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package org.graalvm.compiler.truffle.runtime;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Arrays;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.Truffle;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameDescriptor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlot;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlotKind;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlotTypeException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.MaterializedFrame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame;

import sun.misc.Unsafe;

More efficient implementation of the Truffle frame that has no safety checks for frame accesses and therefore is much faster. Should not be used during debugging as potential misuses of the frame object would show up very late and would be hard to identify.
/** * More efficient implementation of the Truffle frame that has no safety checks for frame accesses * and therefore is much faster. Should not be used during debugging as potential misuses of the * frame object would show up very late and would be hard to identify. */
public final class FrameWithoutBoxing implements VirtualFrame, MaterializedFrame { private final FrameDescriptor descriptor; private final Object[] arguments; private Object[] locals; private long[] primitiveLocals; private byte[] tags; public static final byte OBJECT_TAG = 0; public static final byte ILLEGAL_TAG = 1; public static final byte LONG_TAG = 2; public static final byte INT_TAG = 3; public static final byte DOUBLE_TAG = 4; public static final byte FLOAT_TAG = 5; public static final byte BOOLEAN_TAG = 6; public static final byte BYTE_TAG = 7; private static final Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY = {}; private static final long[] EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY = {}; private static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY = {}; private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = initUnsafe(); static { assert OBJECT_TAG == FrameSlotKind.Object.tag; assert ILLEGAL_TAG == FrameSlotKind.Illegal.tag; assert LONG_TAG == FrameSlotKind.Long.tag; assert INT_TAG == FrameSlotKind.Int.tag; assert DOUBLE_TAG == FrameSlotKind.Double.tag; assert FLOAT_TAG == FrameSlotKind.Float.tag; assert BOOLEAN_TAG == FrameSlotKind.Boolean.tag; assert BYTE_TAG == FrameSlotKind.Byte.tag; } private static Unsafe initUnsafe() { try { // Fast path when we are trusted. return Unsafe.getUnsafe(); } catch (SecurityException se) { // Slow path when we are not trusted. try { Field theUnsafe = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe"); theUnsafe.setAccessible(true); return (Unsafe) theUnsafe.get(Unsafe.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("exception while trying to get Unsafe", e); } } } public FrameWithoutBoxing(FrameDescriptor descriptor, Object[] arguments) { this.descriptor = descriptor; this.arguments = arguments; int size = descriptor.getSize(); if (size == 0) { this.locals = EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY; this.primitiveLocals = EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY; this.tags = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; } else { this.locals = new Object[size]; Object defaultValue = descriptor.getDefaultValue(); if (defaultValue != null) { Arrays.fill(locals, defaultValue); } this.primitiveLocals = new long[size]; this.tags = new byte[size]; } } @Override public Object[] getArguments() { return unsafeCast(arguments, Object[].class, true, true, true); } @Override public MaterializedFrame materialize() { ((GraalTruffleRuntime) Truffle.getRuntime()).markFrameMaterializeCalled(descriptor); return this; } @Override public Object getObject(FrameSlot slot) throws FrameSlotTypeException { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); boolean condition = verifyGet(slotIndex, OBJECT_TAG); return getObjectUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } private Object[] getLocals() { return unsafeCast(locals, Object[].class, true, true, true); } private long[] getPrimitiveLocals() { return unsafeCast(this.primitiveLocals, long[].class, true, true, true); } byte[] getTags() { return unsafeCast(tags, byte[].class, true, true, true); } Object getObjectUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, boolean condition) { return unsafeGetObject(getLocals(), Unsafe.ARRAY_OBJECT_BASE_OFFSET + slotIndex * (long) Unsafe.ARRAY_OBJECT_INDEX_SCALE, condition, slot); } @Override public void setObject(FrameSlot slot, Object value) { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); verifySet(slotIndex, OBJECT_TAG); setObjectUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, value); } private void setObjectUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, Object value) { unsafePutObject(getLocals(), Unsafe.ARRAY_OBJECT_BASE_OFFSET + slotIndex * (long) Unsafe.ARRAY_OBJECT_INDEX_SCALE, value, slot); } @Override public byte getByte(FrameSlot slot) throws FrameSlotTypeException { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); boolean condition = verifyGet(slotIndex, BYTE_TAG); return getByteUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } byte getByteUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, boolean condition) { long offset = getPrimitiveOffset(slotIndex); return (byte) unsafeGetInt(getPrimitiveLocals(), offset, condition, slot); } @Override public void setByte(FrameSlot slot, byte value) { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); verifySet(slotIndex, BYTE_TAG); setByteUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, value); } private void setByteUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, byte value) { long offset = getPrimitiveOffset(slotIndex); unsafePutInt(getPrimitiveLocals(), offset, value, slot); } @Override public boolean getBoolean(FrameSlot slot) throws FrameSlotTypeException { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); boolean condition = verifyGet(slotIndex, BOOLEAN_TAG); return getBooleanUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } boolean getBooleanUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, boolean condition) { long offset = getPrimitiveOffset(slotIndex); return unsafeGetInt(getPrimitiveLocals(), offset, condition, slot) != 0; } @Override public void setBoolean(FrameSlot slot, boolean value) { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); verifySet(slotIndex, BOOLEAN_TAG); setBooleanUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, value); } private void setBooleanUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, boolean value) { long offset = getPrimitiveOffset(slotIndex); unsafePutInt(getPrimitiveLocals(), offset, value ? 1 : 0, slot); } @Override public float getFloat(FrameSlot slot) throws FrameSlotTypeException { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); boolean condition = verifyGet(slotIndex, FLOAT_TAG); return getFloatUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } float getFloatUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, boolean condition) { long offset = getPrimitiveOffset(slotIndex); return unsafeGetFloat(getPrimitiveLocals(), offset, condition, slot); } @Override public void setFloat(FrameSlot slot, float value) { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); verifySet(slotIndex, FLOAT_TAG); setFloatUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, value); } private void setFloatUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, float value) { long offset = getPrimitiveOffset(slotIndex); unsafePutFloat(getPrimitiveLocals(), offset, value, slot); } @Override public long getLong(FrameSlot slot) throws FrameSlotTypeException { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); boolean condition = verifyGet(slotIndex, LONG_TAG); return getLongUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } long getLongUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, boolean condition) { long offset = getPrimitiveOffset(slotIndex); return unsafeGetLong(getPrimitiveLocals(), offset, condition, slot); } @Override public void setLong(FrameSlot slot, long value) { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); verifySet(slotIndex, LONG_TAG); setLongUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, value); } private void setLongUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, long value) { long offset = getPrimitiveOffset(slotIndex); unsafePutLong(getPrimitiveLocals(), offset, value, slot); } @Override public int getInt(FrameSlot slot) throws FrameSlotTypeException { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); boolean condition = verifyGet(slotIndex, INT_TAG); return getIntUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } int getIntUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, boolean condition) { long offset = getPrimitiveOffset(slotIndex); return unsafeGetInt(getPrimitiveLocals(), offset, condition, slot); } @Override public void setInt(FrameSlot slot, int value) { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); verifySet(slotIndex, INT_TAG); setIntUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, value); } private void setIntUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, int value) { long offset = getPrimitiveOffset(slotIndex); unsafePutInt(getPrimitiveLocals(), offset, value, slot); } @Override public double getDouble(FrameSlot slot) throws FrameSlotTypeException { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); boolean condition = verifyGet(slotIndex, DOUBLE_TAG); return getDoubleUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } double getDoubleUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, boolean condition) { long offset = getPrimitiveOffset(slotIndex); return unsafeGetDouble(getPrimitiveLocals(), offset, condition, slot); } @Override public void setDouble(FrameSlot slot, double value) { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); verifySet(slotIndex, DOUBLE_TAG); setDoubleUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, value); } private void setDoubleUnsafe(int slotIndex, FrameSlot slot, double value) { long offset = getPrimitiveOffset(slotIndex); unsafePutDouble(getPrimitiveLocals(), offset, value, slot); } @Override public FrameDescriptor getFrameDescriptor() { return unsafeCast(descriptor, FrameDescriptor.class, true, true, false); } private void verifySet(int slotIndex, byte tag) { checkSlotIndex(slotIndex); getTags()[slotIndex] = tag; } private boolean verifyGet(int slotIndex, byte tag) throws FrameSlotTypeException { checkSlotIndex(slotIndex); boolean condition = getTags()[slotIndex] == tag; if (!condition) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw new FrameSlotTypeException(); } return condition; } private void checkSlotIndex(int slotIndex) { if (CompilerDirectives.inInterpreter() && slotIndex >= getTags().length) { if (!resize()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The frame slot '%s' is not known by the frame descriptor.", slotIndex)); } } } private static long getPrimitiveOffset(int slotIndex) { return Unsafe.ARRAY_LONG_BASE_OFFSET + slotIndex * (long) Unsafe.ARRAY_LONG_INDEX_SCALE; } @Override public Object getValue(FrameSlot slot) { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); if (CompilerDirectives.inInterpreter() && slotIndex >= getTags().length) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); resize(); } byte tag = getTags()[slotIndex]; boolean condition = (tag == BOOLEAN_TAG); if (condition) { return getBooleanUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } condition = (tag == BYTE_TAG); if (condition) { return getByteUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } condition = (tag == INT_TAG); if (condition) { return getIntUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } condition = (tag == DOUBLE_TAG); if (condition) { return getDoubleUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } condition = (tag == LONG_TAG); if (condition) { return getLongUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } condition = (tag == FLOAT_TAG); if (condition) { return getFloatUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } condition = tag == OBJECT_TAG; assert condition; return getObjectUnsafe(slotIndex, slot, condition); } private boolean resize() { int oldSize = tags.length; int newSize = descriptor.getSize(); if (newSize > oldSize) { locals = Arrays.copyOf(locals, newSize); Arrays.fill(locals, oldSize, newSize, descriptor.getDefaultValue()); primitiveLocals = Arrays.copyOf(primitiveLocals, newSize); tags = Arrays.copyOf(tags, newSize); return true; } return false; } byte getTag(FrameSlot slot) { int slotIndex = getFrameSlotIndex(slot); byte[] cachedTags = getTags(); if (slotIndex < cachedTags.length) { return cachedTags[slotIndex]; } CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); resize(); return getTags()[slotIndex]; } @Override public boolean isObject(FrameSlot slot) { return getTag(slot) == OBJECT_TAG; } @Override public boolean isByte(FrameSlot slot) { return getTag(slot) == BYTE_TAG; } @Override public boolean isBoolean(FrameSlot slot) { return getTag(slot) == BOOLEAN_TAG; } @Override public boolean isInt(FrameSlot slot) { return getTag(slot) == INT_TAG; } @Override public boolean isLong(FrameSlot slot) { return getTag(slot) == LONG_TAG; } @Override public boolean isFloat(FrameSlot slot) { return getTag(slot) == FLOAT_TAG; } @Override public boolean isDouble(FrameSlot slot) { return getTag(slot) == DOUBLE_TAG; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused"}) private static <T> T unsafeCast(Object value, Class<T> type, boolean condition, boolean nonNull, boolean exact) { return (T) value; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static int unsafeGetInt(Object receiver, long offset, boolean condition, Object locationIdentity) { return UNSAFE.getInt(receiver, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static long unsafeGetLong(Object receiver, long offset, boolean condition, Object locationIdentity) { return UNSAFE.getLong(receiver, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static float unsafeGetFloat(Object receiver, long offset, boolean condition, Object locationIdentity) { return UNSAFE.getFloat(receiver, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static double unsafeGetDouble(Object receiver, long offset, boolean condition, Object locationIdentity) { return UNSAFE.getDouble(receiver, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static Object unsafeGetObject(Object receiver, long offset, boolean condition, Object locationIdentity) { return UNSAFE.getObject(receiver, offset); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void unsafePutInt(Object receiver, long offset, int value, Object locationIdentity) { UNSAFE.putInt(receiver, offset, value); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void unsafePutLong(Object receiver, long offset, long value, Object locationIdentity) { UNSAFE.putLong(receiver, offset, value); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void unsafePutFloat(Object receiver, long offset, float value, Object locationIdentity) { UNSAFE.putFloat(receiver, offset, value); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void unsafePutDouble(Object receiver, long offset, double value, Object locationIdentity) { UNSAFE.putDouble(receiver, offset, value); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void unsafePutObject(Object receiver, long offset, Object value, Object locationIdentity) { UNSAFE.putObject(receiver, offset, value); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static int getFrameSlotIndex(FrameSlot slot) { return slot.getIndex(); } }