 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package com.oracle.svm.hosted;

// Checkstyle: allow reflection

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.security.Provider;
import java.security.Provider.Service;
import java.security.cert.CertificateException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;

import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.JavaVersionUtil;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.Feature;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.RuntimeReflection;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.impl.RuntimeClassInitializationSupport;

import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AutomaticFeature;
import com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.JNIRegistrationUtil;
import com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.NativeLibrarySupport;
import com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.PlatformNativeLibrarySupport;
import com.oracle.svm.core.jni.JNIRuntimeAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.HostedOptionKey;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;
import com.oracle.svm.hosted.c.NativeLibraries;
import com.oracle.svm.util.ReflectionUtil;

import sun.security.jca.Providers;
import sun.security.provider.NativePRNG;
import sun.security.x509.OIDMap;

public class SecurityServicesFeature extends JNIRegistrationUtil implements Feature {

    static class Options {
        @Option(help = "Enable the feature that provides support for security services.")//
        public static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> EnableSecurityServicesFeature = new HostedOptionKey<>(true);

        @Option(help = "Enable trace logging for the security services feature.")//
        static final HostedOptionKey<Boolean> TraceSecurityServices = new HostedOptionKey<>(false);

     * The providers names are defined in Java Cryptography Architecture Oracle Providers
     * Documentation:
     * https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/SunProviders.html
    private static final String SUN_PROVIDER = "SUN";

     * The security services names are defined in Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm
     * Name Documentation:
     * https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/StandardNames.html.
    private static final String SECURE_RANDOM_SERVICE = "SecureRandom";
    private static final String MESSAGE_DIGEST_SERVICE = "MessageDigest";
    private static final String SIGNATURE_SERVICE = "Signature";
    private static final String CIPHER_SERVICE = "Cipher";
    private static final String KEY_AGREEMENT_SERVICE = "KeyAgreement";

    public boolean isInConfiguration(IsInConfigurationAccess access) {
        return Options.EnableSecurityServicesFeature.getValue();

    public void duringSetup(DuringSetupAccess access) {
        RuntimeClassInitializationSupport rci = ImageSingletons.lookup(RuntimeClassInitializationSupport.class);
         * The SecureRandom implementations open the /dev/random and /dev/urandom files which are
         * used as sources for entropy. These files are opened in the static initializers. That's
         * why we rerun the static initializers at runtime. We cannot completely delay the static
         * initializers execution to runtime because the SecureRandom classes are needed by the
         * native image generator too, e.g., by Files.createTempDirectory().
        rci.rerunInitialization(NativePRNG.class, "for substitutions");
        rci.rerunInitialization(NativePRNG.Blocking.class, "for substitutions");
        rci.rerunInitialization(NativePRNG.NonBlocking.class, "for substitutions");

        rci.rerunInitialization(clazz(access, "sun.security.provider.SeedGenerator"), "for substitutions");
        rci.rerunInitialization(clazz(access, "sun.security.provider.SecureRandom$SeederHolder"), "for substitutions");

        if (JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC >= 11) {
             * sun.security.provider.AbstractDrbg$SeederHolder has a static final EntropySource
             * seeder field that needs to be re-initialized at run time because it captures the
             * result of SeedGenerator.getSystemEntropy().
            rci.rerunInitialization(clazz(access, "sun.security.provider.AbstractDrbg$SeederHolder"), "for substitutions");

        if (JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC > 8) {
            rci.rerunInitialization(clazz(access, "sun.security.provider.FileInputStreamPool"), "for substitutions");

        /* java.util.UUID$Holder has a static final SecureRandom field. */
        rci.rerunInitialization(clazz(access, "java.util.UUID$Holder"), "for substitutions");

         * The classes below have a static final SecureRandom field. Note that if the classes are
         * not found as reachable by the analysis registering them for class initialization rerun
         * doesn't have any effect.
        rci.rerunInitialization(clazz(access, "sun.security.jca.JCAUtil$CachedSecureRandomHolder"), "for substitutions");
        rci.rerunInitialization(clazz(access, "com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE$SecureRandomHolder"), "for substitutions");
        rci.rerunInitialization(clazz(access, "sun.security.krb5.Confounder"), "for substitutions");

         * When SSLContextImpl$DefaultManagersHolder sets-up the TrustManager in its initializer it
         * gets the value of the -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore and -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword
         * properties from the build machine. Re-runing its initialization at run time is required
         * to use the run time provided values.
        rci.rerunInitialization(clazz(access, "sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$DefaultManagersHolder"), "for reading properties at run time");

         * SSL debug logging enabled by javax.net.debug system property is setup during the class
         * initialization of either sun.security.ssl.Debug or sun.security.ssl.SSLLogger. (In JDK 8
         * this was implemented in sun.security.ssl.Debug, the logic was moved to
         * sun.security.ssl.SSLLogger in JDK11 but not yet backported to all JDKs. See JDK-8196584
         * for details.) We cannot prevent these classes from being initialized at image build time,
         * so we have to reinitialize them at run time to honour the run time passed value for the
         * javax.net.debug system property.
        optionalClazz(access, "sun.security.ssl.Debug").ifPresent(c -> rci.rerunInitialization(c, "for reading properties at run time"));
        optionalClazz(access, "sun.security.ssl.SSLLogger").ifPresent(c -> rci.rerunInitialization(c, "for reading properties at run time"));

        /* Prepare SunEC native library access. */

    private static void prepareSunEC() {

        // @formatter:off
        /* Registering byte[] is needed because Java_sun_security_ec_ECKeyPairGenerator_generateECKeyPair looks for it:
         *    baCls = env->FindClass("[B");
         *     if (baCls == NULL) {
         *         goto cleanup;
         *    }
         * If the byte[] is not registered it just silently fails.
        // @formatter:on

Get the list of configured providers. The SUN provider is returned by default.
/** Get the list of configured providers. The SUN provider is returned by default. */
private static List<Provider> getProviders(boolean enableAllSecurityServices) { if (enableAllSecurityServices) { /* Parse and instantiate all providers. */ return Providers.getProviderList().providers(); } else { /* * Get only the SUN provider. Avoids parsing the entire providers list and instantiating * unused providers. */ Provider sunProvider = Providers.getSunProvider(); assert isSunProvider(sunProvider); return Collections.singletonList(sunProvider); } } @Override public void beforeAnalysis(BeforeAnalysisAccess access) { access.registerReachabilityHandler(SecurityServicesFeature::registerServicesForReflection, method(access, "java.security.Provider$Service", "newInstance", Object.class)); access.registerReachabilityHandler(SecurityServicesFeature::linkSunEC, method(access, "sun.security.ec.ECDSASignature", "signDigest", byte[].class, byte[].class, byte[].class, byte[].class, int.class), method(access, "sun.security.ec.ECDSASignature", "verifySignedDigest", byte[].class, byte[].class, byte[].class, byte[].class)); if (isPosix()) { access.registerReachabilityHandler(SecurityServicesFeature::linkJaas, method(access, "com.sun.security.auth.module.UnixSystem", "getUnixInfo")); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void registerServicesForReflection(BeforeAnalysisAccess access) { boolean enableAllSecurityServices = SubstrateOptions.EnableAllSecurityServices.getValue(); Function<String, Class<?>> consParamClassAccessor = getConsParamClassAccessor(access); trace("Registering security services..."); for (Provider provider : getProviders(enableAllSecurityServices)) { register(provider); for (Service service : provider.getServices()) { if (enableAllSecurityServices || isMessageDigest(service) || isSecureRandom(service)) { /* SecureRandom and MessageDigest SUN services are registered by default. */ register(access, service, consParamClassAccessor); } } } if (enableAllSecurityServices) { /* * Register the default JavaKeyStore, JKS. It is not returned by the * provider.getServices() enumeration. */ Class<?> javaKeyStoreJks = access.findClassByName("sun.security.provider.JavaKeyStore$JKS"); registerForReflection(javaKeyStoreJks); trace("Class registered for reflection: " + javaKeyStoreJks); /* Register the x509 certificate extension classes for reflection. */ /* * The OIDInfo class which represents the values in the map is not visible. Get the list * of extension names through reflection, i.e., the keys in the map, and use the * OIDMap.getClass(name) API to get the extension classes. */ Map<String, Object> map = ReflectionUtil.readStaticField(OIDMap.class, "nameMap"); for (String name : map.keySet()) { try { Class<?> extensionClass = OIDMap.getClass(name); assert sun.security.x509.Extension.class.isAssignableFrom(extensionClass); registerForReflection(extensionClass); trace("Class registered for reflection: " + extensionClass); } catch (CertificateException e) { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere(e); } } } } private static void linkSunEC(DuringAnalysisAccess duringAnalysisAccess) { FeatureImpl.DuringAnalysisAccessImpl a = (FeatureImpl.DuringAnalysisAccessImpl) duringAnalysisAccess; NativeLibraries nativeLibraries = a.getNativeLibraries(); /* We statically link sunec thus we classify it as builtIn library */ PlatformNativeLibrarySupport.singleton(); NativeLibrarySupport.singleton().preregisterUninitializedBuiltinLibrary("sunec"); /* and ensure native calls to sun_security_ec* will be resolved as builtIn. */ PlatformNativeLibrarySupport.singleton().addBuiltinPkgNativePrefix("sun_security_ec"); nativeLibraries.addStaticJniLibrary("sunec"); if (isPosix()) { /* Library sunec depends on stdc++ */ nativeLibraries.addDynamicNonJniLibrary("stdc++"); } } private static void linkJaas(DuringAnalysisAccess duringAnalysisAccess) { JNIRuntimeAccess.register(fields(duringAnalysisAccess, "com.sun.security.auth.module.UnixSystem", "username", "uid", "gid", "groups")); NativeLibraries nativeLibraries = ((FeatureImpl.DuringAnalysisAccessImpl) duringAnalysisAccess).getNativeLibraries(); /* We can statically link jaas, thus we classify it as builtIn library */ NativeLibrarySupport.singleton().preregisterUninitializedBuiltinLibrary(JavaVersionUtil.JAVA_SPEC >= 11 ? "jaas" : "jaas_unix"); /* Resolve calls to com_sun_security_auth_module_UnixSystem* as builtIn. */ PlatformNativeLibrarySupport.singleton().addBuiltinPkgNativePrefix("com_sun_security_auth_module_UnixSystem"); nativeLibraries.addStaticJniLibrary("jaas"); }
Return a Function which given the serviceType as a String will return the corresponding constructor parameter Class, or null.
/** * Return a Function which given the serviceType as a String will return the corresponding * constructor parameter Class, or null. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Function<String, Class<?>> getConsParamClassAccessor(BeforeAnalysisAccess access) { Map<String, /* EngineDescription */ Object> knownEngines = ReflectionUtil.readStaticField(Provider.class, "knownEngines"); Field consParamClassNameField = ReflectionUtil.lookupField(access.findClassByName("java.security.Provider$EngineDescription"), "constructorParameterClassName"); /* * The returned lambda captures the value of the Provider.knownEngines map retrieved above * and it uses it to find the parameterClass corresponding to the serviceType parameter. */ return (serviceType) -> { try { /* * Access the Provider.knownEngines map and extract the EngineDescription * corresponding to the serviceType. Note that the map holds EngineDescription(s) of * only those service types that are shipped in the JDK. From the EngineDescription * object extract the value of the constructorParameterClassName field then, if the * class name is not null, get the corresponding Class<?> object and return it. */ /* EngineDescription */Object engineDescription = knownEngines.get(serviceType); /* * This isn't an engine known to the Provider (which actually means that it isn't * one that's shipped in the JDK), so we don't have the predetermined knowledge of * the constructor param class. */ if (engineDescription == null) { return null; } String constrParamClassName = (String) consParamClassNameField.get(engineDescription); if (constrParamClassName != null) { return access.findClassByName(constrParamClassName); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { VMError.shouldNotReachHere(e); } return null; }; } private static void register(Provider provider) { registerForReflection(provider.getClass()); try { Method getVerificationResult = ReflectionUtil.lookupMethod(Class.forName("javax.crypto.JceSecurity"), "getVerificationResult", Provider.class); /* * Trigger initialization of JceSecurity.verificationResults used by * JceSecurity.canUseProvider() at runtime to check whether a provider is properly * signed and can be used by JCE. It does that via jar verification which we cannot * support. See also Target_javax_crypto_JceSecurity. */ getVerificationResult.invoke(null, provider); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere(ex); } } private static void register(BeforeAnalysisAccess access, Service service, Function<String, Class<?>> consParamClassAccessor) { Class<?> serviceClass = access.findClassByName(service.getClassName()); if (serviceClass != null) { registerForReflection(serviceClass); Class<?> consParamClass = consParamClassAccessor.apply(service.getType()); if (consParamClass != null) { registerForReflection(consParamClass); trace("Parameter class registered: " + consParamClass); } if (isSignature(service) || isCipher(service) || isKeyAgreement(service)) { for (String keyClassName : getSupportedKeyClasses(service)) { Class<?> keyClass = access.findClassByName(keyClassName); if (keyClass != null) { registerForReflection(keyClass); } } } trace("Service registered: " + asString(service)); } else { trace("Service registration failed: " + asString(service) + ". Cause: class not found " + service.getClassName()); } } private static void registerForReflection(Class<?> clazz) { RuntimeReflection.register(clazz); RuntimeReflection.register(clazz.getConstructors()); } private static boolean isSunProvider(Provider provider) { return provider.getName().equals(SUN_PROVIDER); } private static boolean isSecureRandom(Service s) { return s.getType().equals(SECURE_RANDOM_SERVICE); } private static boolean isMessageDigest(Service s) { return s.getType().equals(MESSAGE_DIGEST_SERVICE); } private static boolean isSignature(Service s) { return s.getType().equals(SIGNATURE_SERVICE); } private static boolean isCipher(Service s) { return s.getType().equals(CIPHER_SERVICE); } private static boolean isKeyAgreement(Service s) { return s.getType().equals(KEY_AGREEMENT_SERVICE); } private static final String[] emptyStringArray = new String[0]; private static String[] getSupportedKeyClasses(Service s) { assert isSignature(s) || isCipher(s) || isKeyAgreement(s); String supportedKeyClasses = s.getAttribute("SupportedKeyClasses"); if (supportedKeyClasses != null) { return supportedKeyClasses.split("\\|"); } return emptyStringArray; } // Checkstyle issue: illegal space before a comma // Checkstyle: stop private static final String SEP = " , "; // Checkstyle: resume private static String asString(Service s) { String str = "Provider = " + s.getProvider().getName() + SEP; str += "Type = " + s.getType() + SEP; str += "Algorithm = " + s.getAlgorithm() + SEP; str += "Class = " + s.getClassName(); if (isSignature(s) || isCipher(s) || isKeyAgreement(s)) { str += SEP + "SupportedKeyClasses = " + Arrays.toString(getSupportedKeyClasses(s)); } return str; } private static void trace(String trace) { if (Options.TraceSecurityServices.getValue()) { // Checkstyle: stop System.out.println(trace); // Checkstyle: resume } } }