Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. */
package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import rx.Observable;
Type representing an Azure EventHub namespace.
/** * Type representing an Azure EventHub namespace. */
@Fluent @Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) public interface EventHubNamespace extends GroupableResource<EventHubManager, EHNamespaceInner>, Refreshable<EventHubNamespace>, Updatable<EventHubNamespace.Update> {
Returns:namespace sku
/** * @return namespace sku */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) EventHubNamespaceSkuType sku();
Returns:resource id of the Azure Insights metrics associated with the namespace
/** * @return resource id of the Azure Insights metrics associated with the namespace */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) String azureInsightMetricId();
Returns:the service bus endpoint associated with the namespace
/** * @return the service bus endpoint associated with the namespace */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) String serviceBusEndpoint();
Returns:namespace created time
/** * @return namespace created time */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) DateTime createdAt();
Returns:namespace last modified time
/** * @return namespace last modified time */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) DateTime updatedAt();
Returns:provisioning state of the namespace
/** * @return provisioning state of the namespace */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) String provisioningState();
Returns:true if auto-scale is enabled for the namespace, false otherwise
/** * @return true if auto-scale is enabled for the namespace, false otherwise */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) boolean isAutoScaleEnabled();
Returns:current throughput units set for the namespace
/** * @return current throughput units set for the namespace */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) int currentThroughputUnits();
Returns:maximum throughput unit that auto-scalar is allowed to set
/** * @return maximum throughput unit that auto-scalar is allowed to set */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) int throughputUnitsUpperLimit();
Returns:the event hubs in the namespace
/** * @return the event hubs in the namespace */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Observable<EventHub> listEventHubsAsync();
Returns:the authorization rules for the event hub namespace
/** * @return the authorization rules for the event hub namespace */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Observable<EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule> listAuthorizationRulesAsync();
Returns:list of event hubs in the namespace
/** * @return list of event hubs in the namespace */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) PagedList<EventHub> listEventHubs();
Returns:list of authorization rules for the event hub namespace
/** * @return list of authorization rules for the event hub namespace */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) PagedList<EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule> listAuthorizationRules();
The entirety of the event hub namespace definition.
/** * The entirety of the event hub namespace definition. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface Definition extends EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.Blank, EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithGroup, EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithCreate { }
Grouping of event hub namespace definition stages.
/** * Grouping of event hub namespace definition stages. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface DefinitionStages {
The first stage of a event hub namespace definition.
/** * The first stage of a event hub namespace definition. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface Blank extends GroupableResource.DefinitionWithRegion<WithGroup> { }
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to specify the resource group.
/** * The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to specify the resource group. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface WithGroup extends GroupableResource.DefinitionStages.WithGroup<WithCreate> { }
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to specify the sku.
/** * The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to specify the sku. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface WithSku {
Specifies the namespace sku.
  • namespaceSku – the sku
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace definition
/** * Specifies the namespace sku. * * @param namespaceSku the sku * @return next stage of the event hub namespace definition */
WithCreate withSku(EventHubNamespaceSkuType namespaceSku); }
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to add new event hub in the namespace.
/** * The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to add new event hub in the namespace. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface WithEventHub {
Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace.
  • eventHubName – event hub name
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace definition
/** * Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace. * * @param eventHubName event hub name * @return next stage of the event hub namespace definition */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) WithCreate withNewEventHub(String eventHubName);
Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace.
  • eventHubName – event hub name
  • partitionCount – the number of partitions in the event hub
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace definition
/** * Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace. * * @param eventHubName event hub name * @param partitionCount the number of partitions in the event hub * @return next stage of the event hub namespace definition */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) WithCreate withNewEventHub(String eventHubName, int partitionCount);
Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace.
  • eventHubName – event hub name
  • partitionCount – the number of partitions in the event hub
  • retentionPeriodInDays – the retention period for events in days
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace definition
/** * Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace. * * @param eventHubName event hub name * @param partitionCount the number of partitions in the event hub * @param retentionPeriodInDays the retention period for events in days * @return next stage of the event hub namespace definition */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) WithCreate withNewEventHub(String eventHubName, int partitionCount, int retentionPeriodInDays); }
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to add authorization rule for accessing the event hub.
/** * The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to add authorization rule for accessing * the event hub. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface WithAuthorizationRule {
Specifies that a new authorization rule should be created that has send access to the event hub namespace.
  • ruleName – rule name
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace definition
/** * Specifies that a new authorization rule should be created that has send access to the event hub namespace. * * @param ruleName rule name * @return next stage of the event hub namespace definition */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) WithCreate withNewSendRule(String ruleName);
Specifies that a new authorization rule should be created that has listen access to the event hub namespace.
  • ruleName – rule name
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace definition
/** * Specifies that a new authorization rule should be created that has listen access to the event hub namespace. * * @param ruleName rule name * @return next stage of the event hub namespace definition */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) WithCreate withNewListenRule(String ruleName);
Specifies that a new authorization rule should be created that has manage access to the event hub namespace.
  • ruleName – rule name
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace definition
/** * Specifies that a new authorization rule should be created that has manage access to the event hub namespace. * * @param ruleName rule name * @return next stage of the event hub namespace definition */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) WithCreate withNewManageRule(String ruleName); }
The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to specify the throughput unit settings.
/** * The stage of the event hub namespace definition allowing to specify the throughput unit settings. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface WithThroughputConfiguration {
Enables the scaling up the throughput units automatically based on load.
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace definition
/** * Enables the scaling up the throughput units automatically based on load. * * @return next stage of the event hub namespace definition */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) WithCreate withAutoScaling();
Specifies the current throughput units.
  • units – throughput units
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace definition
/** * Specifies the current throughput units. * * @param units throughput units * @return next stage of the event hub namespace definition */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) WithCreate withCurrentThroughputUnits(int units);
Specifies the maximum throughput units that auto-scalar is allowed to scale-up.
  • units – throughput units
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace definition
/** * Specifies the maximum throughput units that auto-scalar is allowed to scale-up. * * @param units throughput units * @return next stage of the event hub namespace definition */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) WithCreate withThroughputUnitsUpperLimit(int units); }
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created (via Creatable<EventHubNamespace>.create()), but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
/** * The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for * the resource to be created (via {@link WithCreate#create()}), but also allows * for any other optional settings to be specified. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface WithCreate extends Creatable<EventHubNamespace>, Resource.DefinitionWithTags<WithCreate>, EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithSku, EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithEventHub, EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithAuthorizationRule, EventHubNamespace.DefinitionStages.WithThroughputConfiguration { } }
The template for a event hub namespace update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
/** * The template for a event hub namespace update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface Update extends Appliable<EventHubNamespace>, Resource.UpdateWithTags<Update>, EventHubNamespace.UpdateStages.WithSku, EventHubNamespace.UpdateStages.WithEventHub, EventHubNamespace.UpdateStages.WithAuthorizationRule, EventHubNamespace.UpdateStages.WithThroughputConfiguration { }
Grouping of all the event hub namespace update stages.
/** * Grouping of all the event hub namespace update stages. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface UpdateStages {
The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to change the sku.
/** * The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to change the sku. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface WithSku {
Specifies the namespace sku.
  • namespaceSku – the sku
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace update
/** * Specifies the namespace sku. * * @param namespaceSku the sku * @return next stage of the event hub namespace update */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Update withSku(EventHubNamespaceSkuType namespaceSku); }
The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to add new event hub in the namespace.
/** * The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to add new event hub in the namespace. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface WithEventHub {
Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace.
  • eventHubName – event hub name
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace update
/** * Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace. * * @param eventHubName event hub name * @return next stage of the event hub namespace update */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Update withNewEventHub(String eventHubName);
Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace.
  • eventHubName – event hub name
  • partitionCount – the number of partitions in the event hub
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace update
/** * Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace. * * @param eventHubName event hub name * @param partitionCount the number of partitions in the event hub * @return next stage of the event hub namespace update */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Update withNewEventHub(String eventHubName, int partitionCount);
Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace.
  • eventHubName – event hub name
  • partitionCount – the number of partitions in the event hub
  • retentionPeriodInDays – the retention period for events in days
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace update
/** * Specifies that a new event hub should be created in the namespace. * * @param eventHubName event hub name * @param partitionCount the number of partitions in the event hub * @param retentionPeriodInDays the retention period for events in days * @return next stage of the event hub namespace update */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Update withNewEventHub(String eventHubName, int partitionCount, int retentionPeriodInDays);
Deletes an event hub in the event hub namespace.
  • eventHubName – event hub name
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace update
/** * Deletes an event hub in the event hub namespace. * * @param eventHubName event hub name * @return next stage of the event hub namespace update */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Update withoutEventHub(String eventHubName); }
The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to add authorization rule for accessing the event hub.
/** * The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to add authorization rule for accessing * the event hub. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface WithAuthorizationRule {
Specifies that a new authorization rule should be created that has send access to the event hub namespace.
  • ruleName – rule name
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace update
/** * Specifies that a new authorization rule should be created that has send access to the event hub namespace. * * @param ruleName rule name * @return next stage of the event hub namespace update */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Update withNewSendRule(String ruleName);
Specifies that a new authorization rule should be created that has listen access to the event hub namespace.
  • ruleName – rule name
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace update
/** * Specifies that a new authorization rule should be created that has listen access to the event hub namespace. * * @param ruleName rule name * @return next stage of the event hub namespace update */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Update withNewListenRule(String ruleName);
Specifies that a new authorization rule should be created that has manage access to the event hub namespace.
  • ruleName – rule name
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace update
/** * Specifies that a new authorization rule should be created that has manage access to the event hub namespace. * * @param ruleName rule name * @return next stage of the event hub namespace update */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Update withNewManageRule(String ruleName);
Deletes an authorization rule associated with the event hub namespace.
  • ruleName – rule name
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace update
/** * Deletes an authorization rule associated with the event hub namespace. * * @param ruleName rule name * @return next stage of the event hub namespace update */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Update withoutAuthorizationRule(String ruleName); }
The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to specify the throughput unit settings.
/** * The stage of the event hub namespace update allowing to specify the throughput unit settings. */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) interface WithThroughputConfiguration {
Enables the scaling up the throughput units automatically based on load.
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace update
/** * Enables the scaling up the throughput units automatically based on load. * * @return next stage of the event hub namespace update */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Update withAutoScaling();
Specifies the current throughput units.
  • units – throughput units
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace update
/** * Specifies the current throughput units. * * @param units throughput units * @return next stage of the event hub namespace update */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Update withCurrentThroughputUnits(int units);
Specifies the maximum throughput units that auto-scalar is allowed to scale-up.
  • units – throughput units
Returns:next stage of the event hub namespace update
/** * Specifies the maximum throughput units that auto-scalar is allowed to scale-up. * * @param units throughput units * @return next stage of the event hub namespace update */
@Beta(Beta.SinceVersion.V1_7_0) Update withThroughputUnitsUpperLimit(int units); } } }