 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
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 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
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 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.js.scriptengine;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import javax.script.AbstractScriptEngine;
import javax.script.Bindings;
import javax.script.Compilable;
import javax.script.CompiledScript;
import javax.script.Invocable;
import javax.script.ScriptContext;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptException;

import org.graalvm.collections.EconomicMap;
import org.graalvm.collections.EconomicSet;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context.Builder;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Engine;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess.TargetMappingPrecedence;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Source;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Value;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.Proxy;

A Graal.JS implementation of the script engine. It provides access to the polyglot context using getPolyglotContext().
/** * A Graal.JS implementation of the script engine. It provides access to the polyglot context using * {@link #getPolyglotContext()}. */
public final class GraalJSScriptEngine extends AbstractScriptEngine implements Compilable, Invocable, AutoCloseable { private static final String ID = "js"; private static final String POLYGLOT_CONTEXT = "polyglot.context"; private static final String OUT_SYMBOL = "$$internal.out$$"; private static final String IN_SYMBOL = "$$internal.in$$"; private static final String ERR_SYMBOL = "$$internal.err$$"; private static final String JS_SYNTAX_EXTENSIONS_OPTION = "js.syntax-extensions"; private static final String JS_SCRIPT_ENGINE_GLOBAL_SCOPE_IMPORT_OPTION = "js.script-engine-global-scope-import"; private static final String JS_LOAD_OPTION = "js.load"; private static final String JS_PRINT_OPTION = "js.print"; private static final String JS_GLOBAL_ARGUMENTS_OPTION = "js.global-arguments"; private static final String NASHORN_COMPATIBILITY_MODE_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = "polyglot.js.nashorn-compat"; private static final String INSECURE_SCRIPTENGINE_ACCESS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = "graaljs.insecure-scriptengine-access"; static final String MAGIC_OPTION_PREFIX = "polyglot.js."; private static final HostAccess NASHORN_HOST_ACCESS = createNashornHostAccess(); private static HostAccess createNashornHostAccess() { HostAccess.Builder b = HostAccess.newBuilder(HostAccess.ALL); // Last resort conversions similar to those in NashornBottomLinker. b.targetTypeMapping(Value.class, String.class, v -> !v.isNull(), Value::toString, TargetMappingPrecedence.LOWEST); b.targetTypeMapping(Number.class, Integer.class, n -> true, n -> n.intValue(), TargetMappingPrecedence.LOWEST); b.targetTypeMapping(Number.class, Double.class, n -> true, n -> n.doubleValue(), TargetMappingPrecedence.LOWEST); b.targetTypeMapping(Number.class, Long.class, n -> true, n -> n.longValue(), TargetMappingPrecedence.LOWEST); b.targetTypeMapping(Number.class, Boolean.class, n -> true, n -> toBoolean(n.doubleValue()), TargetMappingPrecedence.LOWEST); b.targetTypeMapping(String.class, Boolean.class, n -> true, n -> !n.isEmpty(), TargetMappingPrecedence.LOWEST); return b.build(); } private static boolean toBoolean(double d) { return d != 0.0 && !Double.isNaN(d); } interface MagicBindingsOptionSetter { String getOptionKey(); Context.Builder setOption(Builder builder, Object value); } private static boolean toBoolean(MagicBindingsOptionSetter optionSetter, Object value) { if (!(value instanceof Boolean)) { throw magicOptionValueErrorBool(optionSetter.getOptionKey(), value); } return (Boolean) value; } private static final MagicBindingsOptionSetter[] MAGIC_OPTION_SETTERS = new MagicBindingsOptionSetter[]{ new MagicBindingsOptionSetter() { @Override public String getOptionKey() { return MAGIC_OPTION_PREFIX + "allowHostAccess"; } @Override public Builder setOption(Builder builder, Object value) { return builder.allowHostAccess(toBoolean(this, value) ? HostAccess.ALL : HostAccess.NONE); } }, new MagicBindingsOptionSetter() { @Override public String getOptionKey() { return MAGIC_OPTION_PREFIX + "allowNativeAccess"; } @Override public Builder setOption(Builder builder, Object value) { return builder.allowNativeAccess(toBoolean(this, value)); } }, new MagicBindingsOptionSetter() { @Override public String getOptionKey() { return MAGIC_OPTION_PREFIX + "allowCreateThread"; } @Override public Builder setOption(Builder builder, Object value) { return builder.allowCreateThread(toBoolean(this, value)); } }, new MagicBindingsOptionSetter() { @Override public String getOptionKey() { return MAGIC_OPTION_PREFIX + "allowIO"; } @Override public Builder setOption(Builder builder, Object value) { return builder.allowIO(toBoolean(this, value)); } }, new MagicBindingsOptionSetter() { @Override public String getOptionKey() { return MAGIC_OPTION_PREFIX + "allowHostClassLookup"; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Builder setOption(Builder builder, Object value) { if (value instanceof Boolean) { boolean enabled = (Boolean) value; return builder.allowHostClassLookup(enabled ? s -> true : null); } else { try { return builder.allowHostClassLookup((Predicate<String>) value); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("failed to set graal-js option \"%s\": expected a boolean or Predicate<String> value, got \"%s\"", getOptionKey(), value)); } } } }, new MagicBindingsOptionSetter() { @Override public String getOptionKey() { return MAGIC_OPTION_PREFIX + "allowHostClassLoading"; } @Override public Builder setOption(Builder builder, Object value) { return builder.allowHostClassLoading(toBoolean(this, value)); } }, new MagicBindingsOptionSetter() { @Override public String getOptionKey() { return MAGIC_OPTION_PREFIX + "allowAllAccess"; } @Override public Builder setOption(Builder builder, Object value) { return builder.allowAllAccess(toBoolean(this, value)); } }, new MagicBindingsOptionSetter() { @Override public String getOptionKey() { return MAGIC_OPTION_PREFIX + "nashorn-compat"; } @Override public Builder setOption(Builder builder, Object value) { boolean val = toBoolean(this, value); if (val) { updateForNashornCompatibilityMode(builder); } return builder.option("js.nashorn-compat", String.valueOf(val)); } } }; private static final EconomicSet<String> MAGIC_BINDINGS_OPTION_KEYS = EconomicSet.create(); static final EconomicMap<String, MagicBindingsOptionSetter> MAGIC_BINDINGS_OPTION_MAP = EconomicMap.create(); private static final boolean NASHORN_COMPATIBILITY_MODE = Boolean.getBoolean(NASHORN_COMPATIBILITY_MODE_SYSTEM_PROPERTY); static { for (MagicBindingsOptionSetter setter : MAGIC_OPTION_SETTERS) { MAGIC_BINDINGS_OPTION_KEYS.add(setter.getOptionKey()); MAGIC_BINDINGS_OPTION_MAP.put(setter.getOptionKey(), setter); } } private final GraalJSEngineFactory factory; private final Context.Builder contextConfig; private boolean evalCalled; GraalJSScriptEngine(GraalJSEngineFactory factory) { this(factory, factory.getPolyglotEngine(), null); } GraalJSScriptEngine(GraalJSEngineFactory factory, Engine engine, Context.Builder contextConfig) { Engine engineToUse = engine; if (engineToUse == null) { engineToUse = Engine.newBuilder().allowExperimentalOptions(true).build(); } Context.Builder contextConfigToUse = contextConfig; if (contextConfigToUse == null) { // default config contextConfigToUse = Context.newBuilder(ID).allowExperimentalOptions(true); contextConfigToUse.option(JS_SYNTAX_EXTENSIONS_OPTION, "true"); contextConfigToUse.option(JS_LOAD_OPTION, "true"); contextConfigToUse.option(JS_PRINT_OPTION, "true"); contextConfigToUse.option(JS_GLOBAL_ARGUMENTS_OPTION, "true"); if (NASHORN_COMPATIBILITY_MODE) { updateForNashornCompatibilityMode(contextConfigToUse); } else if (Boolean.getBoolean(INSECURE_SCRIPTENGINE_ACCESS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY)) { updateForScriptEngineAccessibility(contextConfigToUse); } } this.factory = (factory == null) ? new GraalJSEngineFactory(engineToUse) : factory; this.contextConfig = contextConfigToUse.option(JS_SCRIPT_ENGINE_GLOBAL_SCOPE_IMPORT_OPTION, "true").engine(engineToUse); this.context.setBindings(new GraalJSBindings(this.contextConfig, this.context), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); } private static void updateForNashornCompatibilityMode(Context.Builder builder) { builder.allowAllAccess(true); builder.allowHostAccess(NASHORN_HOST_ACCESS); } private static void updateForScriptEngineAccessibility(Context.Builder builder) { builder.allowHostAccess(HostAccess.ALL); } static Context createDefaultContext(Context.Builder builder) { DelegatingInputStream in = new DelegatingInputStream(); DelegatingOutputStream out = new DelegatingOutputStream(); DelegatingOutputStream err = new DelegatingOutputStream(); builder.in(in).out(out).err(err); Context ctx = builder.build(); ctx.getPolyglotBindings().putMember(OUT_SYMBOL, out); ctx.getPolyglotBindings().putMember(ERR_SYMBOL, err); ctx.getPolyglotBindings().putMember(IN_SYMBOL, in); return ctx; }
Closes the current context and makes it unusable. Operations performed after closing will throw an IllegalStateException.
/** * Closes the current context and makes it unusable. Operations performed after closing will * throw an {@link IllegalStateException}. */
@Override public void close() { getPolyglotContext().close(); }
Returns the polyglot engine associated with this script engine.
/** * Returns the polyglot engine associated with this script engine. */
public Engine getPolyglotEngine() { return factory.getPolyglotEngine(); }
Returns the polyglot context associated with the default ScriptContext of the engine.
See Also:
  • to access the polyglot context of a particular context.
/** * Returns the polyglot context associated with the default ScriptContext of the engine. * * @see #getPolyglotContext(ScriptContext) to access the polyglot context of a particular * context. */
public Context getPolyglotContext() { return getPolyglotContext(context); }
Returns the polyglot context associated with a ScriptContext. If the context is not yet initialized then it will be initialized using the default context builder specified in create(Engine, Builder).
/** * Returns the polyglot context associated with a ScriptContext. If the context is not yet * initialized then it will be initialized using the default context builder specified in * {@link #create(Engine, org.graalvm.polyglot.Context.Builder)}. */
public Context getPolyglotContext(ScriptContext ctxt) { return getOrCreateGraalJSBindings(ctxt).getContext(); } static Value evalInternal(Context context, String script) { return context.eval(Source.newBuilder(ID, script, "internal-script").internal(true).buildLiteral()); } @Override public Bindings createBindings() { return new GraalJSBindings(contextConfig, null); } @Override public void setBindings(Bindings bindings, int scope) { if (scope == ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE) { Bindings oldBindings = getBindings(scope); if (oldBindings instanceof GraalJSBindings) { ((GraalJSBindings) oldBindings).updateEngineScriptContext(null); } } super.setBindings(bindings, scope); if (scope == ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE && (bindings instanceof GraalJSBindings)) { ((GraalJSBindings) bindings).updateEngineScriptContext(getContext()); } } @Override public Object eval(Reader reader, ScriptContext ctxt) throws ScriptException { return eval(createSource(read(reader), ctxt), ctxt); } static String read(Reader reader) throws ScriptException { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); final char[] buffer = new char[1024]; try { try { while (true) { final int count = reader.read(buffer); if (count == -1) { break; } builder.append(buffer, 0, count); } } finally { reader.close(); } return builder.toString(); } catch (IOException ioex) { throw new ScriptException(ioex); } } @Override public Object eval(String script, ScriptContext ctxt) throws ScriptException { return eval(createSource(script, ctxt), ctxt); } private static Source createSource(String script, ScriptContext ctxt) throws ScriptException { final Object val = ctxt.getAttribute(ScriptEngine.FILENAME); if (val == null) { return Source.newBuilder(ID, script, "<eval>").buildLiteral(); } else { try { return Source.newBuilder(ID, new File(val.toString())).content(script).build(); } catch (IOException ioex) { throw new ScriptException(ioex); } } } private static void updateDelegatingIOStreams(Context polyglotContext, ScriptContext scriptContext) { Value polyglotBindings = polyglotContext.getPolyglotBindings(); ((DelegatingOutputStream) polyglotBindings.getMember(OUT_SYMBOL).asProxyObject()).setWriter(scriptContext.getWriter()); ((DelegatingOutputStream) polyglotBindings.getMember(ERR_SYMBOL).asProxyObject()).setWriter(scriptContext.getErrorWriter()); ((DelegatingInputStream) polyglotBindings.getMember(IN_SYMBOL).asProxyObject()).setReader(scriptContext.getReader()); } private Object eval(Source source, ScriptContext scriptContext) throws ScriptException { GraalJSBindings engineBindings = getOrCreateGraalJSBindings(scriptContext); Context polyglotContext = engineBindings.getContext(); updateDelegatingIOStreams(polyglotContext, scriptContext); try { if (!evalCalled) { jrunscriptInitWorkaround(source, polyglotContext); } engineBindings.importGlobalBindings(scriptContext); return polyglotContext.eval(source).as(Object.class); } catch (PolyglotException e) { throw toScriptException(e); } finally { evalCalled = true; } } private static ScriptException toScriptException(PolyglotException ex) { ScriptException sex; if (ex.isHostException()) { Throwable hostException = ex.asHostException(); // ScriptException (unlike almost any other exception) does not // accept Throwable cause (requires the cause to be Exception) Exception cause; if (hostException instanceof Exception) { cause = (Exception) hostException; } else { cause = new Exception(hostException); } // Make the host exception accessible through the cause chain sex = new ScriptException(cause); // Re-use the stack-trace of PolyglotException (with guest-language stack-frames) sex.setStackTrace(ex.getStackTrace()); } else { sex = new ScriptException(ex); } return sex; } private GraalJSBindings getOrCreateGraalJSBindings(ScriptContext scriptContext) { Bindings engineB = scriptContext.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE); if (engineB instanceof GraalJSBindings) { return ((GraalJSBindings) engineB); } else { GraalJSBindings bindings = new GraalJSBindings(createContext(engineB), scriptContext); bindings.putAll(engineB); return bindings; } } private Context createContext(Bindings engineB) { Object ctx = engineB.get(POLYGLOT_CONTEXT); if (!(ctx instanceof Context)) { Context.Builder builder = contextConfig; for (MagicBindingsOptionSetter optionSetter : MAGIC_OPTION_SETTERS) { Object value = engineB.get(optionSetter.getOptionKey()); if (value != null) { builder = optionSetter.setOption(builder, value); engineB.remove(optionSetter.getOptionKey()); } } ctx = createDefaultContext(builder); engineB.put(POLYGLOT_CONTEXT, ctx); } return (Context) ctx; } @Override public GraalJSEngineFactory getFactory() { return factory; } @Override public Object invokeMethod(Object thiz, String name, Object... args) throws ScriptException, NoSuchMethodException { if (thiz == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("thiz is not a valid object."); } GraalJSBindings engineBindings = getOrCreateGraalJSBindings(context); engineBindings.importGlobalBindings(context); Value thisValue = engineBindings.getContext().asValue(thiz); if (!thisValue.canInvokeMember(name)) { if (!thisValue.hasMember(name)) { throw noSuchMethod(name); } else { throw notCallable(name); } } try { return thisValue.invokeMember(name, args).as(Object.class); } catch (PolyglotException e) { throw toScriptException(e); } } @Override public Object invokeFunction(String name, Object... args) throws ScriptException, NoSuchMethodException { GraalJSBindings engineBindings = getOrCreateGraalJSBindings(context); engineBindings.importGlobalBindings(context); Value function = engineBindings.getContext().getBindings(ID).getMember(name); if (function == null) { throw noSuchMethod(name); } else if (!function.canExecute()) { throw notCallable(name); } try { return function.execute(args).as(Object.class); } catch (PolyglotException e) { throw toScriptException(e); } } private static NoSuchMethodException noSuchMethod(String name) throws NoSuchMethodException { throw new NoSuchMethodException(name); } private static NoSuchMethodException notCallable(String name) throws NoSuchMethodException { throw new NoSuchMethodException(name + " is not a function"); } @Override public <T> T getInterface(Class<T> clasz) { checkInterface(clasz); return getInterfaceInner(evalInternal(getPolyglotContext(), "this"), clasz); } @Override public <T> T getInterface(Object thiz, Class<T> clasz) { if (thiz == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("this cannot be null"); } checkInterface(clasz); Value thisValue = getPolyglotContext().asValue(thiz); checkThis(thisValue); return getInterfaceInner(thisValue, clasz); } private static void checkInterface(Class<?> clasz) { if (clasz == null || !clasz.isInterface()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("interface Class expected in getInterface"); } } private static void checkThis(Value thiz) { if (thiz.isHostObject() || !thiz.hasMembers()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("getInterface cannot be called on non-script object"); } } private static <T> T getInterfaceInner(Value thiz, Class<T> iface) { if (!isInterfaceImplemented(iface, thiz)) { return null; } return thiz.as(iface); } @Override public CompiledScript compile(String script) throws ScriptException { Source source = createSource(script, getContext()); return compile(source); } @Override public CompiledScript compile(Reader reader) throws ScriptException { Source source = createSource(read(reader), getContext()); return compile(source); } private CompiledScript compile(Source source) throws ScriptException { checkSyntax(source); return new CompiledScript() { @Override public ScriptEngine getEngine() { return GraalJSScriptEngine.this; } @Override public Object eval(ScriptContext ctx) throws ScriptException { return GraalJSScriptEngine.this.eval(source, ctx); } }; } private void checkSyntax(Source source) throws ScriptException { try { getPolyglotContext().parse(source); } catch (PolyglotException pex) { throw toScriptException(pex); } } private static class DelegatingInputStream extends InputStream implements Proxy { private Reader reader; private CharsetEncoder encoder = Charset.defaultCharset().newEncoder(); private CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(2); private ByteBuffer byteBuffer = (ByteBuffer) ByteBuffer.allocate((int) encoder.maxBytesPerChar() * 2).flip(); @Override public int read() throws IOException { if (reader != null) { while (!byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { int c = reader.read(); if (c == -1) { return -1; } byteBuffer.clear(); charBuffer.put((char) c); charBuffer.flip(); encoder.encode(charBuffer, byteBuffer, false); charBuffer.compact(); byteBuffer.flip(); } return byteBuffer.get(); } return 0; } void setReader(Reader reader) { this.reader = reader; } } private static class DelegatingOutputStream extends OutputStream implements Proxy { private Writer writer; private CharsetDecoder decoder = Charset.defaultCharset().newDecoder(); private ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) Charset.defaultCharset().newEncoder().maxBytesPerChar() * 2); private CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(byteBuffer.capacity() * (int) decoder.maxCharsPerByte()); @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { if (writer != null) { byteBuffer.put((byte) b); byteBuffer.flip(); decoder.decode(byteBuffer, charBuffer, false); byteBuffer.compact(); charBuffer.flip(); while (charBuffer.hasRemaining()) { char c = charBuffer.get(); writer.write(c); } charBuffer.clear(); } } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { if (writer != null) { writer.flush(); } } void setWriter(Writer writer) { this.writer = writer; } }
Creates a new GraalJSScriptEngine with default configuration.
See Also:
  • to customize the configuration.
/** * Creates a new GraalJSScriptEngine with default configuration. * * @see #create(Engine, Context.Builder) to customize the configuration. */
public static GraalJSScriptEngine create() { return create(null, null); }
Creates a new GraalJS script engine from a polyglot Engine instance with a base configuration for new polyglot Context instances. Polyglot context instances can be accessed from ScriptContext instances using getPolyglotContext(). The out,err and in stream configuration are not inherited from the provided polyglot context config. Instead ScriptContext output and input streams are used.
  • engine – the engine to be used for context configurations or null if a default engine should be used.
  • newContextConfig – a base configuration to create new context instances or null if the default configuration should be used to construct new context instances.
/** * Creates a new GraalJS script engine from a polyglot Engine instance with a base configuration * for new polyglot {@link Context} instances. Polyglot context instances can be accessed from * {@link ScriptContext} instances using {@link #getPolyglotContext()}. The * {@link Builder#out(OutputStream) out},{@link Builder#err(OutputStream) err} and * {@link Builder#in(InputStream) in} stream configuration are not inherited from the provided * polyglot context config. Instead {@link ScriptContext} output and input streams are used. * * @param engine the engine to be used for context configurations or <code>null</code> if a * default engine should be used. * @param newContextConfig a base configuration to create new context instances or * <code>null</code> if the default configuration should be used to construct new * context instances. */
public static GraalJSScriptEngine create(Engine engine, Context.Builder newContextConfig) { return new GraalJSScriptEngine(null, engine, newContextConfig); } private static boolean isInterfaceImplemented(final Class<?> iface, final Value obj) { for (final Method method : iface.getMethods()) { // ignore methods of java.lang.Object class if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) { continue; } // skip check for default methods - non-abstract, interface methods if (!Modifier.isAbstract(method.getModifiers())) { continue; } if (!obj.canInvokeMember(method.getName())) { return false; } } return true; }
Detects jrunscript "init.js" and installs a JSAdapter polyfill if needed.
/** * Detects jrunscript "init.js" and installs a JSAdapter polyfill if needed. */
private static void jrunscriptInitWorkaround(Source source, Context polyglotContext) { if (source.getName().equals(JRUNSCRIPT_INIT_NAME)) { String initCode = source.getCharacters().toString(); if (initCode.contains("jrunscript") && initCode.contains("JSAdapter") && !polyglotContext.getBindings(ID).hasMember("JSAdapter")) { polyglotContext.eval(ID, JSADAPTER_POLYFILL); } } } private static final String JRUNSCRIPT_INIT_NAME = "<system-init>"; private static final String JSADAPTER_POLYFILL = "this.JSAdapter || " + "Object.defineProperty(this, \"JSAdapter\", {configurable:true, writable:true, enumerable: false, value: function(t) {\n" + " var target = {};\n" + " var handler = {\n" + " get: function(target, name) {return typeof t.__get__ == 'function' ? t.__get__.call(target, name) : undefined;},\n" + " has: function(target, name) {return typeof t.__has__ == 'function' ? t.__has__.call(target, name) : false;},\n" + " deleteProperty: function(target, name) {return typeof t.__delete__ == 'function' ? t.__delete__.call(target, name) : true;},\n" + " set: function(target, name, value) {return typeof t.__put__ == 'function' ? t.__put__.call(target, name, value) : undefined;},\n" + " ownKeys: function(target) {return typeof t.__getIds__ == 'function' ? t.__getIds__.call(target) : [];},\n" + " }\n" + " return new Proxy(target, handler);\n" + "}});\n"; private static IllegalArgumentException magicOptionValueErrorBool(String name, Object v) { return new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("failed to set graal-js option \"%s\": expected a boolean value, got \"%s\"", name, v)); } }