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 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package com.oracle.svm.core.snippets;

import org.graalvm.nativeimage.CurrentIsolate;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.LogHandler;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.StackValue;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CodePointer;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.Feature;
import org.graalvm.word.LocationIdentity;
import org.graalvm.word.Pointer;
import org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.FrameAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RestrictHeapAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Uninterruptible;
import com.oracle.svm.core.code.CodeInfo;
import com.oracle.svm.core.code.CodeInfoAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.code.CodeInfoQueryResult;
import com.oracle.svm.core.code.SimpleCodeInfoQueryResult;
import com.oracle.svm.core.code.UntetheredCodeInfo;
import com.oracle.svm.core.deopt.DeoptimizationSupport;
import com.oracle.svm.core.deopt.DeoptimizedFrame;
import com.oracle.svm.core.deopt.Deoptimizer;
import com.oracle.svm.core.log.Log;
import com.oracle.svm.core.snippets.SnippetRuntime.SubstrateForeignCallDescriptor;
import com.oracle.svm.core.stack.JavaStackWalk;
import com.oracle.svm.core.stack.JavaStackWalker;
import com.oracle.svm.core.stack.StackOverflowCheck;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMThreads;
import com.oracle.svm.core.threadlocal.FastThreadLocalFactory;
import com.oracle.svm.core.threadlocal.FastThreadLocalObject;

public abstract class ExceptionUnwind {

    public static final SubstrateForeignCallDescriptor UNWIND_EXCEPTION_WITHOUT_CALLEE_SAVED_REGISTERS = SnippetRuntime.findForeignCall(ExceptionUnwind.class,
                    "unwindExceptionWithoutCalleeSavedRegisters", true, LocationIdentity.any());
    public static final SubstrateForeignCallDescriptor UNWIND_EXCEPTION_WITH_CALLEE_SAVED_REGISTERS = SnippetRuntime.findForeignCall(ExceptionUnwind.class, "unwindExceptionWithCalleeSavedRegisters",
                    true, LocationIdentity.any());

    public static final SubstrateForeignCallDescriptor[] FOREIGN_CALLS = new SubstrateForeignCallDescriptor[]{

    public static final FastThreadLocalObject<Throwable> currentException = FastThreadLocalFactory.createObject(Throwable.class);

    @Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible callers.", mayBeInlined = true)
    static boolean exceptionsAreFatal() {
         * If an exception is thrown while the thread is not in the Java state, most likely
         * something went wrong in our state transition code. We cannot reliably unwind the stack,
         * so exiting quickly is better.
        return SubstrateOptions.MultiThreaded.getValue() && !VMThreads.StatusSupport.isStatusJava();

    @SubstrateForeignCallTarget(stubCallingConvention = true)
    @Uninterruptible(reason = "Must not execute recurring callbacks or a stack overflow check.", calleeMustBe = false)
    @RestrictHeapAccess(access = RestrictHeapAccess.Access.NO_ALLOCATION, reason = "Must not allocate when unwinding the stack.")
    private static void unwindExceptionWithoutCalleeSavedRegisters(Throwable exception, Pointer callerSP) {
         * Make the yellow zone available and pause recurring callbacks to avoid that unexpected
         * exceptions are thrown. This is reverted before execution continues in the exception
         * handler (see ExceptionStackFrameVisitor.visitFrame).

        unwindExceptionInterruptible(exception, callerSP, false);

    @SubstrateForeignCallTarget(stubCallingConvention = true)
    @Uninterruptible(reason = "Must not execute recurring callbacks or a stack overflow check.", calleeMustBe = false)
    @RestrictHeapAccess(access = RestrictHeapAccess.Access.NO_ALLOCATION, reason = "Must not allocate when unwinding the stack.")
    private static void unwindExceptionWithCalleeSavedRegisters(Throwable exception, Pointer callerSP) {

        unwindExceptionInterruptible(exception, callerSP, true);

     * The stack walking objects must be stateless (no instance fields), because multiple threads
     * can use them simultaneously. All state must be in separate VMThreadLocals.
    @RestrictHeapAccess(access = RestrictHeapAccess.Access.NO_ALLOCATION, reason = "Must not allocate when unwinding the stack.")
    private static void unwindExceptionInterruptible(Throwable exception, Pointer callerSP, boolean fromMethodWithCalleeSavedRegisters) {
        if (currentException.get() != null) {
            return; /* Unreachable code. */

        if (exceptionsAreFatal()) {
            return; /* Unreachable code. */

        if (ImageSingletons.contains(ExceptionUnwind.class)) {
        } else {
            defaultUnwindException(callerSP, fromMethodWithCalleeSavedRegisters);

         * The stack walker does not return if an exception handler is found, but instead performs a
         * direct jump to the handler. So when we reach this point, we can just report an unhandled
         * exception.
        /* Unreachable code. */

Exception unwinding cannot be called recursively. The most likely reason to end up here is an exception being thrown while walking the stack to find an exception handler.
/** * Exception unwinding cannot be called recursively. The most likely reason to end up here is an * exception being thrown while walking the stack to find an exception handler. */
private static void reportRecursiveUnwind(Throwable exception) { Log.log().string("Fatal error: recursion in exception handling: ").string(exception.getClass().getName()); Log.log().string(" thrown while unwinding ").string(currentException.get().getClass().getName()).newline(); ImageSingletons.lookup(LogHandler.class).fatalError(); }
Exception unwinding is interruptible. Otherwise a lot of code would need to be marked as uninterruptible (like all of the code metadata lookup methods), and unwinding also loops over the potentially large number of stack frames. But exceptions can be thrown from code that is truly uninterruptible, because it is impossible to write Java code that is free of implicit exception checks such as null pointer or array bounds checks. In such cases, exceptions are treated as fatal errors.
/** * Exception unwinding is interruptible. Otherwise a lot of code would need to be marked as * uninterruptible (like all of the code metadata lookup methods), and unwinding also loops over * the potentially large number of stack frames. But exceptions can be thrown from code that is * truly uninterruptible, because it is impossible to write Java code that is free of implicit * exception checks such as null pointer or array bounds checks. In such cases, exceptions are * treated as fatal errors. */
private static void reportFatalUnwind(Throwable exception) { Log.log().string("Fatal error: exception unwind while thread is not in Java state: "); Log.log().exception(exception); ImageSingletons.lookup(LogHandler.class).fatalError(); }
This is the final line of defense if an entry point from C to Java does not have a proper catch-all exception handler. For the Java main method and newly started Java threads, the proper exception handling and reporting of "unhandled" user exceptions is at a higher level using a normal Java catch-all exception handler.
/** * This is the final line of defense if an entry point from C to Java does not have a proper * catch-all exception handler. For the Java main method and newly started Java threads, the * proper exception handling and reporting of "unhandled" user exceptions is at a higher level * using a normal Java catch-all exception handler. */
private static void reportUnhandledException(Throwable exception) { Log.log().string("Fatal error: unhandled exception in isolate ").hex(CurrentIsolate.getIsolate()).string(": "); Log.log().exception(exception); ImageSingletons.lookup(LogHandler.class).fatalError(); }
Hook to allow a Feature to install custom exception unwind code.
/** Hook to allow a {@link Feature} to install custom exception unwind code. */
protected abstract void customUnwindException(Pointer callerSP); @Uninterruptible(reason = "Prevent deoptimization apart from the few places explicitly considered safe for deoptimization") private static void defaultUnwindException(Pointer startSP, boolean fromMethodWithCalleeSavedRegisters) { boolean hasCalleeSavedRegisters = fromMethodWithCalleeSavedRegisters; CodePointer startIP = FrameAccess.singleton().readReturnAddress(startSP); /* * callerSP and startIP identify already the caller of the frame that wants to unwind an * exception. So we can start looking for the exception handler immediately in that frame, * without skipping any frames in between. */ JavaStackWalk walk = StackValue.get(JavaStackWalk.class); JavaStackWalker.initWalk(walk, startSP, startIP); while (true) { SimpleCodeInfoQueryResult codeInfoQueryResult = StackValue.get(SimpleCodeInfoQueryResult.class); Pointer sp = walk.getSP(); CodePointer ip = walk.getPossiblyStaleIP(); DeoptimizedFrame deoptFrame = Deoptimizer.checkDeoptimized(sp); if (deoptFrame == null) { UntetheredCodeInfo untetheredInfo = walk.getIPCodeInfo(); if (untetheredInfo.isNull()) { JavaStackWalker.reportUnknownFrameEncountered(sp, ip, deoptFrame); return; /* Unreachable code. */ } Object tether = CodeInfoAccess.acquireTether(untetheredInfo); try { CodeInfo codeInfo = CodeInfoAccess.convert(untetheredInfo, tether); lookupCodeInfoInterruptible(codeInfo, ip, codeInfoQueryResult); /* * Frame could have been deoptimized during interruptible lookup above, check * again. */ deoptFrame = Deoptimizer.checkDeoptimized(sp); } finally { CodeInfoAccess.releaseTether(untetheredInfo, tether); } } if (deoptFrame != null && DeoptimizationSupport.enabled()) { /* Deoptimization entry points always have an exception handler. */ deoptTakeExceptionInterruptible(deoptFrame); jumpToHandler(sp, DeoptimizationSupport.getDeoptStubPointer(), hasCalleeSavedRegisters); return; /* Unreachable code. */ } long exceptionOffset = codeInfoQueryResult.getExceptionOffset(); if (exceptionOffset != CodeInfoQueryResult.NO_EXCEPTION_OFFSET) { CodePointer handlerIP = (CodePointer) ((UnsignedWord) ip).add(WordFactory.signed(exceptionOffset)); jumpToHandler(sp, handlerIP, hasCalleeSavedRegisters); return; /* Unreachable code. */ } /* No handler found in this frame, walk to caller frame. */ hasCalleeSavedRegisters = CodeInfoQueryResult.hasCalleeSavedRegisters(codeInfoQueryResult.getEncodedFrameSize()); if (!JavaStackWalker.continueWalk(walk, codeInfoQueryResult, deoptFrame)) { /* No more caller frame found. */ return; } } } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Prevent deoptimization while dispatching to exception handler") private static void jumpToHandler(Pointer sp, CodePointer handlerIP, boolean hasCalleeSavedRegisters) { Throwable exception = currentException.get(); currentException.set(null); StackOverflowCheck.singleton().protectYellowZone(); if (hasCalleeSavedRegisters) { /* * The fromMethodWithCalleeSavedRegisters parameter of farReturn must be a compile-time * constant. The method is intrinsified, and the constant parameter simplifies code * generation for the intrinsic. */ KnownIntrinsics.farReturn(exception, sp, handlerIP, true); } else { KnownIntrinsics.farReturn(exception, sp, handlerIP, false); } /* Unreachable code: the intrinsic performs a jump to the specified instruction pointer. */ } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Wrap call to interruptible code.", calleeMustBe = false) private static void deoptTakeExceptionInterruptible(DeoptimizedFrame deoptFrame) { deoptFrame.takeException(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Wrap call to interruptible code.", calleeMustBe = false) private static void lookupCodeInfoInterruptible(CodeInfo codeInfo, CodePointer ip, SimpleCodeInfoQueryResult codeInfoQueryResult) { CodeInfoAccess.lookupCodeInfo(codeInfo, CodeInfoAccess.relativeIP(codeInfo, ip), codeInfoQueryResult); } }