 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
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 * portions of the Software.
package org.graalvm.polyglot.management;

import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Source;

Execution listeners allow to instrument the execution of guest languages. For example, it is possible to attach an execution listeners that is invoked for every statement of the guest language program, similar to how a debugger would single-step through the program.

The following example prints the characters of every executed statement of simple JavaScript loop.

Context context = Context.create("js");
ExecutionListeners listener = ExecutionListeners.newBuilder()
         .onEnter((e) -> System.out.println(
context.eval("js", "for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++);");
Prints the following result:
i = 0
i < 2
i < 2
i < 2

Creation and Closing

An execution listener builder can be created by first invoking newBuilder(). At least one event consumer and one filtered source element needs to be enabled. To complete the listener attachment Builder.attach(Engine) needs to be invoked. Attach may be invoked multiple times for one builder.

All execution listeners are automatically closed when the engine closed. To close a listener earlier close() may be invoked. Execution listeners are AutoCloseable and can therefore be used in try-with-resources blocks.

Event Consumers

The following event consumers can be set for an execution listener:
  • OnEnter: An event that is notified when an execution of an element is entered. This event is consumed before any input values are executed.
  • OnReturn: An event that is notified when an execution of an element was entered and completed.
At least one event consumer needs to be set otherwise an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown by the builder when it is attached.

Event consumers may throw any Java host exception. Such exceptions will be reported to the context as PolyglotException instances. The thrown exception may be accessed using PolyglotException.asHostException().

Event Data

For every event that is consumed the source location and root name data is available. Other event data will return null by default.

The collection of the following event data may be enabled:

If additional event data is collected then the peak performance overhead of execution listeners is significant. It is not recommended to collect additional event data when running production workloads.

Provided event instances may escape the event consumer and remain usable until the engine is closed.

Event Filters

Execution listeners can be applied to the following source elements:
  • Roots: Filter for marked program locations that represent a root of a function, method or closure.
  • Statements: Filter for marked program locations that represent a statement.
  • Expressions: Filter for marked program locations that represent an expression.
At least one source element needs to be enabled otherwise an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown by the builder when it is attached. Not all source elements may be supported by a language. If the language does not support listening to a source element then no events will be triggered.

If multiple source elements are enabled, multiple or one event may be reported per source location. If this behavior is not desirable than multiple execution listeners for each source element can be created and attached.

By default the execution listener is applied to all sources that were loaded. A source filter may be attached to limit the number of sources that will trigger events.


The peak performance overhead of execution listeners depend on the granularity of the filter. Roots can be collected more efficiently than statement or expression events due to their frequency. If additional event data is collected then the peak performance overhead of execution listeners is significant. It is not recommended to collect additional event data when running production workloads.

Attaching and closing execution listeners are expensive operations and typically require to traverse through all loaded code. Code that was previously optimized will be deoptimized in the process. It is most efficient to attach an execution listener before any code is executed and let execution listeners automatically close with the engine.


Event execution order and granularity of events are language specific and may change without notice. There are no compatibility guarantees for that provided by the polyglot SDK. Certain language implementations may do so. Please see the language implementation documentation for further details.


Execution listeners are designed as simple API for polyglot embedders to capture cross cutting concerns of the execution of programs. For example, it can be used to count all statements executed in order to detect potentially malicious code. It is not designed to be an API for implementing fully fledged tools. The Truffle instrumentation framework should be used for that purpose instead.
/** * Execution listeners allow to instrument the execution of guest languages. For example, it is * possible to attach an execution listeners that is invoked for every statement of the guest * language program, similar to how a debugger would single-step through the program. * <p> * The following example prints the characters of every executed statement of simple JavaScript * loop. * * <code> * <pre> * Context context = Context.create("js"); * ExecutionListeners listener = ExecutionListeners.newBuilder() * .onEnter((e) -> System.out.println( * e.getLocation().getCharacters())) * .statements(true) * .attach(context.getEngine()); * context.eval("js", "for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++);"); * listener.close(); * </pre> * </code> * * Prints the following result: * * <pre> * i = 0 * i < 2 * i++ * i < 2 * i++ * i < 2 * </pre> * * <h3>Creation and Closing</h3> * * An execution listener builder can be created by first invoking {@link #newBuilder()}. At least * one event consumer and one filtered source element needs to be enabled. To complete the listener * attachment {@link Builder#attach(Engine)} needs to be invoked. {@link Builder#attach(Engine) * Attach} may be invoked multiple times for one builder. * <p> * All execution listeners are automatically closed when the engine {@link Engine#close() closed}. * To close a listener earlier {@link #close()} may be invoked. Execution listeners are * {@link AutoCloseable} and can therefore be used in try-with-resources blocks. * * <h3>Event Consumers</h3> * * The following event consumers can be set for an execution listener: * <ul> * <li>{@link Builder#onEnter(Consumer) OnEnter}: An event that is notified when an execution of an * element is entered. This event is consumed before any input values are executed. * <li>{@link Builder#onReturn(Consumer) OnReturn}: An event that is notified when an execution of * an element was entered and completed. * </ul> * At least one event consumer needs to be set otherwise an {@link IllegalArgumentException} will be * thrown by the builder when it is {@link Builder#attach(Engine) attached}. * <p> * Event consumers may throw any Java host exception. Such exceptions will be reported to the * context as {@link PolyglotException} instances. The thrown exception may be accessed using * {@link PolyglotException#asHostException()}. * * <h3>Event Data</h3> * * For every event that is consumed the {@link ExecutionEvent#getLocation() source location} and * {@link ExecutionEvent#getRootName() root name} data is available. Other event data will return * <code>null</code> by default. * <p> * The collection of the following event data may be enabled: * <ul> * <li>{@link Builder#collectReturnValue(boolean) Return values}: Enables access to * {@link ExecutionEvent#getReturnValue() return values} in {@link Builder#onReturn(Consumer) * OnReturn} events. * <li>{@link Builder#collectInputValues(boolean) Input values}: Enables access to * {@link ExecutionEvent#getInputValues() input values} in {@link Builder#onReturn(Consumer) * OnReturn} events. * <li>{@link Builder#collectExceptions(boolean) Errors}: Enables access to * {@link ExecutionEvent#getException() errors} in {@link Builder#onReturn(Consumer) OnReturn} * events. * </ul> * If additional event data is collected then the peak performance overhead of execution listeners * is significant. It is not recommended to collect additional event data when running production * workloads. * <p> * Provided event instances may escape the event consumer and remain usable until the engine is * closed. * * <h3>Event Filters</h3> * * Execution listeners can be applied to the following source elements: * <ul> * <li>{@link Builder#roots(boolean) Roots}: Filter for marked program locations that represent a * root of a function, method or closure. * <li>{@link Builder#statements(boolean) Statements}: Filter for marked program locations that * represent a statement. * <li>{@link Builder#expressions(boolean) Expressions}: Filter for marked program locations that * represent an expression. * </ul> * At least one source element needs to be enabled otherwise an {@link IllegalArgumentException} * will be thrown by the builder when it is {@link Builder#attach(Engine) attached}. Not all source * elements may be supported by a language. If the language does not support listening to a source * element then no events will be triggered. * <p> * If multiple source elements are enabled, multiple or one event may be reported per source * location. If this behavior is not desirable than multiple execution listeners for each source * element can be created and attached. * <p> * By default the execution listener is applied to all {@link Source sources} that were loaded. A * {@link Builder#sourceFilter(Predicate) source filter} may be attached to limit the number of * sources that will trigger events. * * <h3>Performance</h3> * * The peak performance overhead of execution listeners depend on the granularity of the filter. * Roots can be collected more efficiently than statement or expression events due to their * frequency. If additional event data is collected then the peak performance overhead of execution * listeners is significant. It is not recommended to collect additional event data when running * production workloads. * <p> * {@link Builder#attach(Engine) Attaching} and {@link #close() closing} execution listeners are * expensive operations and typically require to traverse through all loaded code. Code that was * previously optimized will be deoptimized in the process. It is most efficient to attach an * execution listener before any code is executed and let execution listeners automatically close * with the engine. * * <h3>Compatibility</h3> * * Event execution order and granularity of events are language specific and may change without * notice. There are no compatibility guarantees for that provided by the polyglot SDK. Certain * language implementations may do so. Please see the language implementation documentation for * further details. * * <h3>Use-cases</h3> * * Execution listeners are designed as simple API for polyglot embedders to capture cross cutting * concerns of the execution of programs. For example, it can be used to count all statements * executed in order to detect potentially malicious code. It is not designed to be an API for * implementing fully fledged tools. The * <a href="http://www.graalvm.org/docs/graalvm-as-a-platform/implement-instrument/">Truffle * instrumentation framework</a> should be used for that purpose instead. * * @since 19.0 */
public final class ExecutionListener implements AutoCloseable { private static final ExecutionListener EMPTY = new ExecutionListener(null); private final Object impl; private ExecutionListener(Object impl) { this.impl = impl; }
Closes and detaches this execution listener from the engine. After an execution listener was closed no further events will be reported.

Attaching and closing execution listeners are expensive operations and typically require to traverse through all loaded code. Code that was previously optimized will be deoptimized in the process. It is most efficient to attach an execution listener before any code is executed and let execution listeners automatically close with the engine.

See Also:
/** * Closes and detaches this execution listener from the engine. After an execution listener was * closed no further events will be reported. * <p> * {@link Builder#attach(Engine) Attaching} and {@link #close() closing} execution listeners are * expensive operations and typically require to traverse through all loaded code. Code that was * previously optimized will be deoptimized in the process. It is most efficient to attach an * execution listener before any code is executed and let execution listeners automatically * close with the engine. * * @see Builder#attach(Engine) * @since 19.0 */
public void close() { Management.IMPL.closeExecutionListener(impl); }
Creates a builder that can be used to attach execution listeners. The returned Builder instance is not thread-safe.

A minimal example on how to build and attach a listener:

ExecutionListeners listener = ExecutionListeners.newBuilder()
         .onEnter((e) -> ...)
See Also:
  • ExecutionListener
/** * Creates a builder that can be used to attach execution listeners. The returned Builder * instance is not thread-safe. * <p> * A minimal example on how to build and attach a listener: * * <code> * <pre> * ExecutionListeners listener = ExecutionListeners.newBuilder() * .onEnter((e) -> ...) * .statements(true) * .attach(context.getEngine()); * </pre> * </code> * * @see ExecutionListener * @since 19.0 */
public static Builder newBuilder() { return EMPTY.new Builder(); }
A builder used to construct execution events. Builder instances are not thread-safe and may not be used from multiple threads at the same time.
See Also:
  • For further details.
/** * A builder used to construct execution events. Builder instances are not thread-safe and may * not be used from multiple threads at the same time. * * @see ExecutionEvent For further details. * @since 19.0 */
public final class Builder { private Consumer<ExecutionEvent> onReturn; private Consumer<ExecutionEvent> onEnter; private boolean expressions; private boolean statements; private boolean roots; private Predicate<Source> sourceFilter; private Predicate<String> rootNameFilter; private boolean collectInputValues; private boolean collectReturnValues; private boolean collectExceptions; Builder() { }
Set a listener that is notified when an execution of an element is entered.
/** * Set a listener that is notified when an execution of an element is entered. * * @since 19.0 */
public Builder onEnter(Consumer<ExecutionEvent> listener) { this.onEnter = listener; return this; }
Set a listener that is notified when an execution of an element was entered and completed.
/** * Set a listener that is notified when an execution of an element was entered and * completed. * * @since 19.0 */
public Builder onReturn(Consumer<ExecutionEvent> listener) { this.onReturn = listener; return this; }
Set an addition filter that filters execution events by source. By default all sources are included. Source predicates must be stable, i.e. always return the same result for a source. The filter predicate may be invoked on multiple threads at the same time.
  • predicate – the source predicate that returns true for a source to be included and false otherwise.
/** * Set an addition filter that filters execution events by source. By default all sources * are included. Source predicates must be stable, i.e. always return the same result for a * source. The filter predicate may be invoked on multiple threads at the same time. * * @param predicate the source predicate that returns <code>true</code> for a source to be * included and <code>false</code> otherwise. * @since 19.0 */
public Builder sourceFilter(Predicate<Source> predicate) { this.sourceFilter = predicate; return this; }
Set an addition filter execution events by root name. By default all root names are included. Root name predicates must be stable and always return the same result for source. The filter predicate may be invoked on multiple threads at the same time.
/** * Set an addition filter execution events by root name. By default all root names are * included. Root name predicates must be stable and always return the same result for * source. The filter predicate may be invoked on multiple threads at the same time. * * @since 19.0 */
public Builder rootNameFilter(Predicate<String> predicate) { this.rootNameFilter = predicate; return this; }
Include program locations that are marked as root of a function, method or closure. By default no source elements are included.
  • enabled – true if enabled, else false
See Also:
/** * Include program locations that are marked as root of a function, method or closure. By * default no source elements are included. * * @param enabled <code>true</code> if enabled, else <code>false</code> * @see #expressions(boolean) * @see #statements(boolean) * @since 19.0 */
public Builder roots(boolean enabled) { this.roots = enabled; return this; }
Include program locations that are marked as statements. By default no source elements are included.
  • enabled – true if enabled, else false
See Also:
/** * Include program locations that are marked as statements. By default no source elements * are included. * * @param enabled <code>true</code> if enabled, else <code>false</code> * @see #expressions(boolean) * @see #roots(boolean) * @since 19.0 */
public Builder statements(boolean enabled) { this.statements = enabled; return this; }
Include program locations that are marked as expressions. By default no source elements are included.
  • enabled – true if enabled, else false
See Also:
/** * Include program locations that are marked as expressions. By default no source elements * are included. * * @param enabled <code>true</code> if enabled, else <code>false</code> * @see #statements(boolean) * @see #roots(boolean) * @since 19.0 */
public Builder expressions(boolean enabled) { this.expressions = enabled; return this; }
Collect additional execution event data for input values. The input values may be accessed in OnReturn events with ExecutionEvent.getInputValues().

If additional event data is collected then the peak performance overhead of execution listeners is significant. It is not recommended to collect additional event data when running production workloads.

  • enabled – true if enabled, else false
/** * Collect additional execution event data for input values. The input values may be * accessed in {@link #onReturn(Consumer) OnReturn} events with * {@link ExecutionEvent#getInputValues()}. * <p> * If additional event data is collected then the peak performance overhead of execution * listeners is significant. It is not recommended to collect additional event data when * running production workloads. * * @param enabled <code>true</code> if enabled, else <code>false</code> * @since 19.0 */
public Builder collectInputValues(boolean enabled) { this.collectInputValues = enabled; return this; }
Collect additional execution event data about return values. The return value may be accessed in OnReturn events with ExecutionEvent.getReturnValue().

If additional event data is collected then the peak performance overhead of execution listeners is significant. It is not recommended to collect additional event data when running production workloads.

  • enabled – true if enabled, else false
/** * Collect additional execution event data about return values. The return value may be * accessed in {@link #onReturn(Consumer) OnReturn} events with * {@link ExecutionEvent#getReturnValue()}. * <p> * If additional event data is collected then the peak performance overhead of execution * listeners is significant. It is not recommended to collect additional event data when * running production workloads. * * @param enabled <code>true</code> if enabled, else <code>false</code> * @since 19.0 */
public Builder collectReturnValue(boolean enabled) { this.collectReturnValues = enabled; return this; }
Collect additional execution event data about errors. The error may be accessed in OnReturn events with ExecutionEvent.getException().

If additional event data is collected then the peak performance overhead of execution listeners is significant. It is not recommended to collect additional event data when running production workloads.

  • enabled – true if enabled, else false
/** * Collect additional execution event data about errors. The error may be accessed in * {@link #onReturn(Consumer) OnReturn} events with {@link ExecutionEvent#getException()}. * <p> * If additional event data is collected then the peak performance overhead of execution * listeners is significant. It is not recommended to collect additional event data when * running production workloads. * * @param enabled <code>true</code> if enabled, else <code>false</code> * @since 19.0 */
public Builder collectExceptions(boolean enabled) { this.collectExceptions = enabled; return this; }
Creates a new execution listener using the current builder configuration and attaches it to an engine. The same builder configuration may be used to attach multiple listeners.

Execution listeners cannot be attached to engines that were statically looked up using Context.getCurrent().getEngine() . For security reasons only the original creator of the context or engine is allowed to perform this action.

Attaching and closing execution listeners are expensive operations and typically require to traverse through all loaded code. Code that was previously optimized will be deoptimized in the process. It is most efficient to attach an execution listener before any code is executed and let execution listeners automatically close with the engine.

  • engine – the engine to attach to
Returns:the attached closable execution listener.
/** * Creates a new execution listener using the current builder configuration and attaches it * to an engine. The same builder configuration may be used to attach multiple listeners. * <p> * Execution listeners cannot be attached to engines that were statically looked up using * <code> * Context.{@link Context#getCurrent() getCurrent()}.{@link Context#getEngine() getEngine()} * </code>. For security reasons only the original * {@link org.graalvm.polyglot.Context.Builder#build() creator} of the context or engine is * allowed to perform this action. * <p> * {@link Builder#attach(Engine) Attaching} and {@link #close() closing} execution listeners * are expensive operations and typically require to traverse through all loaded code. Code * that was previously optimized will be deoptimized in the process. It is most efficient to * attach an execution listener before any code is executed and let execution listeners * automatically close with the engine. * * @throws PolyglotException if one of the provided filter predicate fails. * @param engine the engine to attach to * @return the attached closable execution listener. * @since 19.0 */
public ExecutionListener attach(Engine engine) { return new ExecutionListener( Management.IMPL.attachExecutionListener(engine, onEnter, onReturn, expressions, statements, roots, sourceFilter, rootNameFilter, collectInputValues, collectReturnValues, collectExceptions)); } } }