Method fieldSetAccessible = Field.class.getMethod("setAccessible", boolean.class); fieldSetAccessibleMethod = originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(fieldSetAccessible); neverInlineSet.add(fieldSetAccessibleMethod); Method fieldGet = Field.class.getMethod("get", Object.class); fieldGetMethod = originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(fieldGet); neverInlineSet.add(fieldGetMethod); if (JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC > 8) { /* * Various factory methods in VarHandle query the array base/index or field offsets. * There is no need to analyze these calls because VarHandle accesses are * intrinsified to simple array and field access nodes in * IntrinsifyMethodHandlesInvocationPlugin. */ for (Method method : loader.findClassOrFail("java.lang.invoke.VarHandles").getDeclaredMethods()) { neverInlineSet.add(originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(method)); } } Class<?> unsafeClass; try { if (JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC <= 8) { unsafeClass = Class.forName("sun.misc.Unsafe"); } else { unsafeClass = Class.forName("jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe"); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere(cnfe); } resolvedUnsafeClass = originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaType(unsafeClass); Method unsafeObjectFieldOffset = unsafeClass.getMethod("objectFieldOffset", java.lang.reflect.Field.class); unsafeObjectFieldOffsetFieldMethod = originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(unsafeObjectFieldOffset); noCheckedExceptionsSet.add(unsafeObjectFieldOffsetFieldMethod); neverInlineSet.add(unsafeObjectFieldOffsetFieldMethod); if (JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC >= 11) { /* JDK 11 and later have Unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Class, String). */ Method unsafeObjectClassStringOffset = unsafeClass.getMethod("objectFieldOffset", java.lang.Class.class, String.class); unsafeObjectFieldOffsetClassStringMethod = originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(unsafeObjectClassStringOffset); noCheckedExceptionsSet.add(unsafeObjectFieldOffsetClassStringMethod); neverInlineSet.add(unsafeObjectFieldOffsetClassStringMethod); } Method unsafeArrayBaseOffset = unsafeClass.getMethod("arrayBaseOffset", java.lang.Class.class); unsafeArrayBaseOffsetMethod = originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(unsafeArrayBaseOffset); noCheckedExceptionsSet.add(unsafeArrayBaseOffsetMethod); neverInlineSet.add(unsafeArrayBaseOffsetMethod); Method unsafeArrayIndexScale = unsafeClass.getMethod("arrayIndexScale", java.lang.Class.class); unsafeArrayIndexScaleMethod = originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(unsafeArrayIndexScale); noCheckedExceptionsSet.add(unsafeArrayIndexScaleMethod); neverInlineSet.add(unsafeArrayIndexScaleMethod); Method integerNumberOfLeadingZeros = java.lang.Integer.class.getMethod("numberOfLeadingZeros", int.class); integerNumberOfLeadingZerosMethod = originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(integerNumberOfLeadingZeros); neverInlineSet.add(integerNumberOfLeadingZerosMethod); Method atomicIntegerFieldUpdaterNewUpdater = java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.class.getMethod("newUpdater", Class.class, String.class); atomicIntegerFieldUpdaterNewUpdaterMethod = originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(atomicIntegerFieldUpdaterNewUpdater); neverInlineSet.add(atomicIntegerFieldUpdaterNewUpdaterMethod); Method atomicLongFieldUpdaterNewUpdater = java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater.class.getMethod("newUpdater", Class.class, String.class); atomicLongFieldUpdaterNewUpdaterMethod = originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(atomicLongFieldUpdaterNewUpdater); neverInlineSet.add(atomicLongFieldUpdaterNewUpdaterMethod); Method atomicReferenceFieldUpdaterNewUpdater = java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.class.getMethod("newUpdater", Class.class, Class.class, String.class); atomicReferenceFieldUpdaterNewUpdaterMethod = originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaMethod(atomicReferenceFieldUpdaterNewUpdater); neverInlineSet.add(atomicReferenceFieldUpdaterNewUpdaterMethod); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere(e); } /* * Create the GraphBuilderPhase which builds the graph for the static initializers. * * The builder phase will inline the first level callees to detect cases where the offset * computation is performed by methods that wrap over the unsafe API. There are two * exceptions: * * 1. Don't inline the invokes that we are trying to match. * * 2. Don't inline Atomic*FieldUpdater.newUpdater() methods as they lead to false errors. * These methods reach calls to Unsafe.objectFieldOffset() whose value is recomputed by * RecomputeFieldValue.Kind.AtomicFieldUpdaterOffset. */ StaticInitializerInlineInvokePlugin inlineInvokePlugin = new StaticInitializerInlineInvokePlugin(neverInlineSet); plugins = new Plugins(new InvocationPlugins()); plugins.appendInlineInvokePlugin(inlineInvokePlugin); plugins.setClassInitializationPlugin(new NoClassInitializationPlugin()); ReflectionPlugins.registerInvocationPlugins(loader, snippetReflection, annotationSubstitutions, plugins.getInvocationPlugins(), hostVM, false, false); /* * Analyzing certain classes leads to false errors. We disable reporting for those classes * by default. */ try { suppressWarnings.add(originalMetaAccess.lookupJavaType(Class.forName("sun.security.provider.ByteArrayAccess"))); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere(e); } }
Post-process computed value fields during analysis, e.g, like registering the target field of field offset computation as unsafe accessed. Operations that lookup fields/methods/types in the analysis universe cannot be executed while the substitution is computed. The call to computeSubstitutions is made from com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisUniverse#createType(ResolvedJavaType), before the type is published. Thus if there is a circular dependency between the processed type and one of the fields/methods/types that it needs to access it might lead to a deadlock in AnalysisType creation. The automatic substitutions for an AnalysisType are computed just after the type is created but before it is published to other threads so that all threads see the substitutions.
/** * Post-process computed value fields during analysis, e.g, like registering the target field of * field offset computation as unsafe accessed. Operations that lookup fields/methods/types in * the analysis universe cannot be executed while the substitution is computed. The call to * {@link #computeSubstitutions} is made from * com.oracle.graal.pointsto.meta.AnalysisUniverse#createType(ResolvedJavaType), before the type * is published. Thus if there is a circular dependency between the processed type and one of * the fields/methods/types that it needs to access it might lead to a deadlock in * {@link AnalysisType} creation. The automatic substitutions for an {@link AnalysisType} are * computed just after the type is created but before it is published to other threads so that * all threads see the substitutions. */
void processComputedValueFields(DuringAnalysisAccessImpl access) { for (ResolvedJavaField field : fieldSubstitutions.values()) { if (field instanceof ComputedValue) { ComputedValue cvField = (ComputedValue) field; switch (cvField.getRecomputeValueKind()) { case FieldOffset: Field targetField = cvField.getTargetField(); access.getMetaAccess().lookupJavaType(targetField.getDeclaringClass()).registerAsReachable(); if (access.registerAsUnsafeAccessed(access.getMetaAccess().lookupJavaField(targetField))) { access.requireAnalysisIteration(); } break; } } } } private void addSubstitutionField(ResolvedJavaField original, ComputedValueField substitution) { assert substitution != null; assert !fieldSubstitutions.containsKey(original); fieldSubstitutions.put(original, substitution); } @Override public ResolvedJavaField lookup(ResolvedJavaField field) { if (fieldSubstitutions.containsKey(field)) { return fieldSubstitutions.get(field); } return field; } @SuppressWarnings("try") public void computeSubstitutions(SVMHost hostVM, ResolvedJavaType hostType, OptionValues options) { if (hostType.isArray()) { return; } if (hostVM.getClassInitializationSupport().shouldInitializeAtRuntime(hostType)) { /* * The class initializer of this type is executed at run time. The methods in Unsafe are * substituted to return the correct value at image runtime, or fail if the field was * not registered for unsafe access. * * Calls to Unsafe.objectFieldOffset() with a constant field parameter are automatically * registered for unsafe access in SubstrateGraphBuilderPlugins. While that logic is a * bit less powerful compared to the parsing in this class (because this class performs * inlining during parsing), it should be sufficient for most cases to automatically * perform the unsafe access registration. And if not, the user needs to provide a * proper manual configuration file. */ return; } if (annotationSubstitutions.findSubstitution(hostType).isPresent()) { /* If the class is substituted clinit will be eliminated, so bail early. */ reportSkippedSubstitution(hostType); return; } /* Detect field offset computation in static initializers. */ ResolvedJavaMethod clinit = hostType.getClassInitializer(); if (clinit != null && clinit.hasBytecodes()) { /* * Since this analysis is run after the AnalysisType is created at this point the class * should already be linked and clinit should be available. */ DebugContext debug = new Builder(options).build(); try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("Field offset computation", clinit)) { StructuredGraph clinitGraph = getStaticInitializerGraph(clinit, options, debug); for (Invoke invoke : clinitGraph.getInvokes()) { if (invoke.callTarget() instanceof MethodCallTargetNode) { if (isInvokeTo(invoke, unsafeObjectFieldOffsetFieldMethod)) { processUnsafeObjectFieldOffsetFieldInvoke(hostType, invoke); } else if (isInvokeTo(invoke, unsafeObjectFieldOffsetClassStringMethod)) { processUnsafeObjectFieldOffsetClassStringInvoke(hostType, invoke); } else if (isInvokeTo(invoke, unsafeArrayBaseOffsetMethod)) { processUnsafeArrayBaseOffsetInvoke(hostType, invoke); } else if (isInvokeTo(invoke, unsafeArrayIndexScaleMethod)) { processUnsafeArrayIndexScaleInvoke(hostType, invoke, clinitGraph); } } } } catch (Throwable e) { throw debug.handle(e); } } }
Process call to Unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Field). The matching logic below applies to the following code pattern: static final long fieldOffset = Unsafe.getUnsafe().objectFieldOffset(X.class.getDeclaredField("f"));
/** * Process call to <code>Unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Field)</code>. The matching logic below * applies to the following code pattern: * * <code> static final long fieldOffset = Unsafe.getUnsafe().objectFieldOffset(X.class.getDeclaredField("f")); </code> */
private void processUnsafeObjectFieldOffsetFieldInvoke(ResolvedJavaType type, Invoke unsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke) { List<String> unsuccessfulReasons = new ArrayList<>(); Class<?> targetFieldHolder = null; String targetFieldName = null; ValueNode fieldArgument = unsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke.callTarget().arguments().get(1); if (fieldArgument.isConstant()) { Field field = snippetReflection.asObject(Field.class, fieldArgument.asJavaConstant()); if (field == null) { unsuccessfulReasons.add("The argument of Unsafe.objectFieldOffset() is a null constant."); } else { targetFieldHolder = field.getDeclaringClass(); targetFieldName = field.getName(); } } else { unsuccessfulReasons.add("The argument of Unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Field) is not a constant field."); } processUnsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke(type, unsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke, unsuccessfulReasons, targetFieldHolder, targetFieldName); }
Process call to Unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Class class, String name). The matching logic below applies to the following code pattern: static final long fieldOffset = Unsafe.getUnsafe().objectFieldOffset(X.class, "f");
/** * Process call to <code>Unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Class<?> class, String name)</code>. The * matching logic below applies to the following code pattern: * * <code> static final long fieldOffset = Unsafe.getUnsafe().objectFieldOffset(X.class, "f"); </code> */
private void processUnsafeObjectFieldOffsetClassStringInvoke(ResolvedJavaType type, Invoke unsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke) { List<String> unsuccessfulReasons = new ArrayList<>(); Class<?> targetFieldHolder = null; String targetFieldName = null; ValueNode classArgument = unsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke.callTarget().arguments().get(1); if (classArgument.isConstant()) { Class<?> clazz = snippetReflection.asObject(Class.class, classArgument.asJavaConstant()); if (clazz == null) { unsuccessfulReasons.add("The Class argument of Unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Class, String) is a null constant."); } else { targetFieldHolder = clazz; } } else { unsuccessfulReasons.add("The Class argument of Unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Class, String) is not a constant class."); } ValueNode nameArgument = unsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke.callTarget().arguments().get(2); if (nameArgument.isConstant()) { String fieldName = snippetReflection.asObject(String.class, nameArgument.asJavaConstant()); if (fieldName == null) { unsuccessfulReasons.add("The String argument of Unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Class, String) is a null String."); } else { targetFieldName = fieldName; } } else { unsuccessfulReasons.add("The name argument of Unsafe.objectFieldOffset(Class, String) is not a constant String."); } processUnsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke(type, unsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke, unsuccessfulReasons, targetFieldHolder, targetFieldName); } private void processUnsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke( ResolvedJavaType type, Invoke unsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke, List<String> unsuccessfulReasons, Class<?> targetFieldHolder, String targetFieldName) { /* * If the value returned by the call to Unsafe.objectFieldOffset() is stored into a field * then that must be the offset field. */ SearchResult result = extractValueStoreField(unsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke.asNode(), FieldOffset, unsuccessfulReasons); /* No field, but the value doesn't have illegal usages, ignore. */ if (result.valueStoreField == null && !result.illegalUseFound) { return; } ResolvedJavaField offsetField = result.valueStoreField; /* * If the target field holder and name, and the offset field were found try to register a * substitution. */ if (targetFieldHolder != null && targetFieldName != null && offsetField != null) { Class<?> finalTargetFieldHolder = targetFieldHolder; String finalTargetFieldName = targetFieldName; Supplier<ComputedValueField> supplier = () -> new ComputedValueField(offsetField, null, FieldOffset, finalTargetFieldHolder, finalTargetFieldName, false); if (tryAutomaticRecomputation(offsetField, FieldOffset, supplier)) { reportSuccessfulAutomaticRecomputation(FieldOffset, offsetField, targetFieldHolder.getName() + "." + targetFieldName); } } else { reportUnsuccessfulAutomaticRecomputation(type, offsetField, unsafeObjectFieldOffsetInvoke, FieldOffset, unsuccessfulReasons); } }
Process call to Unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(Class). The matching logic below applies to the following code pattern: static final long arrayBaseOffsets = Unsafe.getUnsafe().arrayBaseOffset(byte[].class);
/** * Process call to <code>Unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(Class)</code>. The matching logic below applies * to the following code pattern: * * <code> static final long arrayBaseOffsets = Unsafe.getUnsafe().arrayBaseOffset(byte[].class); </code> */
private void processUnsafeArrayBaseOffsetInvoke(ResolvedJavaType type, Invoke unsafeArrayBaseOffsetInvoke) { SnippetReflectionProvider snippetReflectionProvider = GraalAccess.getOriginalSnippetReflection(); List<String> unsuccessfulReasons = new ArrayList<>(); Class<?> arrayClass = null; ValueNode arrayClassArgument = unsafeArrayBaseOffsetInvoke.callTarget().arguments().get(1); if (arrayClassArgument.isJavaConstant()) { arrayClass = snippetReflectionProvider.asObject(Class.class, arrayClassArgument.asJavaConstant()); } else { unsuccessfulReasons.add("The argument of the call to Unsafe.arrayBaseOffset() is not a constant."); } /* * If the value returned by the call to Unsafe.arrayBaseOffset() is stored into a field then * that must be the offset field. */ SearchResult result = extractValueStoreField(unsafeArrayBaseOffsetInvoke.asNode(), ArrayBaseOffset, unsuccessfulReasons); ResolvedJavaField offsetField = result.valueStoreField; if (arrayClass != null && offsetField != null) { Class<?> finalArrayClass = arrayClass; Supplier<ComputedValueField> supplier = () -> new ComputedValueField(offsetField, null, ArrayBaseOffset, finalArrayClass, null, true); if (tryAutomaticRecomputation(offsetField, ArrayBaseOffset, supplier)) { reportSuccessfulAutomaticRecomputation(ArrayBaseOffset, offsetField, arrayClass.getCanonicalName()); } } else { /* Don't report a failure if the value doesn't have illegal usages. */ if (result.illegalUseFound) { reportUnsuccessfulAutomaticRecomputation(type, offsetField, unsafeArrayBaseOffsetInvoke, ArrayBaseOffset, unsuccessfulReasons); } } }
Process call to Unsafe.arrayIndexScale(Class). The matching logic below applies to the following code pattern: static final long byteArrayIndexScale = Unsafe.getUnsafe().arrayIndexScale(byte[].class);
/** * Process call to <code>Unsafe.arrayIndexScale(Class)</code>. The matching logic below applies * to the following code pattern: * * <code> static final long byteArrayIndexScale = Unsafe.getUnsafe().arrayIndexScale(byte[].class); </code> */
private void processUnsafeArrayIndexScaleInvoke(ResolvedJavaType type, Invoke unsafeArrayIndexScale, StructuredGraph clinitGraph) { SnippetReflectionProvider snippetReflectionProvider = GraalAccess.getOriginalSnippetReflection(); List<String> unsuccessfulReasons = new ArrayList<>(); Class<?> arrayClass = null; ValueNode arrayClassArgument = unsafeArrayIndexScale.callTarget().arguments().get(1); if (arrayClassArgument.isJavaConstant()) { arrayClass = snippetReflectionProvider.asObject(Class.class, arrayClassArgument.asJavaConstant()); } else { unsuccessfulReasons.add("The argument of the call to Unsafe.arrayIndexScale() is not a constant."); } /* * If the value returned by the call to Unsafe.unsafeArrayIndexScale() is stored into a * field then that must be the offset field. */ SearchResult result = extractValueStoreField(unsafeArrayIndexScale.asNode(), ArrayIndexScale, unsuccessfulReasons); ResolvedJavaField indexScaleField = result.valueStoreField; boolean indexScaleComputed = false; boolean indexShiftComputed = false; if (arrayClass != null) { if (indexScaleField != null) { Class<?> finalArrayClass = arrayClass; Supplier<ComputedValueField> supplier = () -> new ComputedValueField(indexScaleField, null, ArrayIndexScale, finalArrayClass, null, true); if (tryAutomaticRecomputation(indexScaleField, ArrayIndexScale, supplier)) { reportSuccessfulAutomaticRecomputation(ArrayIndexScale, indexScaleField, arrayClass.getCanonicalName()); indexScaleComputed = true; /* Try substitution for the array index shift computation if present. */ indexShiftComputed = processArrayIndexShiftFromField(type, indexScaleField, arrayClass, clinitGraph); } } else { /* * The index scale is not stored into a field, it might be used to compute the index * shift. */ indexShiftComputed = processArrayIndexShiftFromLocal(type, unsafeArrayIndexScale, arrayClass); } } if (!indexScaleComputed && !indexShiftComputed) { /* Don't report a failure if the value doesn't have illegal usages. */ if (result.illegalUseFound) { reportUnsuccessfulAutomaticRecomputation(type, indexScaleField, unsafeArrayIndexScale, ArrayIndexScale, unsuccessfulReasons); } } }
Process array index shift computation which usually follows a call to Unsafe.arrayIndexScale(Class). The matching logic below applies to the following code pattern: static final long byteArrayIndexScale = Unsafe.getUnsafe().arrayIndexScale(byte[].class); static final long byteArrayIndexShift; static { if ((byteArrayIndexScale & (byteArrayIndexScale - 1)) != 0) { throw new Error("data type scale not a power of two"); } byteArrayIndexShift = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(byteArrayIndexScale); }
/** * Process array index shift computation which usually follows a call to * <code>Unsafe.arrayIndexScale(Class)</code>. The matching logic below applies to the following * code pattern: * * <code> * static final long byteArrayIndexScale = Unsafe.getUnsafe().arrayIndexScale(byte[].class); * static final long byteArrayIndexShift; * static { * if ((byteArrayIndexScale & (byteArrayIndexScale - 1)) != 0) { * throw new Error("data type scale not a power of two"); * } * byteArrayIndexShift = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(byteArrayIndexScale); * } * </code> */
private boolean processArrayIndexShiftFromField(ResolvedJavaType type, ResolvedJavaField indexScaleField, Class<?> arrayClass, StructuredGraph clinitGraph) { for (LoadFieldNode load : clinitGraph.getNodes().filter(LoadFieldNode.class)) { if (load.field().equals(indexScaleField)) { /* * Try to determine index shift computation without reporting errors, an index scale * field was already found. The case where both scale and shift are computed is * uncommon. */ if (processArrayIndexShift(type, arrayClass, load, true)) { /* * Return true as soon as an index shift computed from the index scale field is * found. It is very unlikely that there are multiple shift computations from * the same scale. */ return true; } } } return false; }
Process array index shift computation which usually follows a call to Unsafe.arrayIndexScale(Class). The matching logic below applies to the following code pattern: static final long byteArrayIndexShift; static { long byteArrayIndexScale = Unsafe.getUnsafe().arrayIndexScale(byte[].class); if ((byteArrayIndexScale & (byteArrayIndexScale - 1)) != 0) { throw new Error("data type scale not a power of two"); } byteArrayIndexShift = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(byteArrayIndexScale); }
/** * Process array index shift computation which usually follows a call to * <code>Unsafe.arrayIndexScale(Class)</code>. The matching logic below applies to the following * code pattern: * * <code> * static final long byteArrayIndexShift; * static { * long byteArrayIndexScale = Unsafe.getUnsafe().arrayIndexScale(byte[].class); * if ((byteArrayIndexScale & (byteArrayIndexScale - 1)) != 0) { * throw new Error("data type scale not a power of two"); * } * byteArrayIndexShift = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(byteArrayIndexScale); * } * </code> */
private boolean processArrayIndexShiftFromLocal(ResolvedJavaType type, Invoke unsafeArrayIndexScale, Class<?> arrayClass) { /* Try to compute index shift. Report errors since the index scale field was not found. */ return processArrayIndexShift(type, arrayClass, unsafeArrayIndexScale.asNode(), false); }
Try to compute the arrayIndexShift. Return true if successful, false otherwise.
/** Try to compute the arrayIndexShift. Return true if successful, false otherwise. */
private boolean processArrayIndexShift(ResolvedJavaType type, Class<?> arrayClass, ValueNode indexScaleValue, boolean silentFailure) { NodeIterable<MethodCallTargetNode> loadMethodCallTargetUsages = indexScaleValue.usages().filter(MethodCallTargetNode.class); for (MethodCallTargetNode methodCallTarget : loadMethodCallTargetUsages) { /* Iterate over all the calls that use the index scale value. */ if (isInvokeTo(methodCallTarget.invoke(), integerNumberOfLeadingZerosMethod)) { /* * Found a call to Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(int) that uses the array index scale * field. Check if it is used to calculate the array index shift, i.e., log2 of the * array index scale. */ SearchResult result = null; ResolvedJavaField indexShiftField = null; List<String> unsuccessfulReasons = new ArrayList<>(); Invoke numberOfLeadingZerosInvoke = methodCallTarget.invoke(); NodeIterable<SubNode> numberOfLeadingZerosInvokeSubUsages = numberOfLeadingZerosInvoke.asNode().usages().filter(SubNode.class); if (numberOfLeadingZerosInvokeSubUsages.count() == 1) { /* * Found the SubNode. Determine if it computes the array index shift. If so find * the field where the value is stored. */ SubNode subNode = numberOfLeadingZerosInvokeSubUsages.first(); if (subNodeComputesLog2(subNode, numberOfLeadingZerosInvoke)) { result = extractValueStoreField(subNode, ArrayIndexShift, unsuccessfulReasons); indexShiftField = result.valueStoreField; } else { unsuccessfulReasons.add("The index array scale value provided by " + indexScaleValue + " is not used to calculate the array index shift."); } } else { unsuccessfulReasons.add("The call to " + methodCallTarget.targetMethod().format("%H.%n(%p)") + " has multiple uses."); } if (indexShiftField != null) { ResolvedJavaField finalIndexShiftField = indexShiftField; Supplier<ComputedValueField> supplier = () -> new ComputedValueField(finalIndexShiftField, null, ArrayIndexShift, arrayClass, null, true); if (tryAutomaticRecomputation(indexShiftField, ArrayIndexShift, supplier)) { reportSuccessfulAutomaticRecomputation(ArrayIndexShift, indexShiftField, arrayClass.getCanonicalName()); return true; } } else { if (!silentFailure) { /* * Passing null here for the computedField is ok, there is no actual field * that we can refer to in the error, and we check for null inside the * method. */ if (result != null && result.illegalUseFound || !unsuccessfulReasons.isEmpty()) { reportUnsuccessfulAutomaticRecomputation(type, null, numberOfLeadingZerosInvoke, ArrayIndexShift, unsuccessfulReasons); } } } } } return false; }
Check if the SubNode computes log2 of one of it's operands. The order of operands is not assumed; both permutations are checked.
/** * Check if the SubNode computes log2 of one of it's operands. The order of operands is not * assumed; both permutations are checked. */
private static boolean subNodeComputesLog2(SubNode subNode, Invoke numberOfLeadingZerosInvokeNode) { ValueNode xValueNode = subNode.getX(); ValueNode yValueNode = subNode.getY(); if (xValueNode.isJavaConstant() && xValueNode.asJavaConstant().getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Int) { PrimitiveConstant xValueConstant = (PrimitiveConstant) xValueNode.asJavaConstant(); if (xValueConstant.asInt() == 31) { assert yValueNode.equals(numberOfLeadingZerosInvokeNode.asNode()); return true; } } if (yValueNode.isJavaConstant() && yValueNode.asJavaConstant().getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Int) { PrimitiveConstant yValueConstant = (PrimitiveConstant) yValueNode.asJavaConstant(); if (yValueConstant.asInt() == 31) { assert xValueNode.equals(numberOfLeadingZerosInvokeNode.asNode()); return true; } } return false; }
Encodes the result of the left-hand-side analysis of an unsafe call, i.e., the search for a static final field where the unsafe value may be stored.
/** * Encodes the result of the left-hand-side analysis of an unsafe call, i.e., the search for a * static final field where the unsafe value may be stored. */
static final class SearchResult {
The field where the value is stored, if found.
/** The field where the value is stored, if found. */
final ResolvedJavaField valueStoreField;
Uses that can lead to the unsafe value having side effects that we didn't account for are considered illegal.
/** * Uses that can lead to the unsafe value having side effects that we didn't account for are * considered illegal. */
final boolean illegalUseFound; private SearchResult(ResolvedJavaField valueStoreField, boolean illegalUseFound) { this.valueStoreField = valueStoreField; this.illegalUseFound = illegalUseFound; } static SearchResult foundField(ResolvedJavaField offsetField) { return new SearchResult(offsetField, false); } static SearchResult foundIllegalUse() { return new SearchResult(null, true); } static SearchResult didNotFindIllegalUse() { return new SearchResult(null, false); } }
If the value produced by valueNode is stored into a static final field then that field is returned. If the field is either not static or not final the method returns null and the reason is recorded in the unsuccessfulReasons parameter.
/** * If the value produced by valueNode is stored into a static final field then that field is * returned. If the field is either not static or not final the method returns null and the * reason is recorded in the unsuccessfulReasons parameter. */
private static SearchResult extractValueStoreField(ValueNode valueNode, Kind substitutionKind, List<String> unsuccessfulReasons) { ResolvedJavaField offsetField = null; boolean illegalUseFound = false; /* * Cycle through all usages looking for the field where the value may be stored. The search * continues until all usages are exhausted or an illegal use is found. */ outer: for (Node valueNodeUsage : valueNode.usages()) { if (valueNodeUsage instanceof StoreFieldNode && offsetField == null) { offsetField = ((StoreFieldNode) valueNodeUsage).field(); } else if (valueNodeUsage instanceof SignExtendNode && offsetField == null) { SignExtendNode signExtendNode = (SignExtendNode) valueNodeUsage; for (Node signExtendNodeUsage : signExtendNode.usages()) { if (signExtendNodeUsage instanceof StoreFieldNode && offsetField == null) { offsetField = ((StoreFieldNode) signExtendNodeUsage).field(); } else if (isAllowedUnsafeValueSink(signExtendNodeUsage)) { continue; } else { illegalUseFound = true; break outer; } } } else if (isAllowedUnsafeValueSink(valueNodeUsage)) { continue; } else { illegalUseFound = true; break; } } if (offsetField != null && !illegalUseFound) { if (offsetField.isStatic() && offsetField.isFinal()) { /* Success! We found the static final field where this value is stored. */ return SearchResult.foundField(offsetField); } else { String message = "The field " + offsetField.format("%H.%n") + ", where the value produced by the " + kindAsString(substitutionKind) + " computation is stored, is not" + (!offsetField.isStatic() ? " static" : "") + (!offsetField.isFinal() ? " final" : "") + "."; unsuccessfulReasons.add(message); /* Value is stored to a non static final field. */ return SearchResult.foundIllegalUse(); } } if (illegalUseFound) { /* No static final store field was found and the value has illegal usages. */ String producer; String operation; if (valueNode instanceof Invoke) { Invoke invokeNode = (Invoke) valueNode; producer = "call to " + invokeNode.callTarget().targetMethod().format("%H.%n(%p)"); operation = "call"; } else if (valueNode instanceof SubNode) { producer = "subtraction operation " + valueNode; operation = "subtraction"; } else { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere(); } String message = "Could not determine the field where the value produced by the " + producer + " for the " + kindAsString(substitutionKind) + " computation is stored. The " + operation + " is not directly followed by a field store or by a sign extend node followed directly by a field store. "; unsuccessfulReasons.add(message); return SearchResult.foundIllegalUse(); } /* No static final store field was found but value does have any illegal usages. */ return SearchResult.didNotFindIllegalUse(); }
Determine if the valueNodeUsage parameter is an allowed usage of an offset, indexScale or indexShift unsafe value.
/** * Determine if the valueNodeUsage parameter is an allowed usage of an offset, indexScale or * indexShift unsafe value. */
private static boolean isAllowedUnsafeValueSink(Node valueNodeUsage) { if (valueNodeUsage instanceof FrameState) { /* * The frame state keeps track of the local variables and operand stack at a particular * point in the abstract interpretation. This usage can be ignored for the purpose of * this analysis. */ return true; } if (valueNodeUsage instanceof MethodCallTargetNode) { /* * Passing the value as a parameter to certain methods, like Unsafe methods that read * and write memory based on it, is allowed. Passing an unsafe value as a parameter is * sound as long as the called method doesn't propagate the value to a dissalowed usage, * e.g., like a store to a field that we would then miss. */ MethodCallTargetNode methodCallTarget = (MethodCallTargetNode) valueNodeUsage; ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod = methodCallTarget.targetMethod(); if (targetMethod.getDeclaringClass().equals(resolvedUnsafeClass)) { return true; } } return false; }
Try to register the automatic substitution for a field. Bail if the field was deleted or another substitution is detected.
/** * Try to register the automatic substitution for a field. Bail if the field was deleted or * another substitution is detected. */
private boolean tryAutomaticRecomputation(ResolvedJavaField field, Kind kind, Supplier<ComputedValueField> substitutionSupplier) { if (annotationSubstitutions.isDeleted(field)) { String conflictingSubstitution = "The field " + field.format("%H.%n") + " is marked as deleted. "; reportConflictingSubstitution(field, kind, conflictingSubstitution); return false; } else { Optional<ResolvedJavaField> annotationSubstitution = annotationSubstitutions.findSubstitution(field); if (annotationSubstitution.isPresent()) { /* An annotation substitutions detected. */ ResolvedJavaField substitutionField = annotationSubstitution.get(); if (substitutionField instanceof ComputedValueField) { ComputedValueField computedSubstitutionField = (ComputedValueField) substitutionField; if (computedSubstitutionField.getRecomputeValueKind().equals(kind)) { reportUnnecessarySubstitution(substitutionField, computedSubstitutionField); return false; } else if (computedSubstitutionField.getRecomputeValueKind().equals(Kind.None)) { /* * This is essentially and @Alias field. An @Alias for a field with an * automatic recomputed value is allowed but the alias needs to be * overwritten otherwise would read the value from the original field. To do * this a new recomputed value field is registered in the automatic * substitution processor, which follows the annotation substitution * processor in the substitutions chain. Thus, every time the substitutions * chain is queried for the original field, e.g., in * AnalysisUniverse.lookupAllowUnresolved(JavaField), the alias field is * forwarded to the the automatic substitution. */ addSubstitutionField(computedSubstitutionField, substitutionSupplier.get()); reportOvewrittenSubstitution(substitutionField, kind, computedSubstitutionField.getAnnotated(), computedSubstitutionField.getRecomputeValueKind()); return true; } else { String conflictingSubstitution = "Detected RecomputeFieldValue." + computedSubstitutionField.getRecomputeValueKind() + " " + computedSubstitutionField.getAnnotated().format("%H.%n") + " substitution field. "; reportConflictingSubstitution(substitutionField, kind, conflictingSubstitution); return false; } } else { String conflictingSubstitution = "Detected " + substitutionField.format("%H.%n") + " substitution field. "; reportConflictingSubstitution(substitutionField, kind, conflictingSubstitution); return false; } } else { /* No other substitutions detected. */ addSubstitutionField(field, substitutionSupplier.get()); return true; } } } private static void reportSkippedSubstitution(ResolvedJavaType type) { if (Options.UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionsLogLevel.getValue() >= DEBUG_LEVEL) { String msg = "Warning: Skipped automatic unsafe substitutions analysis for type " + type.getName() + ". The entire type is substituted, therefore its class initializer is eliminated."; System.out.println(msg); } } private static void reportUnnecessarySubstitution(ResolvedJavaField offsetField, ComputedValueField computedSubstitutionField) { if (Options.UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionsLogLevel.getValue() >= BASIC_LEVEL) { Kind kind = computedSubstitutionField.getRecomputeValueKind(); String kindStr = RecomputeFieldValue.class.getSimpleName() + "." + kind; String annotatedFieldStr = computedSubstitutionField.getAnnotated().format("%H.%n"); String offsetFieldStr = offsetField.format("%H.%n"); String msg = "Warning: Detected unnecessary " + kindStr + " " + annotatedFieldStr + " substitution field for " + offsetFieldStr + ". "; msg += "The annotated field can be removed. This " + kind + " computation can be detected automatically. "; msg += "Use option -H:+" + Options.UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionsLogLevel.getName() + "=" + INFO_LEVEL + " to print all automatically detected substitutions. "; System.out.println(msg); } } private static void reportSuccessfulAutomaticRecomputation(Kind substitutionKind, ResolvedJavaField substitutedField, String target) { if (Options.UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionsLogLevel.getValue() >= INFO_LEVEL) { String substitutionKindStr = RecomputeFieldValue.class.getSimpleName() + "." + substitutionKind; String substitutedFieldStr = substitutedField.format("%H.%n"); String msg = "Info:" + substitutionKindStr + " substitution automatically registered for " + substitutedFieldStr + ", target element " + target + "."; System.out.println(msg); } } private static void reportOvewrittenSubstitution(ResolvedJavaField offsetField, Kind newKind, ResolvedJavaField overwrittenField, Kind overwrittenKind) { if (Options.UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionsLogLevel.getValue() >= INFO_LEVEL) { String newKindStr = RecomputeFieldValue.class.getSimpleName() + "." + newKind; String overwrittenKindStr = RecomputeFieldValue.class.getSimpleName() + "." + overwrittenKind; String offsetFieldStr = offsetField.format("%H.%n"); String overwrittenFieldStr = overwrittenField.format("%H.%n"); String msg = "Info: The " + overwrittenKindStr + " " + overwrittenFieldStr + " substitution was overwritten. "; msg += "A " + newKindStr + " substitution for " + offsetFieldStr + " was automatically registered."; System.out.println(msg); } } private static void reportConflictingSubstitution(ResolvedJavaField field, Kind substitutionKind, String conflictingSubstitution) { if (Options.UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionsLogLevel.getValue() >= BASIC_LEVEL) { String fieldStr = field.format("%H.%n"); String substitutionKindStr = RecomputeFieldValue.class.getSimpleName() + "." + substitutionKind; String msg = "Warning: The " + substitutionKindStr + " substitution for " + fieldStr + " could not be recomputed automatically because a conflicting substitution was detected. "; msg += "Conflicting substitution: " + conflictingSubstitution; msg += "Add a " + substitutionKindStr + " manual substitution for " + fieldStr + ". "; System.out.println(msg); } } private void reportUnsuccessfulAutomaticRecomputation(ResolvedJavaType type, ResolvedJavaField computedField, Invoke invoke, Kind substitutionKind, List<String> reasons) { String msg = ""; if (Options.UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionsLogLevel.getValue() >= BASIC_LEVEL) { if (!suppressWarningsFor(type) || Options.UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionsLogLevel.getValue() >= DEBUG_LEVEL) { String substitutionKindStr = RecomputeFieldValue.class.getSimpleName() + "." + substitutionKind; String invokeStr = invoke.callTarget().targetMethod().format("%H.%n(%p)"); msg += substitutionKindStr + " automatic substitution failed. "; msg += "The automatic substitution registration was attempted because "; if (substitutionKind == ArrayIndexShift) { msg += "an " + ArrayIndexScale + " computation followed by a call to " + invokeStr + " "; } else { msg += "a call to " + invokeStr + " "; } msg += "was detected in the static initializer of " + type.toJavaName() + ". "; if (computedField != null) { /* If the computed field is null then reasons will contain the details. */ msg += "Add a " + substitutionKindStr + " manual substitution for " + computedField.format("%H.%n") + ". "; } msg += "Detailed failure reason(s): " + reasons.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); } } if (Options.UnsafeAutomaticSubstitutionsLogLevel.getValue() >= DEBUG_LEVEL) { if (suppressWarningsFor(type)) { msg += "(This warning is suppressed by default because this type "; if (warningsAreWhiteListed(type)) { msg += "is manually added to a white list"; } else if (isAliased(type)) { msg += "is aliased"; } else { ResolvedJavaType substitutionType = findSubstitutionType(type); msg += "is substituted by " + substitutionType.toJavaName(); } msg += ".)"; } } if (!msg.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Warning: " + msg); } } private static String kindAsString(Kind substitutionKind) { switch (substitutionKind) { case FieldOffset: return "field offset"; case ArrayBaseOffset: return "array base offset"; case ArrayIndexScale: return "array index scale"; case ArrayIndexShift: return "array index shift"; default: throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere("Unexpected substitution kind: " + substitutionKind); } } private boolean suppressWarningsFor(ResolvedJavaType type) { return warningsAreWhiteListed(type) || isAliased(type) || findSubstitutionType(type) != null; } private boolean warningsAreWhiteListed(ResolvedJavaType type) { return suppressWarnings.contains(type); } private ResolvedJavaType findSubstitutionType(ResolvedJavaType type) { Optional<ResolvedJavaType> substTypeOptional = annotationSubstitutions.findSubstitution(type); return substTypeOptional.orElse(null); } private boolean isAliased(ResolvedJavaType type) { return annotationSubstitutions.isAliased(type); } private StructuredGraph getStaticInitializerGraph(ResolvedJavaMethod clinit, OptionValues options, DebugContext debug) { assert clinit.hasBytecodes(); StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph.Builder(options, debug).method(clinit).build(); HighTierContext context = new HighTierContext(GraalAccess.getOriginalProviders(), null, OptimisticOptimizations.NONE); graph.setGuardsStage(GuardsStage.FIXED_DEOPTS); GraphBuilderPhase.Instance builderPhase = new ClassInitializerGraphBuilderPhase(context, GraphBuilderConfiguration.getDefault(plugins).withEagerResolving(true), context.getOptimisticOptimizations()); builderPhase.apply(graph, context); /* * We know that the Unsafe methods that we look for don't throw any checked exceptions. * Replace the InvokeWithExceptionNode with InvokeNode. */ for (InvokeWithExceptionNode invoke : graph.getNodes().filter(InvokeWithExceptionNode.class)) { if (noCheckedExceptionsSet.contains(invoke.callTarget().targetMethod())) { invoke.replaceWithInvoke(); } } /* Disable canonicalization of LoadFieldNodes to avoid constant folding of unsafe values. */ CanonicalizerPhase.createWithoutReadCanonicalization().apply(graph, context); return graph; } private static boolean isInvokeTo(Invoke invoke, ResolvedJavaMethod method) { if (method == null) { return false; } ResolvedJavaMethod targetMethod = invoke.callTarget().targetMethod(); return method.equals(targetMethod); } static class StaticInitializerInlineInvokePlugin implements InlineInvokePlugin { static final int maxDepth = 1; static final int maxCodeSize = 500; private final HashSet<ResolvedJavaMethod> neverInline; StaticInitializerInlineInvokePlugin(HashSet<ResolvedJavaMethod> neverInline) { this.neverInline = neverInline; } @Override public InlineInfo shouldInlineInvoke(GraphBuilderContext builder, ResolvedJavaMethod original, ValueNode[] arguments) { if (neverInline.contains(original)) { return InlineInfo.DO_NOT_INLINE_WITH_EXCEPTION; } if (original.getCode() != null && original.getCodeSize() < maxCodeSize && builder.getDepth() <= maxDepth) { return createStandardInlineInfo(original); } return null; } } }