 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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 * questions.
package com.oracle.svm.core.code;

import static com.oracle.svm.core.snippets.KnownIntrinsics.readCallerStackPointer;

import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionType;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.CurrentIsolate;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.IsolateThread;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platform;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.Platforms;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.function.CodePointer;
import org.graalvm.word.Pointer;
import org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord;
import org.graalvm.word.WordFactory;

import com.oracle.svm.core.MemoryWalker;
import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.NeverInline;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.RestrictHeapAccess;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.Uninterruptible;
import com.oracle.svm.core.c.NonmovableArray;
import com.oracle.svm.core.c.NonmovableArrays;
import com.oracle.svm.core.deopt.DeoptimizedFrame;
import com.oracle.svm.core.deopt.Deoptimizer;
import com.oracle.svm.core.deopt.SubstrateInstalledCode;
import com.oracle.svm.core.log.Log;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.RuntimeOptionKey;
import com.oracle.svm.core.stack.JavaStackWalker;
import com.oracle.svm.core.stack.StackFrameVisitor;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMOperation;
import com.oracle.svm.core.thread.VMThreads;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.Counter;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.RingBuffer;

public class RuntimeCodeCache {

    public static class Options {
        @Option(help = "Print logging information for runtime code cache modifications")//
        public static final RuntimeOptionKey<Boolean> TraceCodeCache = new RuntimeOptionKey<>(false);

        @Option(help = "Allocate code cache with write access, allowing inlining of objects", type = OptionType.Expert)//
        public static final RuntimeOptionKey<Boolean> WriteableCodeCache = new RuntimeOptionKey<>(false);

    private final RingBuffer<CodeCacheLogEntry> recentCodeCacheOperations = new RingBuffer<>(30, CodeCacheLogEntry::new);
    private long codeCacheOperationSequenceNumber;

    private final Counter.Group counters = new Counter.Group(CodeInfoTable.Options.CodeCacheCounters, "RuntimeCodeInfo");
    private final Counter lookupMethodCount = new Counter(counters, "lookupMethod", "");
    private final Counter addMethodCount = new Counter(counters, "addMethod", "");
    private final Counter invalidateMethodCount = new Counter(counters, "invalidateMethod", "");
    private final CodeNotOnStackVerifier codeNotOnStackVerifier = new CodeNotOnStackVerifier();

    static final String INFO_ADD = "Add";
    static final String INFO_INVALIDATE = "Invalidate";

    private static final int INITIAL_TABLE_SIZE = 100;

    private NonmovableArray<UntetheredCodeInfo> codeInfos;
    private int numCodeInfos;

    public RuntimeCodeCache() {

Tear down the heap, return all allocated virtual memory chunks to VirtualMemoryProvider.
/** Tear down the heap, return all allocated virtual memory chunks to VirtualMemoryProvider. */
@Uninterruptible(reason = "Called from uninterruptible code.", mayBeInlined = true) public final void tearDown() { NonmovableArrays.releaseUnmanagedArray(codeInfos); codeInfos = NonmovableArrays.nullArray(); // releases all CodeInfos from our table too RuntimeCodeInfoMemory.singleton().tearDown(); }
Looking up a method is lock-free: it is called frequently during stack walking, so locking or even a VMOperation would be too slow. The lookup must access the codeInfos array, which is modified non-atomically when adding or removing methods. All modifications are done from within a VMOperation. Making this method Uninterruptible ensures that we see one consistent snapshot of the array, without the possibility for a concurrent modification.
/** * Looking up a method is lock-free: it is called frequently during stack walking, so locking or * even a {@link VMOperation} would be too slow. The lookup must access the {@link #codeInfos} * array, which is modified non-atomically when adding or removing methods. All modifications * are done from within a {@link VMOperation}. Making this method {@link Uninterruptible} * ensures that we see one consistent snapshot of the array, without the possibility for a * concurrent modification. */
@Uninterruptible(reason = "codeInfos is accessed without holding a lock, so must not be interrupted by a safepoint that can add/remove code", callerMustBe = true) protected UntetheredCodeInfo lookupCodeInfo(CodePointer ip) { lookupMethodCount.inc(); assert verifyTable(); if (numCodeInfos == 0) { return WordFactory.nullPointer(); } int idx = binarySearch(codeInfos, 0, numCodeInfos, ip); if (idx >= 0) { /* Exact hit, ip is the begin of the method. */ return NonmovableArrays.getWord(codeInfos, idx); } int insertionPoint = -idx - 1; if (insertionPoint == 0) { /* ip is below the first method, so no hit. */ assert ((UnsignedWord) ip).belowThan((UnsignedWord) UntetheredCodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(NonmovableArrays.getWord(codeInfos, 0))); return WordFactory.nullPointer(); } UntetheredCodeInfo info = NonmovableArrays.getWord(codeInfos, insertionPoint - 1); assert ((UnsignedWord) ip).aboveThan((UnsignedWord) UntetheredCodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(info)); if (((UnsignedWord) ip).subtract((UnsignedWord) UntetheredCodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(info)).aboveOrEqual(UntetheredCodeInfoAccess.getCodeSize(info))) { /* ip is not within the range of a method. */ return WordFactory.nullPointer(); } return info; } /* Copied and adapted from Arrays.binarySearch. */ @Uninterruptible(reason = "called from uninterruptible code") private static int binarySearch(NonmovableArray<UntetheredCodeInfo> a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, CodePointer key) { int low = fromIndex; int high = toIndex - 1; while (low <= high) { int mid = (low + high) >>> 1; CodePointer midVal = UntetheredCodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(NonmovableArrays.getWord(a, mid)); if (((UnsignedWord) midVal).belowThan((UnsignedWord) key)) { low = mid + 1; } else if (((UnsignedWord) midVal).aboveThan((UnsignedWord) key)) { high = mid - 1; } else { return mid; // key found } } return -(low + 1); // key not found. } public void addMethod(CodeInfo info) { VMOperation.guaranteeInProgressAtSafepoint("Modifying code tables that are used by the GC"); InstalledCodeObserverSupport.activateObservers(RuntimeCodeInfoAccess.getCodeObserverHandles(info)); long num = logMethodOperation(info, INFO_ADD); addMethodOperation(info); logMethodOperationEnd(num); } private void addMethodOperation(CodeInfo info) { addMethodCount.inc(); assert verifyTable(); if (Options.TraceCodeCache.getValue()) { Log.log().string("[" + INFO_ADD + " method: "); logCodeInfo(Log.log(), info); Log.log().string("]").newline(); } if (codeInfos.isNull() || numCodeInfos >= NonmovableArrays.lengthOf(codeInfos)) { enlargeTable(); assert verifyTable(); } assert numCodeInfos < NonmovableArrays.lengthOf(codeInfos); int idx = binarySearch(codeInfos, 0, numCodeInfos, CodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(info)); assert idx < 0 : "must not find code already in table"; int insertionPoint = -idx - 1; NonmovableArrays.arraycopy(codeInfos, insertionPoint, codeInfos, insertionPoint + 1, numCodeInfos - insertionPoint); numCodeInfos++; NonmovableArrays.setWord(codeInfos, insertionPoint, info); if (Options.TraceCodeCache.getValue()) { logTable(); } assert verifyTable(); } private void enlargeTable() { int newTableSize = numCodeInfos * 2; if (newTableSize < INITIAL_TABLE_SIZE) { newTableSize = INITIAL_TABLE_SIZE; } NonmovableArray<UntetheredCodeInfo> newCodeInfos = NonmovableArrays.createWordArray(newTableSize); if (codeInfos.isNonNull()) { NonmovableArrays.arraycopy(codeInfos, 0, newCodeInfos, 0, NonmovableArrays.lengthOf(codeInfos)); NonmovableArrays.releaseUnmanagedArray(codeInfos); } codeInfos = newCodeInfos; } protected void invalidateMethod(CodeInfo info) { prepareInvalidation(info); /* * Deoptimize all invocations that are on the stack. This performs a stack walk, so all * metadata must be intact (even though the method was already marked as non-invokable). */ Deoptimizer.deoptimizeInRange(CodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(info), CodeInfoAccess.getCodeEnd(info), false); finishInvalidation(info, true); } protected void invalidateNonStackMethod(CodeInfo info) { assert VMOperation.isGCInProgress() : "must only be called by the GC"; prepareInvalidation(info); assert codeNotOnStackVerifier.verify(info); finishInvalidation(info, false); } private void prepareInvalidation(CodeInfo info) { VMOperation.guaranteeInProgressAtSafepoint("Modifying code tables that are used by the GC"); invalidateMethodCount.inc(); assert verifyTable(); if (Options.TraceCodeCache.getValue()) { Log.log().string("[").string(INFO_INVALIDATE).string(" method: "); logCodeInfo(Log.log(), info); Log.log().string("]").newline(); } SubstrateInstalledCode installedCode = RuntimeCodeInfoAccess.getInstalledCode(info); if (installedCode != null) { assert !installedCode.isAlive() || CodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(info).rawValue() == installedCode.getAddress(); /* * Until here, the InstalledCode may be valid (can be invoked) or alive (frames can be * on the stack). All the metadata must be valid until this point. Ensure it is * non-entrant, that is, it cannot be invoked any more. */ installedCode.clearAddress(); } } private void finishInvalidation(CodeInfo info, boolean notifyGC) { /* * Now it is guaranteed that the InstalledCode is not on the stack and cannot be invoked * anymore, so we can free the code and all metadata. */ /* Remove info entry from our table. */ int idx = binarySearch(codeInfos, 0, numCodeInfos, CodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(info)); assert idx >= 0 : "info must be in table"; NonmovableArrays.arraycopy(codeInfos, idx + 1, codeInfos, idx, numCodeInfos - (idx + 1)); numCodeInfos--; NonmovableArrays.setWord(codeInfos, numCodeInfos, WordFactory.nullPointer()); RuntimeCodeInfoAccess.partialReleaseAfterInvalidate(info, notifyGC); if (Options.TraceCodeCache.getValue()) { logTable(); } assert verifyTable(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "called from uninterruptible code") private boolean verifyTable() { if (codeInfos.isNull()) { assert numCodeInfos == 0 : "a1"; return true; } assert numCodeInfos <= NonmovableArrays.lengthOf(codeInfos) : "a11"; for (int i = 0; i < numCodeInfos; i++) { UntetheredCodeInfo info = NonmovableArrays.getWord(codeInfos, i); assert info.isNonNull() : "a20"; assert i == 0 || ((UnsignedWord) UntetheredCodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(NonmovableArrays.getWord(codeInfos, i - 1))) .belowThan((UnsignedWord) UntetheredCodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(NonmovableArrays.getWord(codeInfos, i))) : "a22"; assert i == 0 || ((UnsignedWord) UntetheredCodeInfoAccess.getCodeEnd(NonmovableArrays.getWord(codeInfos, i - 1))) .belowOrEqual((UnsignedWord) UntetheredCodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(info)) : "a23"; } for (int i = numCodeInfos; i < NonmovableArrays.lengthOf(codeInfos); i++) { assert NonmovableArrays.getWord(codeInfos, i).isNull() : "a31"; } return true; } public void logTable() { logTable(Log.log()); } private static final RingBuffer.Consumer<CodeCacheLogEntry> consumer = (context, e) -> e.log(Log.log()); public void logRecentOperations(Log log) { log.string("== [Recent RuntimeCodeCache operations: "); recentCodeCacheOperations.foreach(consumer); log.string("]").newline(); } public void logTable(Log log) { log.string("== [RuntimeCodeCache: ").signed(numCodeInfos).string(" methods"); for (int i = 0; i < numCodeInfos; i++) { logCodeInfo(log, i); } log.string("]").newline(); } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Must prevent the GC from freeing the CodeInfo object.") private void logCodeInfo(Log log, int i) { UntetheredCodeInfo untetheredInfo = NonmovableArrays.getWord(codeInfos, i); Object tether = CodeInfoAccess.acquireTether(untetheredInfo); try { CodeInfo info = CodeInfoAccess.convert(untetheredInfo, tether); logCodeInfo0(log, info); } finally { CodeInfoAccess.releaseTether(untetheredInfo, tether); } } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Pass the now protected CodeInfo to interruptible code.", calleeMustBe = false) private static void logCodeInfo0(Log log, CodeInfo info) { log.newline().hex(CodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(info)).string(" "); logCodeInfo(log, info); } private static void logCodeInfo(Log log, CodeInfo info) { logCodeInfo(log, CodeInfoAccess.getName(info), CodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(info), CodeInfoAccess.getCodeEnd(info), CodeInfoAccess.getCodeSize(info)); } private static void logCodeInfo(Log log, String codeName, CodePointer codeStart, CodePointer codeEnd, UnsignedWord codeSize) { log.string(codeName); log.string(" ip: ").hex(codeStart).string(" - ").hex(codeEnd); log.string(" size: ").unsigned(codeSize); /* * Note that we are not trying to output the InstalledCode object. It is not a pinned * object, so when log printing (for, e.g., a fatal error) occurs during a GC, then the VM * could segfault. */ } long logMethodOperation(CodeInfo info, String kind) { long current = ++codeCacheOperationSequenceNumber; recentCodeCacheOperations.next().setValues(current, kind, CodeInfoAccess.getName(info), CodeInfoAccess.getCodeStart(info), CodeInfoAccess.getCodeEnd(info), CodeInfoAccess.getCodeSize(info)); return current; } void logMethodOperationEnd(long operationNumber) { recentCodeCacheOperations.next().setValues(operationNumber, null, null, WordFactory.nullPointer(), WordFactory.nullPointer(), WordFactory.unsigned(0)); } public boolean walkRuntimeMethods(MemoryWalker.Visitor visitor) { VMOperation.guaranteeInProgress("Modifying code tables that are used by the GC"); boolean continueVisiting = true; for (int i = 0; (continueVisiting && (i < numCodeInfos)); i += 1) { continueVisiting = walkRuntimeMethod(visitor, i); } return continueVisiting; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Must prevent the GC from freeing the CodeInfo object.") private boolean walkRuntimeMethod(MemoryWalker.Visitor visitor, int i) { boolean continueVisiting; UntetheredCodeInfo untetheredInfo = NonmovableArrays.getWord(codeInfos, i); Object tether = CodeInfoAccess.acquireTether(untetheredInfo); try { CodeInfo codeInfo = CodeInfoAccess.convert(untetheredInfo, tether); continueVisiting = visitRuntimeMethod0(visitor, codeInfo); } finally { CodeInfoAccess.releaseTether(untetheredInfo, tether); } return continueVisiting; } @Uninterruptible(reason = "Pass the now protected CodeInfo to interruptible code.", calleeMustBe = false) private static boolean visitRuntimeMethod0(MemoryWalker.Visitor visitor, CodeInfo codeInfo) { return visitor.visitCode(codeInfo, ImageSingletons.lookup(CodeInfoMemoryWalker.class)); } private static class CodeCacheLogEntry { private long sequenceNumber; private String kind; private String codeName; private CodePointer codeStart; private CodePointer codeEnd; private UnsignedWord codeSize; @Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) CodeCacheLogEntry() { } public void setValues(long sequenceNumber, String kind, String codeName, CodePointer codeStart, CodePointer codeEnd, UnsignedWord codeSize) { this.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber; this.kind = kind; this.codeName = codeName; this.codeStart = codeStart; this.codeEnd = codeEnd; this.codeSize = codeSize; } public void log(Log log) { log.newline(); if (kind != null) { log.string(kind).string(": "); logCodeInfo(log, codeName, codeStart, codeEnd, codeSize); log.string(" ").unsigned(sequenceNumber).string(":{"); } else { log.string("}:").unsigned(sequenceNumber); } } } private static final class CodeNotOnStackVerifier extends StackFrameVisitor { private CodeInfo codeInfoToCheck; @Platforms(Platform.HOSTED_ONLY.class) CodeNotOnStackVerifier() { } @NeverInline("Starting a stack walk.") public boolean verify(CodeInfo info) { this.codeInfoToCheck = info; Pointer sp = readCallerStackPointer(); JavaStackWalker.walkCurrentThread(sp, this); if (SubstrateOptions.MultiThreaded.getValue()) { for (IsolateThread vmThread = VMThreads.firstThread(); vmThread.isNonNull(); vmThread = VMThreads.nextThread(vmThread)) { if (vmThread == CurrentIsolate.getCurrentThread()) { continue; } JavaStackWalker.walkThread(vmThread, this); } } return true; } @Override public boolean visitFrame(Pointer sp, CodePointer ip, CodeInfo currentCodeInfo, DeoptimizedFrame deoptimizedFrame) { assert currentCodeInfo != codeInfoToCheck; return true; } }
This is the interface that clients have to implement.
/** This is the interface that clients have to implement. */
public interface CodeInfoVisitor {
Visit compiled code, using the provided access methods. Return true if visiting should continue, else false.
/** * Visit compiled code, using the provided access methods. Return true if visiting should * continue, else false. */
@RestrictHeapAccess(access = RestrictHeapAccess.Access.NO_ALLOCATION, reason = "Must not allocate while visiting code.") <T extends CodeInfo> boolean visitCode(T codeInfo); } }