 * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package com.oracle.svm.core.c;

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;

import org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.Feature;
import org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageSingletons;

import com.oracle.svm.core.SubstrateOptions;
import com.oracle.svm.core.annotate.AutomaticFeature;
import com.oracle.svm.core.option.OptionUtils;
import com.oracle.svm.core.util.VMError;

public final class ProjectHeaderFile {

    public static class RegisterSVMTestingResolverFeature extends RegisterFallbackResolverFeature {

        public boolean isInConfiguration(IsInConfigurationAccess access) {
            return access.findClassByName("com.oracle.svm.tutorial.CInterfaceTutorial") != null;

        public void afterRegistration(AfterRegistrationAccess access) {
             * Search for headers in a directory, relative to the current working directory, that
             * contains the Substrate VM projects. Using the "../substratevm*" relative path
             * accounts for running SVM from sibling suites.
            HeaderResolversRegistry.registerAdditionalResolver(new FallbackHeaderResolver("../../graal/substratevm/src"));

    public static class HeaderResolverRegistrationFeature implements Feature {

        public void afterRegistration(AfterRegistrationAccess access) {
            ImageSingletons.add(HeaderResolversRegistry.class, new HeaderResolversRegistry());

Base class for fall back resolvers registration. Extending this class will ensure that the ProjectHeaderFile will be added as a dependency.
/** * Base class for fall back resolvers registration. Extending this class will ensure that the * {@link ProjectHeaderFile} will be added as a dependency. */
public abstract static class RegisterFallbackResolverFeature implements Feature { @Override public List<Class<? extends Feature>> getRequiredFeatures() { return Collections.singletonList(HeaderResolverRegistrationFeature.class); } }
Resolves the path to a C header file that is located in a Substrate VM project.
/** * Resolves the path to a C header file that is located in a Substrate VM project. */
public static String resolve(String projectName, String headerFile) { HeaderResolversRegistry resolvers = ImageSingletons.lookup(HeaderResolversRegistry.class); return resolvers.resolve(projectName, headerFile); }
A registry for all the header resolvers. The search order is important, we want first to search the location(s) specified by CLibraryPath, then registered fall back locations if any.
/** * A registry for all the header resolvers. The search order is important, we want first to * search the location(s) specified by CLibraryPath, then registered fall back locations if any. */
public static class HeaderResolversRegistry {
Register additional resolvers.
/** Register additional resolvers. */
public static void registerAdditionalResolver(HeaderResolver resolver) { assert ImageSingletons.contains(HeaderResolversRegistry.class); HeaderResolversRegistry registry = ImageSingletons.lookup(HeaderResolversRegistry.class); registry.register(resolver); } private MainHeaderResolver mainResolver; private List<HeaderResolver> fallbackResolvers; public HeaderResolversRegistry() { mainResolver = new MainHeaderResolver(); fallbackResolvers = new ArrayList<>(); } private void register(HeaderResolver resolver) { fallbackResolvers.add(resolver); } public String resolve(String projectName, String headerFile) { /* First search using the main resolver. */ HeaderSearchResult mainResult = mainResolver.resolveHeader(projectName, headerFile); if (mainResult.header.isPresent()) { return mainResult.header.get(); } /* Then search using the fallback resolvers, if any. */ List<String> fallbackLocations = new ArrayList<>(); for (HeaderResolver resolver : fallbackResolvers) { HeaderSearchResult result = resolver.resolveHeader(projectName, headerFile); fallbackLocations.addAll(result.locations); if (result.header.isPresent()) { return result.header.get(); } } /* If the header was not found at any of the specified locations an error is thrown. */ throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere("Header file " + headerFile + " not found at main search location(s): \n" + String.join("\n", mainResult.locations) + (fallbackLocations.size() > 0 ? "\n or any of the fallback locations: \n" + String.join("\n", fallbackLocations) : "") + "\n Use option -H:CLibraryPath to specify header file search locations."); } }
Used for resolving header files.
/** Used for resolving header files. */
public interface HeaderResolver {
Tries to resolve a header given the project name and the header file name.
/** Tries to resolve a header given the project name and the header file name. */
HeaderSearchResult resolveHeader(String projectName, String headerFile); }
Contains the search result and the locations searched.
/** Contains the search result and the locations searched. */
public static class HeaderSearchResult {
The header file, if found.
/** The header file, if found. */
Optional<String> header;
The locations where the this resolver searched for headers.
/** The locations where the this resolver searched for headers. */
protected List<String> locations; public HeaderSearchResult(Optional<String> headerFile, List<String> locations) { this.header = headerFile; this.locations = locations; } public HeaderSearchResult(Optional<String> headerFile, String... locations) { this.header = headerFile; this.locations = Arrays.asList(locations); } }
Header resolver based on CLibraryPath.
/** Header resolver based on CLibraryPath. */
static class MainHeaderResolver implements HeaderResolver { @Override public HeaderSearchResult resolveHeader(String projectName, String headerFile) { List<String> locations = new ArrayList<>(); for (String clibPathComponent : OptionUtils.flatten(",", SubstrateOptions.CLibraryPath.getValue())) { Path clibPathHeaderFile = Paths.get(clibPathComponent).resolve(headerFile).normalize().toAbsolutePath(); locations.add(clibPathHeaderFile.toString()); if (Files.exists(clibPathHeaderFile)) { return new HeaderSearchResult(Optional.of("\"" + clibPathHeaderFile + "\""), locations); } } return new HeaderSearchResult(Optional.empty(), locations); } }
This kind of resolving is for SubstrateVM internal use (to run our regression tests).
/** This kind of resolving is for SubstrateVM internal use (to run our regression tests). */
public static class FallbackHeaderResolver implements HeaderResolver { final String projectsDir; public FallbackHeaderResolver(String projectsDir) { this.projectsDir = projectsDir; } @Override public HeaderSearchResult resolveHeader(String projectName, String headerFile) { Path fallbackHeaderFile = Paths.get(projectsDir).resolve(projectName).resolve(headerFile).normalize().toAbsolutePath(); if (Files.exists(fallbackHeaderFile)) { return new HeaderSearchResult(Optional.of("\"" + fallbackHeaderFile + "\""), fallbackHeaderFile.toString()); } return new HeaderSearchResult(Optional.empty(), fallbackHeaderFile.toString()); } } }