 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
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package com.oracle.truffle.regex.tregex.parser;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import com.oracle.truffle.regex.RegexFlags;
import com.oracle.truffle.regex.RegexOptions;
import com.oracle.truffle.regex.RegexSource;
import com.oracle.truffle.regex.RegexSyntaxException;
import com.oracle.truffle.regex.charset.CodePointSet;
import com.oracle.truffle.regex.charset.CodePointSetAccumulator;
import com.oracle.truffle.regex.charset.Constants;
import com.oracle.truffle.regex.charset.UnicodeProperties;
import com.oracle.truffle.regex.tregex.string.Encodings.Encoding;
import com.oracle.truffle.regex.tregex.util.Exceptions;
import com.oracle.truffle.regex.util.CompilationFinalBitSet;

public final class RegexLexer {

    private static final CompilationFinalBitSet PREDEFINED_CHAR_CLASSES = CompilationFinalBitSet.valueOf('s', 'S', 'd', 'D', 'w', 'W');
    private static final CompilationFinalBitSet SYNTAX_CHARS = CompilationFinalBitSet.valueOf(
                    '^', '$', '/', '\\', '.', '*', '+', '?', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '|');

    private static final CodePointSet ID_START = UnicodeProperties.getProperty("ID_Start");
    private static final CodePointSet ID_CONTINUE = UnicodeProperties.getProperty("ID_Continue");

    private final RegexSource source;
    private final String pattern;
    private final RegexFlags flags;
    private final Encoding encoding;
    private final RegexOptions options;
    private Token lastToken;
    private int index = 0;
    private int nGroups = 1;
    private boolean identifiedAllGroups = false;
    private Map<String, Integer> namedCaptureGroups = null;
    private final CodePointSetAccumulator curCharClass = new CodePointSetAccumulator();
    private final CodePointSetAccumulator charClassCaseFoldTmp = new CodePointSetAccumulator();

    public RegexLexer(RegexSource source, RegexFlags flags, RegexOptions options) {
        this.source = source;
        this.pattern = source.getPattern();
        this.flags = flags;
        this.encoding = source.getEncoding();
        this.options = options;

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return !atEnd();

    public Token next() throws RegexSyntaxException {
        int startIndex = index;
        Token t = getNext();
        setSourceSection(t, startIndex, index);
        lastToken = t;
        return t;

Sets the SourceSection of a given Token in respect of RegexSource.getSource().
/** * Sets the {@link com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection} of a given {@link Token} in * respect of {@link RegexSource#getSource()}. * * @param startIndex inclusive start index of the source section in respect of * {@link RegexSource#getPattern()}. * @param endIndex exclusive end index of the source section in respect of * {@link RegexSource#getPattern()}. */
private void setSourceSection(Token t, int startIndex, int endIndex) { if (options.isDumpAutomata()) { // RegexSource#getSource() prepends a slash ('/') to the pattern, so we have to add an // offset of 1 here. t.setSourceSection(source.getSource().createSection(startIndex + 1, endIndex - startIndex)); } } /* input string access */ private char curChar() { return pattern.charAt(index); } private char consumeChar() { final char c = pattern.charAt(index); advance(); return c; } private void advance() { advance(1); } private void retreat() { advance(-1); } private void advance(int len) { index += len; } private boolean lookahead(String match) { if (pattern.length() - index < match.length()) { return false; } return pattern.regionMatches(index, match, 0, match.length()); } private boolean consumingLookahead(String match) { final boolean matches = lookahead(match); if (matches) { advance(match.length()); } return matches; } private boolean atEnd() { return index >= pattern.length(); } public int numberOfCaptureGroups() throws RegexSyntaxException { if (!identifiedAllGroups) { identifyCaptureGroups(); identifiedAllGroups = true; } return nGroups; } public Map<String, Integer> getNamedCaptureGroups() throws RegexSyntaxException { if (!identifiedAllGroups) { identifyCaptureGroups(); identifiedAllGroups = true; } return namedCaptureGroups; }
Checks whether this regular expression contains any named capture groups.

This method is a way to check whether we are parsing the goal symbol Pattern[~U, +N] or Pattern[~U, ~N] (see the ECMAScript RegExp grammar).

/** * Checks whether this regular expression contains any named capture groups. * <p> * This method is a way to check whether we are parsing the goal symbol Pattern[~U, +N] or * Pattern[~U, ~N] (see the ECMAScript RegExp grammar). */
private boolean hasNamedCaptureGroups() throws RegexSyntaxException { return getNamedCaptureGroups() != null; } private void registerCaptureGroup() { if (!identifiedAllGroups) { nGroups++; } } private void registerNamedCaptureGroup(String name) { if (!identifiedAllGroups) { if (namedCaptureGroups == null) { namedCaptureGroups = new HashMap<>(); } if (namedCaptureGroups.containsKey(name)) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.MULTIPLE_GROUPS_SAME_NAME); } namedCaptureGroups.put(name, nGroups); } registerCaptureGroup(); } private void identifyCaptureGroups() throws RegexSyntaxException { // We are counting capture groups, so we only care about '(' characters and special // characters which can cancel the meaning of '(' - those include '\' for escapes, '[' for // character classes (where '(' stands for a literal '(') and any characters after the '(' // which might turn into a non-capturing group or a look-around assertion. boolean insideCharClass = false; final int restoreIndex = index; while (!atEnd()) { switch (consumeChar()) { case '\\': // skip escaped char advance(); break; case '[': insideCharClass = true; break; case ']': insideCharClass = false; break; case '(': if (!insideCharClass) { parseGroupBegin(); } break; default: break; } } index = restoreIndex; } private Token charClass(int codePoint) { if (flags.isIgnoreCase()) { curCharClass.clear(); curCharClass.appendRange(codePoint, codePoint); return charClass(false); } else { return Token.createCharClass(CodePointSet.create(codePoint), true); } } private Token charClass(CodePointSet codePointSet) { if (flags.isIgnoreCase()) { curCharClass.clear(); curCharClass.addSet(codePointSet); return charClass(false); } else { return Token.createCharClass(codePointSet); } } private Token charClass(boolean invert) { boolean wasSingleChar = !invert && curCharClass.matchesSingleChar(); if (flags.isIgnoreCase()) { CaseFoldTable.CaseFoldingAlgorithm caseFolding = flags.isUnicode() ? CaseFoldTable.CaseFoldingAlgorithm.ECMAScriptUnicode : CaseFoldTable.CaseFoldingAlgorithm.ECMAScriptNonUnicode; CaseFoldTable.applyCaseFold(curCharClass, charClassCaseFoldTmp, caseFolding); } CodePointSet cps = pruneCharClass(curCharClass.toCodePointSet()); return Token.createCharClass(invert ? cps.createInverse(encoding) : cps, wasSingleChar); } private CodePointSet pruneCharClass(CodePointSet cps) { return encoding.getFullSet().createIntersection(cps, curCharClass.getTmp()); } /* lexer */ private Token getNext() throws RegexSyntaxException { final char c = consumeChar(); switch (c) { case '.': return Token.createCharClass(pruneCharClass(flags.isDotAll() ? Constants.DOT_ALL : Constants.DOT)); case '^': return Token.createCaret(); case '$': return Token.createDollar(); case '{': case '*': case '+': case '?': return parseQuantifier(c); case '}': if (flags.isUnicode()) { // In ECMAScript regular expressions, syntax characters such as '}' and ']' // cannot be used as atomic patterns. However, Annex B relaxes this condition // and allows the use of unmatched '}' and ']', which then match themselves. // Neverthelesss, in Unicode mode, we should still be strict. throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.UNMATCHED_RIGHT_BRACE); } return charClass(c); case '|': return Token.createAlternation(); case '(': return parseGroupBegin(); case ')': return Token.createGroupEnd(); case '[': return parseCharClass(); case ']': if (flags.isUnicode()) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.UNMATCHED_RIGHT_BRACKET); } return charClass(c); case '\\': return parseEscape(); default: if (flags.isUnicode() && Character.isHighSurrogate(c)) { return charClass(finishSurrogatePair(c)); } return charClass(c); } } private Token parseEscape() throws RegexSyntaxException { if (atEnd()) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.ENDS_WITH_UNFINISHED_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE); } final char c = consumeChar(); if ('1' <= c && c <= '9') { final int restoreIndex = index; final int backRefNumber = parseInteger(c - '0'); if (backRefNumber < numberOfCaptureGroups()) { return Token.createBackReference(backRefNumber); } else if (flags.isUnicode()) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.MISSING_GROUP_FOR_BACKREFERENCE); } index = restoreIndex; } switch (c) { case 'k': if (flags.isUnicode() || hasNamedCaptureGroups()) { if (atEnd()) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.ENDS_WITH_UNFINISHED_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE); } if (consumeChar() != '<') { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.MISSING_GROUP_NAME); } String groupName = parseGroupName(); // backward reference if (namedCaptureGroups != null && namedCaptureGroups.containsKey(groupName)) { return Token.createBackReference(namedCaptureGroups.get(groupName)); } // possible forward reference Map<String, Integer> allNamedCaptureGroups = getNamedCaptureGroups(); if (allNamedCaptureGroups != null && allNamedCaptureGroups.containsKey(groupName)) { return Token.createBackReference(allNamedCaptureGroups.get(groupName)); } throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.MISSING_GROUP_FOR_BACKREFERENCE); } else { return charClass(c); } case 'b': return Token.createWordBoundary(); case 'B': return Token.createNonWordBoundary(); default: // Here we differentiate the case when parsing one of the six basic pre-defined // character classes (\w, \W, \d, \D, \s, \S) and Unicode character property // escapes. Both result in sets of characters, but in the former case, we can skip // the case-folding step in the `charClass` method and call `Token::createCharClass` // directly. if (isPredefCharClass(c)) { return Token.createCharClass(pruneCharClass(parsePredefCharClass(c))); } else if (flags.isUnicode() && (c == 'p' || c == 'P')) { return charClass(parseUnicodeCharacterProperty(c == 'P')); } else { return charClass(parseEscapeChar(c, false)); } } } private Token parseGroupBegin() throws RegexSyntaxException { if (consumingLookahead("?=")) { return Token.createLookAheadAssertionBegin(false); } else if (consumingLookahead("?!")) { return Token.createLookAheadAssertionBegin(true); } else if (consumingLookahead("?<=")) { return Token.createLookBehindAssertionBegin(false); } else if (consumingLookahead("?<!")) { return Token.createLookBehindAssertionBegin(true); } else if (consumingLookahead("?:")) { return Token.createNonCaptureGroupBegin(); } else if (consumingLookahead("?<")) { String groupName = parseGroupName(); registerNamedCaptureGroup(groupName); return Token.createCaptureGroupBegin(); } else { registerCaptureGroup(); return Token.createCaptureGroupBegin(); } } private int parseCodePointInGroupName() throws RegexSyntaxException { if (consumingLookahead("\\u")) { final int unicodeEscape = parseUnicodeEscapeChar(); if (unicodeEscape < 0) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); } else { return unicodeEscape; } } if (atEnd()) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.UNTERMINATED_GROUP_NAME); } if (consumingLookahead(">")) { return -1; } final char c = consumeChar(); return flags.isUnicode() && Character.isHighSurrogate(c) ? finishSurrogatePair(c) : c; }
Parse a GroupName, i.e. <RegExpIdentifierName>, assuming that the opening < bracket was already read.
Returns:the StringValue of the RegExpIdentifierName
/** * Parse a {@code GroupName}, i.e. {@code <RegExpIdentifierName>}, assuming that the opening * {@code <} bracket was already read. * * @return the StringValue of the {@code RegExpIdentifierName} */
private String parseGroupName() throws RegexSyntaxException { StringBuilder groupName = new StringBuilder(); int codePoint = parseCodePointInGroupName(); if (codePoint == -1) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.EMPTY_GROUP_NAME); } if (!(ID_START.contains(codePoint) || codePoint == '$' || codePoint == '_')) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.INVALID_GROUP_NAME_START); } groupName.appendCodePoint(codePoint); while ((codePoint = parseCodePointInGroupName()) != -1) { if (!(ID_CONTINUE.contains(codePoint) || codePoint == '$' || codePoint == '\u200c' || codePoint == '\u200d')) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.INVALID_GROUP_NAME_PART); } groupName.appendCodePoint(codePoint); } return groupName.toString(); } private static final EnumSet<Token.Kind> QUANTIFIER_PREV = EnumSet.of(Token.Kind.charClass, Token.Kind.groupEnd, Token.Kind.backReference); private Token parseQuantifier(char c) throws RegexSyntaxException { int min; int max = -1; boolean greedy; if (c == '{') { final int resetIndex = index; BigInteger literalMin = parseDecimal(); if (literalMin.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0) { return countedRepetitionSyntaxError(resetIndex); } min = literalMin.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) <= 0 ? literalMin.intValue() : -1; if (consumingLookahead(",}")) { greedy = !consumingLookahead("?"); } else if (consumingLookahead("}")) { max = min; greedy = !consumingLookahead("?"); } else { BigInteger literalMax; if (!consumingLookahead(",") || (literalMax = parseDecimal()).compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0 || !consumingLookahead("}")) { return countedRepetitionSyntaxError(resetIndex); } max = literalMax.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) <= 0 ? literalMax.intValue() : -1; greedy = !consumingLookahead("?"); if (literalMin.compareTo(literalMax) > 0) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.QUANTIFIER_OUT_OF_ORDER); } } } else { greedy = !consumingLookahead("?"); min = c == '+' ? 1 : 0; if (c == '?') { max = 1; } } if (lastToken == null) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.QUANTIFIER_WITHOUT_TARGET); } if (lastToken.kind == Token.Kind.quantifier) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.QUANTIFIER_ON_QUANTIFIER); } if (!QUANTIFIER_PREV.contains(lastToken.kind)) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.QUANTIFIER_WITHOUT_TARGET); } return Token.createQuantifier(min, max, greedy); } private Token countedRepetitionSyntaxError(int resetIndex) throws RegexSyntaxException { if (flags.isUnicode()) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.INCOMPLETE_QUANTIFIER); } index = resetIndex; return charClass('{'); } private Token parseCharClass() throws RegexSyntaxException { final boolean invert = consumingLookahead("^"); curCharClass.clear(); while (!atEnd()) { final char c = consumeChar(); if (c == ']') { return charClass(invert); } parseCharClassRange(c); } throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.UNMATCHED_LEFT_BRACKET); } private CodePointSet parseCharClassAtomPredefCharClass(char c) throws RegexSyntaxException { if (c == '\\') { if (atEnd()) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.ENDS_WITH_UNFINISHED_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE); } if (isEscapeCharClass(curChar())) { return parseEscapeCharClass(consumeChar()); } } return null; } private int parseCharClassAtomCodePoint(char c) throws RegexSyntaxException { if (c == '\\') { assert !atEnd(); assert !isEscapeCharClass(curChar()); return parseEscapeChar(consumeChar(), true); } else if (flags.isUnicode() && Character.isHighSurrogate(c)) { return finishSurrogatePair(c); } else { return c; } } private void parseCharClassRange(char c) throws RegexSyntaxException { CodePointSet firstAtomCC = parseCharClassAtomPredefCharClass(c); int firstAtomCP = firstAtomCC == null ? parseCharClassAtomCodePoint(c) : -1; if (consumingLookahead("-")) { if (atEnd() || lookahead("]")) { addCharClassAtom(firstAtomCC, firstAtomCP); curCharClass.addRange('-', '-'); } else { char nextC = consumeChar(); CodePointSet secondAtomCC = parseCharClassAtomPredefCharClass(nextC); int secondAtomCP = secondAtomCC == null ? parseCharClassAtomCodePoint(nextC) : -1; // Runtime Semantics: CharacterRangeOrUnion(firstAtom, secondAtom) if (firstAtomCC != null || secondAtomCC != null) { if (flags.isUnicode()) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.INVALID_CHARACTER_CLASS); } else { addCharClassAtom(firstAtomCC, firstAtomCP); addCharClassAtom(secondAtomCC, secondAtomCP); curCharClass.addRange('-', '-'); } } else { if (secondAtomCP < firstAtomCP) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.CHAR_CLASS_RANGE_OUT_OF_ORDER); } else { curCharClass.addRange(firstAtomCP, secondAtomCP); } } } } else { addCharClassAtom(firstAtomCC, firstAtomCP); } } private void addCharClassAtom(CodePointSet preDefCharClass, int codePoint) { if (preDefCharClass != null) { curCharClass.addSet(preDefCharClass); } else { curCharClass.addRange(codePoint, codePoint); } } private CodePointSet parseEscapeCharClass(char c) throws RegexSyntaxException { if (isPredefCharClass(c)) { return parsePredefCharClass(c); } else if (flags.isUnicode() && (c == 'p' || c == 'P')) { return parseUnicodeCharacterProperty(c == 'P'); } else { throw Exceptions.shouldNotReachHere(); } } // Note that the CodePointSet returned by this function has already been // case-folded and negated. private CodePointSet parsePredefCharClass(char c) { switch (c) { case 's': if (options.isU180EWhitespace()) { return Constants.LEGACY_WHITE_SPACE; } else { return Constants.WHITE_SPACE; } case 'S': if (options.isU180EWhitespace()) { return Constants.LEGACY_NON_WHITE_SPACE; } else { return Constants.NON_WHITE_SPACE; } case 'd': return Constants.DIGITS; case 'D': return Constants.NON_DIGITS; case 'w': if (flags.isUnicode() && flags.isIgnoreCase()) { return Constants.WORD_CHARS_UNICODE_IGNORE_CASE; } else { return Constants.WORD_CHARS; } case 'W': if (flags.isUnicode() && flags.isIgnoreCase()) { return Constants.NON_WORD_CHARS_UNICODE_IGNORE_CASE; } else { return Constants.NON_WORD_CHARS; } default: throw Exceptions.shouldNotReachHere(); } } private CodePointSet parseUnicodeCharacterProperty(boolean invert) throws RegexSyntaxException { if (!consumingLookahead("{")) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.INVALID_UNICODE_PROPERTY); } int namePos = index; while (!atEnd() && curChar() != '}') { advance(); } if (!consumingLookahead("}")) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.ENDS_WITH_UNFINISHED_UNICODE_PROPERTY); } try { CodePointSet propertySet = encoding.getFullSet().createIntersection(UnicodeProperties.getProperty(pattern.substring(namePos, index - 1)), curCharClass.getTmp()); return invert ? propertySet.createInverse(encoding) : propertySet; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw syntaxError(e.getMessage()); } }
Parse a RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence, assuming that the prefix '\u' has already been read.
Returns:the code point of the escaped character, or -1 if the escape was malformed
/** * Parse a {@code RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence}, assuming that the prefix '&#92;u' has already * been read. * * @return the code point of the escaped character, or -1 if the escape was malformed */
private int parseUnicodeEscapeChar() throws RegexSyntaxException { if (flags.isUnicode() && consumingLookahead("{")) { final int value = parseHex(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0x10ffff, ErrorMessages.INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); if (!consumingLookahead("}")) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); } return value; } else { final int value = parseHex(4, 4, 0xffff, ErrorMessages.INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); if (flags.isUnicode() && Character.isHighSurrogate((char) value)) { final int resetIndex = index; if (consumingLookahead("\\u") && !lookahead("{")) { final char lead = (char) value; final char trail = (char) parseHex(4, 4, 0xffff, ErrorMessages.INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); if (Character.isLowSurrogate(trail)) { return Character.toCodePoint(lead, trail); } else { index = resetIndex; } } else { index = resetIndex; } } return value; } } private int parseEscapeChar(char c, boolean inCharClass) throws RegexSyntaxException { if (inCharClass && c == 'b') { return '\b'; } switch (c) { case '0': if (flags.isUnicode() && !atEnd() && isDecimal(curChar())) { throw syntaxError(ErrorMessages.INVALID_ESCAPE); } if (!flags.isUnicode() && !atEnd() && isOctal(curChar())) { return parseOctal(0); } return '\0'; case 't': return '\t'; case 'n': return '\n'; case 'v': return '\u000B'; case 'f': return '\f'; case 'r': return '\r'; case 'c': if (atEnd()) { retreat(); return escapeCharSyntaxError('\\', ErrorMessages.INVALID_CONTROL_CHAR_ESCAPE); } final char controlLetter = curChar(); if (!flags.isUnicode() && (isDecimal(controlLetter) || controlLetter == '_') && inCharClass) { advance(); return controlLetter % 32; } if (!('a' <= controlLetter && controlLetter <= 'z' || 'A' <= controlLetter && controlLetter <= 'Z')) { retreat(); return escapeCharSyntaxError('\\', ErrorMessages.INVALID_CONTROL_CHAR_ESCAPE); } advance(); return Character.toUpperCase(controlLetter) - ('A' - 1); case 'u': final int unicodeEscape = parseUnicodeEscapeChar(); return unicodeEscape < 0 ? c : unicodeEscape; case 'x': final int value = parseHex(2, 2, 0xff, ErrorMessages.INVALID_ESCAPE); return value < 0 ? c : value; case '-': if (!inCharClass) { return escapeCharSyntaxError(c, ErrorMessages.INVALID_ESCAPE); } return c; default: if (!flags.isUnicode() && isOctal(c)) { return parseOctal(c - '0'); } if (!SYNTAX_CHARS.get(c)) { return escapeCharSyntaxError(c, ErrorMessages.INVALID_ESCAPE); } return c; } } private int finishSurrogatePair(char c) { assert flags.isUnicode() && Character.isHighSurrogate(c); if (!atEnd() && Character.isLowSurrogate(curChar())) { final char lead = c; final char trail = consumeChar(); return Character.toCodePoint(lead, trail); } else { return c; } } private char escapeCharSyntaxError(char c, String msg) throws RegexSyntaxException { if (flags.isUnicode()) { throw syntaxError(msg); } return c; } private BigInteger parseDecimal() { if (atEnd() || !isDecimal(curChar())) { return BigInteger.valueOf(-1); } return parseDecimal(BigInteger.ZERO); } private BigInteger parseDecimal(BigInteger firstDigit) { BigInteger ret = firstDigit; while (!atEnd() && isDecimal(curChar())) { ret = ret.multiply(BigInteger.TEN); ret = ret.add(BigInteger.valueOf(consumeChar() - '0')); } return ret; }
Parses a non-negative decimal integer. The value of the integer is clamped to Integer.MAX_VALUE. For all i in {0,1,..,9}, parseInteger(i) is equivalent to parseDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(i)).max(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE). parseInteger(int) should be faster than parseDecimal(BigInteger) because it does not have to go through BigIntegers.
/** * Parses a non-negative decimal integer. The value of the integer is clamped to * {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}. For all {@code i} in {0,1,..,9}, {@code parseInteger(i)} is * equivalent to * {@code parseDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(i)).max(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)}. * {@link #parseInteger(int)} should be faster than {@link #parseDecimal(java.math.BigInteger)} * because it does not have to go through {@link BigInteger}s. */
private int parseInteger(int firstDigit) { int ret = firstDigit; // First, we consume all of the decimal digits that make up the integer. final int initialIndex = index; while (!atEnd() && isDecimal(curChar())) { advance(); } final int terminalIndex = index; // Then, we parse the integer, stopping once we reach the limit Integer.MAX_VALUE. for (int i = initialIndex; i < terminalIndex; i++) { int nextDigit = pattern.charAt(i) - '0'; if (ret > Integer.MAX_VALUE / 10) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } ret *= 10; if (ret > Integer.MAX_VALUE - nextDigit) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } ret += nextDigit; } return ret; } private int parseOctal(int firstDigit) { int ret = firstDigit; for (int i = 0; !atEnd() && isOctal(curChar()) && i < 2; i++) { if (ret * 8 > 255) { return ret; } ret *= 8; ret += consumeChar() - '0'; } return ret; } private int parseHex(int minDigits, int maxDigits, int maxValue, String errorMsg) throws RegexSyntaxException { int ret = 0; int initialIndex = index; for (int i = 0; i < maxDigits; i++) { if (atEnd() || !isHex(curChar())) { if (i < minDigits) { if (flags.isUnicode()) { throw syntaxError(errorMsg); } else { index = initialIndex; return -1; } } else { break; } } final char c = consumeChar(); ret *= 16; if (c >= 'a') { ret += c - ('a' - 10); } else if (c >= 'A') { ret += c - ('A' - 10); } else { ret += c - '0'; } if (ret > maxValue) { throw syntaxError(errorMsg); } } return ret; } private static boolean isDecimal(char c) { return '0' <= c && c <= '9'; } private static boolean isOctal(char c) { return '0' <= c && c <= '7'; } private static boolean isHex(char c) { return '0' <= c && c <= '9' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'F'; } private static boolean isPredefCharClass(char c) { return PREDEFINED_CHAR_CLASSES.get(c); } private boolean isEscapeCharClass(char c) { return isPredefCharClass(c) || (flags.isUnicode() && (c == 'p' || c == 'P')); } private RegexSyntaxException syntaxError(String msg) { return new RegexSyntaxException(source, msg); } }