Copyright 2014 Netflix, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
/** * Copyright 2014 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
package; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.configuration.AbstractConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.SystemConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.event.ConfigurationListener; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
The configuration manager is a central place where it manages the system wide Configuration and deployment context.

During initialization, this class will check system property "archaius.default.configuration.class" and "archaius.default.configuration.factory". If the former is set, it will use the class name to instantiate it using its default no-arg constructor. If the later is set, it will call its static method getInstance(). In both cases, the returned Configuration object will be set as the system wide configuration.

/** * The configuration manager is a central place where it manages the system wide Configuration and * deployment context. * <p> * During initialization, this class will check system property "archaius.default.configuration.class" * and "archaius.default.configuration.factory". If the former is set, it will use the class name to instantiate * it using its default no-arg constructor. If the later is set, it will call its static method getInstance(). * In both cases, the returned Configuration object will be set as the system wide configuration. * * @author awang * */
public class ConfigurationManager { static volatile AbstractConfiguration instance = null; static volatile boolean customConfigurationInstalled = false; private static volatile ConfigMBean configMBean = null; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigurationManager.class); static volatile DeploymentContext context = null;
initStack will hold the stack trace at the time of static initialization for ConfigurationManager to help debug where/when ConfigurationManager was created. We do this to help debug issues with Archaius2 where ConfigurationManager is initialized before the bridge has been properly set up
/** * initStack will hold the stack trace at the time of static initialization for ConfigurationManager * to help debug where/when ConfigurationManager was created. We do this to help debug issues with * Archaius2 where ConfigurationManager is initialized before the bridge has been properly set up */
private static StackTraceElement[] initStack = null; public static final String PROP_NEXT_LOAD = "@next"; public static final String URL_CONFIG_NAME = "archaius.dynamicPropertyFactory.URL_CONFIG"; public static final String SYS_CONFIG_NAME = "archaius.dynamicPropertyFactory.SYS_CONFIG"; public static final String ENV_CONFIG_NAME = "archaius.dynamicPropertyFactory.ENV_CONFIG";
System property to disable adding EnvironmentConfiguration to the default ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration
/** * System property to disable adding EnvironmentConfiguration to the default ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration */
public static final String DISABLE_DEFAULT_ENV_CONFIG = "archaius.dynamicProperty.disableEnvironmentConfig";
System property to disable adding SystemConfiguration to the default ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration
/** * System property to disable adding SystemConfiguration to the default ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration */
public static final String DISABLE_DEFAULT_SYS_CONFIG = "archaius.dynamicProperty.disableSystemConfig"; private static final String PROP_NEXT_LOAD_NFLX = ""; public static final String APPLICATION_PROPERTIES = "APPLICATION_PROPERTIES"; private static Set<String> loadedPropertiesURLs = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<String>(); static { initStack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); try { String className = System.getProperty("archaius.default.configuration.class"); if (className != null) { instance = (AbstractConfiguration) Class.forName(className).newInstance(); customConfigurationInstalled = true; } else { String factoryName = System.getProperty("archaius.default.configuration.factory"); if (factoryName != null) { Method m = Class.forName(factoryName).getDeclaredMethod("getInstance", new Class[]{}); m.setAccessible(true); instance = (AbstractConfiguration) m.invoke(null, new Object[]{}); customConfigurationInstalled = true; } } String contextClassName = System.getProperty("archaius.default.deploymentContext.class"); if (contextClassName != null) { setDeploymentContext((DeploymentContext) Class.forName(contextClassName).newInstance()); } else { String factoryName = System.getProperty("archaius.default.deploymentContext.factory"); if (factoryName != null) { Method m = Class.forName(factoryName).getDeclaredMethod("getInstance", new Class[]{}); m.setAccessible(true); setDeploymentContext((DeploymentContext) m.invoke(null, new Object[]{})); } else { setDeploymentContext(new ConfigurationBasedDeploymentContext()); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error initializing configuration", e); } }
Returns:Return the stack trace that triggered static initialization of ConfigurationManager. This information can be used to help debug static initialization issues with the Archaius2 bridge.
/** * @return Return the stack trace that triggered static initialization of ConfigurationManager. This * information can be used to help debug static initialization issues with the Archaius2 bridge. */
public static StackTraceElement[] getStaticInitializationSource() { return initStack; } public static Set<String> getLoadedPropertiesURLs() { return loadedPropertiesURLs; }
Install the system wide configuration with the ConfigurationManager. This will also install the configuration with the DynamicPropertyFactory by calling DynamicPropertyFactory.initWithConfigurationSource(AbstractConfiguration). This call can be made only once, otherwise IllegalStateException will be thrown.
/** * Install the system wide configuration with the ConfigurationManager. This will also install * the configuration with the {@link DynamicPropertyFactory} by calling {@link DynamicPropertyFactory#initWithConfigurationSource(AbstractConfiguration)}. * This call can be made only once, otherwise IllegalStateException will be thrown. */
public static synchronized void install(AbstractConfiguration config) throws IllegalStateException { if (!customConfigurationInstalled) { setDirect(config); if (DynamicPropertyFactory.getBackingConfigurationSource() != config) { DynamicPropertyFactory.initWithConfigurationSource(config); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("A non-default configuration is already installed"); } } public static synchronized boolean isConfigurationInstalled() { return customConfigurationInstalled; } private static AbstractConfiguration createDefaultConfigInstance() { ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration config = new ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration(); try { DynamicURLConfiguration defaultURLConfig = new DynamicURLConfiguration(); config.addConfiguration(defaultURLConfig, URL_CONFIG_NAME); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warn("Failed to create default dynamic configuration", e); } if (!Boolean.getBoolean(DISABLE_DEFAULT_SYS_CONFIG)) { SystemConfiguration sysConfig = new SystemConfiguration(); config.addConfiguration(sysConfig, SYS_CONFIG_NAME); } if (!Boolean.getBoolean(DISABLE_DEFAULT_ENV_CONFIG)) { EnvironmentConfiguration envConfig = new EnvironmentConfiguration(); config.addConfiguration(envConfig, ENV_CONFIG_NAME); } ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration appOverrideConfig = new ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration(); config.addConfiguration(appOverrideConfig, APPLICATION_PROPERTIES); config.setContainerConfigurationIndex(config.getIndexOfConfiguration(appOverrideConfig)); return config; } private static AbstractConfiguration getConfigInstance(boolean defaultConfigDisabled) { if (instance == null && !defaultConfigDisabled) { instance = createDefaultConfigInstance(); registerConfigBean(); } return instance; }
Get the current system wide configuration. If there has not been set, it will return a default ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration which contains a SystemConfiguration from Apache Commons Configuration and a DynamicURLConfiguration.
/** * Get the current system wide configuration. If there has not been set, it will return a default * {@link ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration} which contains a SystemConfiguration from Apache Commons * Configuration and a {@link DynamicURLConfiguration}. */
public static AbstractConfiguration getConfigInstance() { if (instance == null) { synchronized (ConfigurationManager.class) { if (instance == null) { instance = getConfigInstance(Boolean.getBoolean(DynamicPropertyFactory.DISABLE_DEFAULT_CONFIG)); } } } return instance; } private static void registerConfigBean() { if (Boolean.getBoolean(DynamicPropertyFactory.ENABLE_JMX)) { try { configMBean = ConfigJMXManager.registerConfigMbean(instance); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to register with JMX", e); } } } static synchronized void setDirect(AbstractConfiguration config) { if (instance != null) { Collection<ConfigurationListener> listeners = instance.getConfigurationListeners(); // transfer listeners // transfer properties which are not in conflict with new configuration for (Iterator<String> i = instance.getKeys(); i.hasNext();) { String key =; Object value = instance.getProperty(key); if (value != null && !config.containsKey(key)) { config.setProperty(key, value); } } if (listeners != null) { for (ConfigurationListener listener: listeners) { if (listener instanceof ExpandedConfigurationListenerAdapter && ((ExpandedConfigurationListenerAdapter) listener).getListener() instanceof DynamicProperty.DynamicPropertyListener) { // no need to transfer the fast property listener as it should be set later // with the new configuration continue; } config.addConfigurationListener(listener); } } } ConfigurationManager.removeDefaultConfiguration(); ConfigurationManager.instance = config; ConfigurationManager.customConfigurationInstalled = true; ConfigurationManager.registerConfigBean(); }
Load properties from resource file(s) into the system wide configuration
  • path – relative path of the resources
/** * Load properties from resource file(s) into the system wide configuration * @param path relative path of the resources * @throws IOException */
public static void loadPropertiesFromResources(String path) throws IOException { if (instance == null) { instance = getConfigInstance(); } ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Enumeration<URL> resources = loader.getResources(path); if (!resources.hasMoreElements()) { //non-existent config path. Throw an exception. Issue #150 throw new IOException("Cannot locate " + path + " as a classpath resource."); } while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = resources.nextElement(); InputStream fin = url.openStream(); Properties props = ConfigurationUtils.loadPropertiesFromInputStream(fin); if (instance instanceof AggregatedConfiguration) { String name = getConfigName(url); ConcurrentMapConfiguration config = new ConcurrentMapConfiguration(); config.loadProperties(props); ((AggregatedConfiguration) instance).addConfiguration(config, name); } else { ConfigurationUtils.loadProperties(props, instance); } } }
Load resource first. Then load into the system wide configuration. For example, if configName is "application", and deployment environment is "test", this API will first load "", then load "" to override any property that also exist in "".
  • configName – prefix of the properties file name.
See Also:
/** * Load resource first. Then load * into the system wide configuration. For example, if configName is "application", and deployment environment * is "test", this API will first load "", then load "" to * override any property that also exist in "". * * @param configName prefix of the properties file name. * @throws IOException * @see DeploymentContext#getDeploymentEnvironment() */
public static void loadCascadedPropertiesFromResources(String configName) throws IOException { Properties props = loadCascadedProperties(configName); if (instance instanceof AggregatedConfiguration) { ConcurrentMapConfiguration config = new ConcurrentMapConfiguration(); config.loadProperties(props); ((AggregatedConfiguration) instance).addConfiguration(config, configName); } else { ConfigurationUtils.loadProperties(props, instance); } } private static Properties loadCascadedProperties(String configName) throws IOException { String defaultConfigFileName = configName + ".properties"; if (instance == null) { instance = getConfigInstance(); } ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); URL url = loader.getResource(defaultConfigFileName); if (url == null) { throw new IOException("Cannot locate " + defaultConfigFileName + " as a classpath resource."); } Properties props = getPropertiesFromFile(url); String environment = getDeploymentContext().getDeploymentEnvironment(); if (environment != null && environment.length() > 0) { String envConfigFileName = configName + "-" + environment + ".properties"; url = loader.getResource(envConfigFileName); if (url != null) { Properties envProps = getPropertiesFromFile(url); if (envProps != null) { props.putAll(envProps); } } } return props; } public static void loadAppOverrideProperties(String appConfigName) throws IOException { AbstractConfiguration config = getConfigInstance(); Properties props = loadCascadedProperties(appConfigName); if (config instanceof AggregatedConfiguration) { AggregatedConfiguration aggregated = (AggregatedConfiguration) config; Configuration appConfig = aggregated.getConfiguration(APPLICATION_PROPERTIES); if (appConfig != null) { ConfigurationUtils.loadProperties(props, appConfig); return; } } // The configuration instance is not an aggregated configuration or it does // not have designated configuration for application properties - just add // the properties using config.setProperty() ConfigurationUtils.loadProperties(props, config); }
Load properties from the specified configuration into system wide configuration
/** * Load properties from the specified configuration into system wide configuration */
public static void loadPropertiesFromConfiguration(AbstractConfiguration config) { if (instance == null) { instance = getConfigInstance(); } if (instance instanceof AggregatedConfiguration) { ((AggregatedConfiguration) instance).addConfiguration(config); } else { Properties props = ConfigurationUtils.getProperties(config); ConfigurationUtils.loadProperties(props, instance); } }
Load the specified properties into system wide configuration
/** * Load the specified properties into system wide configuration */
public static void loadProperties(Properties properties) { if (instance == null) { instance = getConfigInstance(); } ConfigurationUtils.loadProperties(properties, instance); } public static void setDeploymentContext(DeploymentContext context) { ConfigurationManager.context = context; if (getConfigInstance() == null) { return; } for (DeploymentContext.ContextKey key: DeploymentContext.ContextKey.values()) { String value = context.getValue(key); if (value != null) { instance.setProperty(key.getKey(), value); } } } public static DeploymentContext getDeploymentContext() { return context; } private static String getConfigName(URL propertyFile) { String name = propertyFile.toExternalForm(); name = name.replace('\\', '/'); // Windows final String scheme = propertyFile.getProtocol().toLowerCase(); if ("jar".equals(scheme) || "zip".equals(scheme)) { // Use the unqualified name of the jar file. final int bang = name.lastIndexOf("!"); if (bang >= 0) { name = name.substring(0, bang); } final int slash = name.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slash >= 0) { name = name.substring(slash + 1); } } else { // Use the URL of the enclosing directory. final int slash = name.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slash >= 0) { name = name.substring(0, slash); } } return name; } private static synchronized void removeDefaultConfiguration() { if (instance == null || customConfigurationInstalled) { return; } ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration defaultConfig = (ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration) instance; // stop loading of the configuration DynamicURLConfiguration defaultFileConfig = (DynamicURLConfiguration) defaultConfig.getConfiguration(URL_CONFIG_NAME); if (defaultFileConfig != null) { defaultFileConfig.stopLoading(); } Collection<ConfigurationListener> listeners = defaultConfig.getConfigurationListeners(); // find the listener and remove it so that DynamicProperty will no longer receives // callback from the default configuration source ConfigurationListener dynamicPropertyListener = null; for (ConfigurationListener l: listeners) { if (l instanceof ExpandedConfigurationListenerAdapter && ((ExpandedConfigurationListenerAdapter) l).getListener() instanceof DynamicProperty.DynamicPropertyListener) { dynamicPropertyListener = l; break; } } if (dynamicPropertyListener != null) { defaultConfig.removeConfigurationListener(dynamicPropertyListener); } if (configMBean != null) { try { ConfigJMXManager.unRegisterConfigMBean(defaultConfig, configMBean); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error unregistering with JMX", e); } } instance = null; } public static AbstractConfiguration getConfigFromPropertiesFile(URL startingUrl) throws FileNotFoundException { return ConfigurationUtils.getConfigFromPropertiesFile(startingUrl, getLoadedPropertiesURLs(), PROP_NEXT_LOAD, PROP_NEXT_LOAD_NFLX); } public static Properties getPropertiesFromFile(URL startingUrl) throws FileNotFoundException { return ConfigurationUtils.getPropertiesFromFile(startingUrl, getLoadedPropertiesURLs(), PROP_NEXT_LOAD, PROP_NEXT_LOAD_NFLX); } }