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package com.oracle.graal.python.runtime;

import com.oracle.graal.python.PythonLanguage;
import com.oracle.graal.python.builtins.objects.frame.PFrame;
import com.oracle.graal.python.builtins.objects.frame.PFrame.Reference;
import com.oracle.graal.python.builtins.objects.function.PArguments;
import com.oracle.graal.python.nodes.IndirectCallNode;
import com.oracle.graal.python.nodes.PNodeWithContext;
import com.oracle.graal.python.nodes.PRootNode;
import com.oracle.graal.python.nodes.control.TopLevelExceptionHandler;
import com.oracle.graal.python.nodes.frame.MaterializeFrameNode;
import com.oracle.graal.python.nodes.frame.MaterializeFrameNodeGen;
import com.oracle.graal.python.nodes.frame.ReadCallerFrameNode;
import com.oracle.graal.python.nodes.frame.ReadCallerFrameNode.FrameSelector;
import com.oracle.graal.python.nodes.util.ExceptionStateNodes.GetCaughtExceptionNode;
import com.oracle.graal.python.runtime.exception.PException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.Assumption;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.ValueType;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.RootCallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Cached;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Specialization;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.LanguageReference;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.Frame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameInstance;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.profiles.ConditionProfile;

An ExecutionContext ensures proper entry and exit for Python calls on both sides of the call, and depending on whether the other side is also a Python frame.
/** * An ExecutionContext ensures proper entry and exit for Python calls on both sides of the call, and * depending on whether the other side is also a Python frame. */
public abstract class ExecutionContext { public static final class CallContext extends Node { @CompilationFinal boolean neededCallerFrame; @CompilationFinal boolean neededExceptionState; private static final CallContext INSTANCE = new CallContext(false); @Child private MaterializeFrameNode materializeNode; private final boolean adoptable; @CompilationFinal private ConditionProfile isPythonFrameProfile; private CallContext(boolean adoptable) { this.adoptable = adoptable; this.neededExceptionState = !adoptable; this.neededCallerFrame = !adoptable; }
Prepare an indirect call from a Python frame to a Python function.
/** * Prepare an indirect call from a Python frame to a Python function. */
public void prepareIndirectCall(VirtualFrame frame, Object[] callArguments, Node callNode) { prepareCall(frame, callArguments, callNode, true, true); }
Prepare a call from a Python frame to a Python function.
/** * Prepare a call from a Python frame to a Python function. */
public void prepareCall(VirtualFrame frame, Object[] callArguments, RootCallTarget callTarget, Node callNode) { // n.b.: The class cast should always be correct, since this context // must only be used when calling from Python to Python PRootNode calleeRootNode = (PRootNode) callTarget.getRootNode(); prepareCall(frame, callArguments, callNode, calleeRootNode.needsCallerFrame(), calleeRootNode.needsExceptionState()); } private void prepareCall(VirtualFrame frame, Object[] callArguments, Node callNode, boolean needsCallerFrame, boolean needsExceptionState) { // equivalent to PyPy's ExecutionContext.enter `frame.f_backref = // self.topframeref` we here pass the current top frame reference to // the next frame. An optimization we do is to only pass the frame // info if the caller requested it, otherwise they'll have to deopt // and walk the stack up once. if (needsCallerFrame) { if (!neededCallerFrame) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); neededCallerFrame = true; reportPolymorphicSpecialize(); } PFrame.Reference thisInfo; if (isPythonFrame(frame, callNode)) { thisInfo = PArguments.getCurrentFrameInfo(frame); // We are handing the PFrame of the current frame to the caller, i.e., it does // not 'escape' since it is still on the stack.Also, force synchronization of // values PFrame pyFrame = materialize(frame, callNode, false, true); assert thisInfo.getPyFrame() == pyFrame; assert pyFrame.getRef() == thisInfo; } else { thisInfo = PFrame.Reference.EMPTY; } thisInfo.setCallNode(callNode); PArguments.setCallerFrameInfo(callArguments, thisInfo); } if (needsExceptionState) { if (!neededExceptionState) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); neededExceptionState = true; reportPolymorphicSpecialize(); } PException curExc = null; if (isPythonFrame(frame, callNode)) { curExc = PArguments.getException(frame); if (curExc == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); PException fromStackWalk = GetCaughtExceptionNode.fullStackWalk(); curExc = fromStackWalk != null ? fromStackWalk : PException.NO_EXCEPTION; // now, set in our args, such that we won't do this again PArguments.setException(frame, curExc); } } else { // If we're here, it can only be because some top-level call // inside Python led us here curExc = PException.NO_EXCEPTION; } PArguments.setException(callArguments, curExc); } } private PFrame materialize(VirtualFrame frame, Node callNode, boolean markAsEscaped, boolean forceSync) { if (adoptable) { return ensureMaterializeNode().execute(frame, callNode, markAsEscaped, forceSync); } return MaterializeFrameNode.getUnadoptable().execute(frame, callNode, markAsEscaped, forceSync); } private boolean isPythonFrame(VirtualFrame frame, Node callNode) { if (isPythonFrameProfile == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); isPythonFrameProfile = ConditionProfile.createBinaryProfile(); } boolean result = isPythonFrameProfile.profile(PArguments.isPythonFrame(frame)); assert result || callNode.getRootNode() instanceof TopLevelExceptionHandler : "calling from non-Python or non-top-level frame"; return result; } private MaterializeFrameNode ensureMaterializeNode() { if (materializeNode == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); materializeNode = insert(MaterializeFrameNodeGen.create()); } return materializeNode; } @Override public boolean isAdoptable() { return adoptable; } public static CallContext create() { return new CallContext(true); } public static CallContext getUncached() { return INSTANCE; } } public static final class CalleeContext extends Node { @Child private MaterializeFrameNode materializeNode; @CompilationFinal private boolean everEscaped = false; @CompilationFinal private ConditionProfile customLocalsProfile; @CompilationFinal private LanguageReference<PythonLanguage> langRef; @Override public Node copy() { return new CalleeContext(); }
Wrap the execution of a Python callee called from a Python frame.
/** * Wrap the execution of a Python callee called from a Python frame. */
public void enter(VirtualFrame frame) { // tfel: Create our frame reference here and store it so that // there's no reference to it from the caller side. PFrame.Reference thisFrameRef = new PFrame.Reference(PArguments.getCallerFrameInfo(frame)); Object customLocals = PArguments.getCustomLocals(frame); PArguments.setCurrentFrameInfo(frame, thisFrameRef); // tfel: If there are custom locals, write them into an (incomplete) // PFrame here if (customLocalsProfile == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); customLocalsProfile = ConditionProfile.createCountingProfile(); } if (customLocalsProfile.profile(customLocals != null && !(customLocals instanceof PFrame.Reference))) { if (langRef == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); langRef = lookupLanguageReference(PythonLanguage.class); } thisFrameRef.setCustomLocals(langRef.get(), customLocals); } } public void exit(VirtualFrame frame, PRootNode node) { /* * equivalent to PyPy's ExecutionContext.leave. Note that <tt>got_exception</tt> in * their code is handled automatically by the Truffle lazy exceptions, so here we only * deal with explicitly escaped frames. */ PFrame.Reference info = PArguments.getCurrentFrameInfo(frame); CompilerAsserts.partialEvaluationConstant(node); if (node.getFrameEscapedProfile().profile(info.isEscaped())) { if (!everEscaped) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); everEscaped = true; reportPolymorphicSpecialize(); } // This assumption acts as our branch profile here PFrame.Reference callerInfo = PArguments.getCallerFrameInfo(frame); if (callerInfo == null) { // we didn't request the caller frame reference. now we need it. CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); // n.b. We need to use 'ReadCallerFrameNode.getCallerFrame' instead of // 'Truffle.getRuntime().getCallerFrame()' because we still need to skip // non-Python frames, even if we do not skip frames of builtin functions. Frame callerFrame = ReadCallerFrameNode.getCallerFrame(info, FrameInstance.FrameAccess.READ_ONLY, FrameSelector.ALL_PYTHON_FRAMES, 0); if (PArguments.isPythonFrame(callerFrame)) { callerInfo = PArguments.getCurrentFrameInfo(callerFrame); } else { // TODO: frames: an assertion should be that this is one of our // entry point call nodes callerInfo = PFrame.Reference.EMPTY; } // ReadCallerFrameNode.getCallerFrame must have the assumption invalidated assert node.needsCallerFrame() : "stack walk did not invalidate caller frame assumption"; } // force the frame so that it can be accessed later ensureMaterializeNode().execute(frame, node, false, true); if (langRef == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); langRef = lookupLanguageReference(PythonLanguage.class); } info.materialize(langRef.get(), frame, node); // if this frame escaped we must ensure that also f_back does callerInfo.markAsEscaped(); info.setBackref(callerInfo); } } private MaterializeFrameNode ensureMaterializeNode() { if (materializeNode == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); materializeNode = insert(MaterializeFrameNodeGen.create()); } return materializeNode; } public static CalleeContext create() { return new CalleeContext(); } } @ValueType private static final class IndirectCallState { private final PFrame.Reference info; private final PException curExc; private IndirectCallState(PFrame.Reference info, PException curExc) { this.info = info; this.curExc = curExc; } } public abstract static class IndirectCallContext {
Prepare a call from a Python frame to a callable without frame. This transfers the exception state from the frame to the context and also puts the current frame info (which represents the last Python caller) in the context. This is mostly useful when calling methods annotated with @TruffleBoundary that again use nodes that would require a frame. Use following pattern to call such methods and just pass a null frame.

public abstract class SomeNode extends Node { @Child private OtherNode otherNode = OtherNode.create(); public abstract Object execute(VirtualFrame frame, Object arg); @Specialization Object doSomething(VirtualFrame frame, Object arg, @CachedContext(PythonLanguage.class) PythonContext context) { // ... PException savedExceptionState = IndirectCallContext.enter(frame, context, this); try { truffleBoundaryMethod(arg); } finally { IndirectCallContext.exit(context, savedExceptionState); } // ... } @TruffleBoundary private void truffleBoundaryMethod(Object arg) { otherNode.execute(null, arg); } 

/** * Prepare a call from a Python frame to a callable without frame. This transfers the * exception state from the frame to the context and also puts the current frame info (which * represents the last Python caller) in the context. * * This is mostly useful when calling methods annotated with {@code @TruffleBoundary} that * again use nodes that would require a frame. Use following pattern to call such methods * and just pass a {@code null} frame. * <p> * * <pre> * public abstract class SomeNode extends Node { * {@literal @}Child private OtherNode otherNode = OtherNode.create(); * * public abstract Object execute(VirtualFrame frame, Object arg); * * {@literal @}Specialization * Object doSomething(VirtualFrame frame, Object arg, * {@literal @}CachedContext(PythonLanguage.class) PythonContext context) { * // ... * PException savedExceptionState = IndirectCallContext.enter(frame, context, this); * try { * truffleBoundaryMethod(arg); * } finally { * IndirectCallContext.exit(context, savedExceptionState); * } * // ... * } * * {@literal @}TruffleBoundary * private void truffleBoundaryMethod(Object arg) { * otherNode.execute(null, arg); * } * * </pre> * </p> */
public static Object enter(VirtualFrame frame, PythonContext context, IndirectCallNode callNode) { if (frame == null || context == null || callNode == null) { return null; } PFrame.Reference info = null; if (callNode.calleeNeedsCallerFrame()) { PFrame.Reference prev = context.popTopFrameInfo(); assert prev == null : "trying to call from Python to a foreign function, but we didn't clear the topframeref. " + "This indicates that a call into Python code happened without a proper enter through ForeignToPythonCallContext"; info = PArguments.getCurrentFrameInfo(frame); info.setCallNode((Node) callNode); context.setTopFrameInfo(info); } PException curExc = null; if (callNode.calleeNeedsExceptionState()) { PException exceptionState = PArguments.getException(frame); curExc = context.getCaughtException(); context.setCaughtException(exceptionState); } if (curExc == null && info == null) { return null; } else { return new IndirectCallState(info, curExc); } }
Cleanup after a call without frame. For more details, see enter.
/** * Cleanup after a call without frame. For more details, see {@link #enter}. */
public static void exit(VirtualFrame frame, PythonContext context, Object savedState) { if (frame == null || context == null || savedState == null) { return; } IndirectCallState state = (IndirectCallState) savedState; if (state.info != null) { context.popTopFrameInfo(); } if (state.curExc != null) { context.setCaughtException(state.curExc); } } } public abstract static class ForeignCallContext extends PNodeWithContext {
Return true if we need to acquire/release the interop lock.
/** * Return {@code true} if we need to acquire/release the interop lock. */
protected abstract boolean execute(PythonContext context); @Specialization(assumptions = "singleThreadedAssumption()") static boolean doEnterSingleThreaded(@SuppressWarnings("unused") PythonContext context) { return false; } @Specialization(guards = "singleThreadedAssumption == context.getSingleThreadedAssumption()", limit = "3", replaces = "doEnterSingleThreaded") static boolean doEnterMultiContextCached(@SuppressWarnings("unused") PythonContext context, @Cached("context.getSingleThreadedAssumption()") Assumption singleThreadedAssumption) { return !singleThreadedAssumption.isValid(); } @Specialization(replaces = "doEnterMultiContextCached") static boolean doEnterMultiContextMultiThreaded(@SuppressWarnings("unused") PythonContext context) { return true; }
Prepare a call from a Python frame to foreign callable. This will also call IndirectCallContext.enter to transfer the state to the context. In addition, this will acquire the interop lock from the PythonContext to ensure exclusive execution to prevent unsynchronized global state modification (which is in particular a problem when calling native code).
public abstract class SomeNode extends Node { @Child private OtherNode otherNode = OtherNode.create(); public abstract Object execute(VirtualFrame frame, Object arg); @Specialization Object doSomething(VirtualFrame frame, Object foreignCallable, @CachedContext(PythonLanguage.class) PythonContext context, @CachedLibrary InteropLibrary interopLib}) { // ... PException savedExceptionState = ForeignCallContext.enter(frame, context, this); try { return lib.execute(foreignCallable, 1, 2, 3); } finally { ForeignCallContext.exit(context, savedExceptionState); } // ... } 

/** * Prepare a call from a Python frame to foreign callable. This will also call * {@link IndirectCallContext#enter} to transfer the state to the context. In addition, this * will acquire the interop lock from the {@link PythonContext} to ensure exclusive * execution to prevent unsynchronized global state modification (which is in particular a * problem when calling native code). * * <pre> * public abstract class SomeNode extends Node { * {@literal @}Child private OtherNode otherNode = OtherNode.create(); * * public abstract Object execute(VirtualFrame frame, Object arg); * * {@literal @}Specialization * Object doSomething(VirtualFrame frame, Object foreignCallable, * {@literal @}CachedContext(PythonLanguage.class) PythonContext context, * {@literal @}CachedLibrary InteropLibrary interopLib}) { * // ... * PException savedExceptionState = ForeignCallContext.enter(frame, context, this); * try { * return lib.execute(foreignCallable, 1, 2, 3); * } finally { * ForeignCallContext.exit(context, savedExceptionState); * } * // ... * } * * </pre> * </p> */
public final Object enter(VirtualFrame frame, PythonContext context, IndirectCallNode callNode) { if (context == null) { return null; } if (execute(context)) { context.acquireInteropLock(); } return IndirectCallContext.enter(frame, context, callNode); }
Cleanup after an interop call. For more details, see enter.
/** * Cleanup after an interop call. For more details, see {@link #enter}. */
public final void exit(VirtualFrame frame, PythonContext context, Object savedState) { if (context != null) { IndirectCallContext.exit(frame, context, savedState); if (execute(context)) { context.releaseInteropLock(); } } } static Assumption singleThreadedAssumption() { return PythonLanguage.getCurrent().singleThreadedAssumption; } } public abstract static class IndirectCalleeContext {
Prepare an indirect call from a foreign frame to a Python function.
/** * Prepare an indirect call from a foreign frame to a Python function. */
public static PFrame.Reference enterIndirect(PythonContext context, Object[] pArguments) { return enter(context, pArguments, true); }
Prepare a call from a foreign frame to a Python function.
/** * Prepare a call from a foreign frame to a Python function. */
public static PFrame.Reference enter(PythonContext context, Object[] pArguments, RootCallTarget callTarget) { PRootNode calleeRootNode = (PRootNode) callTarget.getRootNode(); return enter(context, pArguments, calleeRootNode.needsExceptionState()); } private static PFrame.Reference enter(PythonContext context, Object[] pArguments, boolean needsExceptionState) { Reference popTopFrameInfo = context.popTopFrameInfo(); PArguments.setCallerFrameInfo(pArguments, popTopFrameInfo); if (needsExceptionState) { PException curExc = context.getCaughtException(); if (curExc == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); PException fromStackWalk = GetCaughtExceptionNode.fullStackWalk(); curExc = fromStackWalk != null ? fromStackWalk : PException.NO_EXCEPTION; // now, set in our args, such that we won't do this again context.setCaughtException(curExc); } PArguments.setException(pArguments, curExc); } return popTopFrameInfo; } public static void exit(PythonContext context, PFrame.Reference frameInfo) { // Note that the Python callee, if it escaped, has already been // materialized due to a CalleeContext in its RootNode. If this // topframeref was marked as escaped, it'll be materialized at the // latest needed time context.setTopFrameInfo(frameInfo); } } }