import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotAccess;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Source;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Value;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class CommonJSRequireTest {
private static final String PATH_OF_TESTS = "src/";
private static Context testContext(Path tempFolder) {
return testContext(tempFolder, System.out, System.err);
private static Context testContext(Map<String, String> options) {
return testContext(System.out, System.err, options);
private static Context testContext(OutputStream out, OutputStream err, Map<String, String> options) {
return JSTest.newContextBuilder().
allowHostClassLookup((s) -> true).
private static Context testContext(Path tempFolder, OutputStream out, OutputStream err) {
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(ECMASCRIPT_VERSION_NAME, "2020");
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_NAME, "true");
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_CWD_NAME, tempFolder.toAbsolutePath().toString());
return testContext(out, err, options);
private static Path getTestRootFolder() {
String testPath = System.getProperty("commonjs.test.path", PATH_OF_TESTS);
Path root = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(testPath);
if (!Files.exists(root)) {
throw new AssertionError("Unable to locate test folder: " + root);
return root.toAbsolutePath();
private static Source getSourceFor(Path path) throws IOException {
File file = new File(path.normalize().toAbsolutePath().toString());
return Source.newBuilder("js", file).build();
private static void testBasicPackageJsonRequire(String moduleName) {
Path f = getTestRootFolder();
try (Context cx = testContext(f)) {
Value js = cx.eval(ID, "require(" + moduleName + ").foo;");
Assert.assertEquals(42, js.asInt());
private static void testBasicRequire(String moduleName) {
Path f = getTestRootFolder();
try (Context cx = testContext(f)) {
Value js = cx.eval(ID, "require('" + moduleName + "').foo;");
Assert.assertEquals(42, js.asInt());
private static void assertThrows(String src, String expectedMessage) {
try {
Path f = getTestRootFolder();
try (Context cx = testContext(f)) {
cx.eval(ID, src);
assert false;
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (!t.getClass().isAssignableFrom(PolyglotException.class)) {
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected exception " + t);
assertEquals(expectedMessage, t.getMessage());
private static void runAndExpectOutput(Source src, String expectedOutput, Map<String, String> options) throws IOException {
runAndExpectOutput(src, expectedOutput, "", options);
private static void runAndExpectOutput(String src, String expectedOutput, Map<String, String> options) throws IOException {
runAndExpectOutput(Source.newBuilder(ID, src, "test.js").build(), expectedOutput, "", options);
private static void runAndExpectOutput(Source src, String expectedOutput, String expectedErr, Map<String, String> options) throws IOException {
final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (Context cx = testContext(out, err, options)) {
String outPrint = new String(out.toByteArray());
String errPrint = new String(err.toByteArray());
Assert.assertEquals(expectedOutput, outPrint);
Assert.assertEquals(expectedErr, errPrint);
private static void runAndExpectOutput(String src, String expectedOutput) throws IOException {
runAndExpectOutput(Source.newBuilder(ID, src, "test.js").build(), expectedOutput, "", getDefaultOptions());
private static Map<String, String> getDefaultOptions() {
Path root = getTestRootFolder();
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_NAME, "true");
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_CWD_NAME, root.toAbsolutePath().toString());
options.put(ECMASCRIPT_VERSION_NAME, "2020");
return options;
private static String logicalAbsolutePath(Path path) {
String pathStr = path.toAbsolutePath().toString();
if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) {
pathStr = pathStr.replaceFirst(path.getRoot().toString() + "\\", "/");
pathStr = pathStr.replace("\\", "/");
return pathStr;
public void absoluteFilename() {
Path f = getTestRootFolder();
try (Context cx = testContext(f)) {
String logicalAbsolutePath = logicalAbsolutePath(f) + "/module.js";
Value js = cx.eval(ID, "require('" + logicalAbsolutePath + "').foo;");
Assert.assertEquals(42, js.asInt());
public void relativeFilename() {
public void relativeNoExtFilename() {
public void nodeModulesFolderWithPackageJson() {
public void nodeModulesFolderWithPackageJson2() {
public void nodeModulesFolderWithPackageJson3() {
public void nodeModulesFolderWithPackageJsonNoMain() {
public void nodeModulesFolderWithPackageJsonNoMain2() {
public void testMissingPackageJson() {
public void testMissingPackageJson2() {
public void nestedRequire() {
Path f = getTestRootFolder();
try (Context cx = testContext(f)) {
Value js = cx.eval(ID, "require('./nested.js').foo;");
Assert.assertEquals(42, js.asInt());
public void cyclicRequireFromMain() throws IOException {
Path root = getTestRootFolder();
Path testCase = Paths.get(root.normalize().toString(), "cycle_main.js");
final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (Context cx = testContext(root, out, err)) {
Value js = cx.eval(getSourceFor(testCase));
String outPrint = new String(out.toByteArray());
String errPrint = new String(err.toByteArray());
String dirName = getTestRootFolder().toString() + testCase.getFileSystem().getSeparator();
Assert.assertEquals("main starting at " + dirName + "cycle_main.js\n" +
"other starting at " + dirName + "cycle_other.js\n" +
"main.done = false\n" +
"other done\n" +
"other.done = true\n" +
"main done\n", outPrint);
Assert.assertEquals("", errPrint);
Assert.assertEquals(84, js.asInt());
public void cyclicRequire() throws IOException {
Path f = getTestRootFolder();
final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (Context cx = testContext(f, out, err)) {
Value js = cx.eval(ID, "console.log('main starting');" +
"const a = require('./a.js');" +
"const b = require('./b.js');" +
"console.log('in main, a.done = ' + a.done + ', b.done = ' + b.done);" +
String outPrint = new String(out.toByteArray());
String errPrint = new String(err.toByteArray());
Assert.assertEquals("main starting\n" +
"a starting\n" +
"b starting\n" +
"in b, a.done = false\n" +
"b done\n" +
"in a, b.done = true\n" +
"a done\n" +
"in main, a.done = true, b.done = true\n", outPrint);
Assert.assertEquals("", errPrint);
Assert.assertEquals(42, js.asInt());
public void unknownModule() {
assertThrows("require('unknown')", "TypeError: Cannot load CommonJS module: 'unknown'");
public void unknownFile() {
assertThrows("require('./unknown')", "TypeError: Cannot load CommonJS module: './unknown'");
public void unknownFileWithExt() {
assertThrows("require('./unknown.js')", "TypeError: Cannot load CommonJS module: './unknown.js'");
public void unknownAbsolute() {
assertThrows("require('/path/to/unknown.js')", "TypeError: Cannot load CommonJS module: '/path/to/unknown.js'");
public void testLoadJson() {
Path f = getTestRootFolder();
try (Context cx = testContext(f)) {
Value js = cx.eval(ID, "require('./valid.json').foo;");
Assert.assertEquals(42, js.asInt());
public void testLoadBrokenJson() {
Path f = getTestRootFolder();
try (Context cx = testContext(f)) {
cx.eval(ID, "require('./invalid.json').foo;");
assert false;
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (!t.getClass().isAssignableFrom(PolyglotException.class)) {
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected exception " + t);
assertEquals("SyntaxError: Unexpected token n in JSON at position 1", t.getMessage());
public void testHasGlobals() {
Path f = getTestRootFolder();
String[] builtins = new String[]{"require", "__dirname", "__filename"};
String[] types = new String[]{"function", "string", "string"};
for (int i = 0; i < builtins.length; i++) {
try (Context cx = testContext(f)) {
Value val = cx.eval(ID, "(typeof " + builtins[i] + ");");
Assert.assertEquals(types[i], val.asString());
public void testDirnameFilenameInModule() {
Path root = getTestRootFolder();
Path subFolder = Paths.get(root.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "foo", "bar");
File file = Paths.get(root.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "foo", "bar", "testFile.js").toFile();
try (Context cx = testContext(root)) {
Value dir = cx.eval("js", "require('./foo/bar/testDir.js').dir;");
Assert.assertEquals(subFolder.toString(), dir.asString());
Value fil = cx.eval("js", "require('./foo/bar/testFile.js').file;");
Assert.assertEquals(file.getAbsolutePath(), fil.asString());
public void testGlobalDirnameFilename() throws IOException {
Path root = getTestRootFolder();
Path dirFile = Paths.get(root.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "foo", "bar", "dirName.js");
Path dirName = Paths.get(root.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "foo", "bar");
Path fileName = Paths.get(root.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "foo", "bar", "fileName.js");
try (Context cx = testContext(root)) {
Value dir = cx.eval(getSourceFor(dirFile));
Assert.assertEquals(dirName.toAbsolutePath().toString(), dir.asString());
Value fil = cx.eval(getSourceFor(fileName));
Assert.assertEquals(fileName.toAbsolutePath().toString(), fil.asString());
public void testCwd() {
Path root = getTestRootFolder();
try (Context cx = testContext(root)) {
Value val = cx.eval("js", "__dirname");
Assert.assertEquals(root.toAbsolutePath().toString(), val.toString());
public void testWrongCwd() {
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_NAME, "true");
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_CWD_NAME, "/wrong/or/not/existing/folder");
try (Context cx = testContext(options)) {
cx.eval("js", "__dirname");
assert false : "Should throw";
} catch (PolyglotException e) {
Assert.assertEquals("Error: Invalid CommonJS root folder: /wrong/or/not/existing/folder", e.getMessage());
public void testResolve() throws IOException {
Path root = getTestRootFolder();
Path testCase = Paths.get(root.normalize().toString(), "foo", "bar", "foo.js");
Path expected = Paths.get(root.normalize().toString(), "index.js");
try (Context cx = testContext(root)) {
Value js = cx.eval(getSourceFor(testCase));
Assert.assertEquals(expected.toAbsolutePath().toString(), js.asString());
public void testCustomNodeBuiltin() {
Path root = getTestRootFolder();
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_NAME, "true");
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_CWD_NAME, root.toAbsolutePath().toString());
options.put(COMMONJS_CORE_MODULES_REPLACEMENTS_NAME, "path:./module,fs:./module.js");
try (Context cx = testContext(options)) {
Value js = cx.eval(ID, "require('path').foo + require('fs').foo;");
Assert.assertEquals(84, js.asInt());
public void testCustomNodeBuiltinJavaInterop() {
Path root = getTestRootFolder();
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_NAME, "true");
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_CWD_NAME, root.toAbsolutePath().toString());
options.put(COMMONJS_CORE_MODULES_REPLACEMENTS_NAME, "util:java-interop-replacement");
try (Context cx = testContext(options)) {
Value max = cx.eval(ID, "const m1 = Java.type('java.lang.Math').max(21, 42);" +
"const m2 = require('util').min(82, m1);" +
"const m3 = require('util').max(21, m2);" +
"const {max, min} = require('util');" +
"min(max(m3, m3), m3);");
Assert.assertEquals(42, max.asInt());
public void testJavaBuiltinInModule() {
Path root = getTestRootFolder();
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_NAME, "true");
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_CWD_NAME, root.toAbsolutePath().toString());
try (Context cx = testContext(options)) {
Value max = cx.eval(ID, "const {max, min} = require('java-interop-replacement');" +
"min(max(21, 42), 84);");
Assert.assertEquals(42, max.asInt());
public void testExportedNumber() {
Path root = getTestRootFolder();
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_NAME, "true");
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_CWD_NAME, root.toAbsolutePath().toString());
try (Context cx = testContext(options)) {
Value max = cx.eval(ID, "require('exports-number');");
Assert.assertEquals(42, max.asInt());
public void testGlobals() {
Path root = getTestRootFolder();
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(GLOBAL_PROPERTY_NAME, "true");
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_NAME, "true");
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_CWD_NAME, root.toAbsolutePath().toString());
try (Context cx = testContext(options)) {
Value js = cx.eval(ID, ";");
Assert.assertEquals(42, js.asInt());
public void testRequireEsModuleCrashed() {
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(COMMONJS_REQUIRE_NAME, "true");
try (Context cx = testContext(options)) {
cx.eval("js", "require('./module.mjs');");
assert false : "Should throw";
} catch (PolyglotException e) {
Assert.assertEquals("Error: Invalid CommonJS root folder: ", e.getMessage());
public void requireBuiltinNoReplacementFromFolder() {
Path f = getTestRootFolder();
try (Context cx = testContext(f)) {
Value foo = cx.eval(ID, "require('util').foo;");
Assert.assertEquals(42, foo.asInt());
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected exception " + t);
public void requireBuiltinNoReplacementNoFolder() {
Path f = getTestRootFolder();
try (Context cx = testContext(f)) {
cx.eval(ID, "require('fs').foo;");
assert false : "Should throw";
} catch (PolyglotException e) {
Assert.assertEquals("TypeError: Cannot load CommonJS module: 'fs'", e.getMessage());
public void requireEmpty() {
Path f = getTestRootFolder();
try (Context cx = testContext(f)) {
cx.eval(ID, "require('').foo;");
assert false : "Should throw";
} catch (PolyglotException e) {
Assert.assertEquals("TypeError: Cannot load CommonJS module: ''", e.getMessage());
public void testDynamicImportAbsoluteURL() throws IOException {
String logicalAbsolutePath = logicalAbsolutePath(getTestRootFolder());
String logicalAbsoluteUri = new File(logicalAbsolutePath).toURI().toString();
final String src = "import('" + logicalAbsoluteUri + "/a.mjs').then(x => console.log(x.hello)).catch(console.log);";
final String out = "hello module!\n";
runAndExpectOutput(src, out);
public void testDynamicImportFile() throws IOException {
final String src = "import('./a.mjs').then(x => console.log(x.hello)).catch(console.log);";
final String out = "hello module!\n";
runAndExpectOutput(src, out);
public void testDynamicImportModule() throws IOException {
final String src = "import('esm-basic').then(x => console.log(x.hello)).catch(console.log);";
final String out = "hello esm-module!\n";
runAndExpectOutput(src, out);
public void testDynamicImportModuleNested() throws IOException {
final String src = "import('esm-nested').then(x => console.log(x.hi)).catch(console.log);";
final String out = "hello esm-nested-module! hello esm-module!\n";
runAndExpectOutput(src, out);
public void unknownEsModule() throws IOException {
final String src = "import('unknown').then(x => {throw 'unexpected'}).catch(console.log);";
final String out = "TypeError: Cannot load module: 'unknown'\n";
runAndExpectOutput(src, out);
public void unknownEsFile() throws IOException {
final String src = "import('./unknown.mjs').then(x => {throw 'unexpected'}).catch(console.log);";
final String out = "TypeError: Cannot load module: './unknown.mjs'\n";
runAndExpectOutput(src, out);
public void unsupportedUrl() throws IOException {
final String src = "import('').then(x => {throw 'unexpected'}).catch(console.log);";
final String out = "TypeError: Only file:// urls are supported: FileSystem for: https scheme is not supported.\n";
runAndExpectOutput(src, out);
public void dontImportCommonJs() throws IOException {
final String src = "import('with-package').then(x => {throw 'unexpected'}).catch(console.log);";
final String out = "TypeError: do not use import() to load non-ES modules.\n";
runAndExpectOutput(src, out);
public void badModuleName() throws IOException {
final String src = "import('__foo__ + /some/garbage.js').then(x => {throw 'unexpected'}).catch(console.log);";
final String out = "TypeError: Cannot load module: '__foo__ + /some/garbage.js'\n";
runAndExpectOutput(src, out);
public void emptyModuleName() throws IOException {
final String src = "import('').then(x => {throw 'unexpected'}).catch(console.log);";
final String out = "TypeError: Cannot load module: ''\n";
runAndExpectOutput(src, out);
public void importModuleCwd() throws IOException {
final String src = "import equal from './equal.mjs'; equal(42, 42); console.log('OK!');";
runAndExpectOutput(Source.newBuilder(ID, src, "test.mjs").build(), "OK!\n", getDefaultOptions());
public void dynamicImportBuiltinModule2() throws IOException {
final String src = "import('assert').then(a => {a.equal(42, 42); console.log('OK!');}).catch(console.log);";
Map<String, String> options = getDefaultOptions();
options.put(COMMONJS_CORE_MODULES_REPLACEMENTS_NAME, "assert:./builtin-assert-mockup.js");
runAndExpectOutput(src, "OK!\n", options);
public void importBuiltinModule() throws IOException {
final String src = "import assert from 'assert'; assert.equal(42, 42); console.log('OK!');";
Map<String, String> options = getDefaultOptions();
options.put(COMMONJS_CORE_MODULES_REPLACEMENTS_NAME, "assert:./builtin-assert-mockup.js");
runAndExpectOutput(Source.newBuilder(ID, src, "test.mjs").build(), "OK!\n", options);
public void importNamedBuiltinModule() throws IOException {
final String src = "import {equal} from 'assert'; equal(42, 42); console.log('OK!');";
Map<String, String> options = getDefaultOptions();
options.put(COMMONJS_CORE_MODULES_REPLACEMENTS_NAME, "assert:./builtin-assert-mockup.js");
runAndExpectOutput(Source.newBuilder(ID, src, "test.mjs").build(), "OK!\n", options);
public void importNamedBuiltinModuleEs() throws IOException {
final String src = "import {equal} from 'assert'; equal(42, 42); console.log('OK!');";
Map<String, String> options = getDefaultOptions();
options.put(COMMONJS_CORE_MODULES_REPLACEMENTS_NAME, "assert:./builtin-assert-mockup.mjs");
runAndExpectOutput(Source.newBuilder(ID, src, "test.mjs").build(), "OK!\n", options);
public void importBuiltinModuleEs() throws IOException {
final String src = "import assert from 'assert'; assert.equal(42, 42); console.log('OK!');";
Map<String, String> options = getDefaultOptions();
options.put(COMMONJS_CORE_MODULES_REPLACEMENTS_NAME, "assert:./builtin-assert-mockup.mjs");
runAndExpectOutput(Source.newBuilder(ID, src, "test.mjs").build(), "OK!\n", options);
public void importNestedBuiltinModuleEs() throws IOException {
Path root = getTestRootFolder();
Path dirFile = Paths.get(root.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "nested_imports.js");
Map<String, String> options = getDefaultOptions();
options.put(COMMONJS_CORE_MODULES_REPLACEMENTS_NAME, "assert:./builtin-assert-mockup.mjs");
runAndExpectOutput(Source.newBuilder(ID, dirFile.toFile()).build(), "all OK!\n", options);
public void importBuiltinModuleEsFs() throws IOException {
final String src = "import {foo} from 'util'; console.log(`The answer is ${foo}`);";
Map<String, String> options = getDefaultOptions();
runAndExpectOutput(Source.newBuilder(ID, src, "test.mjs").build(), "The answer is 42\n", options);
public void importBuiltinModuleEsNoFs() {
final String src = "import {whatever} from 'fs'; console.log('should not print!');";
final String expectedMessage = "TypeError: Cannot load CommonJS module: 'fs'";
Map<String, String> options = getDefaultOptions();
try {
runAndExpectOutput(Source.newBuilder(ID, src, "test.mjs").build(), "", "", options);
assert false;
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (!t.getClass().isAssignableFrom(PolyglotException.class)) {
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected exception " + t);
assertEquals(expectedMessage, t.getMessage());